Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.
News flash illegals are not eligible for welfare, they never have been, nor are they eligible to vote.

And the very last place they're going to show up at is a Welfare office or voting precinct to say here I am, ready for deportation.
/----/ Just my Google back from the repair shop: Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

What makes you eligible to be here--did you come over on the Mayflower? We're all immigrants to this nation, with the exception of the American Indian. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before we invaded them and took away from them. Now you're on your high horse about looking down at a very large population in this country that was here long before the white man ever showed up.

The point is that a 40' high--1000 mile wall is not going to stop anyone from getting in. Most fly in on visa's and overstay there visa, and there's not too many in relation that can come up with $3,000 USD to pay a coyote to bring them over, much less want to risk their lives crossing a desert to clean someone's house or pick cherries.

There are consequences to your hateful rhetoric. Starting in Maine and moving across the country
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy

When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.

News flash illegals are not eligible for welfare, they never have been, nor are they eligible to vote.

And the very last place they're going to show up at is a Welfare office or voting precinct to say here I am, ready for deportation.

So what happens when they show up at the emergency room? They pay cash or are asked for their proof of status?
Ellis Island used to be able to process thousands per day. There should be no refugees waiting for processing on our border.

To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.

Not letting the criminal immigrants in is most cost effective.
Eliminating the reasons they want to come is even more cost effective.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.
News flash illegals are not eligible for welfare, they never have been, nor are they eligible to vote.

And the very last place they're going to show up at is a Welfare office or voting precinct to say here I am, ready for deportation.
/----/ Just my Google back from the repair shop: Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

What makes you eligible to be here--did you come over on the Mayflower? We're all immigrants to this nation, with the exception of the American Indian. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before we invaded them and took away from them. Now you're on your high horse about looking down at a very large population in this country that was here long before the white man ever showed up.

The point is that a 40' high--1000 mile wall is not going to stop anyone from getting in. Most fly in on visa's and overstay there visa, and there's not too many in relation that can come up with $3,000 USD to pay a coyote to bring them over, much less want to risk their lives crossing a desert to clean someone's house or pick cherries.

There are consequences to your hateful rhetoric. Starting in Maine and moving across the country
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy

185 million people living below the poverty line wants to move to America, should we let them all in?
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.

Not letting the criminal immigrants in is most cost effective.
Eliminating the reasons they want to come is even more cost effective.
unrealistic to think you are going to get rid of the safety net for American citizens and the minimum wage so Americans can live like Hondurans.
As for as the drugs go it will not even slow the drugs down. As long as their is a huge market for them they will be coming into or made in this country,

Donald Trump tied the heroin epidemic gripping suburban white communities to the issue central to the campaign: border security and illegal immigration.

We’ve all heard of poppy fields blooming in Afghanistan, but is Trump right that heroin is entering the United States largely through the southern border?

Yes. Even though Southwest Asia supplies heroin to most of the rest of the world, nearly all of the heroin available in the United States comes from Mexico and South America.

Trump is right: Heroin is coming in through southern border
We don't want them here. What part of that do you not understand?


I don't want the downward pressure on wages that happens because of the fact that businesses take advantage of their status.

I get the feeling you have a more "visceral" reason for opposing illegal immigration

Yes, businesses will look to pay the lowest wage possible. However when you have people coming here and willing to work for that wage (or lower) then it does suppress wages.

No business can operate without workers. If the wage offered does not attract workers, then the business needs to offer more, and keep offering more until they get takers for the money.
Not letting the criminal immigrants in is most cost effective.
they have to be processed to determine that.

No they don't you just don't let them in unless they a VISA from the US consulate in their home country
No Visa no entry
all they need do is ask. Upgrading Ellis Island can process tens of thousand per day and ensure all foreign nationals have a federal id.
We don't want them here. What part of that do you not understand?
For me the part where you think that matters. No one cares what you dont want here.

Trump does.
Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
President Donald Trump’s promise to build a wall along our Southern border will save countless innocent lives. Our Border Patrol agents have seen firsthand the success of a border wall in Yuma, Ariz. — which serves as a prime example of how investments in personnel, technology and a border wall can turn the tide against a flood of illegal immigration and secure our homeland.

For years, Yuma sector was besieged by chaos as a nearly unending flood of migrants and drugs poured across our border. Even as agents were arresting on average 800 illegal aliens a day, we were still unable to stop the thousands of trucks filled with drugs and humans that quickly crossed a vanishing point and dispersed into communities all across the country.

It is hard for anyone familiar with Yuma sector today to imagine this scene. That’s because nearly a decade ago, a group of bipartisan lawmakers came together to protect the homeland, save innocent lives, and build a physical barrier across the border.

Homeland Security secretary: Border walls work. Yuma sector proves it.
First it's a fence and not wall and it certainly can crossed.
Oh, didn't you know? A stunt like that will bring instant electrocution because the wall will be electrified.

Rubber tires have no problems with electricity---:auiqs.jpg: Furthermore I doubt a 1000 mile wall is going to have electricity within a 1000 miles to plug into. I think some of you people are doing your own WALLLLLLLL design. An electric 1000 wall has never been discussed. So I assume you're getting your idea's from the usual suspect.


Correct, we won't have a state of the art wall thanks to Democrats. The more money for the wall we have, the better and more effective wall. But the problem isn't the ability of a wall, the problem is Democrats.
I thought the problem was that Mexico said they werent going to pay for the wall like Drumpf promised?

It's the left that keeps bringing that up--not us on the right. We don't care how it's built or who pays for it, as long as it's built.
IF the wall could be built (2000 miles across land not currently owned by the government) and IF it were 100% effective (which is beyond unlikely) that would do NOTHING about the 60% of illegals who enter the country through other means.

Does that sound like a reasonable way to spend 30-50 billion dollars?

Sure. Build the fucking thing. Make me look like a genius.
Only about 40% of illegals enter by other means, moron. Eliminating 60% of illegal immigration for $30 billion is a bargain.

Only a brain transplant could make you look like a genius.

Do Illegals buy food, cars, T.V's, electronics, furniture, clothing, go to restaurants, movies and participate in stimulating this economy?

You might want to subtract the amount you believe to be the cost of illegal immigration and offset that by what they actually purchase in this country. Then there's always the problem with migrant farm workers.
Perspective | Illegal immigrants help fuel U.S. farms. Does affordable produce depend on them?

In reality our biggest cost to illegal immigration is education.

Look it up yourself.
They consume what they purchase. How does that benefit me? Meanwhile, they are sucking on the government tit or taking a job from a native born American.

We benefit nothing from ignorant peasants from Mexico willing to work for below market wages.

/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.
News flash illegals are not eligible for welfare, they never have been, nor are they eligible to vote.

And the very last place they're going to show up at is a Welfare office or voting precinct to say here I am, ready for deportation.
/----/ Just my Google back from the repair shop: Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

What makes you eligible to be here--did you come over on the Mayflower? We're all immigrants to this nation, with the exception of the American Indian. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before we invaded them and took away from them. Now you're on your high horse about looking down at a very large population in this country that was here long before the white man ever showed up.

The point is that a 40' high--1000 mile wall is not going to stop anyone from getting in. Most fly in on visa's and overstay there visa, and there's not too many in relation that can come up with $3,000 USD to pay a coyote to bring them over, much less want to risk their lives crossing a desert to clean someone's house or pick cherries.

There are consequences to your hateful rhetoric. Starting in Maine and moving across the country
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Immigration issues threaten agriculture's profitability

I'm not an immigrant. I was born here.
First it's a fence and not wall and it certainly can crossed.
Oh, didn't you know? A stunt like that will bring instant electrocution because the wall will be electrified.

Rubber tires have no problems with electricity---:auiqs.jpg: Furthermore I doubt a 1000 mile wall is going to have electricity within a 1000 miles to plug into. I think some of you people are doing your own WALLLLLLLL design. An electric 1000 wall has never been discussed. So I assume you're getting your idea's from the usual suspect.


Correct, we won't have a state of the art wall thanks to Democrats. The more money for the wall we have, the better and more effective wall. But the problem isn't the ability of a wall, the problem is Democrats.
I thought the problem was that Mexico said they werent going to pay for the wall like Drumpf promised?

It's the left that keeps bringing that up--not us on the right. We don't care how it's built or who pays for it, as long as it's built.
Drumpf brought that up and he is on the right. I didnt ask you what you care about. I'm asking what fool is going to allow Drumpf to claim Mexico is going to pay for it and then pretend they dont care?
they have to be processed to determine that.

No they don't you just don't let them in unless they a VISA from the US consulate in their home country
No Visa no entry
all they need do is ask. Upgrading Ellis Island can process tens of thousand per day and ensure all foreign nationals have a federal id.
We don't want them here. What part of that do you not understand?
For me the part where you think that matters. No one cares what you dont want here.

Trump does.
So? I said no one. Drumpf is a nobody.
The point is that a 40' high--1000 mile wall is not going to stop anyone from getting in. Most fly in on visa's and overstay there visa, and there's not too many in relation that can come up with $3,000 USD to pay a coyote to bring them over, much less want to risk their lives crossing a desert to clean someone's house or pick cherries.
Bullshit. The empirical evidence shows that it will stop 99.9% of the people who try to cross where the wall exists.
When you mention Ellis Island and what used to be, are you saying you don't care for the wait-your-turn policy on immigration? It's been in place for years, to help integrate people from a variety of nations to get a chance at the American Dream. Are you also in favor of allowing only one area of the world push its way in here?

I guess I do differ with you on that count. I love the Mexican people who live here, but I also enjoy knowing that as Americans, we have many nations touching us when a fair number from each country is allowed in.

Mexico unfortunately is the neighbor who sees an opportunity to overpopulate our nation rather than its own with people it wants nothing to do with. They send us car thieves, home invaders, patients with incurable mental and physical diseases, etc. for the sole purpose of benefitting financially from the money they send back to Mexico to support an economy that so entitles its rich it ignores and reduces its poor to a life of bitterness and poverty. AND they see an opening for America solving all their problems and making their rich classes richer than ever.

Our existing immigration policies stands for equal opportunities to a variety of people. The illegal practice of sending us only problems so far, allows a corrupt Mexico to sing "Don't worry, be happy" all day and all night. It is not fair to the unsung scientist who goes unappreciated in another country who's been waiting for 20 years for his ok to come here, and now, never can because his space has been filled 10,000 times with Mexico's problems.

We finally got one person elected to office who will deal like an adult with the moochers to the south, and what happens? Y'all go all out to kick him in the groin on a constant basis for things he did from the first time he sneezed as a child to frowning at a member of the ninnyhammer press.

Mexico will benefit by having to grow up enough to take care of their own. We will have to get all our druggy kids out of the slammer and put them in the orchards, so what. It'll benefit everyone concerned if we take away the border tit and make Mexico grow more beans.

Mexico is a moochie moochie.
It just wants to eat your cookie.
Say "Adios" to tribulation,
Singing "stupid gringos,- celebration."
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.

Not letting the criminal immigrants in is most cost effective.
Eliminating the reasons they want to come is even more cost effective.
Yeah, we could turn this country into a shit hole like Mexico. Good plan.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.
News flash illegals are not eligible for welfare, they never have been, nor are they eligible to vote.

And the very last place they're going to show up at is a Welfare office or voting precinct to say here I am, ready for deportation.
/----/ Just my Google back from the repair shop: Most Illegal Immigrant Families Collect Welfare - Judicial Watch

What makes you eligible to be here--did you come over on the Mayflower? We're all immigrants to this nation, with the exception of the American Indian. Mexico used to own the entire southwest of this country before we invaded them and took away from them. Now you're on your high horse about looking down at a very large population in this country that was here long before the white man ever showed up.

The point is that a 40' high--1000 mile wall is not going to stop anyone from getting in. Most fly in on visa's and overstay there visa, and there's not too many in relation that can come up with $3,000 USD to pay a coyote to bring them over, much less want to risk their lives crossing a desert to clean someone's house or pick cherries.

There are consequences to your hateful rhetoric. Starting in Maine and moving across the country
Maine farmers worry about workers’ future under Trump immigration policy
Alabama law drives out illegal immigrants but also has unexpected consequences
Immigration issues threaten agriculture's profitability

Cost of Illegal Immigrants - FactCheck.org
/——/ “We're all immigrants to this nation, with the exception of the American Indian.”
So called Nativd Americans migrated over from Russia.
all they need do is ask. Upgrading Ellis Island can process tens of thousand per day and ensure all foreign nationals have a federal id.


They have to APPLY for a Visa at the US consulate in their country.
It will be approved or denied by that consulate

If approved then the person has permission to enter the country and stay as long as the Visa is valid

If denied the person will not be allowed in.

There is no need to allow people into the country before they have permission
Not if they show up on your border. They should be going to Ellis Island.
If they show up on the border we do not have to let them in. They can all go back to their own country and apply for a Visa like they should have done in the first place

And Ellis Island is nothing but a tourist attraction these days shit it's probably cheaper to build a wall than it will be to get that place turned back into a working government office
this is the power delegated to Congress: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Ellis Island is simply more cost effective.

Capitalism, What is That Sayeth the Right Wing.

We could be generating revenue from foreign nationals to pay for upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure.

No it is more cost effective to have people APPLY FOR A FUCKING VISA in their own country.

No Ellis island needed.

Show up at the fucking border with a fucking travel visa and be let in for the length of time the fucking visa is valid
Show u at the fucking border without a fucking travel visa and you don't get in. PERIOD

No buildings needed, no additional staff, no major renovations of a fucking tourist site needed
If you are living in Central America which is where most of our asylum cases are coming from, you probably will not be able to get a US Tourist Visa that would allow you to apply for asylum in the US.

In order to get a tourist visa, you must satisfy a US Consulate that you have a valid reason for being in the US and you have sufficient funds to live in the US for that period of time without working in the US. Since it takes at least 45 days and often up to 180 days, almost none of the people applying for asylum could do that. Secondly, you have to convince the consulate that you would return home if your petition for asylum failed. That could be really hard since a petition for asylum is based on your fear for your life if you return home.

So no, they can't just get a visa.
No it is more cost effective to have people APPLY FOR A FUCKING VISA in their own country.

No Ellis island needed.

Show up at the fucking border with a fucking travel visa and be let in for the length of time the fucking visa is valid
Show u at the fucking border without a fucking travel visa and you don't get in. PERIOD

No buildings needed, no additional staff, no major renovations of a fucking tourist site needed
simple bigotry is no solution to our refugee problem.

This is our supreme law of the land: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization

Upgrading Ellis Island and surrounding infrastructure is more cost effective.

This has nothing to do with citizenship.

It's about who we let in and who we don't

People can apply for a green card from their home country as well

Green Cards and Permanent Residence in the U.S. | USAGov

we already have the shit in place to handle both tourist visa and green card applications no extra shit is needed
Capitalism; what is that, sayeth the right wing.

an uniform Rule of Naturalization must cover asylum and refugees.

Anyone can be a tourist with a federal id, renewable annually.

We don't need Ellis Island

And these people aren't refugees.

And yes if you're not a fucking citizen you have to have permission to come here
The facility should be upgraded to handle these issues.

this is our supreme law of the land: To establish an uniform Rule of Naturalization
Making Ellis Island a port of entry for immigrants is stupid for a dozen reasons. First of all, Ellis Island was establish as a processing center for immigrants crossing the Atlantic by ship. Practically no one does that any more. The government would have to provide transportation from other points such airports for millions of people. In order to force people to apply for asylum at Ellis Island instead of other ports of entry, the law would have changed. Lastly, Ellis Island would be not be large enough to handle everyone entering with visas, over 15 million a year so at existing ports of entry they would still be handling visas but in addition provide transportation to Ellis Island.

In short, if I understand what you're proposing, it would be very expensive, a huge inconvenience, and would accomplish nothing.
I keep seeing people saying Mexico is sending us their murders, rapists, thrives, home invaders, and the mental and physical disabled. Exactly how is the government doing this. Do they buy them plane tickets or maybe they drive them up to border and help them over fence.
/----/ You're way too young (9 maybe on your next birthday) to remember this. But Mexico can send us their undesirables just like Castro did. (Watch the movie Scarface if your parents will allow it.) https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/castro-announces-mariel-boatlift
In 1980, the boatlift also began to have negative political implications for U.S.President Jimmy Carter. When it was discovered that a number of the exiles had been released from Cuban jails and mental health facilities, many were placed in refugee camps while others were held in federal prisons to undergo deportation hearings.
Upgrading Ellis Island is more cost effective. We should have this problem on our borders.
How does upgrading Ellis Island help keep out the illegal welfare recipients.

News flash illegals are not eligible for welfare, they never have been, nor are they eligible to vote.

And the very last place they're going to show up at is a Welfare office or voting precinct to say here I am, ready for deportation.

So what happens when they show up at the emergency room? They pay cash or are asked for their proof of status?
It is essentially the same as it is in almost all countries. The ER will attempt to stabilize the medical condition regardless of your citizenship. They will of course ask identification, insurance, or credit card but they will accept whatever you give them. In most countries today, ERs are required to except people regardless of who they are or their ability to pay. Considering how much Americans travel, that should be good news.
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As for as the drugs go it will not even slow the drugs down. As long as their is a huge market for them they will be coming into or made in this country,

Donald Trump tied the heroin epidemic gripping suburban white communities to the issue central to the campaign: border security and illegal immigration.

We’ve all heard of poppy fields blooming in Afghanistan, but is Trump right that heroin is entering the United States largely through the southern border?

Yes. Even though Southwest Asia supplies heroin to most of the rest of the world, nearly all of the heroin available in the United States comes from Mexico and South America.

Trump is right: Heroin is coming in through southern border
But what does that have to do with building a wall. Most of the drugs that come across the border do so by planes, motor vehicles and boats which will continue with or without a wall.

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