Why I'm dropping my opposition to SSM

LOL! Suddenly, I'm feeling patriotic.

I think it's time for you to get a vice, hobby, or something.
Spoken like a true liberal. I doubt you can impose your vices on me but you are welcome to try.

Okay, lets start with music. Music is my favorite vice. It certainly picks me up when I'm feeling down. Maybe this will help you feel better.

John Lennon?


Lennon was shot 15 years to late....The Beatles suck.

You're just suffering from class envy.

I'm just watching the show.
The national family has no business being together. Decent people do not marry perverts and bring them into a home where children are present. They do not bring perverts into the family when they object to the perversion.

You are right. They should stop bringing pedophiles into marriages where kids are present. But gays is a different issue, whether you want to admit it or not.
resident rw'ers consistently conflate the two. I beleive crazy rw cat lady AKA- tipsycatlover :alcoholic: knows better as well :nono:
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.
more rw revolutionary rhetoric :tinfoil: Remember what happened last time you people did that Sugar Shorts?
Was there a revolution when the Soviet Union broke up? It just collapsed.

There will be no grand revolution in the US. The various tribes will just get further and further apart and coalesce into distinct communities that simply have no interest in any other community. There might be some intertribal skirmishes but that's about all.

Your tribe will soon die off.
How is that integration thing working out for you? How about abortion? Law of the land right?
The national family has no business being together. Decent people do not marry perverts and bring them into a home where children are present. They do not bring perverts into the family when they object to the perversion.

You are right. They should stop bringing pedophiles into marriages where kids are present. But gays is a different issue, whether you want to admit it or not.
resident rw'ers consistently conflate the two. I beleive crazy rw cat lady AKA- tipsycatlover :alcoholic: knows better as well :nono:

I suspect most of the phobes would know better if they were allowed to think for themselves. Their handlers come up with these idiotic "ideas" and the sheeples obediently repeat them until they morph into "facts".
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.
more rw revolutionary rhetoric :tinfoil: Remember what happened last time you people did that Sugar Shorts?
Was there a revolution when the Soviet Union broke up? It just collapsed.

There will be no grand revolution in the US. The various tribes will just get further and further apart and coalesce into distinct communities that simply have no interest in any other community. There might be some intertribal skirmishes but that's about all.

Your tribe will soon die off.

I wish I believed that but there have always been people who get their meaning and purpose from hating others and blaming others for their own miserable bitter lives.
The flaw in your analogy is that you fought to keep it together and wanted it to work. No one is fighting to keep the national family together. It's time to divorce.
more rw revolutionary rhetoric :tinfoil: Remember what happened last time you people did that Sugar Shorts?
Was there a revolution when the Soviet Union broke up? It just collapsed.

There will be no grand revolution in the US. The various tribes will just get further and further apart and coalesce into distinct communities that simply have no interest in any other community. There might be some intertribal skirmishes but that's about all.

Your tribe will soon die off.
How is that integration thing working out for you? How about abortion? Law of the land right?

Privacy rights of a woman is working out great for me, especially since I'm a big supporter of anti-child abuse and gross neglect.
Time for normal people to divorce the perverts.

All the perverts? Or just select perverts?

Shall we divorce all the people who enjoy sodomy (which includes all oral and anal sex)? Maybe those who like BDSM? And perhaps the swingers too? Or will it just be the perverts you don't like?
Shut the fuck up, tipsy. I am serious. You are aprt of the American family. They only way you divorce is if you leave the country. I bet the rest of us are staying here under the same law.

Go blubber in your beer.
Have you ever seen a family in the process of dissolving. It looks just like this. The parties no longer care about one another. They don't work together and are no longer involved. There is no more American family. At best we are all resentful roommates.

I am not resentful. On Saturday I participated in a same-sex wedding. I walked a bride down the aisle. There was no resentment there. There was plenty of love and laughter. The two women in question have been together for 20 years. All their friends and family was there to help them celebrate.
Anyone have a clue what this thread is about? Or are we just wingin' it? :dunno:
All working together for the success of the whole much as a blended family would. It's just not possible.

So screw the individuals, as long as the whole is kept the way YOU want it? lol Sounds marxist to me.

As I said, those opposing gay marriage are the ones creating the fracture. Gays simply want to marry. They are not opposing straight marriage.
Anyone have a clue what this thread is about? Or are we just wingin' it? :dunno:

Well, Pop is drunk...again, but it's gotta be noon somewhere. And tipsycat, who may be drunk as well, wants to divorce the United States of America.
I don't drink. I'm perfect. I have no vices at all. I just recognize that the United States is in the process of breaking up. It has already stopped functioning as a cohesive unit.

Look, I get that you don't like gay marriage. But you can't stomp your feet and call gays names, and then whine about someone else ruining the cohesion of the nation. It is called "hypocrisy".
If winning means splitting the country you certainly ARE winning.

The nation has always had differences. We have always compromised, found some foundation for agreement and gone on. That's missing. There is no more willingness to compromise.

The reason for that is that your side demands that gays not marry. PERIOD.
Hetero-fascist anyway if not marxist.

Tipsy, stay in your small church circle. Don't associate with anyone who does not agree with you. Live a miserable life.

Marriage Equality is here to stay. End of story.
You have to accept people as they are, you should not attempt to make them change to your ways.......
No, I don't have to accept people as they are.

I WILL tolerate who they are, however.

That is exactly what the word 'tolerate' means, btw.

I disagree with who you are, but will not try to change it.
Toleration is no longer the issue. Will you accept perversion? Will you not tolerate it in your neighbor's house but invite it into your own?

Who said you had to invite it into your home?? Talk about strawman.
Time for normal people to divorce the perverts.

All the perverts? Or just select perverts?

Shall we divorce all the people who enjoy sodomy (which includes all oral and anal sex)? Maybe those who like BDSM? And perhaps the swingers too? Or will it just be the perverts you don't like?
The perverts who demand that reality be altered to suit them and everyone else agree that the altered state is normalcy.

No swinger ever sued anyone for not attending a swinger party. They don't bother asking non swingers to go. No BDSM ever invited the neighbor's children in to watch right along with their adopted kiddies. Those with sexual fetishes keep their private lives private and do not require participation.
Hetero-fascist anyway if not marxist.

Tipsy, stay in your small church circle. Don't associate with anyone who does not agree with you. Live a miserable life.

Marriage Equality is here to stay. End of story.
I don't go to church. Marriage equality is here to stay among the marriage equality tribe. At least until the final depraved and degraded end. Just like everyone else.
Time for normal people to divorce the perverts.

All the perverts? Or just select perverts?

Shall we divorce all the people who enjoy sodomy (which includes all oral and anal sex)? Maybe those who like BDSM? And perhaps the swingers too? Or will it just be the perverts you don't like?
The perverts who demand that reality be altered to suit them and everyone else agree that the altered state is normalcy.

No swinger ever sued anyone for not attending a swinger party. They don't bother asking non swingers to go. No BDSM ever invited the neighbor's children in to watch right along with their adopted kiddies. Those with sexual fetishes keep their private lives private and do not require participation.

So you know gay couples who invite the neighbor's kids in to watch them have sex?? Call the cops.

Otherwise, it is simply two people who love each other and expect the gov't to treat them equally. Whether you like them or approve of them is not relevant.
Hetero-fascist anyway if not marxist.

Tipsy, stay in your small church circle. Don't associate with anyone who does not agree with you. Live a miserable life.

Marriage Equality is here to stay. End of story.
I don't go to church. Marriage equality is here to stay among the marriage equality tribe. At least until the final depraved and degraded end. Just like everyone else.

Marriage equality is here to stay in the eyes of the gov't. Whether or not you approve or accept it does not matter.
You have to accept people as they are, you should not attempt to make them change to your ways.......
No, I don't have to accept people as they are.

I WILL tolerate who they are, however.

That is exactly what the word 'tolerate' means, btw.

I disagree with who you are, but will not try to change it.
Toleration is no longer the issue. Will you accept perversion? Will you not tolerate it in your neighbor's house but invite it into your own?

Who said you had to invite it into your home?? Talk about strawman.

The couple whose wedding you attended are welcome in my home. Maybe we would like each other, maybe not.

The sad phobes who just keep preaching their sick hate - no. I don't want them anywhere near me or my family.

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