Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

The New Colossus

Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame,
With conquering limbs astride from land to land;
Here at our sea-washed, sunset gates shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch, whose flame
Is the imprisoned lightning, and her name
Mother of Exiles. From her beacon-hand
Glows world-wide welcome; her mild eyes command
The air-bridged harbor that twin cities frame.
"Keep ancient lands, your storied pomp!" cries she
With silent lips. "Give me your tired, your poor,
Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.
Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,
I lift my lamp beside the golden door!"

Emma Lazarus (November 2, 1883)
A bronze plaque with the words of the poem "The New Colossus" raised on it. The 1903 bronze plaque located in the Statue of Liberty's museum.


I must’ve missed were it said just come on in without checking in, and you don’t have to follow our laws, could you point that out for me?

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I thought the problem was that Mexico said they werent going to pay for the wall like Drumpf promised?

It's the left that keeps bringing that up--not us on the right. We don't care how it's built or who pays for it, as long as it's built.
Drumpf brought that up and he is on the right. I didnt ask you what you care about. I'm asking what fool is going to allow Drumpf to claim Mexico is going to pay for it and then pretend they dont care?

I guess the same fools that were promised their healthcare insurance would go down by $2,500 a year. The same fools that thought they would be able to keep their insurance, doctor or healthcare facility. The same fools that thought nobody making less than $250,000 a year would see any kind of tax increase.

And how do you know who is paying for something that isn't even there yet?
I know because Mexico has said several times they were not going to pay for the wall. Where is your proof they are?

I don't have proof of anything just like you. Since we send aid to Mexico (like so many other countries) and many of their citizens are sending home US tax dollars back to Mexico, Trump has the ability to make Mexico pay in other ways. He can institute a tax on money sent back or he could reduce or stop funding to Mexico. But since I'm not Trump, I can't tell you what he has in mind. Just simply pointing out that Mexico doesn't actually have to send us a check to get them to pay for it.
It doesn't matter how many ways you explain that Trump can make Mexico pay, if you don't tell them exactly what they want, that Mexico is going to write Trump a check up front, they will continue to stamp their foot and insist that Trump lied. It's just a game. Don't get sucked into it.
It's the left that keeps bringing that up--not us on the right. We don't care how it's built or who pays for it, as long as it's built.
Drumpf brought that up and he is on the right. I didnt ask you what you care about. I'm asking what fool is going to allow Drumpf to claim Mexico is going to pay for it and then pretend they dont care?

I guess the same fools that were promised their healthcare insurance would go down by $2,500 a year. The same fools that thought they would be able to keep their insurance, doctor or healthcare facility. The same fools that thought nobody making less than $250,000 a year would see any kind of tax increase.

And how do you know who is paying for something that isn't even there yet?
I know because Mexico has said several times they were not going to pay for the wall. Where is your proof they are?

I don't have proof of anything just like you. Since we send aid to Mexico (like so many other countries) and many of their citizens are sending home US tax dollars back to Mexico, Trump has the ability to make Mexico pay in other ways. He can institute a tax on money sent back or he could reduce or stop funding to Mexico. But since I'm not Trump, I can't tell you what he has in mind. Just simply pointing out that Mexico doesn't actually have to send us a check to get them to pay for it.
It doesn't matter how many ways you explain that Trump can make Mexico pay, if you don't tell them exactly what they want, that Mexico is going to write Trump a check up front, they will continue to stamp their foot and insist that Trump lied. It's just a game. Don't get sucked into it.

Agreed. I don't get the fixation on these sorts of issues. Everyone knows a Trump is a bullshitter and a blowhard. His supporters don't care. Pointing it out to them isn't going to change their views.
It’s a waste of money . If the goal is to address illegal immigration, then that money is better spent in other ways .

More ins agents , more immigrantion courts , more judges . More enforcement vs companies who hire illegals . That’s a better use if the money .

You might be correct but we’ve been hearing this for years now but none of those great ideas have been put into use and probably never will, so we need a wall to slow the invasion down, they can still come through the door can’t they ( what’s wrong with that?)

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a wall solves nothing; we could be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and growing our economy.
Like I said, nothing good comes over our open southern border illegally... absolutely nothing
who cares what you say? hearsay and soothsay means nothing in any serious argument.
What is good that comes over Our open southern border illegally?
free trade and less regulation, right wingers. bear true witness to your own propaganda!
a wall solves nothing; we could be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and growing our economy.
/----/ You should have told Obozo that a wall solves nothing, and saved him a lot of money.
Obama building a wall around his new DC house
a wall solves nothing; we could be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and growing our economy.
Like I said, nothing good comes over our open southern border illegally... absolutely nothing
who cares what you say? hearsay and soothsay means nothing in any serious argument.
What is good that comes over Our open southern border illegally?
free trade and less regulation, right wingers. bear true witness to your own propaganda!
Drumpf brought that up and he is on the right. I didnt ask you what you care about. I'm asking what fool is going to allow Drumpf to claim Mexico is going to pay for it and then pretend they dont care?

I guess the same fools that were promised their healthcare insurance would go down by $2,500 a year. The same fools that thought they would be able to keep their insurance, doctor or healthcare facility. The same fools that thought nobody making less than $250,000 a year would see any kind of tax increase.

And how do you know who is paying for something that isn't even there yet?
I know because Mexico has said several times they were not going to pay for the wall. Where is your proof they are?

I don't have proof of anything just like you. Since we send aid to Mexico (like so many other countries) and many of their citizens are sending home US tax dollars back to Mexico, Trump has the ability to make Mexico pay in other ways. He can institute a tax on money sent back or he could reduce or stop funding to Mexico. But since I'm not Trump, I can't tell you what he has in mind. Just simply pointing out that Mexico doesn't actually have to send us a check to get them to pay for it.
It doesn't matter how many ways you explain that Trump can make Mexico pay, if you don't tell them exactly what they want, that Mexico is going to write Trump a check up front, they will continue to stamp their foot and insist that Trump lied. It's just a game. Don't get sucked into it.

Agreed. I don't get the fixation on these sorts of issues. Everyone knows a Trump is a bullshitter and a blowhard. His supporters don't care. Pointing it out to them isn't going to change their views.
This isn't about Trump bullshitting, it's about snowflakes ignoring the explanation.
a wall solves nothing; we could be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and growing our economy.
Like I said, nothing good comes over our open southern border illegally... absolutely nothing
who cares what you say? hearsay and soothsay means nothing in any serious argument.
What is good that comes over Our open southern border illegally?
free trade and less regulation, right wingers. bear true witness to your own propaganda!
/----/ You deserve recognition for being a blithering idiot.
idiot award.jpg
a wall solves nothing; we could be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and growing our economy.
Like I said, nothing good comes over our open southern border illegally... absolutely nothing
who cares what you say? hearsay and soothsay means nothing in any serious argument.
What is good that comes over Our open southern border illegally?
free trade and less regulation, right wingers. bear true witness to your own propaganda!
/----/ You deserve recognition for being a blithering idiot.
View attachment 234642
nothing but fallacy and memes, from the right wing.

they need better arguments at lower cost.
What is the cost of every illegal to the US? It is around $75k each per annum I believe and there are 11 million here? So that equates to $825bn per annum? Hmmmm....maybe a $25bn wall is worth it?
Correct, we won't have a state of the art wall thanks to Democrats. The more money for the wall we have, the better and more effective wall. But the problem isn't the ability of a wall, the problem is Democrats.
I thought the problem was that Mexico said they werent going to pay for the wall like Drumpf promised?

It's the left that keeps bringing that up--not us on the right. We don't care how it's built or who pays for it, as long as it's built.
Drumpf brought that up and he is on the right. I didnt ask you what you care about. I'm asking what fool is going to allow Drumpf to claim Mexico is going to pay for it and then pretend they dont care?

I guess the same fools that were promised their healthcare insurance would go down by $2,500 a year. The same fools that thought they would be able to keep their insurance, doctor or healthcare facility. The same fools that thought nobody making less than $250,000 a year would see any kind of tax increase.

And how do you know who is paying for something that isn't even there yet?
I know because Mexico has said several times they were not going to pay for the wall. Where is your proof they are?
Trump says the money we saved on the new trade deal more than pays for the wall.
What is the cost of every illegal to the US? It is around $75k each per annum I believe and there are 11 million here? So that equates to $825bn per annum? Hmmmm....maybe a $25bn wall is worth it?
abolishing our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror would save more and be more market friendly.

You don't think there is any crime, drugs or terror threats in the US?
What is the cost of every illegal to the US? It is around $75k each per annum I believe and there are 11 million here? So that equates to $825bn per annum? Hmmmm....maybe a $25bn wall is worth it?
abolishing our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror would save more and be more market friendly.

You don't think there is any crime, drugs or terror threats in the US?
not with Tax Cut economics and refusing to pay really really serious Tax Rates for your alleged Wars.
What is the cost of every illegal to the US? It is around $75k each per annum I believe and there are 11 million here? So that equates to $825bn per annum? Hmmmm....maybe a $25bn wall is worth it?
abolishing our alleged wars on crime, drugs, and terror would save more and be more market friendly.

You don't think there is any crime, drugs or terror threats in the US?
not with Tax Cut economics and refusing to pay really really serious Tax Rates for your alleged Wars.

??? Pretty sure Trump just INCREASED the military budget.

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