Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.
News flash illegals are not eligible for welfare, they never have been, nor are they eligible to vote.

And the very last place they're going to show up at is a Welfare office or voting precinct to say here I am, ready for deportation.
/----/ Just my Google back from the repair shop: Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

What makes you eligible to be here--did you come over on the Mayflower? We're all immigrants to this nation, with the exception of the American Indian. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before we invaded them and took away from them. Now you're on your high horse about looking down at a very large population in this country that was here long before the white man ever showed up.

The point is that a 40' high--1000 mile wall is not going to stop anyone from getting in. Most fly in on visa's and overstay there visa, and there's not too many in relation that can come up with $3,000 USD to pay a coyote to bring them over, much less want to risk their lives crossing a desert to clean someone's house or pick cherries.

There are consequences to your hateful rhetoric. Starting in Maine and moving across the country
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Immigration issues threaten agriculture's profitability

Cost of Illegal Immigrants - FactCheck.org
/——/ “We're all immigrants to this nation, with the exception of the American Indian.”
So called Nativd Americans migrated over from Russia.

So do you want to kick out American Indians too--:auiqs.jpg: You're the person who's in charge of who is supposed to be here, and who's not.
As for as the drugs go it will not even slow the drugs down. As long as their is a huge market for them they will be coming into or made in this country,

Donald Trump tied the heroin epidemic gripping suburban white communities to the issue central to the campaign: border security and illegal immigration.

We’ve all heard of poppy fields blooming in Afghanistan, but is Trump right that heroin is entering the United States largely through the southern border?

Yes. Even though Southwest Asia supplies heroin to most of the rest of the world, nearly all of the heroin available in the United States comes from Mexico and South America.

Trump is right: Heroin is coming in through southern border
But what does that have to do with building a wall. Most of the drugs that come across the border do so by planes, motor vehicles and boats which will continue with or without a wall.

Very true but you won't convince a right winger of that. They think most drugs are coming across southern border by mules crossing a desert. A great show on NETFLIX right now is Narco's. It starts with Narco's Mexico, then the 2nd season is Pablo Escobar.
all they need do is ask. Upgrading Ellis Island can process tens of thousand per day and ensure all foreign nationals have a federal id.
We don't want them here. What part of that do you not understand?
For me the part where you think that matters. No one cares what you dont want here.

Trump does.
So? I said no one. Drumpf is a nobody.
You're a nobody, Trump is President of the Best country on the planet.
Drumpf is nobody. He is president (I just threw up in my mouth a little) of a country he even says is not the best.
all they need do is ask. Upgrading Ellis Island can process tens of thousand per day and ensure all foreign nationals have a federal id.
We don't want them here. What part of that do you not understand?
For me the part where you think that matters. No one cares what you dont want here.

Trump does.
So? I said no one. Drumpf is a nobody.

Only in your mind. For the rest of us, he's the President of the United States, and what he says goes unlike what you or I say.
Well he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. How is that going? :rolleyes:
Rubber tires have no problems with electricity---:auiqs.jpg: Furthermore I doubt a 1000 mile wall is going to have electricity within a 1000 miles to plug into. I think some of you people are doing your own WALLLLLLLL design. An electric 1000 wall has never been discussed. So I assume you're getting your idea's from the usual suspect.


Correct, we won't have a state of the art wall thanks to Democrats. The more money for the wall we have, the better and more effective wall. But the problem isn't the ability of a wall, the problem is Democrats.
I thought the problem was that Mexico said they werent going to pay for the wall like Drumpf promised?

It's the left that keeps bringing that up--not us on the right. We don't care how it's built or who pays for it, as long as it's built.
Drumpf brought that up and he is on the right. I didnt ask you what you care about. I'm asking what fool is going to allow Drumpf to claim Mexico is going to pay for it and then pretend they dont care?

I guess the same fools that were promised their healthcare insurance would go down by $2,500 a year. The same fools that thought they would be able to keep their insurance, doctor or healthcare facility. The same fools that thought nobody making less than $250,000 a year would see any kind of tax increase.

And how do you know who is paying for something that isn't even there yet?
I know because Mexico has said several times they were not going to pay for the wall. Where is your proof they are?
Correct, we won't have a state of the art wall thanks to Democrats. The more money for the wall we have, the better and more effective wall. But the problem isn't the ability of a wall, the problem is Democrats.
I thought the problem was that Mexico said they werent going to pay for the wall like Drumpf promised?

It's the left that keeps bringing that up--not us on the right. We don't care how it's built or who pays for it, as long as it's built.
Drumpf brought that up and he is on the right. I didnt ask you what you care about. I'm asking what fool is going to allow Drumpf to claim Mexico is going to pay for it and then pretend they dont care?

I guess the same fools that were promised their healthcare insurance would go down by $2,500 a year. The same fools that thought they would be able to keep their insurance, doctor or healthcare facility. The same fools that thought nobody making less than $250,000 a year would see any kind of tax increase.

And how do you know who is paying for something that isn't even there yet?
I know because Mexico has said several times they were not going to pay for the wall. Where is your proof they are?

I don't have proof of anything just like you. Since we send aid to Mexico (like so many other countries) and many of their citizens are sending home US tax dollars back to Mexico, Trump has the ability to make Mexico pay in other ways. He can institute a tax on money sent back or he could reduce or stop funding to Mexico. But since I'm not Trump, I can't tell you what he has in mind. Just simply pointing out that Mexico doesn't actually have to send us a check to get them to pay for it.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.
News flash illegals are not eligible for welfare, they never have been, nor are they eligible to vote.

And the very last place they're going to show up at is a Welfare office or voting precinct to say here I am, ready for deportation.
/----/ Just my Google back from the repair shop: Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

What makes you eligible to be here--did you come over on the Mayflower? We're all immigrants to this nation, with the exception of the American Indian. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before we invaded them and took away from them. Now you're on your high horse about looking down at a very large population in this country that was here long before the white man ever showed up.

The point is that a 40' high--1000 mile wall is not going to stop anyone from getting in. Most fly in on visa's and overstay there visa, and there's not too many in relation that can come up with $3,000 USD to pay a coyote to bring them over, much less want to risk their lives crossing a desert to clean someone's house or pick cherries.

There are consequences to your hateful rhetoric. Starting in Maine and moving across the country
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Immigration issues threaten agriculture's profitability

Cost of Illegal Immigrants - FactCheck.org
/——/ “We're all immigrants to this nation, with the exception of the American Indian.”
So called Nativd Americans migrated over from Russia.

So do you want to kick out American Indians too--:auiqs.jpg: You're the person who's in charge of who is supposed to be here, and who's not.
/——/ I only want to kick out the illegal immigrants you blithering idiot. You’re too stupid to understand the difference between legal and illegal. Ask your Soecial Ed teacher to dumb it down for you. Moron. And Ancestry.com shows my ancestors came over in 1726. You bafoon.
As for as the drugs go it will not even slow the drugs down. As long as their is a huge market for them they will be coming into or made in this country,

Donald Trump tied the heroin epidemic gripping suburban white communities to the issue central to the campaign: border security and illegal immigration.

We’ve all heard of poppy fields blooming in Afghanistan, but is Trump right that heroin is entering the United States largely through the southern border?

Yes. Even though Southwest Asia supplies heroin to most of the rest of the world, nearly all of the heroin available in the United States comes from Mexico and South America.

Trump is right: Heroin is coming in through southern border
But what does that have to do with building a wall. Most of the drugs that come across the border do so by planes, motor vehicles and boats which will continue with or without a wall.

Very true but you won't convince a right winger of that. They think most drugs are coming across southern border by mules crossing a desert. A great show on NETFLIX right now is Narco's. It starts with Narco's Mexico, then the 2nd season is Pablo Escobar.
/——/ The Wall will slow the drug mules and make it harder. Is Narco a decent show? I watched one on Netflix El Chapo that was in Spanish. I had to read the subtitles. It was OK.
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A wall is a bold statement that says, "We're afraid, and authoritarian government makes us feel all tingly inside."

That's so ridiculous. That's like saying we have a military because we are afraid or a police department.

If you want our culture and way of life changed, just move south of the border. You'll be happier than a clam. The reason these countries are shitholes is not because of the land itself, it's because of the people that live there. Why would you want to bring those people here????
People are people. What a difference a Constitution can make.
We don't want them here. What part of that do you not understand?
For me the part where you think that matters. No one cares what you dont want here.

Trump does.
So? I said no one. Drumpf is a nobody.
You're a nobody, Trump is President of the Best country on the planet.
Drumpf is nobody. He is president (I just threw up in my mouth a little) of a country he even says is not the best.
/—-/ Stop lying. It was Fredo Cuomo who said America was never that great.
We don't want them here. What part of that do you not understand?
For me the part where you think that matters. No one cares what you dont want here.

Trump does.
So? I said no one. Drumpf is a nobody.

Only in your mind. For the rest of us, he's the President of the United States, and what he says goes unlike what you or I say.
Well he said Mexico was going to pay for the wall. How is that going? :rolleyes:
Just as Trump planned. Their self-righteous indignation makes them nonparticipants, but they are now going to do something about helping the pisanos become first class citizens finally. That was the ultimate goal, and it took pissing off the barracudas in Mexico until they did something about the real problem.

Blue ribbon for President Trump.
For me the part where you think that matters. No one cares what you dont want here.

Trump does.
So? I said no one. Drumpf is a nobody.
You're a nobody, Trump is President of the Best country on the planet.
Drumpf is nobody. He is president (I just threw up in my mouth a little) of a country he even says is not the best.
/—-/ Stop lying. It was Fredo Cuomo who said America was never that great.
Roman aqueducts and roads are still functional in some places.
Trump does.
So? I said no one. Drumpf is a nobody.
You're a nobody, Trump is President of the Best country on the planet.
Drumpf is nobody. He is president (I just threw up in my mouth a little) of a country he even says is not the best.
/—-/ Stop lying. It was Fredo Cuomo who said America was never that great.
Roman aqueducts and roads are still functional in some places.
/----/ non sequitur
a wall solves nothing; we could be upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure and growing our economy.
Like I said, nothing good comes over our open southern border illegally... absolutely nothing

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