Why is baby boom generation so racist and bigot in politics


Obviously racism exists, always will. The question is how you deal with it to minimize it.

Some think that screaming "racist" at every opportunity will somehow help the healing process. They think that constantly reminding us about the color of someone's skin, and then telling us to ignore the color of someone's skin, is perfectly logical. They think that continually dividing Americans into hyphenated groups will somehow help us come together.

How's that been working out last 20 years or so?

Seemed to be working pretty well until the rise of the Neocons during Reagan.
We each have the choice of being part of the problem or part of the solution.

Not speaking out against racism or anti-gay stupidity is just as bad as being a racist/anti-gay asshole.

I can't figure out who they they hate more gays or blacks. Its kinda of sad that this generation is sooooo clueless.

Maybe it has less to do with them being racist bigots and more to do with you being unaccustomed to unfiltered, "politically incorrect" speech.
just want a true equality

Face it. When you keep bringing up the 60's and 70's you want more than equality...you want revenge. You talk about white on black crime as though there's no black on white crime. There's crime, period. We should be against ALL crime.

blacks still cant get equality

judicial system no
equality in hiring no

So what is it that you think will finally achieve equality? I really would like your serious opinion.
I can't figure out who they they hate more gays or blacks. Its kinda of sad that this generation is sooooo clueless.

Why do sodomites hate hetrosexuals so much? We bend over backwards (not frontwards) to insure their right to burden society with AIDS and degenerate behavior. What are they whining about now? America is the most tolerant Nation in the world. You might think sissies are picked on because you are self conscious.

1. I'm against the death penalty

2. I'm against inequality in the justice system

3. High-end Manhattan restaurants don't want waiters speaking Ebonics

4. North Carolina blacks tip for SHIT!

Cry me a river, ducks. You won't be happy until the gubmint gives you EVERYTHING, and the REAL bitch is you'd just fuck it all off anyway.
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Obviously racism exists, always will. The question is how you deal with it to minimize it.

Some think that screaming "racist" at every opportunity will somehow help the healing process. They think that constantly reminding us about the color of someone's skin, and then telling us to ignore the color of someone's skin, is perfectly logical. They think that continually dividing Americans into hyphenated groups will somehow help us come together.

How's that been working out last 20 years or so?


Agreed, and in fact the more libs constantly scream about it, I think the more most of us dig are heels in.
why do white people have such hard understanding racism lol

its soooooo sad

You know I was one who didn't understand rtacism as you said. I never thought of racism. I worked with African Americans my whole life and never gave it a thought. Until....the Wright video. And then more information about black theology and I was stunned. Then Holder and Obama. Then the black Panthers. I'm still stunned. It rocked my world of peace.

this rocked my world

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dPbMsZM-eO4]White Teens Murder Black Man In MS (Graphic Warning) - YouTube[/ame]

cant walk around the south without whites coming after you because of race

And did this rock your world too?


Wichita Massacre


Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom

Murders of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There is racism in ALL races. Not just black on white or white on black but hispanic on black, black on hispanic, black on asian, asian on black.

Whites do not have a corner on the market when it comes to racism.

Obviously racism exists, always will. The question is how you deal with it to minimize it.

Some think that screaming "racist" at every opportunity will somehow help the healing process. They think that constantly reminding us about the color of someone's skin, and then telling us to ignore the color of someone's skin, is perfectly logical. They think that continually dividing Americans into hyphenated groups will somehow help us come together.

How's that been working out last 20 years or so?


Agreed, and in fact the more libs constantly scream about it, I think the more most of us dig are heels in.

I suspect you meant to say that 'the more libs scream, the more most of us dig our heels in'?

That's something I've been surprised to learn - That, while libs think for themselves, most pubs and pots don't. They depend on lushbo, fux, the usual right wing nazis to tell them what they believe but mostly, they just blindly react to what the left says.

I'd be interested in learning what would make the rw's actually think and react for themselves.

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