Why is Biden letting Covid increase around the US?

What's funny is I actually prayed really hard, (yes I prayed)that the vaccination would go well and that it wouldn't hurt!

The good Lord actually delivered on both!!! :D

And now the Doubting Thomas that I've shown on whether the vaccine worked, is just shameful of me!!!

My position is if you want to get the shot, by all means, get it. If you don't want to get the shot, then by all means, don't get it, because if you do with strong doubts, every single thing that goes wrong with you in the future, you will be regretting your decision.

That being said, I don't try to convince any anti-vac people from getting the shot because that would just be annoying, and people against the vaccine should not be trying to convince those who may get the shot, not to. Unless somebody wants my opinion, the decision is all yours and I'm not going to try and convince anybody otherwise.
Biden can't force stupid people to vaccinate.

President Trump couldn't force people to wear masks, use hand sanitizer, and practice social distancing. Yet since the pandemic, most everybody on the left blamed him for the 600,000 covid deaths in our country.

"Folks, Democrats have two sets of rules: One set for them, and another set for the rest of us."
Rush Limbaugh
His link doesnt show that there are more Blacks unvaxxed than whites. Rates are different from raw numbers.

Whites are five times the population size as blacks, so those numbers would be worthless and not tell us anything. Using per capita numbers tells us what groups are ahead on vaccinations and which groups are lagging. That's the important info.
His link doesnt show that there are more Blacks unvaxxed than whites. Rates are different from raw numbers.

Whites are five times the population size as blacks, so those numbers would be worthless and not tell us anything. Using per capita numbers tells us what groups are ahead on vaccinations and which groups are lagging. That's the important info.
"Whites are five times the population size as blacks, so those numbers would be worthless and not tell us anything"

False. They would be very useful. They would prove there were way more unvaxxed whites than unvaxxed Blacks

per capita is a buzz word for "I am going to lie to you now about the actual numbers." Its an old white trick used to try and make Blacks look bad. For example welfare.
Are you seriously questioning that Republicans have been one of the most vaccine-hesitant groups? We see tons of unvaccinated Trumpsters here and the polls reflect the exact same thing.

Seriously, what planet are you on?

I just gave you data supporting my claim. What do you have? Nothing. As usual, you’re making shit up as you go.

I'm not making anything up. Merely pointing out how do they have these categories when they don't ask anything about them when you get vaccinated.
False. They would be very useful. They would prove there were way more unvaxxed whites than unvaxxed Blacks

How would that be useful? What does it tell us, there are still less whites vaccinated than blacks? No shit. Guess what, whites hit the mega lottery more times than blacks too. Does that tell us anything?
False. They would be very useful. They would prove there were way more unvaxxed whites than unvaxxed Blacks

How would that be useful? What does it tell us, there are still less whites vaccinated than blacks? No shit. Guess what, whites hit the mega lottery more times than blacks too. Does that tell us anything?
"How would that be useful? What does it tell us, there are still less whites vaccinated than blacks? No shit."

It would be useful because that was my point. Thanks for finally agreeing.
I'm not making anything up.

You're always making things up.

Here's your claim:

"This is so funny. Trump pushed to get this vaccine out to Americans ASAP, and the claim is it's Trump supporters who are not getting them. The Democrats are supporting the vaccine, and it's their people who are not getting the vaccines."

I just showed you evidence that the exact opposite of this is true.


Can you back up your claim that Democrats are the ones not getting the vaccine? No? Well then you're making shit up. AGAIN.
President Trump couldn't force people to wear masks, use hand sanitizer, and practice social distancing. Yet since the pandemic, most everybody on the left blamed him for the 600,000 covid deaths in our country.

True, but he could have set an EXAMPLE if he and Mel had vaxed in PUBLIC, worn and recommended masks, and vociferously touted the "Trump vaccine".

Face it, he fell far short and blew his opportunity to be reelected. Was he responsible for 650k deaths?

Nope, but the vaccine hesitancy you see in the Deep South and resulting spikes of the Delta Variant are totally on him. His dithering and downplaying resulted in the blood of minimally a quarter million Americans on his hands.

History will not be kind.
I don't think any government action was going to/will affect how this spreads or doesn't. Look at the data from the states who took different actions and from countries who took different actions - from practically no action in Sweden, to total lockdown like Britain and countries in the middle like Singapore. Governments just like to do stuff and get bigger.
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The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.
He isn't. The unvaccinated (a lot of Trump supporters) are the ones being infected, being hospitalized, the ones dying. They are also serving as
petri dishes for the virus to mutate if it wants to. At this rate, we may never be rid of the virus due to the ignorance and selfishness of the
anti-vaxx crowd. And your dear leader has been notoriously anti-vaxx (despite getting one himself).
His complete bungling of the response to virus when it first broke over here means that every single death...is attributed to him.
What a cool thing to have next to your bio for the historians. :)
Trump isn't in charge anymore, pedo Joe is screwing the pooch like he has his entire life. Maybe if Democrats leaders didn't constantly lie. More people would get vaccinated. I won't get the vaccine, I don't trust Democrats at all.
You are not just dumb, you are a damn liar; you continue to post the BIG LIE when calling the President "pedo Joe". Let's add to your resume that you are deplorable, hateful and your posts continue to be worthless works of a demented quack.
Joe is a known child molester.
You're a damn liar, and spread this same BIG LIE as only assholes do. Biden hasn't ever been called a "pedo" by any parent, never questioned by any LE Official and your post to continue defame him makes you one more asshole, and a piece of shit.

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.

Everyone who voted for Biden and personally helped kill these people.
'Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine'..oh you mean the vaccine you trumptards want no part of?

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.

Everyone who voted for Biden and personally helped kill these people.
Did you get your vaccination?

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.

Everyone who voted for Biden and personally helped kill these people.

Did you get your vaccination?

The ineptitude of Biden is never more apparent than with each spike in Covid deaths.

Thanks to the efforts of Donald Trump, the country has access to a vaccine but their glorious leader is incapable of figuring out a way to prevent these deaths

Just amazing.
He isn't. The unvaccinated (a lot of Trump supporters) are the ones being infected, being hospitalized, the ones dying. They are also serving as
petri dishes for the virus to mutate if it wants to. At this rate, we may never be rid of the virus due to the ignorance and selfishness of the
anti-vaxx crowd. And your dear leader has been notoriously anti-vaxx (despite getting one himself).
His complete bungling of the response to virus when it first broke over here means that every single death...is attributed to him.
What a cool thing to have next to your bio for the historians. :)
Trump isn't in charge anymore, pedo Joe is screwing the pooch like he has his entire life. Maybe if Democrats leaders didn't constantly lie. More people would get vaccinated. I won't get the vaccine, I don't trust Democrats at all.
You are not just dumb, you are a damn liar; you continue to post the BIG LIE when calling the President "pedo Joe". Let's add to your resume that you are deplorable, hateful and your posts continue to be worthless works of a demented quack.
Joe is a known child molester.
You're a damn liar, and spread this same BIG LIE as only assholes do. Biden hasn't ever been called a "pedo" by any parent, never questioned by any LE Official and your post to continue defame him makes you one more asshole, and a piece of shit.
Because he is a part of the liberal elite. He could sodomize a little boy and you would claim others crazy for saying he is a pedophile. He stopped his speech while looking at a little girl. Liked the way she crossed her legs and how her ponytails he liked. Even said she looked like she could be 19. What a pervert, but that's the kind of person you support. Oh and he raised a white supremacist as a son. No, you are the piece of shit.
True, but he could have set an EXAMPLE if he and Mel had vaxed in PUBLIC, worn and recommended masks, and vociferously touted the "Trump vaccine".

Face it, he fell far short and blew his opportunity to be reelected. Was he responsible for 650k deaths?

Nope, but the vaccine hesitancy you see in the Deep South and resulting spikes of the Delta Variant are totally on him. His dithering and downplaying resulted in the blood of minimally a quarter million Americans on his hands.

History will not be kind.

Trump did promote masks and social distancing. Don't believe the lies from the left. Need videos of Trump doing exactly that, just ask.

You have to understand that we on the right are not like you on the left. We are free thinkers. We do not march in lockstep like the left does to their leaders demands. Trump promoted masks, social distancing, and of course, the vaccine he worked to get to market, but that doesn't mean everybody on the right agreed with him, and still don't. To the chagrin of the left, you can't force people to do something they don't want to do.
Communist China did really know what they were doing when they unleashed this on the World!
Lockdown II dead ahead and Autumn isn't even here!!

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