Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

You know the welfare moocher state is never going to be abolished. Getting the wall funded would be 1000 times easier.
When you start with that attitude, then you're right....The demoncrats never ever quit that easily, and they depend upon exactly the quitter's mindset you're exhibiting to enable them.

And unless you think that such a wall can be thrown up in a mere few years (a laughable proposition if there ever was one), then you'll eventually have an Oboingo type come along, with his pen and phone, and stop it.
You know the welfare moocher state is never going to be abolished. Getting the wall funded would be 1000 times easier.
When you start with that attitude, then you're right.

The demoncrats never ever quit that easily, and they depend upon exactly the quitter's mindset you're exhibiting to enable them.

Haha...while I respect your noble vision on many things, you really need to wake the fuck up and realize you’re operating well outside of the real world and the current climate. Do something, say something that matters TODAY that has the ability to make a difference TODAY.
Haha...while I respect your noble vision on many things, you really need to wake the fuck up and realize you’re operating well outside of the real world and the current climate. Do something, say something that matters TODAY that has the ability to make a difference TODAY.
Quitter.....No, you're worse than a quitter...You're an appeaser.
Haha...while I respect your noble vision on many things, you really need to wake the fuck up and realize you’re operating well outside of the real world and the current climate. Do something, say something that matters TODAY that has the ability to make a difference TODAY.
Quitter.....No, you're worse than a quitter...You're an appeaser.

Sane folks set and fight to achieve attainable goals. Fucking dumbasses chase pipe dreams that sound cool.
You know the welfare moocher state is never going to be abolished. Getting the wall funded would be 1000 times easier.
When you start with that attitude, then you're right....The demoncrats never ever quit that easily, and they depend upon exactly the quitter's mindset you're exhibiting to enable them.

And unless you think that such a wall can be thrown up in a mere few years (a laughable proposition if there ever was one), then you'll eventually have an Oboingo type come along, with his pen and phone, and stop it.

Then we have a little over two years to build as much as we can at the most fragile points of entry to this country.
Who's quitting? You know how long we've wanted to get rid of the welfare state? Now it's time to do something that will alleviate the problem. It's time to build a wall.
You're quitting...You support a party of quitters...Hell, the cheese dick surrender monkeys running your party can't even get rid of the got-damned National Endowments for the Arts (the funders of the Piss Christ) after 25 long years.

Pussy quitters, every one of them
The only way to keep illegals out is first to stop international flights coming or going, build wall on Northern border, southern and along the shores of pacific, gulf of mexico and atlantic and hope no one can dig under one of the walls. Otherwise one fucking wall on the southern border means nothing. In other words seal off the U.S. and the citizens from anything or anyone from the outside world. Only then can the wacko's have peace.

Where do Border Fences work? Everywhere
Who's quitting? You know how long we've wanted to get rid of the welfare state? Now it's time to do something that will alleviate the problem. It's time to build a wall.
You're quitting...You support a party of quitters...Hell, the cheese dick surrender monkeys running your party can't even get rid of the got-damned National Endowments for the Arts (the funders of the Piss Christ) after 25 long years.

Pussy quitters, every one of them

You mean the Party that owns D.C.?
I suppose you support that party of zero relevance?
Trump said about three jillion times to his base....'Whose gonna build that wall?' And the base shouted out with glee....'Mexico'. Time to make him live up to his promises guys. Like training a little kid, you can't let Trump off the hook so easy or he'll never grow up.
Who's quitting? You know how long we've wanted to get rid of the welfare state? Now it's time to do something that will alleviate the problem. It's time to build a wall.
You're quitting...You support a party of quitters...Hell, the cheese dick surrender monkeys running your party can't even get rid of the got-damned National Endowments for the Arts (the funders of the Piss Christ) after 25 long years.

Pussy quitters, every one of them

A quitter is one who tries to achieve the impossible knowing their goal is unrealistic. A person who supports aggressive action that will work is not a quitter.
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .
How much would it cost to hire enough Judges to process the Caravans and export them back to their own countries without being forced to allow them to wander around ours?
How much would it cost to round up those that are here and deport them?

Compare costs to building a wall.
You know the welfare moocher state is never going to be abolished. Getting the wall funded would be 1000 times easier.
When you start with that attitude, then you're right....The demoncrats never ever quit that easily, and they depend upon exactly the quitter's mindset you're exhibiting to enable them.

And unless you think that such a wall can be thrown up in a mere few years (a laughable proposition if there ever was one), then you'll eventually have an Oboingo type come along, with his pen and phone, and stop it.
Try proposing something that actually has a chance of getting passed rather than something that can't possibly happen for at least another 100 years, if ever.
Trump said about three jillion times to his base....'Whose gonna build that wall?' And the base shouted out with glee....'Mexico'. Time to make him live up to his promises guys. Like training a little kid, you can't let Trump off the hook so easy or he'll never grow up.

They are paying for it...one must have an iQ over 12 to connect the dots.
Try proposing something that actually has a chance of getting passed rather than something that can't possibly happen for at least another 100 years, if ever.
Way to be an appeasing surrender monkey.

It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .
None of the things you listed prohibits someone from walking into OUR NATION. You know what does? A WALL
A wall does not prohibit someone from walking in. They can arrive by air or sea, for example. They can go to Canada and then walk over the border. They can dig under the wall or climb over it. Use your brain. The wall Trump and his minions want is a SYMBOL and a symbol only. A symbol of him looking like he is doing something. A symbol that will cost the American taxpayer billions of dollars and essentially do nothing.
You're a brainless partisan.
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


Because it makes the United States stronger and stands in the way of a major globalist goal. For those of us who live here it's the right thing to do. To those who live here and also hate the United States as it is it's an evil abomination.

Your argument is one often used by desperate fools. In the real world when you have a problem you track it to its root / origin. The problem with illegals is at the border and not In the strawberry field.

You have the right idea. You just can't identify the problem correctly. If you can't identify the problem you can't see the solution.

The problem is NOT immigrants in and of themselves.

It's the JOBS they come here for. But you're too caught up in hatred of immigrants to see the real problem and the real solution
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