Why I'm not a Democrat

The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

I want to thank you for saying the democratic party.

You see many on the right refuse to even say or spell the party name correctly.

If the democratic party is about separating people then why is the party so able to gather many many different types of people to work for a combined goal?

governments whole reason to exsist is to deal with and solve the problems thawt arrise in a community.

Where do you suggest Americans take their concerns?

You see if you refuse to believe that people have issues that need solving how can you solve them?

This is why I dont like the rebuplican party we have today.

All it ever does is try to help the wealthy at the expense of the regular joe.

They just scream into the face of any American that brings up an issue they DONT WANT TO deal with that they are a LIAR and noi such problem exsists.

Life isnt simple and if you have to lie to yourself to be happy then maybe your not adult enough to do politics.
The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

I have never heard of Malcolm Gladwell and do not agree with him. I don't know anyone who believes the rich are that way because of luck. They were either born on third base or have been more successful at gaming the system then their counterparts.
I have no desire to confiscate their wealth. But I do question why we continue policies that were supposed to result in more jobs for Americans and only resulted in the accumulation of more wealth for the 1%
the wealthy come in all types.

It is a FACT that the person who is willing to DO anything will beat out the person who for moral reasons says "Im not willing to do that to people" will have a harder time succeding.

Laws and regulations are the ONLY way to solve that delima.

The people who insist LAWS and REGULATIONS are unfair are the type of people who like to have the No Morals edge so they can win.

Its a simple as that and the republicans do all sorts of girations and backflipps to try and rationalize it
the wealthy come in all types.

It is a FACT that the person who is willing to DO anything will beat out the person who for moral reasons says "Im not willing to do that to people" will have a harder time succeding.

Laws and regulations are the ONLY way to solve that delima.

The people who insist LAWS and REGULATIONS are unfair are the type of people who like to have the No Morals edge so they can win.

Its a simple as that and the republicans do all sorts of girations and backflipps to try and rationalize it

And you and the Dems do the exact same thing ,but its just different right?

My party is better than your party,hadiddi haha,grow up nether party is your friend.
As a Dorkazoid, you don't need to tell us why you're not a Democrat.

Glad to see you all can't address your politics of hate and division. Oh hold on!! I just got my evil white guy orders for the day. I'm suppposed to oppress thousands of blacks and then make sure women pay more for dry cleaning costs! Gotta go!!

All of the hackneyed fallacious rightwing propaganda of your original post has been demolished point by point a million times on this forum. Do we really need to do it again?
Social injustice (real or imagined) is everywhere and the Democratic Party is designed to appeal to those with a victim mentality. Step right up suckers....ahem I mean you so very wise and sensitive voters, with the Democrats everyone's a winner. Democrats have perfected their message over the years and quite frankly it works. Illegal aliens, minorities, left-handed accordion players, transvestite Miss America wannabes, we are here to protect your rights! Got a beef? Vote Democrat! Can't hack it? Vote Democrat!

Peel back the curtain and what you see at the heart of the Democratic Party is something more akin to this:

"These Negroes, they're getting pretty uppity these days and that's a problem for us since they've got something now they never had before, the political pull to back up their uppityness. Now we've got to do something about this, we've got to give them a little something, just enough to quiet them down, not enough to make a difference. For if we don't move at all, then their allies will line up against us and there'll be no way of stopping them, we'll lose the filibuster and there'll be no way of putting a brake on all sorts of wild legislation. It'll be Reconstruction all over again." --Sen. Lyndon B. Johnson (D., Texas), 1957

Didn't the Democrats later call this the "Great Society"?

As time passes, more of this will come to light.
The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

I have never heard of Malcolm Gladwell and do not agree with him. I don't know anyone who believes the rich are that way because of luck. They were either born on third base or have been more successful at gaming the system then their counterparts.
I have no desire to confiscate their wealth. But I do question why we continue policies that were supposed to result in more jobs for Americans and only resulted in the accumulation of more wealth for the 1%

Free trade, that is not free as we have seen, is what traded our jobs for what we have today. That and illegal immigration. Both take away the low skilled jobs that are the only things a whole lot of people are skilled to do.
Good thing that to Republicans we are all one group

The group that sustains the billionaire 1%

Now here as I remember it was Obama that bailed out GM and the banks in opposition to the Republcians. But democrats rewriting history is far from anything new. BTW Obama is part of the 1 percent.


To whom do you think he was talking to? Certainly not the democrats they don't listen to him.
The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

The Democratic Party is about dividing everyone one. It's not about, "We The People" it's about identity politics. It's about how this group is a victim and that group is a victim. It's about a zero sum game in which if you see your neighbor get wealthy it must be at YOUR expense. This is the anticolonial resentment of achievement that our fearless leader personifies.

With the Democratic party, or perhaps more specifically Progressives, the idea of cause and effect is seen as suspect. Malcolm Gladwell, who every leftie is all agog over, tries to marginalize the achievement of successful people by attributing much of it to good fortune and circumstances. Translation - Many things in life are random and not merit based, and therefore, we should take from the successful and give to everyone else. He's a crypto commie prancing around as some sort of enlightened purveyor of society's innerworkings. What a croc. In short, progressives don't believe in a merit based society.

So given that everyone is a victim and there's very little cause and effect in society, how can any lefties attitude be anything but angry, paranoid, and resentful?? No wonder they're out protesting all the time, they embrace misery paranoia, and demonization. I don't want to live like that. I want to be happy. I want be happy for my successful neighbor and I want to learn how they did it, so I can go do it. I don't want to assume that if someone has a different opinion than me, that they are a racist/sexist/bigot/homophobe.

I have never heard of Malcolm Gladwell and do not agree with him. I don't know anyone who believes the rich are that way because of luck. They were either born on third base or have been more successful at gaming the system then their counterparts.
I have no desire to confiscate their wealth. But I do question why we continue policies that were supposed to result in more jobs for Americans and only resulted in the accumulation of more wealth for the 1%

Free trade, that is not free as we have seen, is what traded our jobs for what we have today. That and illegal immigration. Both take away the low skilled jobs that are the only things a whole lot of people are skilled to do.

It is not just free trade. Our society has put a premium on venture capital at the expense of labor capital

Labor capital was once valued in this country. It is what built this nation. Now we are content to generate false revenue by moving money from one place to another and claiming you are "earning" your wealth

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