Why Is Isis Our Problem Again?

The Iraqi people seem incapable of providing themselves with a stable government. Saddam was the best thing that ever happened to that third world shithole. Fuck em.

Yep, Iraq was much more stable with Saddam. I agree with you there. Saddam is probably rolling over in his grave right now knowing that Shiites have control of his empire.

I am concerned that northern Iraq and Syria may become another Afghanistan where anti- west terrorists are allowed to exist and prosper in their pursuits. I note that serious involvement by us in the region now will be very messy because, in addition to ISIS, the necessary large scale involvement involves action in Syria, which has close tied to Iran and Russia. This could turn into a real fucking mess that escalates into a regional war.

Anything we do there has to be large scale in nature to effectively accomplish our goals, much moreso that what the administration lets on. It will take time and cost a lot in terms of money and lives.

That notwithstanding, I submit that eradicating the ISIS cockroaches is necessary to national security. They have evidenced an intent to kill us, acted on said intent, and have the means to carry out their murderous intentions, though degree may be in question. They are running around in the sand right now protected by borders. There is no telling who is financing them, though I suspect Qatar is right there with their checkbook. But make no mistake, ISIS is being financed, and well. These are dangerous bastards with troops numbering in the tens of thousands.

I understand the risks. However, those ***** constitute a cancer that must be destroyed. I only hope that Obama does not fuck this up and do it in a half-assed manner that makes us look weak, empowers the enemy, and fails to accomplish our goals. We all should hope that Obama does not fuck this up like he has fucked up so many other things. He needs to listen to the military and defer to their judgment on how to accomplish our goals.
I wasn't convinced we should be fighting ISIS. Then Vigilante posted another meme. :lol:

Have you ever had an original thought in your head? Over 9000 posts in a few months, and least 8000 of them were copy/pasted. You are the the most worthless poster to ever grace these boards. I bet you sit behind your computer, chest covered in Dorito crumbs, waste basket full of cum stained tissues, saying to yourself, "Herrrrr! I got em dere!"

Tsk. Not nice to make fun of those who never learned to read and write.

Accurate though.
I wasn't convinced we should be fighting ISIS. Then Vigilante posted another meme. :lol:

Have you ever had an original thought in your head? Over 9000 posts in a few months, and least 8000 of them were copy/pasted. You are the the most worthless poster to ever grace these boards. I bet you sit behind your computer, chest covered in Dorito crumbs, waste basket full of cum stained tissues, saying to yourself, "Herrrrr! I got em dere!"

Tsk. Not nice to make fun of those who never learned to read and write.

Accurate though.

What, you need me to start on you again, OCD Pogo?

I hope I haven't angered Vigilante. He might post a meme directed at me that has nothing to do with the thread. I'll be soooo BURNED!
not really

Sorry you're not literate, man. You were very clear. Just read the post. Or keep deflecting if you can't.
Obama wanted to leave and made that part of his speech, but once in office he has certain obligations he must deal with. Dealing with Maliki was part of the job he took on. Part of this dealing was dealing with the fact that Bush had signed Sofa and thus certain requirements where in there that in 2011 he had to negotiate about. He could have just flipped maliki off and not even bothered to deal with it, pull all the troops out, and wash his hands of it.

YAY context, the destroyer of laziness.

Laziness has nothing to do with it, its' about your flagrant, partisan double standard. When Obama said he wanted to stay, you gave him credit for wanting to leave. You can justify it all you want, it's a flagrant hypocrisy you would never accept from Republicans. Grow up.

sure buddy, and yet i also blame Obama for the iraqi chaos we have going on now. You have nothing but your own assumptions because you need to create something in order to be relevant in your own thread. My stance on Iraq has been very solid. Not my problem if you decide to look like a fool.

Dude read your post, feel like an idiot. That is if you can read, you're making a more and more credible case you actually can't. You agreed Obama had asked to stay in Iraq, but you said he half assed it, and credited him for not wanting to do that but he wanted to leave. So you agreed he asked to stay, but he gets credit for wanting to leave. You're a partisan hack. Nothing new there.

I want out of the Middle East. For me blaming them all means blaming them all. Anyone attacks us like on 9/11 I say pay them back 10 times over. We should have blasted the crap out of every Taliban military unit and government building, then left.

For you, it's you blame them both, but when Obama says he wanted to stay, you credit him with wanting to leave. You're a Democrat. I'm an American.
Awe look at you playing " I'm an American card". What a little twat you are hiding behind your little patriotism.
I never wanted to be in Iraq period. This is nothing but blowback for our stupidity.

Anyways you enjoy the fact you think your right about the situation. I'll remain behind my logic and facts. But I'm done with you arguing something that didn't happen because you are an American.

I hope I haven't angered Vigilante. He might post a meme directed at me that has nothing to do with the thread. I'll be soooo BURNED!

And what's with that sigline? My cat has coughed up hairballs that were better organized.
So after years of war in Iraq only to have the government on the verge of failing and nation building in Afghanistan where the government's days are numbered again, I have a few questions:

1) What ever changes in the middle east? Different day, same problem.

2) Why are we propping up despotic governments?

3) Why is that shit hole called the Middle East our problem? - Europe and Japan get most of the middle east oil and we are having an energy boom here. Let's mind our own business and develop our own energy.

4) How are Democrats different than Republicans again? - After all the flying fur, they are behind an invasion yet again just like Kosovo, Bosnia, Libya and their support of Republicans in Somalia, Kuwait, Iraq. I hear a lot of cackling about staying out of other people's business. I see no egg. Just like when Republicans talk about spending cuts. Republicans and Democrats are like male and female stink bugs. You may be able to tell each other apart, but you look the same to everyone else.

Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. I have a different idea for the middle east. Let's stay out of it..

I agree. ISIS isn't our problem and we sure as hell don't need any of our boys over there.

Let the Arab League gets its hands bloody taking care of a ME problem. After all its Muslim killing Muslim. Not a bad thing in my book.

Personally I could care less. We are out of Iraq and should stay out.

If ISIS attacks us then we can bomb the hell out of em or nuke em. If the rest of the world doesn't like it, tough fucking shit.
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um..it was already proven via the link i gave. I see you didnt read it, so therefore we can stop conversing now. Im wasting my time.
I did read it, but I'm afraid a report from Frontline doesn't actually tell us what was in Obama's mind as he was negotiating to keep troops in Iraq.

That's OK, you have Plasmaball to tell us what was in Obama's mind. Plasmaball says that while Obama asked for the troops to stay, he half assed it because he wanted them to leave. So while Obama gets credit for wanting them to leave even though he wanted them to stay.

You know, he does that for Republicans all the time. They said that, sure, but they didn't mean it, they get credit for wanting the right thing even though they asked for something they didn't want. Liberals are like that. All roads lead to socialism.
So after years of war in Iraq only to have the government on the verge of failing and nation building in Afghanistan where the government's days are numbered again, I have a few questions:

1) What ever changes in the middle east? Different day, same problem.

2) Why are we propping up despotic governments?

3) Why is that shit hole called the Middle East our problem? - Europe and Japan get most of the middle east oil and we are having an energy boom here. Let's mind our own business and develop our own energy.

4) How are Democrats different than Republicans again? - After all the flying fur, they are behind an invasion yet again just like Kosovo, Bosnia, Libya and their support of Republicans in Somalia, Kuwait, Iraq. I hear a lot of cackling about staying out of other people's business. I see no egg. Just like when Republicans talk about spending cuts. Republicans and Democrats are like male and female stink bugs. You may be able to tell each other apart, but you look the same to everyone else.

Einstein: Insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. I have a different idea for the middle east. Let's stay out of it..

I agree. ISIS isn't our problem and we sure as hell don't need any of our boys over there.

Let the Arab League gets its hands bloody taking care of a ME problem. After all its Muslim killing Muslim. Not a bad thing in my book.

Personally I could care less. We are out of Iraq and should stay out.

If ISIS attacks us then we can bomb the hell out of em or nuke em. If the rest of the world doesn't like it, tough fucking shit.

Bam! So our choices are:

1) We're over there in their shit propping up despotic governments.

2) We leave them alone, but if they even try to attack us we blow up every tank, plane, communication building, military base or anything else we can find.

On #1, what is the incentive for them to not attack us if they can exactly? What are we going to do we are not already doing? On #2, what is the incentive or even motivation to attack us? We're doing nothing, and if they attack us, they get the shit pounded out of them.
um..it was already proven via the link i gave. I see you didnt read it, so therefore we can stop conversing now. Im wasting my time.
I did read it, but I'm afraid a report from Frontline doesn't actually tell us what was in Obama's mind as he was negotiating to keep troops in Iraq.

That's OK, you have Plasmaball to tell us what was in Obama's mind. Plasmaball says that while Obama asked for the troops to stay, he half assed it because he wanted them to leave. So while Obama gets credit for wanting them to leave even though he wanted them to stay.

You know, he does that for Republicans all the time. They said that, sure, but they didn't mean it, they get credit for wanting the right thing even though they asked for something they didn't want. Liberals are like that. All roads lead to socialism.

Yammean like the way you told two of us that political parties were in our posts where none were even mentioned?

Ironical. :eusa_hand:
um..it was already proven via the link i gave. I see you didnt read it, so therefore we can stop conversing now. Im wasting my time.
I did read it, but I'm afraid a report from Frontline doesn't actually tell us what was in Obama's mind as he was negotiating to keep troops in Iraq.

That's OK, you have Plasmaball to tell us what was in Obama's mind. Plasmaball says that while Obama asked for the troops to stay, he half assed it because he wanted them to leave. So while Obama gets credit for wanting them to leave even though he wanted them to stay.

You know, he does that for Republicans all the time. They said that, sure, but they didn't mean it, they get credit for wanting the right thing even though they asked for something they didn't want. Liberals are like that. All roads lead to socialism.

Yammean like the way you told two of us that political parties were in our posts where none were even mentioned?

Ironical. :eusa_hand:

You're a liar. You directly referred to the Republicans. You said Fox News was instigating it. Now go back to your village, they are without an idiot.
It is not a matter of whose problem it is. Rather, what is important is whether it is in the interest of our national security to get deeper involved. The answer is that we must get involved to prevent another safe haven for anti- west terrorists. ISIS, or whatever the fuck you want to call them, has evidenced an intent to do us harm and they have some capability of doing so. Therefore, action is needed. Now.

The world is full of bad people. How is making everyone of them our direct enemy in our national security interest. We are less than 5% the world's population, why do we end up owning 95% of the world's problems? Again, how is that in our interest?
um..it was already proven via the link i gave. I see you didnt read it, so therefore we can stop conversing now. Im wasting my time.
I did read it, but I'm afraid a report from Frontline doesn't actually tell us what was in Obama's mind as he was negotiating to keep troops in Iraq.

That's OK, you have Plasmaball to tell us what was in Obama's mind. Plasmaball says that while Obama asked for the troops to stay, he half assed it because he wanted them to leave. So while Obama gets credit for wanting them to leave even though he wanted them to stay.

You know, he does that for Republicans all the time. They said that, sure, but they didn't mean it, they get credit for wanting the right thing even though they asked for something they didn't want. Liberals are like that. All roads lead to socialism.

Yammean like the way you told two of us that political parties were in our posts where none were even mentioned?

Ironical. :eusa_hand:

You're a liar. You directly referred to the Republicans. You said Fox News was instigating it. Now go back to your village, they are without an idiot.

I made no mention of "Fox News", but it's interesting you equate it to the Republican Party. That would make you the liar. The fact remains neither of the posts mentioned a political party at all -- so you already were the liar.

Try to run away from it all you like but I just busted you for pulling the same shit you took a poster to task for above --- purporting to speak for other people. You do that a lot, as I've noted in the past. It's what makes insecure control freaks tick. And you exemplify it in every thread.

Sooooo..... it's OK for you to do it but not OK for somebody else.
Having it both ways: Priceless.

Don't like getting yoru ass busted?
Don't make stupid posts. Ain't rocket surgery.

Try honesty for a change. It works better.
Last edited:
um..it was already proven via the link i gave. I see you didnt read it, so therefore we can stop conversing now. Im wasting my time.
I did read it, but I'm afraid a report from Frontline doesn't actually tell us what was in Obama's mind as he was negotiating to keep troops in Iraq.

That's OK, you have Plasmaball to tell us what was in Obama's mind. Plasmaball says that while Obama asked for the troops to stay, he half assed it because he wanted them to leave. So while Obama gets credit for wanting them to leave even though he wanted them to stay.

You know, he does that for Republicans all the time. They said that, sure, but they didn't mean it, they get credit for wanting the right thing even though they asked for something they didn't want. Liberals are like that. All roads lead to socialism.

Yammean like the way you told two of us that political parties were in our posts where none were even mentioned?

Ironical. :eusa_hand:

You're a liar. You directly referred to the Republicans. You said Fox News was instigating it. Now go back to your village, they are without an idiot.

I made no mention of "Fox News", but it's interesting you equate it to the Republican Party. That would make you the liar. The fact remains neither of the posts mentioned a political party at all -- so you already were the liar.

Try to run away from it all you like but I just busted you for pulling the same shit you took a poster to task for above --- purporting to speak for other people. You do that a lot, as I've noted in the past. It's what makes insecure control freaks tick. And you exemplify it in every thread.

Sooooo..... it's OK for you to do it but not OK for somebody else.
Having it both ways: Priceless.

Don't like getting yoru ass busted?
Don't make stupid posts. Ain't rocket surgery.

Try honesty for a change. It works better.

Rocket surgery? Huh? That's some good shit you're smokin'. Brain surgery, rocket science, what the hell's the difference? Semantics is all.

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