why is abortion considered a womens health issue?

well good for you! You are one of the VERY few i have ever come across who spout this crap, and then have zero adoptive children.

the answer to your question about why they choose one thing over the other is.... it is their body. Women have the right to choose what they will or will not carry.

There are many couples who want to adopt but the red tape makes it near impossible unless the child is from overseas. The system desperately needs refinement

i am not disputing that.

You however cannot dispute that the loudest prolifers would never adopt a drug addicted crack or alcohol baby or one that is not within their same color group.... that is if they adopt at all.

and in my opinion all overseas adoptions should end until there is not one left here in this country without a home.

well good for you! You are one of the VERY few i have ever come across who spout this crap, and then have zero adoptive children.

the answer to your question about why they choose one thing over the other is.... it is their body. Women have the right to choose what they will or will not carry.

There are many couples who want to adopt but the red tape makes it near impossible unless the child is from overseas. The system desperately needs refinement

People want to adopt very specific young children. There are TONS of children out there that are easy to adopt, except they're not the right race, or are too old and people for some reason would rather not have them. Instead of having a child in their life that they can help raise and give a loving home, they instead go about it like they're picking out a god damn puppy.

Sorry, but your red tape story is bullshit. The reason there are so many unadopted children is not because of red tape.

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