Why is abortion such a big deal for the left? The morning after pill exists ya know.

It was already settled law and fair everywhere but fundamentalist brainwashed GOP dupe world. The GOP seems to love to keep the emotions all ginned-up on this and immigration as a wedge issue. They certainly can't win on issues or intelligence or fairness.... Thank God for free birth control under Obamacare that cuts abortions immediately by 40%.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.
Why is abortion such a big deal to the right? You don’t have to ever have one. If someone else does it will not affect you in the least. Mind your own business and go live your life.

Because it’s murder. When someone murders another person, we have an obligation as a civilized society to take action. The problem is that if we do ban abortion women are going to have them anyway.
When a person is murdered it affects the community and the people who have developed relationships with that person that will go on to demand justice for the murdered person lest it happen to them or others one day. When a women terminates a pregnancy, it affects nothing. It’s possible that women close to you have had abortions, and you will never know about it or even suspect, because it does not affect you in the slightest.

So if a person who doesn’t have relationships in the community gets murdered it doesn’t affect anyone? That’s just silly. Anyone who is murdered deserves justice. It’s also possible people close to you have murdered other people. So what? What is your point? How does that justify anything?
It does affect people even with no relationship. They’re a neighbor, a coworker, a customer... If a person is murdered without justice, then it increases the chances of you, a loved one, or another getting murdered. We are all personally invested. It’s possible nobody will ever find out, in which case we’ll never know. But hopefully the murderer gets caught and punished before he kills somebody else.

If a woman has an abortion, it puts you or your loved ones at zero increased risk of getting aborted. It will never affect you. It will have zero impact. But it may save the life or future of the woman faced with the difficult decision.

A man once shot another man live on TV. He killed him because he murdered his son. This man was zero risk of killing anyone else. Was it OK for him to kill the other man? A woman drowns her newborn in a bathtub. Her pregnancy resulted in a hysterectomy. She is at zero risk of ever killing her own child again. Does this absolve her of the crime? Your suppositions are absurd. A murder is a murder regardless of its emotional, or risk assessment to society.

What about the father? Shouldn't he have some say in what happens to his child? He may not care, but then again he may. It took two of them to make it, why shouldn't it take both of them to end it? This issue is a lot more complex than it's not your business so shut up.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

I thought America was supposed to be about 'freedom' but when an existing choice that a woman has is taken away, then where is freedom for the citizen?

Republicans claim they are for freedom; I see Republicans as being two faced.
Republicans are the R in Conservative Republican Christians....it's all about controlling women....just like that other patriarchal religion in the Middle East.....two sides of the same controlling coin.

GOP = AmeriKKKan Taliban
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

I thought America was supposed to be about 'freedom' but when an existing choice that a woman has is taken away, then where is freedom for the citizen?

Republicans claim they are for freedom; I see Republicans as being two faced.
Republicans are the R in Conservative Republican Christians....it's all about controlling women....just like that other patriarchal religion in the Middle East.....two sides of the same controlling coin.

You're deeply disturbed.

not nearly as much as U R
It amuses to read a thread that's opening premise is a male mansplainin' abortion to us.
It was already settled law and fair everywhere but fundamentalist brainwashed GOP dupe world. The GOP seems to love to keep the emotions all ginned-up on this and immigration as a wedge issue. They certainly can't win on issues or intelligence or fairness.... Thank God for free birth control under Obamacare that cuts abortions immediately by 40%.

For me it really isn't an emotional issue. It is about point of view, and the answers to certain questions. When were you not you? At what point in your development from conception to where you sit right now, were you not you? Where, or when, can I break the chain of existence from then to now, without destroying you? Is it fair, from the child's point of view?

** edited typing fail.
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

Why is abortion such a big deal to the right-wingers?

Abortion is a "big deal" because an attack on an American's right to sovereignty over one's physical self is an attack on all of us, an attack on an American's right to make personal decisions free of government interference is an attack on all of us, and an attack on an American's religious freedom is an attack on all of us.

That said, many Americans do not have free access to birth-control measures, including the fact that many live far away from a source of birth control and many can't afford it.. It's the right-wingers who want to shut down clinics like Planned Parenthood that provide birth control at low or no cost for reasons that stem from their cult beliefs.

It is they who want to block our youth from becoming educated in sexual matters. Remember "abstinence only" education? How is a person exposed only to "abstinence education" supposed to know that birth control is available, somewhere out there?

What opportunities for birth control have you provided in your neighborhood? Do you provide birth-control information in your community? Do you give people information as to where to go to obtain the "morning after pill" within the time frame that it works in?

In the end, the onus is on you.

Why are you involved with the issue of abortion in H the first place? What is your concern? If it is of such concern to you, what have you done to prevent unwanted pregnancy? What about your own children?
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

Because personal responsibility is a definitive thing of the past in today's society.

People make appointments with PP to TAKE "personal responsibility." and obtain the tools necessary to take that responsibility. How else would a person take "personal responsibility"?
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

Because personal responsibility is a definitive thing of the past in today's society.

People make appointments with PP to TAKE "personal responsibility." and obtain the tools necessary to take that responsibility. How else would a person take "personal responsibility"?

Answer: By not murdering a human fetus. Or, are women afraid the fetus could be born and possibly grow up to kill them for bringing it into the world?
The genocide perpetrated upon the black community by the left along with the forced break up of the family in return for free shit is the biggest crime in the last 100 years.

Good job Democrats
So do dozens upon dozens of other types contraception.

Abortion in 2019 should be a definitive thing of the past. There is absolutely no reason for it thanks to all the medical ways to prevent pregnancy or even stop it if say a rubber fails or whatnot.

Because personal responsibility is a definitive thing of the past in today's society.

People make appointments with PP to TAKE "personal responsibility." and obtain the tools necessary to take that responsibility. How else would a person take "personal responsibility"?

Widen your focus. My comment wasn't just relating to PP. In my opinion, personal responsibility is going extinct in our society. If you don't agree, I can't help you.
The genocide perpetrated upon the black community by the left along with the forced break up of the family in return for free shit is the biggest crime in the last 100 years.

Good job Democrats


In all of human history.
The genocide perpetrated upon the black community by the left along with the forced break up of the family in return for free shit is the biggest crime in the last 100 years.

Good job Democrats
Do the Democrats also send the lovers to schmooze dat puzzy first?

Yeah, it's all one big conspiracy..

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