Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

It's stupid because at best..half of illegals come over the border.

So if the wall ever got built...at what...40 billion? 50 once all the land is taken by eminent domain...it would have to be 100% effective to even stop HALF of the illegals coming here.. And it WON'T be 100% effective.

Not even close

Yup, and we don't even want to stop half of them...dumbass.
That's if the wall is 100% effective.

You know anything that is 100% effective?

Do you really think a 2000 mile long wall would be 100% effective?

It's a boondoggle
It's stupid because at best..half of illegals come over the border.

So if the wall ever got built...at what...40 billion? 50 once all the land is taken by eminent domain...it would have to be 100% effective to even stop HALF of the illegals coming here.. And it WON'T be 100% effective.

Not even close

Yup, and we don't even want to stop half of them...dumbass.
That's if the wall is 100% effective.

You know anything that is 100% effective?

Do you really think a 2000 mile long wall would be 100% effective?

It's a boondoggle

You probably ought to make up your mind, will it stop 100% or 50%. Personally, I'm good with either one.
It's stupid because at best..half of illegals come over the border.

So if the wall ever got built...at what...40 billion? 50 once all the land is taken by eminent domain...it would have to be 100% effective to even stop HALF of the illegals coming here.. And it WON'T be 100% effective.

Not even close

Yup, and we don't even want to stop half of them...dumbass.
That's if the wall is 100% effective.

You know anything that is 100% effective?

Do you really think a 2000 mile long wall would be 100% effective?

It's a boondoggle

You probably ought to make up your mind, will it stop 100% or 50%. Personally, I'm good with either one.
At 50%...it stop only a quarter of illegals. Is that worth 40-50 billion?

What if it only stops 10%?

What if it has no measurable effect at all?

Wouldn't we be better off concentrating on the employers that are the reason they ALL emigrate?
Even if it were environmentally friendly, which it isn't,
or it didn't take land from good Americans, which it does,
all you need to do is build a ladder one foot longer.
It's stupid because at best..half of illegals come over the border.

So if the wall ever got built...at what...40 billion? 50 once all the land is taken by eminent domain...it would have to be 100% effective to even stop HALF of the illegals coming here.. And it WON'T be 100% effective.

Not even close

Yup, and we don't even want to stop half of them...dumbass.
That's if the wall is 100% effective.

You know anything that is 100% effective?

Do you really think a 2000 mile long wall would be 100% effective?

It's a boondoggle

You probably ought to make up your mind, will it stop 100% or 50%. Personally, I'm good with either one.
At 50%...it stop only a quarter of illegals. Is that worth 40-50 billion?

What if it only stops 10%?

What if it has no measurable effect at all?

Wouldn't we be better off concentrating on the employers that are the reason they ALL emigrate?

No kidding, no measurable effect...you're talking more stupid than usual now.
It's stupid because at best..half of illegals come over the border.

So if the wall ever got built...at what...40 billion? 50 once all the land is taken by eminent domain...it would have to be 100% effective to even stop HALF of the illegals coming here.. And it WON'T be 100% effective.

Not even close

Yup, and we don't even want to stop half of them...dumbass.

Your board name does not match your response.

We have an immigration problem. We could resolve it without a wall. We could resolve the pretexts for building a wall AND address the 60 percent of foreigners that are not affected by the all ALONG WITH those from Mexico and south of there.

Yup, sounds like one heck of a plan.

The founders did it.
It's stupid because at best..half of illegals come over the border.

So if the wall ever got built...at what...40 billion? 50 once all the land is taken by eminent domain...it would have to be 100% effective to even stop HALF of the illegals coming here.. And it WON'T be 100% effective.

Not even close

Yup, and we don't even want to stop half of them...dumbass.

Your board name does not match your response.

We have an immigration problem. We could resolve it without a wall. We could resolve the pretexts for building a wall AND address the 60 percent of foreigners that are not affected by the all ALONG WITH those from Mexico and south of there.

Yup, sounds like one heck of a plan.

The founders did it.

Really?! Did they also have to deal with thousands of illegals crossing the border expecting hand-outs?
and the ROOSEVELT Reservation runs the length of the Border and its 60 feet wide and is on USA Land . I suppose that 60 feet is more then enough for the TRUMP WALL footprint or footers . And from what i understand the Federal Government has Reserved and OWNED the ROOSEVELT Reservation and has owned it since 1907 Gents and Ladies .
The Roosevelt Reservation was limited to California, Arizona, and New Mexico, exempted properties that were privately owned, and really only permitted highway use. Since nearly 2/3 of the border is in Texas and most of that land is in the hands of private owners and about 1/4 of the remaining is also, the government would still have to deal with 1,000 to 1200 acquisitions. How long would all these acquisitions and actually building take. There is no good estimate however, Trump would certain not be in office to see it complete and in fact he probably would not even be alive. That's assuming that there is a steady flow of fund from congress which seem very unlikely with democrats controlling the House.

Trump's Border Wall: Will Eminent Domain Be National News Again? | California Eminent Domain Report
Even if it were environmentally friendly, which it isn't,
or it didn't take land from good Americans, which it does,
all you need to do is build a ladder one foot longer.

Wow Dean, I'm sure our engineers, border authorities, and ICE never thought of that.

rolling eyes.gif
It's stupid because at best..half of illegals come over the border.

So if the wall ever got built...at what...40 billion? 50 once all the land is taken by eminent domain...it would have to be 100% effective to even stop HALF of the illegals coming here.. And it WON'T be 100% effective.

Not even close

Yup, and we don't even want to stop half of them...dumbass.
That's if the wall is 100% effective.

You know anything that is 100% effective?

Do you really think a 2000 mile long wall would be 100% effective?

It's a boondoggle

You probably ought to make up your mind, will it stop 100% or 50%. Personally, I'm good with either one.
At 50%...it stop only a quarter of illegals. Is that worth 40-50 billion?

What if it only stops 10%?

What if it has no measurable effect at all?

Wouldn't we be better off concentrating on the employers that are the reason they ALL emigrate?

They "all" immigrate? You mean they don't come here to have anchor babies? They don't come here to live with other illegal family members? They don't come here to sell drugs or commit acts like robbery or are supported by other gang members?

Trump is only asking for 5 billion, not 50 billion. Now show me one place where a wall or fence has not reduced trespassers by at least 50% or not at all.
The profit margin and size of the market make it impossible to stop the flow of drugs or even seriously reduce the supply at our borders. If you build a higher wall the cartels will use longer ladders. If you dig a deeper base, they will dig deeper tunnels. And if you build an impenetrable barrier, they will just go around it.

The answer to reducing the drug trade is not by building taller barriers , but working on both sides of the border to reduce both demand and supply.

Which you and I know will never happen. If a wall would do no good, our border agencies would not support it. Tunnels don't take a few days to build. They take months to build. Even then,if a tunnel is detected and then destroyed, that's a lot of money down the tube. Authorities find tunnels all the time, and new technology is coming along every day. Drones can be used to find people who magically appear or disappear.
I never claimed a wall would do no good. I said it is not the best solution for all parts of the border. It is way too costly, an environmental disaster, and democrats will block funding whenever they have the power to do so. Plus, illegal immigration has been declining for years and is likely to continue. By the time this wall is completed in about 10 years we will have a bill for 25 to 30 billion dollars for a monument that is not needed and most people never wanted.
So what you're saying is we just have to put up with illegal drugs, people illegally coming into our country, people who bring down our wages and are changing the language of this country, all because of the left.

Gee........it's almost like they planned it this way. Imagine that!
That is exactly what you have to do until we get a congress and president that will actually introduce realistic plans to fix the problem.

You wanted somebody to lead the country that was not a politician, well you got one. What people like you don't understand, is it takes real politician skills to accomplish anything in Washington. Running around like bull in a china store issuing threats and insults doesn't get the job done. It just infuriates the very people Trump needs.

To be honest I can’t remember a politician that got more accomplished in this short amount of time than Trump. And let’s not forget those obstructionist Democrats who stopped the wall in the first place. If we had the votes in the Senate, that wall would be a year or so in the making.

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You had control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency for two years and practically nothing was appropriated. Outside of building 8 fifteen foot long prototypes and work on completing some reinforced fencing started years ago virtually nothing has been done on the wall and Trump is half way thru his term in office.

Yes, Trump has done a lot since he took office. Unfortunately, most of it is bad. Relations with most our allies is the worst it's been in years. He torn up the nuclear treaty with Iran and replaced it with nothing and now Iran is starting uranium enrichment and other countries such as Russia, China, Turkey, and about half the EU say they will continue trade with Iran ignoring Trump's sanctions.

He lead the charge to repeal Obamacare but only managed to do away with the individual mandate which has resulted in a federal judge declaring it unconstitutional without the mandate. So 20 millions American are slated to loose their health insurance in 2020 and up to 130 million with pre-existing conditions will face an uncertain future. And republicans have no idea how to fix the problem they started.

Thanks to Trump we are in a trade war with China that may well take us into a full blown recession and all Trump can do is talk about fixing problems that were fixed years ago.

Trump has solved virtually none of the immigration problems. His deportations are still less than Obama and he's creating a humanitarian crisis at the border.

An probably worst of all he's increased division in the country to the extent that nothing is going be done till the American people or the congress cans his ass which might be within months.
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Very difficult to do with the leftist media. Don't you remember how they came out in full force when children were separated from their parents just a few months ago? They even got a picture of kids in cages during the Obama administration and tried to pass it off as something Trump was doing.

It's difficult to do which is why I started out on this thread asking if it were possible that both the left and the right are hoodwinking the people. What if this discussion is a strategy ploy to con you into acquiescing all of your rights in lieu of a false promise to get rid of undocumented foreigners.

My observation is that the symptoms people complain about and the reason they support the wall are not one and the same. The rationale or default position of those in favor of a wall has to do with border security. Mike Huckabee, on his most recent tv show, began with the analogy of WalMart having cameras looking at you every moment from the time you arrive until you leave. Of course there are those cameras and listening devices on cop cars that can track your every move.

The problem for me is that some are giving up our Liberty and finding excuses to trash the Constitution just to keep foreigners out. It won't work. We'd be better off admitting that and then work to get those people to become Guest Workers with no expectation of citizenship or welfare. At the same time we have to find innovative ways to get Americans back into the workforce which will diminish any perceived need for the foreigners to be here in the first place.

Let me explain to you what's really going on here. I've said this repeatedly, so those who read my theory can just skip over it.

The Democrat party has become the anti-white party. Why? Most of the Democrats are white themselves! The reason is power. The Democrats long term goal is to have a one-party government with little to no opposition. So how could they accomplish this?

Simple: every other group outside of whites vote a majority Democrat. The Jewish vote majority Democrat. The middle-eastern people vote a majority Democrat. The Asians vote Democrat. This is especially important of the Hispanic community. Blacks? Forget about it.

Once the Democrat party wipes out whites (not in a genocidal way, but a political way) they will have the ability to have this one-party government for eternity. This is why they are working tirelessly to make whites a minority in this country for the first time since our founding.

Think about it. Why is the wall such a threat to them so to the point they are willing to shutdown the government? Why are they (and their activist judges) fighting to keep sanctuary cities and now states? Why do they want to eliminate ICE? Why do they provide aid and comfort to illegals such as giving them drivers license?

The point is, you can't compromise with people trying to wipe you off the planet. It's a very similar situation to the Palestinians and the Jewish. There is no compromise when one side wants the other side totally eliminated.

I appreciate your theory. I agree with a lot of it. You have just left a few important players out of the game, so let me share my observations with you and you might want to consider them in addition to what you're thinking.

We are both agreed that this is about POWER. Rather than to fight for power, it makes better sense to flip your opposition. In order to do that you employ Hegelian Dialectics: Thesis + Anti-thesis = Synthesis. Or, in simple English you create a problem (Thesis) and then generate the hysteria and chaos surrounding the problem you created (Anti-Thesis) and you offer up to the people your pre-planned solutions that you had already thought up. They choose the most obvious "solution" (Synthesis.)

As stated, the facts are that manning the border and border security were started by a neo-nazi turned Klansman, David Duke. The self proclaimed Minutemen (who were later exposed as nazis) revived the border security issue. The genesis of the wall idea was promoted by Bill Clinton before it was adopted by the Tea Party Republicans and then Donald Trump.

There is a commonality between Democrats, socialists, National Socialists, and globalists. They want POWER. There is this delusional belief that they can erect a wall and control those within that wall. The reality is, the National Socialists cannot control those inside the wall because most people are non-white OR they hate their own race. The Democrats, socialists, and globalists on the other hand CAN co-exist.

Today, the posterity of the founders who fought, bled and died in order to create our constitutional Republic no longer exist as a political entity. Constitutionalists gave way to conservatism which, in turn, became the Tea Party Republicans. Tea Party Republicans buy into the socialist proposition that building a wall around America will benefit border security. Those people cannot and will not understand that a wall will NOT increase border security. Why?

Study the genesis of this discussion. Manning the border started out by a National Socialist; the wall idea is consistent with the message that Bill Clinton promoted during his presidency. When the Tea Party Republicans argue for a wall, they cite the immigration laws of Mexico; the wall in China (which is communist), or some other third world cesspool and / or nations at war. At the heart of the discussion, those who would have been constitutionalists are now buying into the proposition that only "citizens" have rights. In the view of Democrats, socialists, and National Socialists - along with globalists, man derives his rights from government as opposed to natural, inherent, God given, unalienable, absolute Rights.

If you could build a wall around America and if we all accept the proposition that government grants us our rights, then the non-whites will outvote the whites and continue the anti-white immigration that results in non-whites being wiped out, as a people, but more importantly as a culture of people who live in a constitutional Republic with Liberty. The whites, for whatever reason, cannot or will not delineate between unalienable Rights and citizenship. Neither can those who would have been constitutionalists understand that the rest of the world despises us, as a people and consequently, hate the form of government our forefathers created.

I think you substituted the word "hate" for jealousy. Few people actually hate the US. After all, who is the most giving to foreign nations than the US? I'm not just talking about government aid, but private donations to charities and organizations.

Jealous I'm more likely to believe. There are few places in the world where a nobody can become a somebody. For instance perhaps the French may say they hate the US because our gasoline is 2/3 cheaper than their gasoline, but again, it's envy and not hate.

As far as the wall is concerned, we know it would work. How? By other places that did (or now have) walls. While it doesn't solve 100% of the problems in most cases, it greatly slows it down. After all, from time to time, even prisoners break out of jail.

Is there something I think that would work just as good if not better than a wall? Yes there is. Make being in the US illegally a first degree felony carrying a minimum of five years in prison. That would solve our border problem as well as our expired VISA problems.

The Bible says that "A double minded man is unstable in all his ways." James 1 : 8

You sound much like the former conservative that unwittingly adopted a socialist point of view. If other countries are jealous of the United States, it boggles the mind that you would make an argument for something that supposedly "worked" in another country.

Walls work for communists in communist countries. They work in dictatorships. They work temporarily when you are at war. But they will not work with our form of government. For that reason, you cannot show an example of a wall being built that culminated in a free society.

Israel is not a free society? The United States is not a free society?

Just because countries with other forms of government are different than ours doesn't mean they don't have good ideas. After all, the left is constantly bringing up how great Europe is because of gun bans and socialized medicine. They boast how the government restricts massive wealth for individuals.

True story: Many years ago some middle-easterners bought a closed down Dairy Mart and opened up their own convenience store around the corner from my house. I always patronize the little guy, and one night when I walked in, the cops were walking out.

I asked the young clerk if everything was alright? He said some drunk came into the store, stole some cigarettes off the counter and left. He told me the police advised him if the guy comes back, to give them a call and they'll kick him out. He said this is why the US has such a theft problem.

He went on to explain how where he was from, there was virtually no theft. People have outdoor stands and sell their products on the street. They have picnic tables set up so that customers could rest. He said that if a woman lay her purse on a table and mindlessly left, people would actually cross the street to be nowhere near it.

He said where he was from, if you got caught stealing, the police came and chopped off your hand. Steal again, the other hand comes off, and I don't mean in a hospital. There is no third time. The very few people with no hand are shunned from society; at times are attacked and beaten up. A thief is the lowest from of life in their society.

Am I saying that's what we should do here? No, but just pointing out that a strong enough deterrent has results. Here, criminals steal police cars and rescue squads and little happens to them.
It's stupid because at best..half of illegals come over the border.

So if the wall ever got built...at what...40 billion? 50 once all the land is taken by eminent domain...it would have to be 100% effective to even stop HALF of the illegals coming here.. And it WON'T be 100% effective.

Not even close

Yup, and we don't even want to stop half of them...dumbass.
That's if the wall is 100% effective.

You know anything that is 100% effective?

Do you really think a 2000 mile long wall would be 100% effective?

It's a boondoggle

You probably ought to make up your mind, will it stop 100% or 50%. Personally, I'm good with either one.
At 50%...it stop only a quarter of illegals. Is that worth 40-50 billion?

What if it only stops 10%?

What if it has no measurable effect at all?

Wouldn't we be better off concentrating on the employers that are the reason they ALL emigrate?

They "all" immigrate? You mean they don't come here to have anchor babies? They don't come here to live with other illegal family members? They don't come here to sell drugs or commit acts like robbery or are supported by other gang members?

Trump is only asking for 5 billion, not 50 billion. Now show me one place where a wall or fence has not reduced trespassers by at least 50% or not at all.
No one gives a fuck what Drumpf is asking for. He said Mexico was going to write a check. Drumpf shouldnt have wrote a check with his mouth that his ass cant cash. Hopefully his gofundme page pans out in a couple of years long after he is out of office and he can pocket the money his illiterate supporters are giving to him. :rolleyes:
Which you and I know will never happen. If a wall would do no good, our border agencies would not support it. Tunnels don't take a few days to build. They take months to build. Even then,if a tunnel is detected and then destroyed, that's a lot of money down the tube. Authorities find tunnels all the time, and new technology is coming along every day. Drones can be used to find people who magically appear or disappear.
I never claimed a wall would do no good. I said it is not the best solution for all parts of the border. It is way too costly, an environmental disaster, and democrats will block funding whenever they have the power to do so. Plus, illegal immigration has been declining for years and is likely to continue. By the time this wall is completed in about 10 years we will have a bill for 25 to 30 billion dollars for a monument that is not needed and most people never wanted.
So what you're saying is we just have to put up with illegal drugs, people illegally coming into our country, people who bring down our wages and are changing the language of this country, all because of the left.

Gee........it's almost like they planned it this way. Imagine that!
That is exactly what you have to do until we get a congress and president that will actually introduce realistic plans to fix the problem.

You wanted somebody to lead the country that was not a politician, well you got one. What people like you don't understand, is it takes real politician skills to accomplish anything in Washington. Running around like bull in a china store issuing threats and insults doesn't get the job done. It just infuriates the very people Trump needs.

To be honest I can’t remember a politician that got more accomplished in this short amount of time than Trump. And let’s not forget those obstructionist Democrats who stopped the wall in the first place. If we had the votes in the Senate, that wall would be a year or so in the making.

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You had control of the House, Senate, and the Presidency for two years and practically nothing was appropriated. Outside of building 8 fifteen foot long prototypes and work on completing some reinforced fencing started years ago virtually noting has been done on the wall and Trump is half way thru his term in office.

Yes, Trump has done a lot since he took office. Unfortunately, most of it is bad. Relations with most our allies is the worst it's been in years. He torn up the nuclear treaty with Iran and replaced it with nothing and now Iran is starting uranium enrichment and other countries such as Russia,m China, Turkey, and about half the EU say they will continue trade with Iran ignoring Trump's sanctions.

He lead the charge to repeal Obamacare but only managed to do away with the individual mandate which has resulting in a federal judge declaring it unconstitutional without the mandate. So 20 millions American are slated to loose their health insurance in 2020 and up to 130 million with pre-existing conditions will face an uncertain future. And republicans have no idea how to fix the problem they started.

Thanks to Trump we are in trade war with China that may well take us into full blown recession and Trump can talk about is fixing problems that fixed years ago.

Trump has solved virtually none of the immigration problems. His deportations are still less than Obama and he's creating a humanitarian crisis at the border.

An probably worst of all he's increased division in the country to extent that nothing is going be done till the American people or the congress cans his ass which might be within months.

In your dreams. Our border crossings have greatly decreased, and with his new strategy of abandoning Catch and release, much fewer will be coming here.

Gee, people don't like us because they can't take advantage of us anymore. That's like saying the bully no longer likes you because he can't scare you into giving him your lunch money.

The United States is the worlds largest consumer. It's power that no other leader has ever used with our trading partners. Trump is. And what if he does pressure China to trade at a near fair level? Our economy will be something like you've never seen before.

As you well know, we barely had a majority in the Senate. With RINO's like the late McCain, there was only so much Trump could do to get his agenda passed. The agendas he did get passed, some leftist activist judge stopped him. So don't lay all the blame on Trump. We have a Republic, not an Autocracy.
Yup, and we don't even want to stop half of them...dumbass.
That's if the wall is 100% effective.

You know anything that is 100% effective?

Do you really think a 2000 mile long wall would be 100% effective?

It's a boondoggle

You probably ought to make up your mind, will it stop 100% or 50%. Personally, I'm good with either one.
At 50%...it stop only a quarter of illegals. Is that worth 40-50 billion?

What if it only stops 10%?

What if it has no measurable effect at all?

Wouldn't we be better off concentrating on the employers that are the reason they ALL emigrate?

They "all" immigrate? You mean they don't come here to have anchor babies? They don't come here to live with other illegal family members? They don't come here to sell drugs or commit acts like robbery or are supported by other gang members?

Trump is only asking for 5 billion, not 50 billion. Now show me one place where a wall or fence has not reduced trespassers by at least 50% or not at all.
No one gives a fuck what Drumpf is asking for. He said Mexico was going to write a check. Drumpf shouldnt have wrote a check with his mouth that his ass cant cash. Hopefully his gofundme page pans out in a couple of years. :rolleyes:

Yeah, and I was promised healthcare insurance I could actually afford. I was promised the government plans would be superior and no junk plans. I was promised I could keep my doctor and healthcare facility. I was promised no new taxes of any kind. Guess what? DumBama lied.

The difference between Trump and the commie is that the commie spent a trillion dollars on a total lie. But you want to bash Trump for not getting a check up front for something that hasn't even got started yet.
No one cares about 'mexico' money at the moment . If up to me i'd rather spend your money Ace . We can punish 'mexico' later if'n we like Ace .
Plenty of people care that Drumpf conned his idiot supporters. Theres no need to punish Mexico if they are going to willingly cut a check like Drumpf claimed they would. Now if he has this in the form of a promissory note then we can punish Mexico. :rolleyes:
Mexico's economy is less than 1/10 the size of the US economy. The entire budget for Mexico would be little more than a rounding error in the US budget. The chance of Mexico paying for a 35 billion dollar wall that they wouldn't even own is about zero. Trump says what he thinks his supporters want to hear. Any relationship to the truth is purely coincidental.
It's stupid because at best..half of illegals come over the border.

So if the wall ever got built...at what...40 billion? 50 once all the land is taken by eminent domain...it would have to be 100% effective to even stop HALF of the illegals coming here.. And it WON'T be 100% effective.

Not even close
60% of illegals walk over the border. The wall in Hungary has proved to be 99.9% effective. The cost of the wall is projected to be $25 billion. so that's three things you got wrong in about 3 dozen words.
It's stupid because at best..half of illegals come over the border.

So if the wall ever got built...at what...40 billion? 50 once all the land is taken by eminent domain...it would have to be 100% effective to even stop HALF of the illegals coming here.. And it WON'T be 100% effective.

Not even close

Yup, and we don't even want to stop half of them...dumbass.
That's if the wall is 100% effective.

You know anything that is 100% effective?

Do you really think a 2000 mile long wall would be 100% effective?

It's a boondoggle

You probably ought to make up your mind, will it stop 100% or 50%. Personally, I'm good with either one.
At 50%...it stop only a quarter of illegals. Is that worth 40-50 billion?

What if it only stops 10%?

What if it has no measurable effect at all?

Wouldn't we be better off concentrating on the employers that are the reason they ALL emigrate?
It will stop 99.9% wherever it exists.
No one cares about 'mexico' money at the moment . If up to me i'd rather spend your money Ace . We can punish 'mexico' later if'n we like Ace .
Plenty of people care that Drumpf conned his idiot supporters. Theres no need to punish Mexico if they are going to willingly cut a check like Drumpf claimed they would. Now if he has this in the form of a promissory note then we can punish Mexico. :rolleyes:
Mexico's economy is less than 1/10 the size of the US economy. The entire budget for Mexico would be little more than a rounding error in the US budget. The chance of Mexico paying for a 35 billion dollar wall that they wouldn't even own is about zero. Trump says what he thinks his supporters want to hear. Any relationship to the truth is purely coincidental.
Thats pretty much what I thought when I heard that idiot gibbon say Mexico was going to pay for the wall. You can imagine my surprise when Drumpfs supporters actually believed him. Thats when I knew stupid is not just an airborne disease. It affects digital networks as well. :rolleyes:
No one cares about 'mexico' money at the moment . If up to me i'd rather spend your money Ace . We can punish 'mexico' later if'n we like Ace .
Plenty of people care that Drumpf conned his idiot supporters. Theres no need to punish Mexico if they are going to willingly cut a check like Drumpf claimed they would. Now if he has this in the form of a promissory note then we can punish Mexico. :rolleyes:
Mexico's economy is less than 1/10 the size of the US economy. The entire budget for Mexico would be little more than a rounding error in the US budget. The chance of Mexico paying for a 35 billion dollar wall that they wouldn't even own is about zero. Trump says what he thinks his supporters want to hear. Any relationship to the truth is purely coincidental.
Thats pretty much what I thought when I heard that idiot gibbon say Mexico was going to pay for the wall. You can imagine my surprise when Drumpfs supporters actually believed him. Thats when I knew stupid is not just an airborne disease. It affects digital networks as well. :rolleyes:

To be honest, we don't care who pays for it. After all, what Trump originally asked for was half of what we spend on food stamps every single year. We were not obsessed with who was going to pay for it, only the leftists are now. We were sold that there would be a wall.

Hey, you guys bought the BS that nobody making less than 250K a year would see a tax increase of any kind. And what was the first thing Ears did once he invaded the White House? He instituted a huge sin tax; a tax that mostly affects the poor and middle-class. Afterwards, he got a bill passed that kept income tax refunds of people that didn't have health insurance, again, a tax that only affected the poor and middle-class.

But now you complain that Mexico is not giving us the 5 billion dollars we want, and Congress has to fund it instead? People in glass houses................

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