Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Hungary would debate you on every point, and unlike you, they have evidence to sustain their claim.

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration

Yeah. That razor wire and tear gas seems to be pretty effective. Cheap, too.
nobody wants to go to hungary anymore anyway, they just go to the country next door duh dupes...

Sure, nobody wanted to go there. They just put up the fence for shits and giggles.

Borders work--Democrats don't.
The GOP should stop playing politics with useless idiotic walls and unconstitutional laws and help pass a national ID card that would end this stupid crap. The wall is a joke, for silly dupes only...

No, your stupid national ID card is a joke. Yeah, give out a card that can be duplicated and sold on the black market. That will make the illegals not want to come here.
all foreign nationals in the US should have a federal id.
You do know that more than half of our illegals fly in and just overstay their visas?

Right. So by that logic you're objecting to internal immigration enforcement and demanding the abolishment of ICE because half of our illegals sneak in across our open borders. Idiot.

Yeah, because illegals get here other ways, it makes no sense to stop the easiest way to get here.

That's liberal logic for ya.
end our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror to stop destabilizing other countries and stop creating refugees.
Yes you are right LOL. Most Democrats are communists who want a dictatorship that owns all businesses and Industry. Another gigantic conspiracy like the one that protects Hillary and Obama from all your phony conspiracies. You better order some more tin foil....

Did DumBama try to shutdown power plants that used coal, yes or no?

Did DumBama tax roll-your-own cigarette shops out of business, yes or no?

Did he not also stop American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, yes or no?

Did he not close down the Gulf until a court ordered him to reopen it, yes or no?

Did DumBama not close down car dealerships across the country, yes or no?

Did DumBama not force auto companies to take bailout money even though they didn't need it, yes or no?

Did he try to take over our healthcare industry, yes or no?

Did he not force food vendors to put calorie count on all food items sold, yes or no?

Did Blooming Idiot not try to stop vendors from selling soda in large cups, yes or no?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out

Obama Kept His Promise, 83,000 Coal Jobs Lost And 400 Mines Shuttered
No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.
The left is for health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.
Yes you are right LOL. Most Democrats are communists who want a dictatorship that owns all businesses and Industry. Another gigantic conspiracy like the one that protects Hillary and Obama from all your phony conspiracies. You better order some more tin foil....

Did DumBama try to shutdown power plants that used coal, yes or no?

Did DumBama tax roll-your-own cigarette shops out of business, yes or no?

Did he not also stop American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, yes or no?

Did he not close down the Gulf until a court ordered him to reopen it, yes or no?

Did DumBama not close down car dealerships across the country, yes or no?

Did DumBama not force auto companies to take bailout money even though they didn't need it, yes or no?

Did he try to take over our healthcare industry, yes or no?

Did he not force food vendors to put calorie count on all food items sold, yes or no?

Did Blooming Idiot not try to stop vendors from selling soda in large cups, yes or no?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out

Obama Kept His Promise, 83,000 Coal Jobs Lost And 400 Mines Shuttered
No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.
The left is for health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

A $15 dollar minimum wage = 25 cents.

Yes you are right LOL. Most Democrats are communists who want a dictatorship that owns all businesses and Industry. Another gigantic conspiracy like the one that protects Hillary and Obama from all your phony conspiracies. You better order some more tin foil....

Did DumBama try to shutdown power plants that used coal, yes or no?

Did DumBama tax roll-your-own cigarette shops out of business, yes or no?

Did he not also stop American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, yes or no?

Did he not close down the Gulf until a court ordered him to reopen it, yes or no?

Did DumBama not close down car dealerships across the country, yes or no?

Did DumBama not force auto companies to take bailout money even though they didn't need it, yes or no?

Did he try to take over our healthcare industry, yes or no?

Did he not force food vendors to put calorie count on all food items sold, yes or no?

Did Blooming Idiot not try to stop vendors from selling soda in large cups, yes or no?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out

Obama Kept His Promise, 83,000 Coal Jobs Lost And 400 Mines Shuttered
No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.
The left is for health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

A $15 dollar minimum wage = 25 cents.

fifteen dollars is a cost of living adjustment. the right wing complains about a Minimum wage.
Did DumBama try to shutdown power plants that used coal, yes or no?

Did DumBama tax roll-your-own cigarette shops out of business, yes or no?

Did he not also stop American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, yes or no?

Did he not close down the Gulf until a court ordered him to reopen it, yes or no?

Did DumBama not close down car dealerships across the country, yes or no?

Did DumBama not force auto companies to take bailout money even though they didn't need it, yes or no?

Did he try to take over our healthcare industry, yes or no?

Did he not force food vendors to put calorie count on all food items sold, yes or no?

Did Blooming Idiot not try to stop vendors from selling soda in large cups, yes or no?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out

Obama Kept His Promise, 83,000 Coal Jobs Lost And 400 Mines Shuttered
No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.
The left is for health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

A $15 dollar minimum wage = 25 cents.

fifteen dollars is a cost of living adjustment. the right wing complains about a Minimum wage.

Fifteen dollar minimum wage is chump change we need a ninety cent minimum wage to get ahead.

No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.
The left is for health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

A $15 dollar minimum wage = 25 cents.

fifteen dollars is a cost of living adjustment. the right wing complains about a Minimum wage.

Fifteen dollar minimum wage is chump change we need a ninety cent minimum wage to get ahead.

social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour equivalent, regardless. there is absolutely no reason to subsidize employers with Cheap labor in a First World economy.

go ahead and automate.

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, is more cost effective than means tested welfare.
There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.
The left is for health care reform and a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage.

A $15 dollar minimum wage = 25 cents.

fifteen dollars is a cost of living adjustment. the right wing complains about a Minimum wage.

Fifteen dollar minimum wage is chump change we need a ninety cent minimum wage to get ahead.

social services cost around fourteen dollars an hour equivalent, regardless. there is absolutely no reason to subsidize employers with Cheap labor in a First World economy.

go ahead and automate.

unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed, is more cost effective than means tested welfare.
No social services cost twenty cents an hour .
Could be it has not been well thought out? don't hear much here about how people living close to the border feel about it . or cost verses gain, just people demanding it built or not built.
Socialist regulate business and industry, communistd own them, dingbat. Republicans let them run wild so they can make corrupt killing and then we have to pay for it. Every time they get eight years it happens.

Bull. Reagan had the greatest economy in history. Trump lowered regulations and removed the ones DumBama put in, and we have record unemployment in a half-century. But watch what happens when Democrats begin leadership of Congress. That's when everything will start to go to hell again just like the last time they took over Congress.
Reagan's economy was the typical GOP scam, tripled the debt in supposedly Good Times and then well have you ever heard of the s&l crisis bubble bust scandal? That was the worst financial meltdown since 1929 until 2008. And his ridiculous tax rates on the richest have given us the worst inequality and worst upward mobility in our history, just keeps getting worse and worse, dumbass.

What Reagan did was look into the future. Jobs have been leaving this country since the mid 70's or some even earlier. What Reagan did was give incentive to keep more jobs here. You can't take most of people's money and expect more to risk capital, start businesses, only for government to take most of their money.

Yes, the Democrats played a very large part in the housing meltdown. The plans were instituted by Bill Clinton, and the fuse was lit at that point. The real problem is Republicans didn't do enough to stop it.
The Democrats made it possible for minorities to get mortgages, ending redlining. Then GOP Regulators under Bush let their Pals in independent financial institutions go nuts, giving mortgages to anyone breathing. Toxic assets great deal great job scumbag Republicans and silly Dupe's like you...

Dummy. Banks only lend money according to government regulation set out by HUD which is the boss of Fanny and Freddy.
Fannie and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and 4, and independent financial institutions went nuts with basically no regulation from their Pals in the Bush Administration, brainwashed dunderhead.
Bull. Reagan had the greatest economy in history. Trump lowered regulations and removed the ones DumBama put in, and we have record unemployment in a half-century. But watch what happens when Democrats begin leadership of Congress. That's when everything will start to go to hell again just like the last time they took over Congress.
Reagan's economy was the typical GOP scam, tripled the debt in supposedly Good Times and then well have you ever heard of the s&l crisis bubble bust scandal? That was the worst financial meltdown since 1929 until 2008. And his ridiculous tax rates on the richest have given us the worst inequality and worst upward mobility in our history, just keeps getting worse and worse, dumbass.

What Reagan did was look into the future. Jobs have been leaving this country since the mid 70's or some even earlier. What Reagan did was give incentive to keep more jobs here. You can't take most of people's money and expect more to risk capital, start businesses, only for government to take most of their money.

Yes, the Democrats played a very large part in the housing meltdown. The plans were instituted by Bill Clinton, and the fuse was lit at that point. The real problem is Republicans didn't do enough to stop it.
The Democrats made it possible for minorities to get mortgages, ending redlining. Then GOP Regulators under Bush let their Pals in independent financial institutions go nuts, giving mortgages to anyone breathing. Toxic assets great deal great job scumbag Republicans and silly Dupe's like you...

Dummy. Banks only lend money according to government regulation set out by HUD which is the boss of Fanny and Freddy.
Fannie and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and 4, and independent financial institutions went nuts with basically no regulation from their Pals in the Bush Administration, brainwashed dunderhead.

Comprehension problems I see. So one more time: F and F set the loan standard for banks that want to make loans that can be sold on the market.
Socialist regulate business and industry, communistd own them, dingbat. Republicans let them run wild so they can make corrupt killing and then we have to pay for it. Every time they get eight years it happens.

Bull. Reagan had the greatest economy in history. Trump lowered regulations and removed the ones DumBama put in, and we have record unemployment in a half-century. But watch what happens when Democrats begin leadership of Congress. That's when everything will start to go to hell again just like the last time they took over Congress.
So are you are blaming the powerless Democrats 2007 until 2008 for the largest financial meltdown since 1929? Hilarious.

Why not? You blamed George Bush.
Because all the damage was done 2003 to 2006 or 7. all about crony regulators.

No, it's all about government being involved with private business. Trust me, banks would never lend a dime to unworthy borrowers unless the government told them to. But then we'd have to hear people cry how they couldn't get a home loan because of race or income. Democrats fixed that alright.
Banks and especially independent financial institutions will do anything they think they can get away with... Read something for Christ's sake... And then regular people will have to pay for their crimes. The GOP does it every time d u h. Try reading some actual journalism, GOP propaganda chump of the greedy idiot Rich GOP...
Last edited:
Reagan's economy was the typical GOP scam, tripled the debt in supposedly Good Times and then well have you ever heard of the s&l crisis bubble bust scandal? That was the worst financial meltdown since 1929 until 2008. And his ridiculous tax rates on the richest have given us the worst inequality and worst upward mobility in our history, just keeps getting worse and worse, dumbass.

What Reagan did was look into the future. Jobs have been leaving this country since the mid 70's or some even earlier. What Reagan did was give incentive to keep more jobs here. You can't take most of people's money and expect more to risk capital, start businesses, only for government to take most of their money.

Yes, the Democrats played a very large part in the housing meltdown. The plans were instituted by Bill Clinton, and the fuse was lit at that point. The real problem is Republicans didn't do enough to stop it.
The Democrats made it possible for minorities to get mortgages, ending redlining. Then GOP Regulators under Bush let their Pals in independent financial institutions go nuts, giving mortgages to anyone breathing. Toxic assets great deal great job scumbag Republicans and silly Dupe's like you...

Dummy. Banks only lend money according to government regulation set out by HUD which is the boss of Fanny and Freddy.
Fannie and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and 4, and independent financial institutions went nuts with basically no regulation from their Pals in the Bush Administration, brainwashed dunderhead.

Comprehension problems I see. So one more time: F and F set the loan standard for banks that want to make loans that can be sold on the market.
Until GOP deregulation and Anything goes GOP crony regulators. God you're full of crap.
What Reagan did was look into the future. Jobs have been leaving this country since the mid 70's or some even earlier. What Reagan did was give incentive to keep more jobs here. You can't take most of people's money and expect more to risk capital, start businesses, only for government to take most of their money.

Yes, the Democrats played a very large part in the housing meltdown. The plans were instituted by Bill Clinton, and the fuse was lit at that point. The real problem is Republicans didn't do enough to stop it.
The Democrats made it possible for minorities to get mortgages, ending redlining. Then GOP Regulators under Bush let their Pals in independent financial institutions go nuts, giving mortgages to anyone breathing. Toxic assets great deal great job scumbag Republicans and silly Dupe's like you...

Dummy. Banks only lend money according to government regulation set out by HUD which is the boss of Fanny and Freddy.
Fannie and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and 4, and independent financial institutions went nuts with basically no regulation from their Pals in the Bush Administration, brainwashed dunderhead.

Comprehension problems I see. So one more time: F and F set the loan standard for banks that want to make loans that can be sold on the market.
Until GOP deregulation and Anything goes GOP crony regulators. God you're full of crap.

Fannie Mae Eases Credit To Aid Mortgage Lending
What Reagan did was look into the future. Jobs have been leaving this country since the mid 70's or some even earlier. What Reagan did was give incentive to keep more jobs here. You can't take most of people's money and expect more to risk capital, start businesses, only for government to take most of their money.

Yes, the Democrats played a very large part in the housing meltdown. The plans were instituted by Bill Clinton, and the fuse was lit at that point. The real problem is Republicans didn't do enough to stop it.
The Democrats made it possible for minorities to get mortgages, ending redlining. Then GOP Regulators under Bush let their Pals in independent financial institutions go nuts, giving mortgages to anyone breathing. Toxic assets great deal great job scumbag Republicans and silly Dupe's like you...

Dummy. Banks only lend money according to government regulation set out by HUD which is the boss of Fanny and Freddy.
Fannie and Freddie's share of the market went from 75% to 25% in 2003 and 4, and independent financial institutions went nuts with basically no regulation from their Pals in the Bush Administration, brainwashed dunderhead.

Comprehension problems I see. So one more time: F and F set the loan standard for banks that want to make loans that can be sold on the market.
Until GOP deregulation and Anything goes GOP crony regulators. God you're full of crap.
What "deregulation?"
A- Cost prohibitive
B- Won't work
C- It's racist
D- It would reduce those successfully crossing the border
E- None of the Above

The machine benefits by not having a wall. Business (Republicans) get their cheap labor and (Democrats) get the votes

You scratch my back, I'll scratch yours

There is no excuse for the Republicans not funding the wall.


1. The vast majority of illegal immigrants arrive here by jet, so at best it would be ineffective.

2. The wall would have to be an engineering miracle to cover the entire U.S. - Mexico border. It's costs would be astronomical.

3. It probably would not stop much illegal immigration at the U.S. - Mexico border. They'd just find a way to climb over it or tunnel under it. No matter how deep you make the walls foundation, they can always dig deeper.

4. The wall would provide a sense of false confidence that would result in the reduction of border patrols and we'd end up with MORE illegal immigrants crossing the U.S. - Mexican border than there are now.

5. The wall is simply an idiotic idea.

Hungary would debate you on every point, and unlike you, they have evidence to sustain their claim.

Hungary credits razor wire border fence for almost 100 percent drop in illegal migration

That's because nobody really wants to go to Hungary all that much anyway.
Funny thing about walls:

I used to live in an apartment building that had 12 foot stone walls with razor wire loops all around the top.

One night at around 3 a.m. one of my drunk friends climbed over the wall, just because he thought it would be funny to wake me in the middle of the night.

Walls don't stop anyone if they're determined...or really drunk!
Funny thing about walls:

I used to live in an apartment building that had 12 foot stone walls with razor wire loops all around the top.

One night at around 3 a.m. one of my drunk friends climbed over the wall, just because he thought it would be funny to wake me in the middle of the night.

Walls don't stop anyone if they're determined...or really drunk!

Was it also guarded by border security?

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
Yes you are right LOL. Most Democrats are communists who want a dictatorship that owns all businesses and Industry. Another gigantic conspiracy like the one that protects Hillary and Obama from all your phony conspiracies. You better order some more tin foil....

Did DumBama try to shutdown power plants that used coal, yes or no?

Did DumBama tax roll-your-own cigarette shops out of business, yes or no?

Did he not also stop American Indians from mail order cigarette sales, yes or no?

Did he not close down the Gulf until a court ordered him to reopen it, yes or no?

Did DumBama not close down car dealerships across the country, yes or no?

Did DumBama not force auto companies to take bailout money even though they didn't need it, yes or no?

Did he try to take over our healthcare industry, yes or no?

Did he not force food vendors to put calorie count on all food items sold, yes or no?

Did Blooming Idiot not try to stop vendors from selling soda in large cups, yes or no?

Mars Candy And Michelle Obama Are Making Candy Bars Smaller — And Twitter Is FREAKING Out

Obama Kept His Promise, 83,000 Coal Jobs Lost And 400 Mines Shuttered
No no no no no and no. Here's an idea give up cigarettes. The coal industry continues to implode just because of market forces. More people are employed in the alternative energy industry that in oil coal gas combined. Thank you Obama for making us competitive in the alternative energy industry with China and the EU. I know you are obsessed with solyndra oh, but that is basically the only corporation that failed. Hillary promised to help West Virginia into new industries. Now under Trump they are really screwed.all to save the rich from paying more like their fair share.

There are no new alternative energy industries because nobody wants over priced unreliable energy unless it's subsidized by the taxpayer.

"Our last President screwed you people by making you lose your jobs, but as your next Democrat President, I'm going to help you get lower paying jobs to replace them." When pigs fly.

The point is that Democrats want to run industry as you denied. If it were up to them, everything would be ran by government just like Communist or Dictatorship countries.

I've been using credit cards for a very long time. Until that big-eared bozo invaded the White House, I never had to pay a transfer fee on balances. After DumBama attacked the credit card industry, I've had to in spite of my outstanding credit rating.

This is why Democrats should never have power in this country ever again. They are dictators and Communists.

Have you ever considered that your political views are perhaps a bit childish?

Sorry 'bout your transaction fees, but basing you entire political opinions on your wallet is kind of unpatriotic!

BTW - I pay the same fees.

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