Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

What is the cost of every illegal to the US? It is around $75k each per annum I believe and there are 11 million here? So that equates to $825bn per annum? Hmmmm....maybe a $25bn wall is worth it?
abolishing our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror would save more and be more market friendly.

You don't think there is any crime, drugs or terror threats in the US?
not with Tax Cut economics and refusing to pay really really serious Tax Rates for your alleged Wars.

??? Pretty sure Trump just INCREASED the military budget.
by financing government and tax cut economics for the Rich?

Only the Right Wing praises the alleged virtues of tax cut economics.
What is the cost of every illegal to the US? It is around $75k each per annum I believe and there are 11 million here? So that equates to $825bn per annum? Hmmmm....maybe a $25bn wall is worth it?
abolishing our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror would save more and be more market friendly.

You don't think there is any crime, drugs or terror threats in the US?
not with Tax Cut economics and refusing to pay really really serious Tax Rates for your alleged Wars.

??? Pretty sure Trump just INCREASED the military budget.
by financing government and tax cut economics for the Rich?

Only the Right Wing praises the alleged virtues of tax cut economics.

Budget came from both Democrats and GOP alike. Nice try. You’re looking very bad here.
abolishing our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror would save more and be more market friendly.

You don't think there is any crime, drugs or terror threats in the US?
not with Tax Cut economics and refusing to pay really really serious Tax Rates for your alleged Wars.

??? Pretty sure Trump just INCREASED the military budget.
by financing government and tax cut economics for the Rich?

Only the Right Wing praises the alleged virtues of tax cut economics.

Budget came from both Democrats and GOP alike. Nice try. You’re looking very bad here.
the budget comes from the administration.
You don't think there is any crime, drugs or terror threats in the US?
not with Tax Cut economics and refusing to pay really really serious Tax Rates for your alleged Wars.

??? Pretty sure Trump just INCREASED the military budget.
by financing government and tax cut economics for the Rich?

Only the Right Wing praises the alleged virtues of tax cut economics.

Budget came from both Democrats and GOP alike. Nice try. You’re looking very bad here.
the budget comes from the administration.

Nope as you recall he almost didn’t sign it. It was a bipartisan effort.
not with Tax Cut economics and refusing to pay really really serious Tax Rates for your alleged Wars.

??? Pretty sure Trump just INCREASED the military budget.
by financing government and tax cut economics for the Rich?

Only the Right Wing praises the alleged virtues of tax cut economics.

Budget came from both Democrats and GOP alike. Nice try. You’re looking very bad here.
the budget comes from the administration.

Nope as you recall he almost didn’t sign it. It was a bipartisan effort.
the left is not for tax cut economics.
??? Pretty sure Trump just INCREASED the military budget.
by financing government and tax cut economics for the Rich?

Only the Right Wing praises the alleged virtues of tax cut economics.

Budget came from both Democrats and GOP alike. Nice try. You’re looking very bad here.
the budget comes from the administration.

Nope as you recall he almost didn’t sign it. It was a bipartisan effort.
the left is not for tax cut economics.

Just for higher taxes and overspend.
by financing government and tax cut economics for the Rich?

Only the Right Wing praises the alleged virtues of tax cut economics.

Budget came from both Democrats and GOP alike. Nice try. You’re looking very bad here.
the budget comes from the administration.

Nope as you recall he almost didn’t sign it. It was a bipartisan effort.
the left is not for tax cut economics.

Just for higher taxes and overspend.
better than this: U.S. National Debt Clock : Real Time
As for as the drugs go it will not even slow the drugs down. As long as their is a huge market for them they will be coming into or made in this country,

Donald Trump tied the heroin epidemic gripping suburban white communities to the issue central to the campaign: border security and illegal immigration.

We’ve all heard of poppy fields blooming in Afghanistan, but is Trump right that heroin is entering the United States largely through the southern border?

Yes. Even though Southwest Asia supplies heroin to most of the rest of the world, nearly all of the heroin available in the United States comes from Mexico and South America.

Trump is right: Heroin is coming in through southern border
But what does that have to do with building a wall. Most of the drugs that come across the border do so by planes, motor vehicles and boats which will continue with or without a wall.

What does that piece say? It says most of our heroine comes across that southern border. No, it isn't flown from Mexico, it doesn't come on a boat, and it's not coming from customs. It's coming from a wall-less border and that needs to be stopped. If they can get it here other ways, then it will be a hell of a lot harder which means they would have to charge more money, and likely more people getting busted for it.
The majority of illegal drugs entering the United States enter in an assortment of vehicles, with drugs hidden in secret compartments in door panels or the roof, gas tanks, tires and even engines.

Cargo trains, tractor-trailers and passenger buses have been used to move illegal drugs. Trucks and trains carrying fresh produce such as watermelons, limes and other fruits bring in millions of pounds of illegal drugs.

The next most common method of bringing drugs into the US is cargo ships and planes.

The least likely method for bring drug enter into the US is individuals carrying them across the border. One semi properly outfitted can bring in more drugs than 50 backpackers. One ship cargo container can bring in more drugs than a 700 backpackers. It's a matter of economic. Meeting the demand for drugs in the US with back packers coming across the border would be both impossible and far more expense than other methods. This is why building walls or other barriers along the border would have very little impact on drug importation.

The profit margin on illegal drugs is so high, you could close the entire southern border and all it would do is raise the price of drugs to cover the added cost of alternative transportation.
By Land, Sea or Catapult: How Smugglers Get Drugs Across the Border
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As for as the drugs go it will not even slow the drugs down. As long as their is a huge market for them they will be coming into or made in this country,

Donald Trump tied the heroin epidemic gripping suburban white communities to the issue central to the campaign: border security and illegal immigration.

We’ve all heard of poppy fields blooming in Afghanistan, but is Trump right that heroin is entering the United States largely through the southern border?

Yes. Even though Southwest Asia supplies heroin to most of the rest of the world, nearly all of the heroin available in the United States comes from Mexico and South America.

Trump is right: Heroin is coming in through southern border
But what does that have to do with building a wall. Most of the drugs that come across the border do so by planes, motor vehicles and boats which will continue with or without a wall.

What does that piece say? It says most of our heroine comes across that southern border. No, it isn't flown from Mexico, it doesn't come on a boat, and it's not coming from customs. It's coming from a wall-less border and that needs to be stopped. If they can get it here other ways, then it will be a hell of a lot harder which means they would have to charge more money, and likely more people getting busted for it.
The majority of illegal drugs entering the United States enter in an assortment of vehicles, with drugs hidden in secret compartments in door panels or the roof, gas tanks, tires and even engines.

Cargo trains, tractor-trailers and passenger buses have been used to move illegal drugs. Trucks and trains carrying fresh produce such as watermelons, limes and other fruits bring in millions of pounds of illegal drugs.

The next most common method of bringing drugs into the US is cargo ships and planes.

The least likely method for bring drug enter into the US is individuals carrying them across the border. One semi properly outfitted can bring in more drugs than 50 backpackers. One ship cargo container can bring in more drugs than a 700 backpackers. It's a matter of economic. Meeting the demand for drugs in the US with back packers coming across the border would be both impossible and far more expense than other methods. This is why building walls or other barriers along the border would have very little impact on drug importation.

The profit margin on illegal drugs is so high, you could close the entire southern border and all it would do is raise the price of drugs to cover the added cost of alternative transportation.
By Land, Sea or Catapult: How Smugglers Get Drugs Across the Border

I couldn't get to the article because it's a pay site. However I never said drugs didn't come in other ways, and the title of the article seems to indicate all our borders, not just the south.

The easiest and safest way to get drugs across our southern border is to simply walk across. However even that presents some kind of risk, so now they are using drones to get the drugs across. If they bust a drone, nobody ends up in prison. They just lose a lot of money. Right now that's the problem they are trying to find a cure for.

People using vehicles to get drugs across are taking a huge risk because of dogs. Dogs can sniff out drugs from anywhere. I've never seen it myself, but I understand they have a dock by the border just in case they need to unload it for inspection, and they will.

Trump needs to sign a EO that states No Immigration for a 10 year period, Legal or Illegal nobody gets in. We're up to our necks in deadbeats
Trump needs to sign a EO that states No Immigration for a 10 year period, Legal or Illegal nobody gets in. We're up to our necks in deadbeats

I agree with the last sentence. But the immigrants aren't the deadbeats. I've worked in construction and seen the utter opposite of the caricature you're creating. They worked twice as hard for half the money. That's why the rednecks don't want them around.
Trump needs to sign a EO that states No Immigration for a 10 year period, Legal or Illegal nobody gets in. We're up to our necks in deadbeats

I agree with the last sentence. But the immigrants aren't the deadbeats. I've worked in construction and seen the utter opposite of the caricature you're creating. They worked twice as hard for half the money. That's why the rednecks don't want them around.
Trump needs to sign a EO that states No Immigration for a 10 year period, Legal or Illegal nobody gets in. We're up to our necks in deadbeats

I agree with the last sentence. But the immigrants aren't the deadbeats. I've worked in construction and seen the utter opposite of the caricature you're creating. They worked twice as hard for half the money. That's why the rednecks don't want them around.

Or they don't want them around because they work for half the money. If your employer can pay somebody else half the money they pay you, WTF do they need you around for? They'll just get rid of you and hire another one of them.
Trump needs to sign a EO that states No Immigration for a 10 year period, Legal or Illegal nobody gets in. We're up to our necks in deadbeats

My plan is better: Being here illegally is a first degree felony. It carries a minimum of five years in prison. Want to see 20 million people leave the country within a week? That's the law that would do it.
I thought the problem was that Mexico said they werent going to pay for the wall like Drumpf promised?

It's the left that keeps bringing that up--not us on the right. We don't care how it's built or who pays for it, as long as it's built.
Drumpf brought that up and he is on the right. I didnt ask you what you care about. I'm asking what fool is going to allow Drumpf to claim Mexico is going to pay for it and then pretend they dont care?

I guess the same fools that were promised their healthcare insurance would go down by $2,500 a year. The same fools that thought they would be able to keep their insurance, doctor or healthcare facility. The same fools that thought nobody making less than $250,000 a year would see any kind of tax increase.

And how do you know who is paying for something that isn't even there yet?
I know because Mexico has said several times they were not going to pay for the wall. Where is your proof they are?

I don't have proof of anything just like you. Since we send aid to Mexico (like so many other countries) and many of their citizens are sending home US tax dollars back to Mexico, Trump has the ability to make Mexico pay in other ways. He can institute a tax on money sent back or he could reduce or stop funding to Mexico. But since I'm not Trump, I can't tell you what he has in mind. Just simply pointing out that Mexico doesn't actually have to send us a check to get them to pay for it.
No, Trump does not have the ability to institute any tax, only congress can do that and a democrat house is not about to introduce such a tax bill.
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .

You might be correct but we’ve been hearing this for years now but none of those great ideas have been put into use and probably never will, so we need a wall to slow the invasion down, they can still come through the door can’t they ( what’s wrong with that?)

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Let's have a bit of a reality check. Trump is entering into his last two years and how much of that wall has he completed. He has completed some prototypes and has completely a few sections of wall that were started years ago but 99% of the border still lacks any Trump wall. With a democratic house for next two years, any funding he gets is going to be minimal. Also, he can't expect any groundswell support from the public since 70% do not consider a wall a priority.

If Trump was actually interested in really improving border security, he would be talking about a barrier and not wall. Every time he says Wall, democrats turn a deft ear to him because they know that a wall is not the best barrier in most regions. He would also be taking about a complete solution which the democrats want to pursuit. Apparently all Trump can see is a great beautiful wall with big T on it.

Secondly, the construction of a border wall across the southern border would take at least 7 or 8 years and that's with an uninterrupted flow of funds which ain't gonna happen.
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .

You might be correct but we’ve been hearing this for years now but none of those great ideas have been put into use and probably never will, so we need a wall to slow the invasion down, they can still come through the door can’t they ( what’s wrong with that?)

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Let's have a bit of a reality check. Trump is entering into his last two years and how much of that wall has he completed. He has completed some prototypes and has completely a few sections of wall that were started years ago but 99% of the border still lacks any Trump wall. With a democratic house for next two years, any funding he gets is going to be minimal. Also, he can't expect any groundswell support from the public since 70% do not consider a wall a priority.

If Trump was actually interested in really improving border security, he would be talking about a barrier and not wall. Every time he says Wall, democrats turn a deft ear to him because they know that a wall is not the best barrier in most regions. He would also be taking about a complete solution which the democrats want to pursuit. Apparently all Trump can see is a great beautiful wall with big T on it.

Secondly, the construction of a border wall across the southern border would take at least 7 or 8 years and that's with an uninterrupted flow of funds which ain't gonna happen.

He could also be reelected and the Republican Congress gain more strength. Trump wants something the Democrats can't easily take down. Democrats are scared to death of that because they don't want to stop the flow of illegals. Their main goal is to wipe out the white race when it comes to voting, and a wall would greatly interfere with those long-term plans.

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