Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.

Everyone who voted for Biden and personally helped kill these people.

Every attempt this administration makes to get more people vaccinated you all kick and scream about socialism. When COVID cases go up because Trump Tards don't want to get vaccinated then you blame this administration.

Partisan hack will hack.
But when Trump got these vaccines rolled out in record time, you were complaining that he was responsible for thousands of deaths.
Partisan hack will hack.
Well he was. He didnt do shit except downplay the virus even though he knew it was dangerous. Did you forget?
Anyone stupid enought to listen to ANY politician concerning their health care deserves to get sick. I've used my God-given common sense to keep me healthy for 62 years. It works great.

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.

Everyone who voted for Biden and personally helped kill these people.
Good question, he should be using a vaccine passport as a way of isolating knuckle dragging maga fuckups who choose to not be vaccination because of political reasons.
it's scary....shoot, I was scared shitless, but I really wanted to see my parents and older sister, who were at higher risk of dying.... And could not take that chance.... Plus I really wanted to be liberated, deep down inside...so I did it! And nothing happened, not even a rise in temperature, not even a sneeze, or ache in the arm..... No nothin'!

So then I went from worrying about getting the shot, to worrying about whether it even worked???? Did I get a dud?

I felt the same way--nothing. The first shot not even any pain, but my second shot I felt a little pain going in, so I knew it would hurt for a while because I've been giving myself at least two shots a day for the last 35 years and know what to expect. When I give myself a shot and it hurts going in, it's going to hurt for a couple hours in most cases.
I had no reaction on the first and second! My hubbys arm hurt a little on 1st, and 2nd he ran a fever of about 100f for about a half a day... Me...nadda, nilch!
What's funny is I actually prayed really hard, (yes I prayed)that the vaccination would go well and that it wouldn't hurt!

The good Lord actually delivered on both!!! :D

And now the Doubting Thomas that I've shown on whether the vaccine worked, is just shameful of me!!! :eek:
They guy was talking about us coming up short of the target vaccine numbers. The crowd cheered. You don’t think that’s anti-vax?!

No I don't. An anti-vax person is one against anybody getting a vaccine. As stated, there are conservatives against forcing or pressuring people to get the vaccine. What does coming up short on the vaccine numbers have to do with celebrating people dying of covid? It's a complete lie.
Yeah that line is spun up hyperbole. They were cheering that people aren’t doing what the government wants them to do and getting vaxed.
Just came across it as I was looking for a montage from CPAC. I’ve seen many clips on news show but can’t find anything on YOuTUBe that’s compiled. You can’t say “it’s CNN and they are lying” because the clips are from the right wing shows, which I watch as well. They don’t encourage people to get vaxed, they throw doubt and fear and skepticism. Are you really going to deny that?

Yes I will because what they said had no content. They were statements taken out of context. I know what they were talking about because they've been discussing this for months. Of course you can't find CPAC people encouraging people not to get vaccinated because it never happened.
Why are you changing my statements. I said they were pushing the anti vax narrative. All the clips I posted push that narrative. That doesn’t mean they need to literally encourage people not to take it. More to it than that as I’ve described.
Meh, hard to feel sorry for the folks who chose not to get the vaccination, but I do.

Maybe it's a chance for Big Ag to suck up some more family farms.

Neo-GOP policy of slicing off their heads to spite their bodies.

But when Trump got these vaccines rolled out in record time, you were complaining that he was responsible for thousands of deaths.
Is that what I did? Feel free to quote me doing that anytime you like.
It’s from the several hundreds of thousands of new illegal peasants and they don’t care
This is so funny. Trump pushed to get this vaccine out to Americans ASAP, and the claim is it's Trump supporters who are not getting them. The Democrats are supporting the vaccine, and it's their people who are not getting the vaccines.

What world are you living in?

Republicans are much less likely than Democrats to get the vaccine. We see tons of Trumpsters on this message board proudly claiming that they will never get the vaccine and poll results show exactly the same.

Once the vaccines get full approval, the government can legally issue vaccine mandates.
That should go over well with the Drumpftards. I can see many bombings and mass shootings on the horizon if they have to force them to get jabbed.
Well, there are certain things that would increase vaccinations but considered normal....


- Requiring the vaccination for all in the Military, maybe even government contractors working for the Defense dept....

-Requiring vaccinations to enter school for those 12 and up eligible. Other vaccines are already mandated for schools.

Plus once fully approved, more businesses will be more comfortable with employee mandates.

Once more people are vaccinated with no complications, like the families of the military, may then get vaccinated.... And any of their non military anti vaxxer friends may see, that their friends that got the vaccines are doing fine, and may soon get a vaccination themselves.....?
The count is around 10,000 dead from the vaccine. But you don't know that because your party constantly lies to you.
but the demographic that is lagging behind on the vaccines are blacks and latinos .

Blacks and Hispanics are getting the vaccine at higher rates than Republicans.


He isn't. The unvaccinated (a lot of Trump supporters) are the ones being infected, being hospitalized, the ones dying.

We anxiously await of your evidence to this claim. But yesterday I was watching real news, and they said areas of Commiefornia were the places having trouble, and they are re-issuing mask mandates once again.
Again, I have zero idea of what reality you live in. But it ain't the real world, baby. :)

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.

Everyone who voted for Biden and personally helped kill these people.
Why is DeSantis letting in spread like wildfire in Florida?

Blacks and Hispanics are getting the vaccine at higher rates than Republicans.

Hmmm. Both times I don't recall the nurse asking me what my political affiliation was.

Are you seriously questioning that Republicans have been one of the most vaccine-hesitant groups? We see tons of unvaccinated Trumpsters here and the polls reflect the exact same thing.

Seriously, what planet are you on?

I just gave you data supporting my claim. What do you have? Nothing. As usual, you’re making shit up as you go.
Why are you changing my statements. I said they were pushing the anti vax narrative. All the clips I posted push that narrative. That doesn’t mean they need to literally encourage people not to take it. More to it than that as I’ve described.

The anti-vaccine narrative is for nobody to get the shot, and that's not what they were talking about in that phony CNN clip. People believe that children should not be getting the vaccine but I don't consider that anti-vax, I consider that looking out for the welfare of the children. Some Republicans believe that if you had it already, you don't need the vaccine and some are claiming it could do more harm than good, but again, I don't consider that anti-vaccine either.

The bottom line is there is more concern on the right than left about the vaccine because it was so rushed, and never got the standard FDA approval. There is nothing wrong with being suspect about such a substance. In fact Laura said she got the shot, so did Carlson, and Mike Gallagher the conservative radio show host was one of the first Republican entertainers to get it. A lot of Republican hosts did. But they can't be anti-vax if they got it but report problems of other people who got the vaccine.
Boy, is there anyway I can get the vaccine taken out now that covid's on the run? O wait. Nevermind.
The vaccine is out there if you want to take a chance. Neither president was (is) responsible for the deaths resulting from a monster that escaped from a Chinese lab. If you want to play the blame game round up the scientists that were invested in the lab and consider charges against a governor who caused the deaths of about 10,000 nursing home patients
China is responsible. I’m not seriously blaming Biden for the uptick in COVID. I will mockingly blame him to expose the bullshit blame the Democrats put on Trump. It is the China virus.

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