Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?

Thats says "Rates". do you understand the difference between a rate and a number?

Do you understand that the number will always be higher for groups that have more people? What they are talking about is per capita; the percentage of blacks which as all articles point out, is larger than those of whites.
No stupid. I want the whole numbers. How many Black people havent gotten the jab vs how many whites?
70 % of the country has gotten the jab ...
Thats a weird way to avoid answering my question.
why hasnt Biden improved access for blacks then ? doesnt the left care about blacks ? less than 35 % of blacks have gotten the 1st jab ?
I will let you know when you answer my question.
there isnt info to be found .... but you are saying that most people not getting vaccinated are Trump supporters ... if you add blacks 46 million and latinos 60 million and the nearly 70 % arent vaccinated what number do you come up with ? the math is very very simple .

Do you know what most means? Lets make it real simple. If 10 people haven't gotten vaccinated guaranteed 7 of them are white Dump supporters.
once again combine the numbers of blacks and latinos in the US and you get over 100% .nearly 70 % arent vaccinated . thats a total of over 70 million ... the US has a population of 328 million .
How many whites are not vaccinated?
Thats says "Rates". do you understand the difference between a rate and a number?

Do you understand that the number will always be higher for groups that have more people? What they are talking about is per capita; the percentage of blacks which as all articles point out, is larger than those of whites.
No stupid. I want the whole numbers. How many Black people havent gotten the jab vs how many whites?
70 % of the country has gotten the jab ...
Thats a weird way to avoid answering my question.
why hasnt Biden improved access for blacks then ? doesnt the left care about blacks ? less than 35 % of blacks have gotten the 1st jab ?
I will let you know when you answer my question.
there isnt info to be found .... but you are saying that most people not getting vaccinated are Trump supporters ... if you add blacks 46 million and latinos 60 million and the nearly 70 % arent vaccinated what number do you come up with ? the math is very very simple .

Do you know what most means? Lets make it real simple. If 10 people haven't gotten vaccinated guaranteed 7 of them are white Dump supporters.
once again combine the numbers of blacks and latinos in the US and you get over 100% .nearly 70 % arent vaccinated . thats a total of over 70 million ... the US has a population of 328 million .
How many whites are not vaccinated?
the point is unvaccinated people arent only republicans ! tens of millions from all races and political leanings arent getting vaccinated ... i have no problem with anyone vaccinated and i have no problem with people choosing not to get vaccinated !
"the point is unvaccinated people arent only republicans "

No the point is that most unvaccinated people are Dump supporters

Because CNN sez so?
Thats says "Rates". do you understand the difference between a rate and a number?

Do you understand that the number will always be higher for groups that have more people? What they are talking about is per capita; the percentage of blacks which as all articles point out, is larger than those of whites.
No stupid. I want the whole numbers. How many Black people havent gotten the jab vs how many whites?
70 % of the country has gotten the jab ...
Thats a weird way to avoid answering my question.
why hasnt Biden improved access for blacks then ? doesnt the left care about blacks ? less than 35 % of blacks have gotten the 1st jab ?
I will let you know when you answer my question.
there isnt info to be found .... but you are saying that most people not getting vaccinated are Trump supporters ... if you add blacks 46 million and latinos 60 million and the nearly 70 % arent vaccinated what number do you come up with ? the math is very very simple .

Do you know what most means? Lets make it real simple. If 10 people haven't gotten vaccinated guaranteed 7 of them are white Dump supporters.
once again combine the numbers of blacks and latinos in the US and you get over 100% .nearly 70 % arent vaccinated . thats a total of over 70 million ... the US has a population of 328 million .
How many whites are not vaccinated?
Thats says "Rates". do you understand the difference between a rate and a number?

Do you understand that the number will always be higher for groups that have more people? What they are talking about is per capita; the percentage of blacks which as all articles point out, is larger than those of whites.
No stupid. I want the whole numbers. How many Black people havent gotten the jab vs how many whites?
70 % of the country has gotten the jab ...
Thats a weird way to avoid answering my question.
why hasnt Biden improved access for blacks then ? doesnt the left care about blacks ? less than 35 % of blacks have gotten the 1st jab ?
I will let you know when you answer my question.
there isnt info to be found .... but you are saying that most people not getting vaccinated are Trump supporters ... if you add blacks 46 million and latinos 60 million and the nearly 70 % arent vaccinated what number do you come up with ? the math is very very simple .

Do you know what most means? Lets make it real simple. If 10 people haven't gotten vaccinated guaranteed 7 of them are white Dump supporters.
once again combine the numbers of blacks and latinos in the US and you get over 100% .nearly 70 % arent vaccinated . thats a total of over 70 million ... the US has a population of 328 million .
How many whites are not vaccinated?
the point is unvaccinated people arent only republicans ! tens of millions from all races and political leanings arent getting vaccinated ... i have no problem with anyone vaccinated and i have no problem with people choosing not to get vaccinated !
"the point is unvaccinated people arent only republicans "

No the point is that most unvaccinated people are Dump supporters
you dont know that for sure . its just a political talking point used by the left . the left politicizes everything ...everything !

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.
He isn't. The unvaccinated (a lot of Trump supporters) are the ones being infected, being hospitalized, the ones dying. They are also serving as
petri dishes for the virus to mutate if it wants to. At this rate, we may never be rid of the virus due to the ignorance and selfishness of the
anti-vaxx crowd. And your dear leader has been notoriously anti-vaxx (despite getting one himself).
His complete bungling of the response to virus when it first broke over here means that every single death...is attributed to him.
What a cool thing to have next to your bio for the historians. :)
Trump isn't in charge anymore, pedo Joe is screwing the pooch like he has his entire life. Maybe if Democrats leaders didn't constantly lie. More people would get vaccinated. I won't get the vaccine, I don't trust Democrats at all.
You are not just dumb, you are a damn liar; you continue to post the BIG LIE when calling the President "pedo Joe". Let's add to your resume that you are deplorable, hateful and your posts continue to be worthless works of a demented quack.
Joe is a known child molester.
Last month he stopped his speech and commented how the little girl crossed her legs and how she looked like she could be 19. What a creep.
Thats says "Rates". do you understand the difference between a rate and a number?

Do you understand that the number will always be higher for groups that have more people? What they are talking about is per capita; the percentage of blacks which as all articles point out, is larger than those of whites.
No stupid. I want the whole numbers. How many Black people havent gotten the jab vs how many whites?
70 % of the country has gotten the jab ...
Thats a weird way to avoid answering my question.
why hasnt Biden improved access for blacks then ? doesnt the left care about blacks ? less than 35 % of blacks have gotten the 1st jab ?
I will let you know when you answer my question.
there isnt info to be found .... but you are saying that most people not getting vaccinated are Trump supporters ... if you add blacks 46 million and latinos 60 million and the nearly 70 % arent vaccinated what number do you come up with ? the math is very very simple .

Do you know what most means? Lets make it real simple. If 10 people haven't gotten vaccinated guaranteed 7 of them are white Dump supporters.
once again combine the numbers of blacks and latinos in the US and you get over 100% .nearly 70 % arent vaccinated . thats a total of over 70 million ... the US has a population of 328 million .
How many whites are not vaccinated?
Thats says "Rates". do you understand the difference between a rate and a number?

Do you understand that the number will always be higher for groups that have more people? What they are talking about is per capita; the percentage of blacks which as all articles point out, is larger than those of whites.
No stupid. I want the whole numbers. How many Black people havent gotten the jab vs how many whites?
70 % of the country has gotten the jab ...
Thats a weird way to avoid answering my question.
why hasnt Biden improved access for blacks then ? doesnt the left care about blacks ? less than 35 % of blacks have gotten the 1st jab ?
I will let you know when you answer my question.
there isnt info to be found .... but you are saying that most people not getting vaccinated are Trump supporters ... if you add blacks 46 million and latinos 60 million and the nearly 70 % arent vaccinated what number do you come up with ? the math is very very simple .

Do you know what most means? Lets make it real simple. If 10 people haven't gotten vaccinated guaranteed 7 of them are white Dump supporters.
once again combine the numbers of blacks and latinos in the US and you get over 100% .nearly 70 % arent vaccinated . thats a total of over 70 million ... the US has a population of 328 million .
How many whites are not vaccinated?
the point is unvaccinated people arent only republicans ! tens of millions from all races and political leanings arent getting vaccinated ... i have no problem with anyone vaccinated and i have no problem with people choosing not to get vaccinated !
"the point is unvaccinated people arent only republicans "

No the point is that most unvaccinated people are Dump supporters

Because CNN sez so?
No Because the numbers say so.
Wasn't Kameltoe in charge of the vaccine rollout? :abgg2q.jpg:

You mean the same woman who stated she'd never take a vaccine created under President Trump?
You are losing your memory in your old age.

“If the public health professionals, if Dr. [Anthony] Fauci, if the doctors tell us that we should take it, I’ll be the first in line to take it. Absolutely,” Harris said during the live debate in Salt Lake City, when she was asked if Americans should take a vaccine, if the Trump administration were to approve one either before or after the election. “But if Donald Trump tells us that we should take it. I’m not taking it.”
This is caused by vaccine hesitancy in the South and Intermountain West. Trump country IOW. Blame Dear Leader for his dithering, downplaying and anti-mask dumbfuckery. Biden did his part.
it's scary....shoot, I was scared shitless, but I really wanted to see my parents and older sister, who were at higher risk of dying.... And could not take that chance.... Plus I really wanted to be liberated, deep down inside...so I did it! And nothing happened, not even a rise in temperature, not even a sneeze, or ache in the arm..... No nothin'!

So then I went from worrying about getting the shot, to worrying about whether it even worked???? Did I get a dud?

I felt the same way--nothing. The first shot not even any pain, but my second shot I felt a little pain going in, so I knew it would hurt for a while because I've been giving myself at least two shots a day for the last 35 years and know what to expect. When I give myself a shot and it hurts going in, it's going to hurt for a couple hours in most cases.
I had no reaction on the first and second! My hubbys arm hurt a little on 1st, and 2nd he ran a fever of about 100f for about a half a day... Me...nadda, nilch!
This is caused by vaccine hesitancy in the South and Intermountain West. Trump country IOW. Blame Dear Leader for his dithering, downplaying and anti-mask dumbfuckery. Biden did his part.
Biden is murdering people every day because of his lack of leadership as more and more die.

Of course your government agents will be wearing full body armor and some will be carrying fully automatic assault rifles. (Just to be on the safe side.)

If you can’t prove you had the vaccine and refuse their offer, they will arrest you and imprison you in solitary confinement until you comply. You will get only moldy bread and water.

Just like the January 6th “insurrectionists.”

isn‘t it great to live in what we are falsely told is a “democracy.” A citizen in a free nation should be able to make a decision on if he wants to take a vaccine that is approved for emergency use.

What is an Emergency Use Authorization (EUA)?​

An Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) is a mechanism to facilitate the availability and use of medical countermeasures, including vaccines, during public health emergencies, such as the current COVID-19 pandemic. Under an EUA, FDA may allow the use of unapproved medical products, or unapproved uses of approved medical products in an emergency to diagnose, treat, or prevent serious or life-threatening diseases or conditions when certain statutory criteria have been met, including that there are no adequate, approved, and available alternatives. Taking into consideration input from the FDA, manufacturers decide whether and when to submit an EUA request to FDA.

Once submitted, FDA will evaluate an EUA request and determine whether the relevant statutory criteria are met, taking into account the totality of the scientific evidence about the vaccine that is available to FDA.

(In passing I am fully vaccinated. At my age and health and since I had never had COVID-19 my appraisal of the risk factors favored getting the vaccine.)
This is caused by vaccine hesitancy in the South and Intermountain West. Trump country IOW. Blame Dear Leader for his dithering, downplaying and anti-mask dumbfuckery. Biden did his part.

He did? Then why have nearly 200,000 Americans die from Covid since he took office?
Trump made him do it.

It's about all they ever have to say in regards to being accountable for leading the country

Yidar didnt post any legit data that had to do with my point. He even admitted he couldn't find it.

His link clearly showed that blacks are lagging the vaccine compared to whites. What more evidence do you need?
His link doesnt show that there are more Blacks unvaxxed than whites. Rates are different from raw numbers.

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