Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Well, the way I look at it is this; how many illegals do you think are here? 10M? 15M? 20M? Lets say 10M. The overwhelming majority buy things that creates sales tax revenue which stays in the states where it is spent. . The sales tax receipts--depending on how many you think are here--are equal to the population of many states. Michigan has 9 million people...so we're talking about the sales tax revenue generated by the State of Michigan. That is a sizable impact in real dollars spread across a great many states.

We can't have open borders. That is a no-brainer. And the ones we do allow into the nation officially need to have a much more stringent screening process. But the fallacy that all these folks do is take and give nothing back is flat out wrong.

Wouldn't it be nice if the rest of us only paid sales tax.

Is that the best you can do?

For you....yes. Paying sales tax...dumbass.

So the calculation, dumbass, is you can have a bunch of natives paying sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, etc… and take that money OR you can have a bunch of natives paying sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, etc….in addition to the Michigan-sized impact of 9,000,000 people paying sales taxes as well. If politics were removed from the equation, every governor would say they would want the greater sales tax receipts in addition to what every one else is paying.

I know your playbook (one page) is to bitch about the consumption of the illegal aliens. Shove it up your ass. Natives consume just as many resources, more in fact since they avail themselves of the entire suite of offerings by governments (the court system for one fuck face).

Sorry pal, you must be using that fricken Obama math. Dumbass.

No, it's standard math. I guess you're just stupid.
Wouldn't it be nice if the rest of us only paid sales tax.

Is that the best you can do?

For you....yes. Paying sales tax...dumbass.

So the calculation, dumbass, is you can have a bunch of natives paying sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, etc… and take that money OR you can have a bunch of natives paying sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, etc….in addition to the Michigan-sized impact of 9,000,000 people paying sales taxes as well. If politics were removed from the equation, every governor would say they would want the greater sales tax receipts in addition to what every one else is paying.

I know your playbook (one page) is to bitch about the consumption of the illegal aliens. Shove it up your ass. Natives consume just as many resources, more in fact since they avail themselves of the entire suite of offerings by governments (the court system for one fuck face).

Sorry pal, you must be using that fricken Obama math. Dumbass.

No, it's standard math. I guess you're just stupid.

Yikes...from someone trying to tell me that thousands paying sales tax ONLY is somehow cost effective. Dumbass.
Haha...look, NOBODY will take you serious with that shit spewing from your mouth.....When our founders declared our sovereignty they didn’t give two fucks what bordering nations thought and neither should we...Listen closely....WE OWE MEXICO NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH!
We owe the American people protection from neighboring shitholes and that’s that. There is no debating this.
By the way, what part of Mehico are you from?

A. The current group of immigrants that you folks are so worked up are not Mexicans...but I guess to you all those spanish speaking brown folks are the same...and you hate them all.

B, I don't believe the Founders weighed in on this issue at all...at least not in the Constitution that I am aware of

C. Owe Mexico? WTF are you talking about

D. I''m Scots/English

No one but fellow bigots take YOU seriously my friend
Is that the best you can do?

For you....yes. Paying sales tax...dumbass.

So the calculation, dumbass, is you can have a bunch of natives paying sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, etc… and take that money OR you can have a bunch of natives paying sales taxes, property taxes, income taxes, etc….in addition to the Michigan-sized impact of 9,000,000 people paying sales taxes as well. If politics were removed from the equation, every governor would say they would want the greater sales tax receipts in addition to what every one else is paying.

I know your playbook (one page) is to bitch about the consumption of the illegal aliens. Shove it up your ass. Natives consume just as many resources, more in fact since they avail themselves of the entire suite of offerings by governments (the court system for one fuck face).

Sorry pal, you must be using that fricken Obama math. Dumbass.

No, it's standard math. I guess you're just stupid.

Yikes...from someone trying to tell me that thousands paying sales tax ONLY is somehow cost effective. Dumbass.

Well, if you're too dumb to figure it out, that's your problem. Most governors, free of the politics, would take the increased tax receipts over the perverse pride you experience with your xenophobia.
He hates immigrants, but you want to take their jobs away. Do you intend to deport them after they have been discovered working here? Of course not. That would be "hate."

You're a fucking idiot.

He bases his everything on that unreasoning hatred...as do you.

I have said many times that we need to deal with the 11 million already here. Obviously we are going to have to give them work visas or something along those lines if they are currently working.

That's PART of what a comprehensive immigration policy would entail.

What alternative do we have?

Put em in the camps and fire up the ovens?

Continue the current Kabuki dance?

I don't hate immigrants. I have worked along side many and find them to be decent hard working people. My problem with them is that they work cheap and drive down wages.

We need to deal with THAT. Minimum wage increases, work visas, and cracking down HARD on employers who hire illegals will do that
He hates immigrants, but you want to take their jobs away. Do you intend to deport them after they have been discovered working here? Of course not. That would be "hate."

You're a fucking idiot.

He bases his everything on that unreasoning hatred...as do you.

I have said many times that we need to deal with the 11 million already here. Obviously we are going to have to give them work visas or something along those lines if they are currently working.

That's PART of what a comprehensive immigration policy would entail.

What alternative do we have?

Put em in the camps and fire up the ovens?

Continue the current Kabuki dance?

I don't hate immigrants. I have worked along side many and find them to be decent hard working people. My problem with them is that they work cheap and drive down wages.

We need to deal with THAT. Minimum wage increases, work visas, and cracking down HARD on employers who hire illegals will do that

So....you want to crack down HARD on employers that hire illegals, but give visas to those that are working. How about crack down HARD on the employers that these illegals are working for and give all the illegals workers a pink slip and a bus ticket.
He hates immigrants, but you want to take their jobs away. Do you intend to deport them after they have been discovered working here? Of course not. That would be "hate."

You're a fucking idiot.

He bases his everything on that unreasoning hatred...as do you.

I have said many times that we need to deal with the 11 million already here. Obviously we are going to have to give them work visas or something along those lines if they are currently working.

That's PART of what a comprehensive immigration policy would entail.

What alternative do we have?

Put em in the camps and fire up the ovens?

Continue the current Kabuki dance?

I don't hate immigrants. I have worked along side many and find them to be decent hard working people. My problem with them is that they work cheap and drive down wages.

We need to deal with THAT. Minimum wage increases, work visas, and cracking down HARD on employers who hire illegals will do that

What we really need is to make being in the US illegally a felony carrying a minimum of five years in prison. Then we wouldn't have to worry about what to do with them. Most of them would be running to the border so fast to get the hell out of here that California would lose a third of it's population.
11 million people in jail for 5 years?

Yea...great idea

How about we put EMPLOYERS that hire illegals in jail for 5 years?

All in on that?
Haha...look, NOBODY will take you serious with that shit spewing from your mouth.....When our founders declared our sovereignty they didn’t give two fucks what bordering nations thought and neither should we...Listen closely....WE OWE MEXICO NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, ZILCH!
We owe the American people protection from neighboring shitholes and that’s that. There is no debating this.
By the way, what part of Mehico are you from?

A. The current group of immigrants that you folks are so worked up are not Mexicans...but I guess to you all those spanish speaking brown folks are the same...and you hate them all.

B, I don't believe the Founders weighed in on this issue at all...at least not in the Constitution that I am aware of

C. Owe Mexico? WTF are you talking about

D. I''m Scots/English
No one but fellow bigots take YOU seriously my friend

A. The current group of immigrants that you folks are so worked up are not Mexicans...but I guess to you all those spanish speaking brown folks are the same...and you hate them all.
Like all good, real Americans, I hate all criminals and all piece of shits whom would ignore American law and sovereignty. I’m “worked up” over ALL illegals and not just a “current group”.

B, I don't believe the Founders weighed in on this issue at all...at least not in the Constitution that I am aware of
When declaring independence from Britain we became a sovereign nation with boundaries. You didn’t know that?
The Naturalization Act Of 1790 will shed some light on who the founders wanted as U.S. Citizens...Look it up.

C. Owe Mexico? WTF are you talking about
You unAmerican traitors like to pretend that U.S. taxpayers owe illegal wetbacks an opportunity here...no?
(use some clever wordplay here...that always works)

D. I''m Scots/English
Sure you are.

No one but fellow bigots take YOU seriously my friend
And 30 states and 2,623 counties full of legit, real Americans.
11 million people in jail for 5 years?

Yea...great idea

How about we put EMPLOYERS that hire illegals in jail for 5 years?

All in on that?

Wouldn’t you want to tweak a few laws that would allow law enforcement and immigration courts the ability to get rediculously aggressive so we can effectively eradicate the tens of millions here fucking this nation up?
OR do you usually prefer to issue golden tickets and rewards to those clever enough to elude law enforcement?
(you probably should pretend you didn’t see this post)
Like all good, real Americans, I hate all criminals and all piece of shits whom would ignore American law and sovereignty. I’m “worked up” over ALL illegals and not just a “current group”.

Most particularly those that speak Spanish and have brown skin

You unAmerican traitors like to pretend that U.S. taxpayers owe illegal wetbacks an opportunity here...no?
(use some clever wordplay here...that always works)

You're making bullshit claims again...but it's your standard practice

Sure you are.

You doubt that my people are Scots/English? Based on what? You normal NOTHING? Fucking idiot

And 30 states and 2,623 counties full of legit, real Americans.
God I hope you are wrong and there aren't that many bigoted racists in this country

When declaring independence from Britain we became a sovereign nation with boundaries. You didn’t know that?
The Naturalization Act Of 1790 will shed some light on who the founders wanted as U.S. Citizens...Look it up.

I did. Hey guess what dumfuk. The Nationalization Act of 1790 made ANY free person who had been in the county for two years a citizen...regardless of how they got here or where they came from.

You couldn't have failed harder you stupid bigot
Like all good, real Americans, I hate all criminals and all piece of shits whom would ignore American law and sovereignty. I’m “worked up” over ALL illegals and not just a “current group”.

Most particularly those that speak Spanish and have brown skin

You unAmerican traitors like to pretend that U.S. taxpayers owe illegal wetbacks an opportunity here...no?
(use some clever wordplay here...that always works)

You're making bullshit claims again...but it's your standard practice

Sure you are.

You doubt that my people are Scots/English? Based on what? You normal NOTHING? Fucking idiot

And 30 states and 2,623 counties full of legit, real Americans.
God I hope you are wrong and there aren't that many bigoted racists in this country

When declaring independence from Britain we became a sovereign nation with boundaries. You didn’t know that?
The Naturalization Act Of 1790 will shed some light on who the founders wanted as U.S. Citizens...Look it up.

I did. Hey guess what dumfuk. The Nationalization Act of 1790 made ANY free person who had been in the county for two years a citizen...regardless of how they got here or where they came from.

You couldn't have failed harder you stupid bigot

“I did. Hey guess what dumfuk. The Nationalization Act of 1790 made ANY free person who had been in the county for two years a citizen...regardless of how they got here or where they came from.”

Haha...you are either a liar or plain fucking stupid...I’ll bet you’re both...Anyhoo...enjoy.

“The first statute in the United States to codify naturalization law. Alternately known as the Nationality Act, the Naturalization Act of 1790 restricted citizenship to "any alien, being a free white person" who had been in the U.S. for two years.”

Haha...your Beaners were not invited to be part of this nation...sucks huh?
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11 million people in jail for 5 years?

Yea...great idea

How about we put EMPLOYERS that hire illegals in jail for 5 years?

All in on that?
I don't think putting them in prison for a long term is a good idea. Deporting them immediately is all we need. The end goal is getting them out of the country and keeping them out of the country.
I don't think putting them in prison for a long term is a good idea. Deporting them immediately is all we need. The end goal is getting them out of the country and keeping them out of the country.

You want to deport employers that hire illegals?

I'm not sure that's legal. I think five years in jail is though.

Oh wait...you're not talking about employers at all are you...as usual they get a pass.

You're still living this "deport 11 million people" fantasy
I don't think putting them in prison for a long term is a good idea. Deporting them immediately is all we need. The end goal is getting them out of the country and keeping them out of the country.

You want to deport employers that hire illegals?

I'm not sure that's legal. I think five years in jail is though.

Oh wait...you're not talking about employers at all are you...as usual they get a pass.

You're still living this "deport 11 million people" fantasy

LefTard Logic:
“When you leave your keys in your ignition and you car is stole it is not the fault of the thief.”
I don't think putting them in prison for a long term is a good idea. Deporting them immediately is all we need. The end goal is getting them out of the country and keeping them out of the country.

You want to deport employers that hire illegals?

I'm not sure that's legal. I think five years in jail is though.

Oh wait...you're not talking about employers at all are you...as usual they get a pass.

You're still living this "deport 11 million people" fantasy

Wouldn’t you want to tweak a few laws that would allow law enforcement and immigration courts the ability to get rediculously aggressive so we can effectively eradicate the tens of millions here fucking this nation up?
OR do you usually prefer to issue golden tickets and rewards to those clever enough to elude law enforcement?
(you probably should pretend you didn’t see this post)
I don't think putting them in prison for a long term is a good idea. Deporting them immediately is all we need. The end goal is getting them out of the country and keeping them out of the country.

You want to deport employers that hire illegals?

I'm not sure that's legal. I think five years in jail is though.

Oh wait...you're not talking about employers at all are you...as usual they get a pass.

You're still living this "deport 11 million people" fantasy
It's only a "fantasy" if Dims kick and scream to stop it, and they will, of course.
11 million people in jail for 5 years?

Yea...great idea

How about we put EMPLOYERS that hire illegals in jail for 5 years?

All in on that?
I don't think putting them in prison for a long term is a good idea. Deporting them immediately is all we need. The end goal is getting them out of the country and keeping them out of the country.

Tough to do when there is no wall. Hopefully that changes before Congress does.
11 million people in jail for 5 years?

Yea...great idea

How about we put EMPLOYERS that hire illegals in jail for 5 years?

All in on that?

There wouldn't be 11 million people in jail because the penalty would produce self-deportation.

I don't care where you are from or how bad it was, nothing is worse than being locked up behind bars. You would rather have freedom in the country you came from than being locked up in the US where you would then have no freedom at all followed by deportation.
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