Why is American internet so slow?

Record profits can't be achieved?

You must hate unions too, do you?

I'm pro Union!

My second company (printing) was a Union company and I had the BEST worker any employer could hope for. When a vacation came up, the local sent a well trained worker to take over who hit the floor running.

From my experience Union workers are hard working Americans, which is why I cringe each time one of you 'Ive got mine, so fuck everyone else sociopaths' Union bashes.
"I'm pro Union!"
How's that nearly empty room?
The I've got mine pervades the union worker world.
Especially in the public sector.
Case and point.
When NJ passed annual tax levy caps at 2%, the first and ONLY people to protest were public employees.
Their screech? "What about our raises!!!!?"
These people don;t give a shit about where their grossly overpaid wages, benefits and pensions come from. All they know is "I've got mine. Fuck you. Pay me."
Same goes for private sector union workers. Except the union thugs go to the business owners and bend them over a table.
There is and never was a "negotiation" between unions and employers.
The system is based on threats and intimidation.
"If you don't agree to our demands( note that there is no bargaining when a party issues a demand(, we will tell "our" workers to stay home. And the best part is you have to let them keep their jobs. Which by the way we want them to be 100% secure."
That's NOT business. It's extortion.
You will come back with a counter point. Don't bother. This is not a discussion and you're not going to change my mind.
BTW, I always had a chuckle when unionized workers claim they "work for the union" when the employer does something they don't like. But when the employer has to lay off workers or close the business, the union workers scream "those are OUR jobs"...
Oh no sir...You said you work for the union. Let them take care of you.
This is just one reason why private sector union participation is down to 7%.
All American internet isn't slow. In Vegas I have Cox. (150 Mbps down/45Mbps up) Privately held company vs. publicly held.

OBTW; The future is WiFi.

nope..Not yet. Next up..Fiber.

WiFi is faster, cheaper, and can handle more traffic than fiber.

You can provide high speed WiFi to a 5 square mile area in 2 hours. Can you do that with fiber?

Almost every new office building being built is without the miles of CAT5.

My office in California has 10 work stations with zero cable.

Wanna bet?.
Wifi costs more in lost production because it is so susceptible to traffic issues and bandwidth use limitations.
I will give you an example. The arena where I do stats for a pro hockey team has wifi.
Last year during the NCAA tournament, I could see people on their cell phones using the wifi in the building to get scores or view content. It made it difficult for us to use the internet to send updates to the League website.
Fiber is the future.
Unless of course the wifi systems be improved to handle more capacity.
And to charge bandwidth hogs stiff financial penalties.
Record profits can't be achieved?

Reading a lot into that, aren't you?

Perhaps if you had asked for more info I could have explained that the contracts required 40% of our workforce be locals and less than 50% be subcontractors.

In the area where we worked there were virtually no experienced linemen, drillers or fiber splicers. So the ones we brought in could not bring their people with them. A lineman with a familiar groundman work as a team. To require that half of that team be dismisses just to provide work for a local when the project is only going to last 2 or 3 years, is ridiculous.

Also, the contracts required we pay the prevailing wage. Not a problem. Except the prevailing wage they set is FAR above what the local economy provides. In one area the average household income is around $16k. The requirements for what we pay requires that we pay a groundman, with no experience, $22 an hour. With no overtime that comes to around $45k a year.

The rules for dealing with the fiber date back to the early 1960s. We were not allowed to handle the fiber if the temperatures were below 30 degrees. That is lunacy and there is no recourse that won't take years to complete.

Other than the $22/hour requirement which cuts the windfall the company was expecting; What's the problem?

Everything is relative.
The wages for the workers should reflect the prevailing market wage in a given area.
Stupid, archaic work rules kill productivity and profitability.
If profit cannot realized, business will not invest. No investment. No jobs period.
Fiber is already in use.

People don't understand networks. Claims that 4G or 5G will be the "next thing" reveals that sort of ignorance. The notion that you hit that 4G tower and your signal bounces along from cell to cell until that porn site comes up is absurd.

The 4G tower you hit routs to the closest CO and then rides on the same fiber backbone as everything else does. Fiber is and will remain the means for high speed communication into the foreseeable future.

Fiber is already in use. Fiber has it's place over long distances where curvature of the earth is an issue, but WiFi is much faster and can handle more information than fiber.

What? WiFi is faster than fiber? What?

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China

WiFi travels at the speed of light. Fiber, under controlled displays is 97% the speed of light.
Fiber is already in use. Fiber has it's place over long distances where curvature of the earth is an issue, but WiFi is much faster and can handle more information than fiber.

What? WiFi is faster than fiber? What?

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China

WiFi travels at the speed of light. Fiber, under controlled displays is 97% the speed of light.

Most people do not realize that copper is often faster than fiber.

But the speed is not the issue. Fiber can handle so much more volume.
Fiber is already in use. Fiber has it's place over long distances where curvature of the earth is an issue, but WiFi is much faster and can handle more information than fiber.

What? WiFi is faster than fiber? What?

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China

WiFi travels at the speed of light. Fiber, under controlled displays is 97% the speed of light.

And? Sorry. There are bandwidth capacities and traffic issues which plague wireless communications. Those fixes are very expensive.
What? WiFi is faster than fiber? What?

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China

WiFi travels at the speed of light. Fiber, under controlled displays is 97% the speed of light.

And? Sorry. There are bandwidth capacities and traffic issues which plague wireless communications. Those fixes are very expensive.

I agree. While Wifi is handy, the capabilities of fiber make it the best choice.
Really..Can you give some examples of the most frustrating issues?

Antiquated rules for dealing with fiber optics, pay scales that are way out of line with the area, and requirements for employment that can cripple production.

Record profits can't be achieved?

I'm curious, do you agree with the idea that gov't stimulus money should carry rules requiring unskilled labor to be paid well above the local average incomes?

I have no problem with minimum wage, but $22 an hour for unskilled labor is ridiculous.
WiFi is faster, cheaper, and can handle more traffic than fiber.

Is that right?

Do you mean 802.11G? Maybe N?

You can provide high speed WiFi to a 5 square mile area in 2 hours. Can you do that with fiber?

Oh really?

You know, there is a reason you sit in moms basement smoking dope and playing Call of Duty, and it isn't because you know so much.

802.11 B/G/N (AKA WiFi) has a broadcast range of 20 meters, shit fer brains.

Almost every new office building being built is without the miles of CAT5.

My office in California has 10 work stations with zero cable.

Bullshit. And you don't work in an office. You might be able to get a job at McDonalds, but you can't pass the drug test.
Well, it appears the trolls are trying to hijack this thread with their political diatribes. :(
What? WiFi is faster than fiber? What?

Sent from my Chinese Supercomputer made from XBox parts Bush sent to China

WiFi travels at the speed of light. Fiber, under controlled displays is 97% the speed of light.

Most people do not realize that copper is often faster than fiber.

But the speed is not the issue. Fiber can handle so much more volume.

Speed and volume are the issue. With the demise of the PC and lap top, the next three to five years are going to be exciting.

My predictions:

1. In five years WiFi will carry twice the information as fiber.

2. ATT and Verizon will be in the cable (less) TV business.
Antiquated rules for dealing with fiber optics, pay scales that are way out of line with the area, and requirements for employment that can cripple production.

Record profits can't be achieved?

I'm curious, do you agree with the idea that gov't stimulus money should carry rules requiring unskilled labor to be paid well above the local average incomes?

I have no problem with minimum wage, but $22 an hour for unskilled labor is ridiculous.

Yes. You need to remember that every dollar spent by the government to people returns $1.70 to the economy. Better than the 100's of billions for Walmart and their big box buddies which returned zip.
Record profits can't be achieved?

I'm curious, do you agree with the idea that gov't stimulus money should carry rules requiring unskilled labor to be paid well above the local average incomes?

I have no problem with minimum wage, but $22 an hour for unskilled labor is ridiculous.

Yes. You need to remember that every dollar spent by the government to people returns $1.70 to the economy. Better than the 100's of billions for Walmart and their big box buddies which returned zip.

I was not asking about "Big box buddies". This was about a company doing utility construction work in many areas. The workers are the life blood of the trades.

So you like the idea that someone with no skills makes $45k a year in an area where the average income is half that? And the people who come in with the skills, equipment, and materials to build the system have to suck up the lower profit margin so that you can feel better about where your taxes go? lol

And the contractors can't bid the jobs without letting go of dedicated, loyal employees who have learned the trades. All so you can believe your tax dollars are being used in some noble fashion. lol

The guys being hired at the inflated rate not only get a job with benefits, they learn a trade they can continue to use, if they are willing to travel. Considering the job markets in these rural areas, they will either have to travel or live on the gov't teat anyway.

But it is nice to see that you care so much about unskilled labor and so little about those who have busted their ass, travelled away from home, and learned their trade.
Yes. You need to remember that every dollar spent by the government to people returns $1.70 to the economy. Better than the 100's of billions for Walmart and their big box buddies which returned zip.

Is the reason you sit in moms basement smoking dope that you are mentally retarded? Or has all the dope eaten away your brain?

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