Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
You must be a fucking idiot. This country has never been english speaking only. What kind of retard would make a claim like that and be serious about it? :laughing0301:

Like I said, you're probably a kid and have no memory of it. Certainly there were areas of a race or ethnicity that spoke a native tongue, but generally, the country communicated in English only. Phone representatives spoke English only. Signs were in English only. Ballots were in English only. Schools were in English only. ATM machines were English only.

You see at one time, if you wanted to come to this country, it was a desire to assimilate--not have this country cater to you.
White people are not "the country". Even if they were, whites themselves spoke different languages like Irish, Italian, German, etc. Your claim was that this was once an english speaking only country. Thats another fairytale you whites like to spread. Sorry but its just not true. :rolleyes:

On English - "Although the English language had barely penetrated into Wales, Ireland and the Scottish Highlands by the time of Shakespeare, just two hundred years later, in 1780, John Adams was confident enough to be able to claim (with a certain amount of foresight, but quite reasonably) that English was “destined to be in the next and succeeding centuries more generally the language of the world than Latin was in the last or French is in the present age”. In 1852, the German linguist, Jacob Grimm, called English "the language of the world", and predicted it was "destined to reign in future with still more extensive sway over all parts of the globe".

The History of English - Late Modern English (c. 1800 - Present)

While people spoke a plethora of languages, English was the de facto language of the New World.

Within six months of the ratification of the Constitution, a person must be white in order to become a United States Citizen.
Yeah, I've read a lot about white people claiming this or that. Doesnt really change reality though. The US was never ever an english only speaking nation. :rolleyes:

Didn't say it was, but it was the language we used to communicate and it became a part of our cultural heritage. At one time over 90 percent of the American people had a Bible in their homes. There was no law mandating it.
Used to be a bible in every hotel room. Things change.
Doesn't always change the way I or you want them to.
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
Illegals don't have to create a fake id to get welfare. They only have to poop out an American and collect it on the behest of their spawn.
I didn't think a wall was wrong until this Christmas season had me remember that Joseph, Mary and their infant were refugees when they fled from Israel to Egypt.
What is the cost of every illegal to the US? It is around $75k each per annum I believe and there are 11 million here? So that equates to $825bn per annum? Hmmmm....maybe a $25bn wall is worth it?

Undocumented foreigners are here due to the simple fact that they work, pay taxes, and create wealth through increased productivity at a lower wage.

Half of the Americans are dependent upon a government check to the point that they are broke both emotionally and financially from having to dance to the delight of a government that wants a dependent race in order to justify hiring and working cheap labor.

Do you have some proof of this crazy statement?

What do claim is crazy?

Your entire statement:

Illegal comes in with Mrs. illegal and two children. Those children go to school, get healthcare, etc. That is not free. Mr. and Mrs. illegal need a place to live, food, clothes, etc. None of that is free. Some work, but they do so by breaking the law. Most get paid under the table. They don't create wealth except for their law breaking bosses. The process in insane. You're conflating lazy Americans (there are some) with hard working illegals (there are some). But they are illegal for a reason. If you want to change immigration policy then go through Congress but turning a blind eye is simply ignorant and foolish.
Can you cite any specific, wall building power?

Like a picture of a mason? What do you mean?
What is the cost of every illegal to the US? It is around $75k each per annum I believe and there are 11 million here? So that equates to $825bn per annum? Hmmmm....maybe a $25bn wall is worth it?

Undocumented foreigners are here due to the simple fact that they work, pay taxes, and create wealth through increased productivity at a lower wage.

Half of the Americans are dependent upon a government check to the point that they are broke both emotionally and financially from having to dance to the delight of a government that wants a dependent race in order to justify hiring and working cheap labor.

Do you have some proof of this crazy statement?

What do claim is crazy?

Your entire statement:

Illegal comes in with Mrs. illegal and two children. Those children go to school, get healthcare, etc. That is not free. Mr. and Mrs. illegal need a place to live, food, clothes, etc. None of that is free. Some work, but they do so by breaking the law. Most get paid under the table. They don't create wealth except for their law breaking bosses. The process in insane. You're conflating lazy Americans (there are some) with hard working illegals (there are some). But they are illegal for a reason. If you want to change immigration policy then go through Congress but turning a blind eye is simply ignorant and foolish.

First off, I'm not turning a blind eye to anything. Are you? Do you understand how a constitutional Republic works?

It is not the undocumented foreigners fault that children receive a free education at taxpayer expense. That is your fault. You're the one who voted to the politicians that made that possible. Taking advantage of your civic apathy is on you, not those who avail themselves of it.

Your view is that somehow the foreigner stands in line collecting benefits, yet manages to steal your job. and you think I'm crazy???

I'm a noob here and board rules prevented me from posting a link (which btw wasn't mine in the first place; it belonged to the poster I was quoting.) Be that as it may, according to the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration, nearly three quarters of the people who are undocumented get an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number and pay the same federal tax you do. Besides that, ALL the other taxes cannot be avoided.

You tell me there are "some" lazy Americans? Are you kidding? America represents 4 percent of the world's population. They consume 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet. The U.S. prison population is 22 percent of the world's population. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but those people are unemployable - and THAT is your fault. Aren't you of the opinion that people should have a National ID Card and be subject to constant background checks? Well guess what? HALF of the American people are living off the government now. SOMEBODY has to work.

Contrary to your opinion, NOBODY is obligated to obey an unconstitutional act. The majority of Americans have spoken - whether we like it or not.

You make some valid pts but how is it my fault? LOL.
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.

I agree with a lot of what you're saying. At the same time, it was the people who wanted strict immigration policies that led to the Orwellian National ID mindset. Today we have National ID and people still complaining about fake IDs.

If more Americans had an entrepreneurial spirit, a lot of these sides issues could be taken off the table.
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
Illegals don't have to create a fake id to get welfare. They only have to poop out an American and collect it on the behest of their spawn.
So fix THAT problem. There's no relevant justification for anchor babies. Let's change the law, and skip walling off our nation like a gulag.
Undocumented foreigners are here due to the simple fact that they work, pay taxes, and create wealth through increased productivity at a lower wage.

Half of the Americans are dependent upon a government check to the point that they are broke both emotionally and financially from having to dance to the delight of a government that wants a dependent race in order to justify hiring and working cheap labor.

Do you have some proof of this crazy statement?

What do claim is crazy?

Your entire statement:

Illegal comes in with Mrs. illegal and two children. Those children go to school, get healthcare, etc. That is not free. Mr. and Mrs. illegal need a place to live, food, clothes, etc. None of that is free. Some work, but they do so by breaking the law. Most get paid under the table. They don't create wealth except for their law breaking bosses. The process in insane. You're conflating lazy Americans (there are some) with hard working illegals (there are some). But they are illegal for a reason. If you want to change immigration policy then go through Congress but turning a blind eye is simply ignorant and foolish.

First off, I'm not turning a blind eye to anything. Are you? Do you understand how a constitutional Republic works?

It is not the undocumented foreigners fault that children receive a free education at taxpayer expense. That is your fault. You're the one who voted to the politicians that made that possible. Taking advantage of your civic apathy is on you, not those who avail themselves of it.

Your view is that somehow the foreigner stands in line collecting benefits, yet manages to steal your job. and you think I'm crazy???

I'm a noob here and board rules prevented me from posting a link (which btw wasn't mine in the first place; it belonged to the poster I was quoting.) Be that as it may, according to the Chief Actuary of the Social Security Administration, nearly three quarters of the people who are undocumented get an Individual Taxpayer Identification Number and pay the same federal tax you do. Besides that, ALL the other taxes cannot be avoided.

You tell me there are "some" lazy Americans? Are you kidding? America represents 4 percent of the world's population. They consume 80 percent of the world's opioid supply. America has more people in prison than any nation on the planet. The U.S. prison population is 22 percent of the world's population. Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but those people are unemployable - and THAT is your fault. Aren't you of the opinion that people should have a National ID Card and be subject to constant background checks? Well guess what? HALF of the American people are living off the government now. SOMEBODY has to work.

Contrary to your opinion, NOBODY is obligated to obey an unconstitutional act. The majority of Americans have spoken - whether we like it or not.

You make some valid pts but how is it my fault? LOL.

Most of the symptoms that you complained about were put into place by American voters that voted for those in control, who in turn, appointed judges and the heads of regulatory agencies to enforce the laws passed by those politicians you elected.

Our bad policies then resulted in a disenfranchisement of our own people. For example: The guy who gets a ding on his record gets locked out of the system. His record is now his constant companion.

Did you vote for the guys that supported National ID? Since you're complaining about people working off of a fake ID, how did National ID legislation help immigration? When does that legislation stop affecting Americans who need to bury their past at some point and start over?
I didn't think a wall was wrong until this Christmas season had me remember that Joseph, Mary and their infant were refugees when they fled from Israel to Egypt.

And that's what Democrats were counting on. It's why they make the association. Brainwashing is their most valuable tool.
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
Illegals don't have to create a fake id to get welfare. They only have to poop out an American and collect it on the behest of their spawn.
So fix THAT problem. There's no relevant justification for anchor babies. Let's change the law, and skip walling off our nation like a gulag.

You know as well as I when Trump does that, the libs will be there to challenge it in court as a 14th amendment violation.
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
Illegals don't have to create a fake id to get welfare. They only have to poop out an American and collect it on the behest of their spawn.

I'm sorry, but I have to call you on this:

The welfare is only intended for the American born child. It is not for the parents and they cannot live off a poverty level check intended for one person. Neither does that baby in any way anchor the parents here. So, how come we're calling them anchor babies?

Undocumented parents are still subject to deportation - American born baby or not. Some people will be advocating to change the law, but in reality, the law simply does not exist to make those you call anchor babies citizens. Those children are here by virtue of the 14th Amendment and I know from reading posts here that I'm not alone in questioning the validity of the 14th Amendment. It simply does not pass constitutional muster. It will be up to the voters to study the history of that Amendment, expose it, and then resist it.
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
Illegals don't have to create a fake id to get welfare. They only have to poop out an American and collect it on the behest of their spawn.
So fix THAT problem. There's no relevant justification for anchor babies. Let's change the law, and skip walling off our nation like a gulag.

You know as well as I when Trump does that, the libs will be there to challenge it in court as a 14th amendment violation.

Put the 14th Amendment on trial.
Like I said, you're probably a kid and have no memory of it. Certainly there were areas of a race or ethnicity that spoke a native tongue, but generally, the country communicated in English only. Phone representatives spoke English only. Signs were in English only. Ballots were in English only. Schools were in English only. ATM machines were English only.

You see at one time, if you wanted to come to this country, it was a desire to assimilate--not have this country cater to you.
White people are not "the country". Even if they were, whites themselves spoke different languages like Irish, Italian, German, etc. Your claim was that this was once an english speaking only country. Thats another fairytale you whites like to spread. Sorry but its just not true. :rolleyes:

On English - "Although the English language had barely penetrated into Wales, Ireland and the Scottish Highlands by the time of Shakespeare, just two hundred years later, in 1780, John Adams was confident enough to be able to claim (with a certain amount of foresight, but quite reasonably) that English was “destined to be in the next and succeeding centuries more generally the language of the world than Latin was in the last or French is in the present age”. In 1852, the German linguist, Jacob Grimm, called English "the language of the world", and predicted it was "destined to reign in future with still more extensive sway over all parts of the globe".

The History of English - Late Modern English (c. 1800 - Present)

While people spoke a plethora of languages, English was the de facto language of the New World.

Within six months of the ratification of the Constitution, a person must be white in order to become a United States Citizen.
Yeah, I've read a lot about white people claiming this or that. Doesnt really change reality though. The US was never ever an english only speaking nation. :rolleyes:

Didn't say it was, but it was the language we used to communicate and it became a part of our cultural heritage. At one time over 90 percent of the American people had a Bible in their homes. There was no law mandating it.
Used to be a bible in every hotel room. Things change.
Doesn't always change the way I or you want them to.

It is the nature of the political system to change the things that you don't agree with. Just because change is inevitable, it does not mean you forever accept those laws that were passed that denied to you some benefit, right or privilege that you were entitled to before the law was passed. If it was changed for the benefit of the left, you can change it back to the benefit of right.

If we truly feel that the America our forefathers envisioned is not the one we want today then we have no excuse for thinking that we should preserve, protect and defend our heritage, families, culture and their futures (as well as our own.) Maybe we should just acquiesce and give America to the third world. Then again, we could reflect on the nation generations created before us and then begin working toward sensible ways to preserve it for future generations without losing our own rights and moral compass along the way.
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
Illegals don't have to create a fake id to get welfare. They only have to poop out an American and collect it on the behest of their spawn.
So fix THAT problem. There's no relevant justification for anchor babies. Let's change the law, and skip walling off our nation like a gulag.
And say fuck our poor, let them starve in the streets.
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
Illegals don't have to create a fake id to get welfare. They only have to poop out an American and collect it on the behest of their spawn.
So fix THAT problem. There's no relevant justification for anchor babies. Let's change the law, and skip walling off our nation like a gulag.

You know as well as I when Trump does that, the libs will be there to challenge it in court as a 14th amendment violation.

Put the 14th Amendment on trial.

It's a long, drawn out, expensive battle. Especially with all the leftist activist judges still on the bench. But perhaps after all the dust settles and Trump has some time, he may try to have the courts decide the issue. Right now, he's dealing with a government shutdown and the possibility of the Democrat Congress trying to impeach him.
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
Illegals don't have to create a fake id to get welfare. They only have to poop out an American and collect it on the behest of their spawn.

I'm sorry, but I have to call you on this:

The welfare is only intended for the American born child. It is not for the parents and they cannot live off a poverty level check intended for one person. Neither does that baby in any way anchor the parents here. So, how come we're calling them anchor babies?

Undocumented parents are still subject to deportation - American born baby or not. Some people will be advocating to change the law, but in reality, the law simply does not exist to make those you call anchor babies citizens. Those children are here by virtue of the 14th Amendment and I know from reading posts here that I'm not alone in questioning the validity of the 14th Amendment. It simply does not pass constitutional muster. It will be up to the voters to study the history of that Amendment, expose it, and then resist it.

Very difficult to do with the leftist media. Don't you remember how they came out in full force when children were separated from their parents just a few months ago? They even got a picture of kids in cages during the Obama administration and tried to pass it off as something Trump was doing.
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
Illegals don't have to create a fake id to get welfare. They only have to poop out an American and collect it on the behest of their spawn.
So fix THAT problem. There's no relevant justification for anchor babies. Let's change the law, and skip walling off our nation like a gulag.

You know as well as I when Trump does that, the libs will be there to challenge it in court as a 14th amendment violation.

Put the 14th Amendment on trial.

It's a long, drawn out, expensive battle. Especially with all the leftist activist judges still on the bench. But perhaps after all the dust settles and Trump has some time, he may try to have the courts decide the issue. Right now, he's dealing with a government shutdown and the possibility of the Democrat Congress trying to impeach him.

I'm not talking about using Congress or the President. This is a job for the citizenry
LEGALY, only emergency health care is possible. But there is NO way welfare type agency's have the skills to pick out the fake ID'S so YES ILEGAL'S get services that are only suppose to be for citizens.
many pay into the system because of they have to but because there illegal cant /don't get to take anything out. . how much money we make off of them I don't know. sure the big company's that hire them make money. home owners that use them save money. would be interesting to know the real figures. some parts of the country they are a real burden
. other areas the cheap farm, ranch, labor keeps prices down & profits up . need some Truthful information. not this hyper mix of fact & fiction.

there is no doubt its a mess. don't get why rich powerful people & big corporations get special permits to bring in temp people, from Ireland, the middle east or any where else.
Illegals don't have to create a fake id to get welfare. They only have to poop out an American and collect it on the behest of their spawn.

I'm sorry, but I have to call you on this:

The welfare is only intended for the American born child. It is not for the parents and they cannot live off a poverty level check intended for one person. Neither does that baby in any way anchor the parents here. So, how come we're calling them anchor babies?

Undocumented parents are still subject to deportation - American born baby or not. Some people will be advocating to change the law, but in reality, the law simply does not exist to make those you call anchor babies citizens. Those children are here by virtue of the 14th Amendment and I know from reading posts here that I'm not alone in questioning the validity of the 14th Amendment. It simply does not pass constitutional muster. It will be up to the voters to study the history of that Amendment, expose it, and then resist it.

Very difficult to do with the leftist media. Don't you remember how they came out in full force when children were separated from their parents just a few months ago? They even got a picture of kids in cages during the Obama administration and tried to pass it off as something Trump was doing.

It's difficult to do which is why I started out on this thread asking if it were possible that both the left and the right are hoodwinking the people. What if this discussion is a strategy ploy to con you into acquiescing all of your rights in lieu of a false promise to get rid of undocumented foreigners.

My observation is that the symptoms people complain about and the reason they support the wall are not one and the same. The rationale or default position of those in favor of a wall has to do with border security. Mike Huckabee, on his most recent tv show, began with the analogy of WalMart having cameras looking at you every moment from the time you arrive until you leave. Of course there are those cameras and listening devices on cop cars that can track your every move.

The problem for me is that some are giving up our Liberty and finding excuses to trash the Constitution just to keep foreigners out. It won't work. We'd be better off admitting that and then work to get those people to become Guest Workers with no expectation of citizenship or welfare. At the same time we have to find innovative ways to get Americans back into the workforce which will diminish any perceived need for the foreigners to be here in the first place.

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