Why I will not now or ever advocate, argue for or endorse Trump

Just because we aren't voting trump or Clinton doesn't mean we will sit out. I'll be voting even if I have to vote for myself for an honest candidate. Because despite my lack of experience I could do better than both of them.
Which will have no effect on the election results................at all...................

It's just totally beyond you to understand that some people have other concerns than being able to say, "I voted for the person who won! That means I MATTER!!!"
This #NeverTrump movement is ridiculous

It's time to get on team #NeverHillary

I agree. You go first, by abandoning your unelectable, shit candidate and supporting someone people can vote for without being ashamed.

Oh, don't want to do that? Then you must not want to beat Hillary very badly, huh?
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

I counter your point with this....

if hilary wins she will appoint probably 3, maybe 4 Supreme Court justices......your free market capitalism will not survive 30 years of left wing, anti free market rulings.........

Trump...is 4 years and probably out....and possibly good justice picks......

hilary will be able to damage this country for 30 years with her court picks...
If they steal the primary vote then the election is over........perhaps I'll vote ...........perhaps not.............The Will of the people with the votes will be gone.................and it will not make a fuck whether I vote at all.........I've NEVER missed an ELECTION except while serving overseas.......................where I couldn't get a dang absentee ballot in time to vote................didn't apply in time and mail took a month back then both ways.......at times with the FPO's.............

I know where you are going with this...............but that dog doesn't hunt with me.............It's an invalid election if the establishment negates the people's vote..................

. . . . and they do that just about every electoral cycle. Your point is? :dunno:
Show me the last Brokered Convention.
There are more ways to invalidate the choice of the people than just brokered conventions.

Seems I remember one year, the Supreme Court decided who would be president.

In 2004, the exit polls didn't match the official result tallies. I recommend the documentary, "Uncounted: The New Math of American Elections"

The US used to be one of the few Democracies that refused to allow outside observes. Even now, they chafe at having the UN come to observe. The voting system is corrupt to allow which ever candidate the elites deem is necessary. Both party's leaders agree to this system for a reason. You won't learn this but at the highest levels of political science. Or on your own. The ring of power in the US is just to precious to be left up to the will of the masses. . . .

Most folks thought there were only three Democrats that declared their candidacy. . . there were over twenty. Most folks thought there were only around twenty Republicans that declared their candidacy, there were over sixty. The media meets with the party officials at a place called the Pratt house in New York to decide for you who you will discover is running. That is not democracy, that is oligarchy. These same politicians decided your media would be concentrated so that they could control it easier. They collude to control everything.

Foreign election officials amazed by trust-based U.S. voting system
Foreign election officials amazed by trust-based U.S. voting system
The most often noted difference between American elections among the visitors was that in most U.S. states, voters need no identification. Voters can also vote by mail, sometimes online, and there’s often no way to know if one person has voted several times under different names, unlike in some Arab countries, where voters ink their fingers when casting their ballots.

The international visitors also noted that there’s no police at U.S. polling stations. In foreign countries, police at polling places are viewed as signs of security; in the United States they are sometimes seen as intimidating.

Stolen Elections—as American as Apple Pie
Dissecting John McCain's hyperbole about voter fraud.
Relax, John McCain, stolen elections are as American as apple pie.

The more aggressive the Democratic registration effort, the more likely that "quality control" will suffer and fraud will result, and every relaxation of voter-registration rules increases the likelihood of "mischief." For example, while the passage of the "motor-voter" bill in 1993 enfranchised many of the disenfranchised, it also made it easier to commit voter fraud. (See this think-tank critique, which declares the whole motor-voter process highly corrupt.)

Conversely, it's in the Republicans' interest to tamp down Democratic registration and turnout. Writing in the new Rolling Stone, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. and Greg Palast consider the ongoing efforts by Republicans to "obstruct" voter-registration drives, "purge" legitimate voters from the rolls, require "unnecessary" voter IDs, and reject "spoiled" ballots as an attempt to steal the 2008 vote, even where those efforts are legal. These barriers and others, Kennedy and Palast write, are examples of "GOP vote tampering"—the contemporary equivalent of poll taxes and literacy tests.

None of this address the fact that the majority of voters go into the booth knowing nothing about the person they are voting for. All they have are their misguided media perceptions, IOW, lies about the guy they are casting a vote for.

If a person is dumb enough, or simple minded enough, they can convince themselves that all the lies that the media told about the candidate before the election, were true long after the guy assumed office.

Any intelligent person will learn after a decade or two.


Both parties are corrupt............Both parties are beholding to their donor class..................and the only way to reverse this is to go outside the box. Hoping Pandora doesn't emerge.

By putting the Mafia in control? Is that really a solution? :lmao:



This is an attack ad put out by the Dems, ironic, Trump supporters like it. . . . .

If folks only knew the truth about his mafia connections. :badgrin:

I associated him with the mafia in the very first Republican debate.

That was what ultimately convinced me to support him and vote for him.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Everyone's a free market capitalist – including Trump, Clinton, and Sanders.

What this actually means is that one is a naïve, sophomoric reactionary extremist with an unwarranted hostility toward necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy as authorized by the Commerce Clause, that one advocates for a wrongheaded, errant pre-Lochner economic regime, and that one harbors childish fantasies about returning to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

I counter your point with this....

if hilary wins she will appoint probably 3, maybe 4 Supreme Court justices......your free market capitalism will not survive 30 years of left wing, anti free market rulings.........

Trump...is 4 years and probably out....and possibly good justice picks......

hilary will be able to damage this country for 30 years with her court picks...

Methinks Kaz is only concerned with his own 'bottom line', not the country or the Constitution.
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Do the math, Holmes, it isn't
Baloney..........the math only counts for votes that can actually matter......Your vote doesn't count in that math.

Yeah, well, not everyone plays cynical games with the country's future. I'm sure the Antichrist could win the popular vote, too, but I wouldn't feel obligated to join THAT bandwagon, either.

If the math says I'm obligated to vote for a piece of shit, the math can go fuck itself.

You have a bad candidate. If you want to be a gullible idiot for him, you get to do it alone.
So be it......if that is your opinion...................put your Hillary bumper sticker on.

our choices are nevil chamberlin or hitler, if we don't vote for one or the other, we don't believe in freedom.

What a stupid argument
LOL............same shit the other side is saying about Trump....................

He's not Hitler.........but you think how you will..............the propaganda is winning.

Propaganda? I've stated that I won't vote for anyone who is not a free market capitalist. The one who keeps telling me that Donald Trump is not a free market capitalist is Donald Trump and that's endlessly echoed by his supporters who applaud him for it
you also call people Republicans to insult them

Back up your claim, or shut up.

back up your claim or shut up

So far you have said prove it, but if I do, you're a limp wristed pussy who doesn't give a shit either way.

Say, I didn't say that, and if you prove I did, I'm a stupid fucking **** for saying that and then denying it.

Put up or shut up, Democrat
Argument from ignorance. The onus of proof is on the person who made the claim.

Back up your claims, or shut up.

Argument from pussydom. You keep saying that if I prove it your response is yeah, whatever.

No, I am saying you can't back up your claim, because it is a lie.

Back up your claim, or shut up, liar.

This is what you tards hate about me. I call you on your bullshit. And then you make the unbelievable tactical mistake of associating truth telling with Democrats by calling me a Democrat for telling the truth!


So you tell me, when you keep attacking Republicans while saying to me "your party," what party are you talking about?
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

I counter your point with this....

if hilary wins she will appoint probably 3, maybe 4 Supreme Court justices......your free market capitalism will not survive 30 years of left wing, anti free market rulings.........

Trump...is 4 years and probably out....and possibly good justice picks......

hilary will be able to damage this country for 30 years with her court picks...

Methinks Kaz is only concerned with his own 'bottom line', not the country or the Constitution.

Yep, that is capitalism and what makes it work. The idea that anyone is going to act in your best interest but you is easter bunny ignorant.

As for "constitution," tell me where I don't support the constitution you maggot leftist drone. You don't support it, the 9th and 10th amendments mean nothing to you
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The reason we have only two options is people keep believing we have only two options. Voting is what it takes to change that. the losers are the ones who decide both our "two options" suck and sit at home on their hands. Vote for what matters. MORE OPTIONS!
Which part of playing the hand you are given don't you understand.........................Show me the fucking options...............

Wow.............I voted for nobody and got Hillary............WHOOP D FUCKING DOO...............

"Wow, I've been told repeatedly that someone will vote for a third candidate, and all I hear is 'vote for nobody'."

You deal us a hand with nothing but the fucking Joker, we're heading to a different table. Wrap your head around the fact that if you want President Trump, we don't owe it to you to give you him, and you get to get him alone. And own his catastrophe alone.

Yeah.........I did it all by myself....................and you'll remind me how you sat home and got Hillary elected........Like I said put your fucking Hillary sticker on your car.

here's what you're not processing. Hillary, Trump, I don't give a shit. Neither is a believer in freedom

That is your opinion.................so be it.................vote your third party.

I still don't think Trump wins the nomination. He's at like 36% and not anyone's second choice. And I probably would vote for Cruz, Rubio or Kasisch.
Well, kaz clearly can't back up his lies. This is getting boring.

right, if you assign me a task it's my job to go do it for you or I can't do it. wow, the third grade was a long time ago for me, what's it like?

You still can't explain your endless references to attacking republicans while saying "your party" to me
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

I counter your point with this....

if hilary wins she will appoint probably 3, maybe 4 Supreme Court justices......your free market capitalism will not survive 30 years of left wing, anti free market rulings.........

Trump...is 4 years and probably out....and possibly good justice picks......

hilary will be able to damage this country for 30 years with her court picks...

So I vote for Trump just hoping with his giving me no reason to believe so that he'll make better Supreme picks than Hillary? I need a little more than that
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Everyone's a free market capitalist – including Trump, Clinton, and Sanders.

What this actually means is that one is a naïve, sophomoric reactionary extremist with an unwarranted hostility toward necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy as authorized by the Commerce Clause, that one advocates for a wrongheaded, errant pre-Lochner economic regime, and that one harbors childish fantasies about returning to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

yep, socialists are free market capitalists too.

You're an idiot, clayton. No you're not a free market capitalist, you don't even know what it means. It's the opposite of socialism
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

I counter your point with this....

if hilary wins she will appoint probably 3, maybe 4 Supreme Court justices......your free market capitalism will not survive 30 years of left wing, anti free market rulings.........

Trump...is 4 years and probably out....and possibly good justice picks......

hilary will be able to damage this country for 30 years with her court picks...

So I vote for Trump just hoping with his giving me no reason to believe so that he'll make better Supreme picks than Hillary? I need a little more than that

No....you don't really.......30 years of Supreme Court decisions.....Private Property Rights, Tax law....obamacare rulings....2nd Amendment rulings.......the justices hilary will pick will be hard core leftists......they will not hesitate to make law from the Bench, they will make decisions striking down individual rights for the next 30 years.

The Check on her power that may come from the Republicans holding one or both houses of congress will mean nothing compared to the almost eternal rulings made by that court. Remember....any conservative justices appointed afterward will adhere to the concept of "Precedent" and will not seek to overturn previous rulings....

The threat to the country of 3 Court Justices picked by hilary is just not negotiable...........
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Everyone's a free market capitalist – including Trump, Clinton, and Sanders.

What this actually means is that one is a naïve, sophomoric reactionary extremist with an unwarranted hostility toward necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy as authorized by the Commerce Clause, that one advocates for a wrongheaded, errant pre-Lochner economic regime, and that one harbors childish fantasies about returning to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

yep, socialists are free market capitalists too.

You're an idiot, clayton. No you're not a free market capitalist, you don't even know what it means. It's the opposite of socialism

If you believe in Free Market capitalism you need to see how much damage hilary will do.......4 years of Trump is nothing compared to that.
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter

I counter your point with this....

if hilary wins she will appoint probably 3, maybe 4 Supreme Court justices......your free market capitalism will not survive 30 years of left wing, anti free market rulings.........

Trump...is 4 years and probably out....and possibly good justice picks......

hilary will be able to damage this country for 30 years with her court picks...

So I vote for Trump just hoping with his giving me no reason to believe so that he'll make better Supreme picks than Hillary? I need a little more than that

No....you don't really.......30 years of Supreme Court decisions.....Private Property Rights, Tax law....obamacare rulings....2nd Amendment rulings.......the justices hilary will pick will be hard core leftists......they will not hesitate to make law from the Bench, they will make decisions striking down individual rights for the next 30 years.

The Check on her power that may come from the Republicans holding one or both houses of congress will mean nothing compared to the almost eternal rulings made by that court. Remember....any conservative justices appointed afterward will adhere to the concept of "Precedent" and will not seek to overturn previous rulings....

The threat to the country of 3 Court Justices picked by hilary is just not negotiable...........

You're making the faulty conclusion that I have any reason to believe Trump will pick better justices than Hillary will
I'm a free market capitalist. Right there, Trump is a non-starter
Everyone's a free market capitalist – including Trump, Clinton, and Sanders.

What this actually means is that one is a naïve, sophomoric reactionary extremist with an unwarranted hostility toward necessary, proper, and Constitutional regulatory policy as authorized by the Commerce Clause, that one advocates for a wrongheaded, errant pre-Lochner economic regime, and that one harbors childish fantasies about returning to an idealized American past that never actually existed to begin with.

yep, socialists are free market capitalists too.

You're an idiot, clayton. No you're not a free market capitalist, you don't even know what it means. It's the opposite of socialism

If you believe in Free Market capitalism you need to see how much damage hilary will do.......4 years of Trump is nothing compared to that.

Based on what? They are both running on a platform of anti-capitalism
I agree. You go first, by abandoning your unelectable, shit candidate and supporting someone people can vote for without being ashamed.

Oh, don't want to do that? Then you must not want to beat Hillary very badly, huh?

I'm not thrilled with Donald Trump being the nominee.

Mostly because he has such high negatives and that worries me for the general, but also because I am not confident that I will like his SCOTUS nominees or his actual policies.

But I KNOW that I will HATE Hillary's nominees and policies

I placed a "strategic vote" for Rubio in Alabama on Super Tuesday, hoping to get him to 20% and deny Trump delegates. I really wanted to vote for Kasich and I have been advocating for Kasich for the last 2 decades.

Prudent government and balanced budgets are my hot button issues and NO ONE is better on those issues as John Kasich of Ohio.

I am still pulling for a brokered convention, I know that many people feel that would fracture the vote too much, but I think we have a chance in November because Hilldabeast. Or hopefully, Comrade Bernie...

But if Trump is the nominee - #NeverHillary
You must do what you must do..................Just as I will do the same...............I will vote for the GOP candidate which will be Trump or Cruz........unless it is high jacked in Convention.

Staying at home is the same as voting for Hillary.................
then you should stay home
Well, kaz clearly can't back up his lies. This is getting boring.

right, if you assign me a task it's my job to go do it for you or I can't do it. wow, the third grade was a long time ago for me, what's it like?

You still can't explain your endless references to attacking republicans while saying "your party" to me
I guess everybody has got your number ... once a liar always a liar

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