Why is Biden too old but Trump is not?

What the fuck are you watching?


And he still thinks he won the 2020 election.
Then he is going against national law. He becomes a war criminal when he does. You like killing innocent children?
International law actually. Yes he is.
You are trying too hard, but to answer your question - personally I prefer killing kids before they are born
Trump got his 2nd term stolen from him. He was leading US into the future, Biden has thrust us into the past.
The duck he did. He blew it. He was warned by his own people (most notably Billy the Bagman Barr)that he was about to blow it unless he started acting more Presidential and he couldn’t
Seriously? Have you actually LOOKED and listened to the two? Trump has the mind of a 50 year old. Biden can't even think, walk or talk. He falls over, trips and gets lost. And that is with him pumped up on drugs to keep him going.
Trump has the mind of a 12 year old. Who are you kidding
International law actually. Yes he is.
You are trying too hard, but to answer your question - personally I prefer killing kids before they are born
I don't doubt you. You appear pretty unfeeling and determined.
Let that sink in. A woman and a brown one to boot. A progressive pinko, commie, feminazi - slipped in under your nose by way of Joe Biden. And everybody accused him of ignoring the progressive wing of the party.
She's the first idiotic, stupid, insipid 'brown' woman VP. Joe is a racist and hates her, he had no say in selecting her just as he has no real say over decisions in his current position as POTUS. He can't walk and doesn't even know where he is.
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International law actually. Yes he is.
You are trying too hard, but to answer your question - personally I prefer killing kids before they are born
At least you're truthful, but if your not a male tranny. If Biden starts ww3 and you're young, more than likely you'll be drafted? Have fun, I'm 53, I'll drink a beer for ya! Lol, that's what Biden will do for ya.
She's the first idiotic, stupid, insipid 'brown' woman VP. Joe is a racist and hates her, he had no say in selecting her just as he has no real say over decisions in his current position as POTUS.
Leo needs to calm down
Arlette, men who have a wife that looks for healthy alternatives to problems find ways to keep him young. Wives who put career ahead of family health don't have a healthy man. That's just the way life is. I'm not criticizing professional women, I'm simply saying when health is a woman's priority, she usually has healthy men and children. For all the criticism the media heaped on President Trump, his lovely wife Melania, his staff, his friends, and his employees, Melania usually kept on serving her son and her husband. Her earlier career was given to skin care. Anyone who's ever taken a class in anatomy knows the integument's health belies the good health of the organs and body it protects. She has as much knowledge about health as a physician, but her quiet and firm personality keep her on the watch over those she loves. The chance of a man whose wife keeps the entire family very, very healthy is great that he will have a long life. It's common sense. Some people live to be 120 and up to the end are sharp in their minds. Donald Trump, thanks to Melania, is one of those. You can try but you can't always count on the age of a person, but when the mind goes and the skin is scaley, that guy's life is close to being over. Not one of the Trumps who has Melania as their friend has any bad health. Trump will likely never fall into the autoimmune realm that is killing President Biden, one fall and speech and deeds of viciously judgmental behaviors of President Biden, and yes, I'm referring to his incontinent spew at half the nation who are conservatives who voted for President Trump because he promoted raising salaries for people of color to match the salaries given to white men. Everybody profitted when Trump inspired businesses to share more of their success with their employees in order to do their share of making America the best place in the world to live due to the prosperity his systematic speeches to treat employees well in a way that business owners would take his advice. We find that something to be proud of about President Trump. Unfortunately, Biden is a habitual naysayer with nothing good to say about anyone who didn't vote for him. That's carrying avarice toward others a little bit too far, and he will never get respect that a man who will likely live to blow out candles on his 100th birthday cake, and I bet Melania already knows who will bake him that cake. Well cared for men live longer than screeching maniacs who kick potential to the side of the road before his own behaviors shorten his life.
You are certifiable
Everyone ages differently they are both up there but the reality is from the mental standpoint there has been a big drop for Biden over the two years he has been President. This is not because he is a Democrat it's just the reality of life anyone who is being honest sees it.

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