Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?

NO one person is to blame for how the virus was handled. Making it political instead of medical,
THOSE WHO SAID IT WAS FAKE or those who wanted us to let it rip threw the population & who ever was left standing was a winner.
Really if every one cared enough for others to have just stayed 6 feet apart....... but WE ALWAYS HAVE TO PLACE BLAME Always on those we don't like never our self's.
What’s sad? He didn’t say a thing about himself. He asked why you care so much about other peoples personal choices. And you dodge his question like you dodged mine. You’re fighting a strawman. Troll tactic
It’s dumb. I find it humorous. You dum dum number 2 cant answer the simple question that I asked in the first place.
It’s dumb. I find it humorous. You dum dum number 2 cant answer the simple question that I asked in the first place.
I did answer it… “why do you care what others do” was my answer. I answered it with a question as I said I was doing.

If you want me to answer for other people, I can only guess and my guesses would be that they feel more comfortable wearing it, or they like promoting mask wearing to others who see them, or they work for Uber or Lyft who may require it, or they love the smell of their own breath… who the hell knows why people do what they do… and again…. WHO CARES? Why do you care?
My sister had the two shots and two boosters. She had no choice, she works at a hospital.

She got covid about two months ago. She said it was horrible. She missed a few weeks of work and had a hard time getting out of bed.
I hope she’s doing better now. I appreciate the work she does, medical workers have been through the ringer these past two years
An abundance of anti virals being available now, is why covid is not as much of a concern.
is she sickly? Does she have asthma, or is she diabetic, or over weight?

No, otherwise perfectly healthy. Never smoked, social drinker at best. She had a weight problem but as a dietary technician, she figured out a way to lose all that weight and kept it off for a number of years. Her success has something to do with yogurt. It's a shame too. Best damn cook I've ever known. She is approaching retirement now and perhaps her age had something to do with it, but covid affects people in different ways. One of the problems is that some people don't know when they have it.
I did answer it… “why do you care what others do” was my answer. I answered it with a question as I said I was doing.

If you want me to answer for other people, I can only guess and my guesses would be that they feel more comfortable wearing it, or they like promoting mask wearing to others who see them, or they work for Uber or Lyft who may require it, or they love the smell of their own breath… who the hell knows why people do what they do… and again…. WHO CARES? Why do you care?

I actually think these people just love wearing them.

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