Why is Building the Wall Wrong?

and the ROOSEVELT Reservation runs the length of the Border and its 60 feet wide and is on USA Land . I suppose that 60 feet is more then enough for the TRUMP WALL footprint or footers . And from what i understand the Federal Government has Reserved and OWNED the ROOSEVELT Reservation and has owned it since 1907 Gents and Ladies .
You don't seem t know much about engineering
Exactly. They use the force of the government to take away land that has belonged to farmers and ranchers for generations...and if they want to build this wall...they'll do that
The land will not be taken away but purchased, and in most cases the government pays a premium above the actual value of the land to facilitate the process, so it is a win win situation for all loyal Americans.
The government will take that land ...whether the owners want to sell it or not...and the government will set the price
The government will buy the land and if the price it offers is thought to be too low, the seller has recourse to federal courts to sue for a better price, but as a practical matter, in these cases the government is nearly always willing to pay much more than it thinks the land is worth to facilitate the process and to avoid the cost of litigation. If the land owners have competent representation, they will be paid well over market value for their land.
Exactly. They use the force of the government to take away land that has belonged to farmers and ranchers for generations...and if they want to build this wall...they'll do that
The land will not be taken away but purchased, and in most cases the government pays a premium above the actual value of the land to facilitate the process, so it is a win win situation for all loyal Americans.
The government will take that land ...whether the owners want to sell it or not...and the government will set the price
------------------------------------- boo hoo , and thats the purpose of Eminent Domain and maybe the FED Government owned Roosevelt Reservation Lesh .
I couldn't get to the article because it's a pay site. However I never said drugs didn't come in other ways, and the title of the article seems to indicate all our borders, not just the south.

The easiest and safest way to get drugs across our southern border is to simply walk across. However even that presents some kind of risk, so now they are using drones to get the drugs across. If they bust a drone, nobody ends up in prison. They just lose a lot of money. Right now that's the problem they are trying to find a cure for.

People using vehicles to get drugs across are taking a huge risk because of dogs. Dogs can sniff out drugs from anywhere. I've never seen it myself, but I understand they have a dock by the border just in case they need to unload it for inspection, and they will.

The profit margin and size of the market make it impossible to stop the flow of drugs or even seriously reduce the supply at our borders. If you build a higher wall the cartels will use longer ladders. If you dig a deeper base, they will dig deeper tunnels. And if you build an impenetrable barrier, they will just go around it.

The answer to reducing the drug trade is not by building taller barriers , but working on both sides of the border to reduce both demand and supply.

Which you and I know will never happen. If a wall would do no good, our border agencies would not support it. Tunnels don't take a few days to build. They take months to build. Even then,if a tunnel is detected and then destroyed, that's a lot of money down the tube. Authorities find tunnels all the time, and new technology is coming along every day. Drones can be used to find people who magically appear or disappear.

I never claimed a wall would do no good. I said it is not the best solution for all parts of the border. It is way too costly, an environmental disaster, and democrats will block funding whenever they have the power to do so. Plus, illegal immigration has been declining for years and is likely to continue. By the time this wall is completed in about 10 years we will have a bill for 25 to 30 billion dollars for a monument that is not needed and most people never wanted.

So what you're saying is we just have to put up with illegal drugs, people illegally coming into our country, people who bring down our wages and are changing the language of this country, all because of the left.

Gee........it's almost like they planned it this way. Imagine that!

That is exactly what you have to do until we get a congress and president that will actually introduce realistic plans to fix the problem.

You wanted somebody to lead the country that was not a politician, well you got one. What people like you don't understand, is it takes real politician skills to accomplish anything in Washington. Running around like bull in a china store issuing threats and insults doesn't get the job done. It just infuriates the very people Trump needs.

To be honest I can’t remember a politician that got more accomplished in this short amount of time than Trump. And let’s not forget those obstructionist Democrats who stopped the wall in the first place. If we had the votes in the Senate, that wall would be a year or so in the making.

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I couldn't get to the article because it's a pay site. However I never said drugs didn't come in other ways, and the title of the article seems to indicate all our borders, not just the south.

The easiest and safest way to get drugs across our southern border is to simply walk across. However even that presents some kind of risk, so now they are using drones to get the drugs across. If they bust a drone, nobody ends up in prison. They just lose a lot of money. Right now that's the problem they are trying to find a cure for.

People using vehicles to get drugs across are taking a huge risk because of dogs. Dogs can sniff out drugs from anywhere. I've never seen it myself, but I understand they have a dock by the border just in case they need to unload it for inspection, and they will.

The profit margin and size of the market make it impossible to stop the flow of drugs or even seriously reduce the supply at our borders. If you build a higher wall the cartels will use longer ladders. If you dig a deeper base, they will dig deeper tunnels. And if you build an impenetrable barrier, they will just go around it.

The answer to reducing the drug trade is not by building taller barriers , but working on both sides of the border to reduce both demand and supply.

Which you and I know will never happen. If a wall would do no good, our border agencies would not support it. Tunnels don't take a few days to build. They take months to build. Even then,if a tunnel is detected and then destroyed, that's a lot of money down the tube. Authorities find tunnels all the time, and new technology is coming along every day. Drones can be used to find people who magically appear or disappear.

I never claimed a wall would do no good. I said it is not the best solution for all parts of the border. It is way too costly, an environmental disaster, and democrats will block funding whenever they have the power to do so. Plus, illegal immigration has been declining for years and is likely to continue. By the time this wall is completed in about 10 years we will have a bill for 25 to 30 billion dollars for a monument that is not needed and most people never wanted.

So what you're saying is we just have to put up with illegal drugs, people illegally coming into our country, people who bring down our wages and are changing the language of this country, all because of the left.

Gee........it's almost like they planned it this way. Imagine that!

Changing the language? Are you really serious with that post?


You must be a younger person who does not remember when this country was an English speaking only country. Today, bilingual signs are everywhere and you have to press 1 to speak to a phone representative in English.

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The profit margin and size of the market make it impossible to stop the flow of drugs or even seriously reduce the supply at our borders. If you build a higher wall the cartels will use longer ladders. If you dig a deeper base, they will dig deeper tunnels. And if you build an impenetrable barrier, they will just go around it.

The answer to reducing the drug trade is not by building taller barriers , but working on both sides of the border to reduce both demand and supply.

Which you and I know will never happen. If a wall would do no good, our border agencies would not support it. Tunnels don't take a few days to build. They take months to build. Even then,if a tunnel is detected and then destroyed, that's a lot of money down the tube. Authorities find tunnels all the time, and new technology is coming along every day. Drones can be used to find people who magically appear or disappear.
I never claimed a wall would do no good. I said it is not the best solution for all parts of the border. It is way too costly, an environmental disaster, and democrats will block funding whenever they have the power to do so. Plus, illegal immigration has been declining for years and is likely to continue. By the time this wall is completed in about 10 years we will have a bill for 25 to 30 billion dollars for a monument that is not needed and most people never wanted.

So what you're saying is we just have to put up with illegal drugs, people illegally coming into our country, people who bring down our wages and are changing the language of this country, all because of the left.

Gee........it's almost like they planned it this way. Imagine that!
Changing the language? Are you really serious with that post?


You must be a younger person who does not remember when this country was an English speaking only country. Today, bilingual signs are everywhere and you have to press 1 to speak to a phone representative in English.

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You must be a fucking idiot. This country has never been english speaking only. What kind of retard would make a claim like that and be serious about it? :laughing0301:
and the ROOSEVELT Reservation runs the length of the Border and its 60 feet wide and is on USA Land . I suppose that 60 feet is more then enough for the TRUMP WALL footprint or footers . And from what i understand the Federal Government has Reserved and OWNED the ROOSEVELT Reservation and has owned it since 1907 Gents and Ladies .
You don't seem t know much about engineering
------------------------------- and just for Grins - --- --- check it out Lesh .
Which you and I know will never happen. If a wall would do no good, our border agencies would not support it. Tunnels don't take a few days to build. They take months to build. Even then,if a tunnel is detected and then destroyed, that's a lot of money down the tube. Authorities find tunnels all the time, and new technology is coming along every day. Drones can be used to find people who magically appear or disappear.
I never claimed a wall would do no good. I said it is not the best solution for all parts of the border. It is way too costly, an environmental disaster, and democrats will block funding whenever they have the power to do so. Plus, illegal immigration has been declining for years and is likely to continue. By the time this wall is completed in about 10 years we will have a bill for 25 to 30 billion dollars for a monument that is not needed and most people never wanted.

So what you're saying is we just have to put up with illegal drugs, people illegally coming into our country, people who bring down our wages and are changing the language of this country, all because of the left.

Gee........it's almost like they planned it this way. Imagine that!
Changing the language? Are you really serious with that post?


You must be a younger person who does not remember when this country was an English speaking only country. Today, bilingual signs are everywhere and you have to press 1 to speak to a phone representative in English.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
You must be a fucking idiot. This country has never been english speaking only. What kind of retard would make a claim like that and be serious about it? :laughing0301:
----------------------------------------- USA was a PRIMARILY English speaking nation with most communication done in English until the USA started being FLOODED with third worlders that were catered to by USA governrment in about 1965 or thereabouts Ace .
I never claimed a wall would do no good. I said it is not the best solution for all parts of the border. It is way too costly, an environmental disaster, and democrats will block funding whenever they have the power to do so. Plus, illegal immigration has been declining for years and is likely to continue. By the time this wall is completed in about 10 years we will have a bill for 25 to 30 billion dollars for a monument that is not needed and most people never wanted.

So what you're saying is we just have to put up with illegal drugs, people illegally coming into our country, people who bring down our wages and are changing the language of this country, all because of the left.

Gee........it's almost like they planned it this way. Imagine that!
Changing the language? Are you really serious with that post?


You must be a younger person who does not remember when this country was an English speaking only country. Today, bilingual signs are everywhere and you have to press 1 to speak to a phone representative in English.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
You must be a fucking idiot. This country has never been english speaking only. What kind of retard would make a claim like that and be serious about it? :laughing0301:
----------------------------------------- USA was a PRIMARILY English speaking nation with most communication done in English until the USA started being FLOODED with third worlders that were catered to by USA governrment in about 1965 or thereabouts Ace .

You need to get your story straight. Was it an english speaking country only or primarily english speaking nation? You do know those are two different things even if it were true right? Most people in the US spoke some NA language when US started. Youre white washing of the facts doesnt work with me. :rolleyes:
Exactly. They use the force of the government to take away land that has belonged to farmers and ranchers for generations...and if they want to build this wall...they'll do that
The land will not be taken away but purchased, and in most cases the government pays a premium above the actual value of the land to facilitate the process, so it is a win win situation for all loyal Americans.
The government will take that land ...whether the owners want to sell it or not...and the government will set the price
----------------------------------------------- MAYBE , thats the way government works in many cases . Thats how it worked when 'mrobama' did his 'mandated' obama care . And concerning Eminent Domain i think that Eminent Domain was how the RailRoads , Highways , Freeways and Roads were built as other examples of Eminent Domain Lesh .
So what you're saying is we just have to put up with illegal drugs, people illegally coming into our country, people who bring down our wages and are changing the language of this country, all because of the left.

Gee........it's almost like they planned it this way. Imagine that!
Changing the language? Are you really serious with that post?


You must be a younger person who does not remember when this country was an English speaking only country. Today, bilingual signs are everywhere and you have to press 1 to speak to a phone representative in English.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
You must be a fucking idiot. This country has never been english speaking only. What kind of retard would make a claim like that and be serious about it? :laughing0301:
----------------------------------------- USA was a PRIMARILY English speaking nation with most communication done in English until the USA started being FLOODED with third worlders that were catered to by USA governrment in about 1965 or thereabouts Ace .

You need to get your story straight. Was it an english speaking country only or primarily english speaking nation? You do know those are two different things even if it were true right? Most people in the US spoke some NA language when US started. Youre white washing of the facts doesnt work with me. :rolleyes:
-------------------------------------------- not trying to teach YOU anything as i think that YOU and a few others like YOU are unteachable Ace .
The profit margin and size of the market make it impossible to stop the flow of drugs or even seriously reduce the supply at our borders. If you build a higher wall the cartels will use longer ladders. If you dig a deeper base, they will dig deeper tunnels. And if you build an impenetrable barrier, they will just go around it.

The answer to reducing the drug trade is not by building taller barriers , but working on both sides of the border to reduce both demand and supply.

Which you and I know will never happen. If a wall would do no good, our border agencies would not support it. Tunnels don't take a few days to build. They take months to build. Even then,if a tunnel is detected and then destroyed, that's a lot of money down the tube. Authorities find tunnels all the time, and new technology is coming along every day. Drones can be used to find people who magically appear or disappear.
I never claimed a wall would do no good. I said it is not the best solution for all parts of the border. It is way too costly, an environmental disaster, and democrats will block funding whenever they have the power to do so. Plus, illegal immigration has been declining for years and is likely to continue. By the time this wall is completed in about 10 years we will have a bill for 25 to 30 billion dollars for a monument that is not needed and most people never wanted.

So what you're saying is we just have to put up with illegal drugs, people illegally coming into our country, people who bring down our wages and are changing the language of this country, all because of the left.

Gee........it's almost like they planned it this way. Imagine that!
That is exactly what you have to do until we get a congress and president that will actually introduce realistic plans to fix the problem.

You wanted somebody to lead the country that was not a politician, well you got one. What people like you don't understand, is it takes real politician skills to accomplish anything in Washington. Running around like bull in a china store issuing threats and insults doesn't get the job done. It just infuriates the very people Trump needs.

To be honest I can’t remember a politician that got more accomplished in this short amount of time than Trump. And let’s not forget those obstructionist Democrats who stopped the wall in the first place. If we had the votes in the Senate, that wall would be a year or so in the making.

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Imagine what could've been done if everyone got on board the Trump Train. I would love to see that movie.
Changing the language? Are you really serious with that post?


You must be a younger person who does not remember when this country was an English speaking only country. Today, bilingual signs are everywhere and you have to press 1 to speak to a phone representative in English.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
You must be a fucking idiot. This country has never been english speaking only. What kind of retard would make a claim like that and be serious about it? :laughing0301:
----------------------------------------- USA was a PRIMARILY English speaking nation with most communication done in English until the USA started being FLOODED with third worlders that were catered to by USA governrment in about 1965 or thereabouts Ace .

You need to get your story straight. Was it an english speaking country only or primarily english speaking nation? You do know those are two different things even if it were true right? Most people in the US spoke some NA language when US started. Youre white washing of the facts doesnt work with me. :rolleyes:
-------------------------------------------- not trying to teach YOU anything as i think that YOU and a few others like YOU are unteachable Ace .
You cant teach me anything because youre always saying something provably false. Of course you are trying but you cant teach someone that knows more than you obviously do. :rolleyes:
So what you're saying is we just have to put up with illegal drugs, people illegally coming into our country, people who bring down our wages and are changing the language of this country, all because of the left.

Gee........it's almost like they planned it this way. Imagine that!
Changing the language? Are you really serious with that post?


You must be a younger person who does not remember when this country was an English speaking only country. Today, bilingual signs are everywhere and you have to press 1 to speak to a phone representative in English.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
You must be a fucking idiot. This country has never been english speaking only. What kind of retard would make a claim like that and be serious about it? :laughing0301:
----------------------------------------- USA was a PRIMARILY English speaking nation with most communication done in English until the USA started being FLOODED with third worlders that were catered to by USA governrment in about 1965 or thereabouts Ace .

You need to get your story straight. Was it an english speaking country only or primarily english speaking nation? You do know those are two different things even if it were true right? Most people in the US spoke some NA language when US started. Youre white washing of the facts doesnt work with me. :rolleyes:
Changing the language? Are you really serious with that post?


You must be a younger person who does not remember when this country was an English speaking only country. Today, bilingual signs are everywhere and you have to press 1 to speak to a phone representative in English.

Sent from my iPad using USMessageBoard.com
You must be a fucking idiot. This country has never been english speaking only. What kind of retard would make a claim like that and be serious about it? :laughing0301:
----------------------------------------- USA was a PRIMARILY English speaking nation with most communication done in English until the USA started being FLOODED with third worlders that were catered to by USA governrment in about 1965 or thereabouts Ace .

You need to get your story straight. Was it an english speaking country only or primarily english speaking nation? You do know those are two different things even if it were true right? Most people in the US spoke some NA language when US started. Youre white washing of the facts doesnt work with me. :rolleyes:

Yeah so all whites are racist is the same as some whites are racist? Its nitpicking to make a difference between those two? :rolleyes:
What is the cost of every illegal to the US? It is around $75k each per annum I believe and there are 11 million here? So that equates to $825bn per annum? Hmmmm....maybe a $25bn wall is worth it?

Undocumented foreigners are here due to the simple fact that they work, pay taxes, and create wealth through increased productivity at a lower wage.

Half of the Americans are dependent upon a government check to the point that they are broke both emotionally and financially from having to dance to the delight of a government that wants a dependent race in order to justify hiring and working cheap labor.
and the ROOSEVELT Reservation runs the length of the Border and its 60 feet wide and is on USA Land . I suppose that 60 feet is more then enough for the TRUMP WALL footprint or footers . And from what i understand the Federal Government has Reserved and OWNED the ROOSEVELT Reservation and has owned it since 1907 Gents and Ladies .
You don't seem t know much about engineering
------------------------------- and just for Grins - --- --- check it out Lesh .

Thanks for showing your ignorance. NOthing there says you can build a wall in the 60 feet that is the Roosevelt Reservation.

You DO realize that if you build a wall that's 20 feet tall and made of steel and concrete you need a solid base...right.

What do o suppose the base is like within 60 feet of a river?

Yea...in a lot of places sand.
and the ROOSEVELT Reservation runs the length of the Border and its 60 feet wide and is on USA Land . I suppose that 60 feet is more then enough for the TRUMP WALL footprint or footers . And from what i understand the Federal Government has Reserved and OWNED the ROOSEVELT Reservation and has owned it since 1907 Gents and Ladies .
You don't seem t know much about engineering
------------------------------- and just for Grins - --- --- check it out Lesh .

Thanks for showing your ignorance. NOthing there says you can build a wall in the 60 feet that is the Roosevelt Reservation.

You DO realize that if you build a wall that's 20 feet tall and made of steel and concrete you need a solid base...right.

What do o suppose the base is like within 60 feet of a river?

Yea...in a lot of places sand.

If you had been keeping up with the story, you would know it's not going to be a wall but a smart fence about 40 feet high very similar to the fence Israel built on its border with Sinai. Before that fence was completed tens of thousands of Africans were able to enter Israel illegally, but since it was completed, not one has been able to make it.
I know what 60 feet is and besides that the PRESIDENT , the builder of HUGE building all over the world is in charge of details . Trump has built on all sorts of terrain so as i said , i will let him and his experts decide the WALL Plans and details Lesh . [oh yee of little Faith , Lesh ] [chuckle]
and the ROOSEVELT Reservation runs the length of the Border and its 60 feet wide and is on USA Land . I suppose that 60 feet is more then enough for the TRUMP WALL footprint or footers . And from what i understand the Federal Government has Reserved and OWNED the ROOSEVELT Reservation and has owned it since 1907 Gents and Ladies .
You don't seem t know much about engineering
------------------------------- and just for Grins - --- --- check it out Lesh .

Thanks for showing your ignorance. NOthing there says you can build a wall in the 60 feet that is the Roosevelt Reservation.

You DO realize that if you build a wall that's 20 feet tall and made of steel and concrete you need a solid base...right.

What do o suppose the base is like within 60 feet of a river?

Yea...in a lot of places sand.

HTF do you think they build footers in a river and even lakes?

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