Why I'm not a Democrat


Active Member
Jan 21, 2009
The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.
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As a Dorkazoid, you don't need to tell us why you're not a Democrat.

Glad to see you all can't address your politics of hate and division. Oh hold on!! I just got my evil white guy orders for the day. I'm suppposed to oppress thousands of blacks and then make sure women pay more for dry cleaning costs! Gotta go!!
Jones, ignore tha Wacko brigade. That is what they do when they can't formulate a legitimate response. Pretty much most of the time!
The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

Good thing that to Republicans we are all one group

The group that sustains the billionaire 1%
The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

Good thing that to Republicans we are all one group

The group that sustains the billionaire 1%

Actually the top 1% pays about 38% of the taxes. But let's for argument's sake say that the top 1% paid only 1%, what's wrong with someone being successful?? Why the resentment against acheivement by you?? Would youl like to burn down your neighbors house because his wife is better looking than yours? Quit framing your jealousy as some sort of charitable concern for the poor...
The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

Good thing that to Republicans we are all one group

The group that sustains the billionaire 1%

Actually the top 1% pays about 38% of the taxes. But let's for argument's sake say that the top 1% paid only 1%, what's wrong with someone being successful?? Why the resentment against acheivement by you?? Would youl like to burn down your neighbors house because his wife is better looking than yours? Quit framing your jealousy as some sort of charitable concern for the poor...

We have what we call income taxes. If you are paying 38% of all taxes you are demanding a huge percentage of our nations income

Thanks for showing the huge disparity in income

Now tell me all about "Job Creators"
Good thing that to Republicans we are all one group

The group that sustains the billionaire 1%

Actually the top 1% pays about 38% of the taxes. But let's for argument's sake say that the top 1% paid only 1%, what's wrong with someone being successful?? Why the resentment against acheivement by you?? Would youl like to burn down your neighbors house because his wife is better looking than yours? Quit framing your jealousy as some sort of charitable concern for the poor...

We have what we call income taxes. If you are paying 38% of all taxes you are demanding a huge percentage of our nations income

Thanks for showing the huge disparity in income

Now tell me all about "Job Creators"

Huh?? The top 1% pays a disproportionate amount of taxes. Not sure what your point is, but maybe you should go back to being oppressed by somebody so you can be happy...
Actually the top 1% pays about 38% of the taxes. But let's for argument's sake say that the top 1% paid only 1%, what's wrong with someone being successful?? Why the resentment against acheivement by you?? Would youl like to burn down your neighbors house because his wife is better looking than yours? Quit framing your jealousy as some sort of charitable concern for the poor...

We have what we call income taxes. If you are paying 38% of all taxes you are demanding a huge percentage of our nations income

Thanks for showing the huge disparity in income

Now tell me all about "Job Creators"

Huh?? The top 1% pays a disproportionate amount of taxes. Not sure what your point is, but maybe you should go back to being oppressed by somebody so you can be happy...

They pay disproportional amount of taxes because they earn disproportional income.........they never got the memo on trickle down
As a Dorkazoid, you don't need to tell us why you're not a Democrat.

Glad to see you all can't address your politics of hate and division. Oh hold on!! I just got my evil white guy orders for the day. I'm suppposed to oppress thousands of blacks and then make sure women pay more for dry cleaning costs! Gotta go!!

You should be thanking them for driving home your point so concisely.
The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

Good thing that to Republicans we are all one group

The group that sustains the billionaire 1%

Now here as I remember it was Obama that bailed out GM and the banks in opposition to the Republcians. But democrats rewriting history is far from anything new. BTW Obama is part of the 1 percent.
We have what we call income taxes. If you are paying 38% of all taxes you are demanding a huge percentage of our nations income

Thanks for showing the huge disparity in income

Now tell me all about "Job Creators"

Huh?? The top 1% pays a disproportionate amount of taxes. Not sure what your point is, but maybe you should go back to being oppressed by somebody so you can be happy...

They pay disproportional amount of taxes because they earn disproportional income.........they never got the memo on trickle down

Ah HA!!! So you know what the proper proportion is? Please enlighten us to as how much money someone should make and how much taxes you would take if they it exceed that amoutn, oh and why. Start with movie stars and athletes. Then tell us how cold the Earth should be. Because most all liberals live in fear of the world getting too hot.
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Much shorter version: I am not a democrat because they are the party of slavery, secession, segregation, the KKK, Jim Crow, Poll taxes, abortion (eugenics), and now 6 trillion of debt heaped upon our children.
The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

Good thing that to Republicans we are all one group

The group that sustains the billionaire 1%

Now here as I remember it was Obama that bailed out GM and the banks in opposition to the Republcians. But democrats rewriting history is far from anything new. BTW Obama is part of the 1 percent.


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