Why I'm dropping my opposition to SSM

Years ago, when my wife and I decided to blend our two families and the children opposed the move.

Soon the USSC will demand that we blend our family, I see no way that they can't.

Now my parent (USSC) has told me that my world is about to be rocked, and it's not my decision and they expect me to welcome these people into this new blended family.

Happy or not I have few options. I can fight, or try to accept the fact that this will happen and its best to look at the good and help improve the bad.

I will do as I expected my child to do when my new Bride and her child moved into my (our) home, welcome them to this new blended world.

I'm sure both the children hoped that one of us would be left standing at the alter alone, and there is that hope, I suppose. But the reality is what it is.

in our case the start of this new family was rocky. There were times that it really could have torn our world apart. We fought to keep it together and it eventually worked, and that is my hope for this new blend.

Should the USSC tell its children that they are blending our family, I may go into it kicking and screaming but I hope that it all works in the end.

After all, our blending took me from Pop21 to eventually Pop23.

It was a wild ride, but after 28 years, well worth it. Let's hope it works as well for this new family

Wowza, that's mighty big of you. (eye roll) You should attach one of those thingamajig's on your keyboard to prevent you from posting while drunk.

I'm always drunk. If that thingamajig is beer, I'll attach it, if not, I ain't interested!

I gathered that on my own.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

So, you're against SSM because of divorce? Tell me that's not so.

Divorce, adultery, child abuse ... why aren't the phobes taking responsibility for that? Why aren't they working to cure the ills of hetero marriage?

Just like the drunk dog washer, they blame others for their own failures.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

So, you're against SSM because of divorce? Tell me that's not so.
Libersls aren't noted for their intelligence but in diverting the subject to something they like better.

It is time for the United States to break apart. There is no more one nation but a collection of squabbling tribes that no longer want to live together. If this was a family, it would be getting a divorce.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

So, you're against SSM because of divorce? Tell me that's not so.
Libersls aren't noted for their intelligence but in diverting the subject to something they like better.

It is time for the United States to break apart. There is no more one nation but a collection of squabbling tribes that no longer want to live together. If this was a family, it would be getting a divorce.

Good point. So quit bitching and squabbling. Gays have not been trying to stop straights from marrying. They have not been trying to stop straights from adopting.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.

So, you're against SSM because of divorce? Tell me that's not so.
Libersls aren't noted for their intelligence but in diverting the subject to something they like better.

It is time for the United States to break apart. There is no more one nation but a collection of squabbling tribes that no longer want to live together. If this was a family, it would be getting a divorce.

Dingbat wants to pack up her toys and go home. LOL! She's unhappy that her mob can't rule. ;)
Shut the fuck up, tipsy. I am serious. You are aprt of the American family. They only way you divorce is if you leave the country. I bet the rest of us are staying here under the same law.

Go blubber in your beer.
Shut the fuck up, tipsy. I am serious. You are aprt of the American family. They only way you divorce is if you leave the country. I bet the rest of us are staying here under the same law.

Go blubber in your beer.
Have you ever seen a family in the process of dissolving. It looks just like this. The parties no longer care about one another. They don't work together and are no longer involved. There is no more American family. At best we are all resentful roommates.
Anyone have a clue what this thread is about? Or are we just wingin' it? :dunno:
The fracturing of the country goes much deeper than just the 2% that represent gay interests. Gays are just one tribe of many more interested in their autonomy than preserving the facade of unity.
Anyone have a clue what this thread is about? Or are we just wingin' it? :dunno:

Well, Pop is drunk...again, but it's gotta be noon somewhere. And tipsycat, who may be drunk as well, wants to divorce the United States of America.
Anyone have a clue what this thread is about? Or are we just wingin' it? :dunno:
All working together for the success of the whole much as a blended family would. It's just not possible.


President Robert Mugabe has made a crusade out of homophobia – with widespread public approval. Last year, Mugabe threatened to behead gay Zimbabweans and described them as “filth.”

Sounds like the perfect place for you to retire....
Anyone have a clue what this thread is about? Or are we just wingin' it? :dunno:

Well, Pop is drunk...again, but it's gotta be noon somewhere. And tipsycat, who may be drunk as well, wants to divorce the United States of America.

Ah. So "SSM" means "Shots and Single Malts"?

Anyone have a clue what this thread is about? Or are we just wingin' it? :dunno:

Well, Pop is drunk...again, but it's gotta be noon somewhere. And tipsycat, who may be drunk as well, wants to divorce the United States of America.
I don't drink. I'm perfect. I have no vices at all. I just recognize that the United States is in the process of breaking up. It has already stopped functioning as a cohesive unit.
Anyone have a clue what this thread is about? Or are we just wingin' it? :dunno:

Well, Pop is drunk...again, but it's gotta be noon somewhere. And tipsycat, who may be drunk as well, wants to divorce the United States of America.
I don't drink. I'm perfect. I have no vices at all. I just recognize that the United States is in the process of breaking up. It has already stopped functioning as a cohesive unit.

LOL! Suddenly, I'm feeling patriotic.
Anyone have a clue what this thread is about? Or are we just wingin' it? :dunno:

Well, Pop is drunk...again, but it's gotta be noon somewhere. And tipsycat, who may be drunk as well, wants to divorce the United States of America.
I don't drink. I'm perfect. I have no vices at all. I just recognize that the United States is in the process of breaking up. It has already stopped functioning as a cohesive unit.

LOL! Suddenly, I'm feeling patriotic.

I think it's time for you to get a vice, hobby, or something.
How is that integration thing working out for you? How is political party compromise working out? Gay "rights" will go along the very same lines.

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