Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.

Not everyone can take the pill. I wish they'd come up with a pill for the men instead. Let them gain 30 pounds and have nausea, exhaustion and swollen feet instead of the ladies.

I had to take the "morning after" pill once, after a very early miscarriage. It's not something you take like a Bayer. Powerful hormones, screwed me up for a month.

“hormone levels may remain elevated up to four months after a miscarriage or abortion.”
Thanks doc. We'll not go into details here, but your attempt to tell me it wasn't the pill that screwed me up worse than I already had been for two months is inaccurate.

Yeah, having an abortion must have been so much easier?

Make this bitch pay out of her own wallet. My body, my work, my wallet.
What bitch is that? Who had an abortion?
Are half of you drunk today or what?
Not everyone can take the pill. I wish they'd come up with a pill for the men instead. Let them gain 30 pounds and have nausea, exhaustion and swollen feet instead of the ladies.

I had to take the "morning after" pill once, after a very early miscarriage. It's not something you take like a Bayer. Powerful hormones, screwed me up for a month.

“hormone levels may remain elevated up to four months after a miscarriage or abortion.”
Thanks doc. We'll not go into details here, but your attempt to tell me it wasn't the pill that screwed me up worse than I already had been for two months is inaccurate.

I am sorry for your loss. Miscarriages can be very traumatic.

I have a question thought. The morning after pill is to end a pregnancy that happened the night before. It is essentially your little shrink wrapped abortion provider. Why would you take one "after a very early miscarriage?" That doesn't make much sense to me.
Not everyone can take the pill. I wish they'd come up with a pill for the men instead. Let them gain 30 pounds and have nausea, exhaustion and swollen feet instead of the ladies.

I had to take the "morning after" pill once, after a very early miscarriage. It's not something you take like a Bayer. Powerful hormones, screwed me up for a month.

For a man it is simple and if they do not want kids then get fixed...

Simple as that and men should be responsible for what they stick their pecker in and use protection like a condom and make sure the woman is using the pill and other methods of birth control and if not then the man should just masturbate and forget pumping on that hole...
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

It is a way for the left to attempt to waste money on things like Planned Parenthood ...

Yep. We all know the only thing that Planned Parenthood does is abortions.


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Unplanned should be mandatory viewing for the likes of you baby killers
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

It is a way for the left to attempt to waste money on things like Planned Parenthood ...

Yep. We all know the only thing that Planned Parenthood does is abortions.


Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

It is part of their program...

Why no be responsible and use a condom instead?

You can get one cheap or better yet why don't men who know they will be lousy father get themselves fixed and save society the problems of aborting their unwanted children?
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
Why is abortion such a big deal to the right? You don’t have to ever have one. If someone else does it will not affect you in the least. Mind your own business and go live your life.

We didn't own Slaves, either.

But we fought a war against dimocrap scum to end the practice.

Morality is not in your vocabulary. You're a dimocrap scumbag.
the right wing only alleges to care about natural rights in abortion threads, not border threads.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
Why is abortion such a big deal to the right? You don’t have to ever have one. If someone else does it will not affect you in the least. Mind your own business and go live your life.

Because it’s murder. When someone murders another person, we have an obligation as a civilized society to take action. The problem is that if we do ban abortion women are going to have them anyway.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

For me it's a big deal because of the legal principle it promotes - namely the idea that government has legitimate jurisdiction over the internal process of a person's body. It's essentially the nanny-state turned up to eleven.

wait until the real dumbasses figure out they don't even own their own genetics. Your skin, genes, blood is not yours. It never was since starting it all around the 60's it was all starting and in some areas sooner. Areas of laws , rights etc the loss really, really began after 911.
Organs for elite leftists.

I'm sure the obligatory "There's no way they could use those livers or kidneys, they're too tiny, blah blah McBlah" is on the way, but I don't believe it, modern medical technology is I'm sure more than able to keep usable items usable for the right price.

Unsuspecting 3rd worlders wake up minus a kidney all the time, minus a liver they dont wake up or if they do they wish they hadn't, the Chinese do it to prisoners pre execution as well, so there's a market for usable organs and I don't believe 3rd trimester abortions especially aren't used in that way.

I'll bet sociopaths like Soros and Hitlery love using fetus livers and hearts as Hors d'oeuvres.

In fact I wrote an Op-Ed about it.

***BREAKING*** The truth behind the embryonic organ market.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

It is a way for the left to attempt to waste money on things like Planned Parenthood ...

They believe the poor and minorities are too stupid to use the pill or other forms of birth control...

The poor and minorities can't afford it, Bruce. If they could then they could afford voter ID.
They can only afford Mad Dog and scratch off tickets. Have a heart, Bruce.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
Rubbers are available....so are vastectomies.
Not everyone can take the pill. I wish they'd come up with a pill for the men instead. Let them gain 30 pounds and have nausea, exhaustion and swollen feet instead of the ladies.

I had to take the "morning after" pill once, after a very early miscarriage. It's not something you take like a Bayer. Powerful hormones, screwed me up for a month.

“hormone levels may remain elevated up to four months after a miscarriage or abortion.”
Thanks doc. We'll not go into details here, but your attempt to tell me it wasn't the pill that screwed me up worse than I already had been for two months is inaccurate.

I am sorry for your loss. Miscarriages can be very traumatic.

I have a question thought. The morning after pill is to end a pregnancy that happened the night before. It is essentially your little shrink wrapped abortion provider. Why would you take one "after a very early miscarriage?" That doesn't make much sense to me.
You are right. I assumed (never do that, right?) that a morning after pill would slough off the uterine lining same as a chemical D&C, but it is not. So I did NOT take one after an early miscarriage. PlanB is one of the many brands of morning after pill. I looked in WebMD as well, and it said these should not be used as routine birth control. However, it is over the counter and there is no age limit, like condoms, I guess? Don't know--it came out after my fertile days were over.
Thank you for the correction.


plan B® comes in a one-pill dose. If taken within 72 hours (3 days) and preferably within 12 hours after a contraceptive accident or unprotected sex, it can prevent pregnancy by doing one of three things:

  • Temporarily stops the release of an egg from the ovary
  • Prevents fertilization
  • Prevents a fertilized egg from attaching to the uterus
plan B® is not an abortion pill—if you take plan B®, you will not be terminating a pregnancy.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

It is a way for the left to attempt to waste money on things like Planned Parenthood ...

They believe the poor and minorities are too stupid to use the pill or other forms of birth control...
Speaking of wasting money....how's the donations to that Wall GoFundMe doing?
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
Why is abortion such a big deal to the right? You don’t have to ever have one. If someone else does it will not affect you in the least. Mind your own business and go live your life.

Because it’s murder. When someone murders another person, we have an obligation as a civilized society to take action. The problem is that if we do ban abortion women are going to have them anyway.
When a person is murdered it affects the community and the people who have developed relationships with that person that will go on to demand justice for the murdered person lest it happen to them or others one day. When a women terminates a pregnancy, it affects nothing. It’s possible that women close to you have had abortions, and you will never know about it or even suspect, because it does not affect you in the slightest.
Planned Parenthood was started by a eugenics sycophant and racist. 19mil black babies killed since PP began.
It's horrible how those black women have been FORCED to have abortions....kind of takes away from the whole "choice" concept, doesn't it?
Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.
Honestly, it seems like a much bigger deal for the Jesus Nazi right. It's not like anyone is killing your children. It amounts to fewer worthless mouths for taxpayers to feed.

Yes, there are forms of contraception and other birth control, but that shit is NOT 100%, and you need to have a functioning brain to use them properly, which means more idiots are having unwanted pregnancies than smart people.

Who gives a fuck? Let them kill their babies. It's not hurting you.

So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
Why is abortion such a big deal to the right? You don’t have to ever have one. If someone else does it will not affect you in the least. Mind your own business and go live your life.

Because it’s murder. When someone murders another person, we have an obligation as a civilized society to take action. The problem is that if we do ban abortion women are going to have them anyway.
the right wing only cares in abortion threads; they want land mines and machine gun turrets on border.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

I thought America was supposed to be about 'freedom' but when an existing choice that a woman has is taken away, then where is freedom for the citizen?

Republicans claim they are for freedom; I see Republicans as being two faced.
Republicans are the R in Conservative Republican Christians....it's all about controlling women....just like that other patriarchal religion in the Middle East.....two sides of the same controlling coin.
You really want to get some action in here, post a thread that somehow links abortion and gay butt-rangers.

You'll get three thousand hits in 20 seconds.

Says something about the mentality of the average poster

BTW, I still think dimocraps should be given free abortions on demand; and $5 from Crime Stop.

Plus another $10 from the Darwin Society.

And a bonus of $3 from the Keep America Beautiful fund

Do NOT think I'm being snarky. That would be a mistake. I'm serious as dogs copulatin'
Only an obsessed CRC would link gays with the abortion argument....:71:

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