Why Is Isis Our Problem Again?

Why Is Isis Our Problem Again?

Because we're gullible, and when the media Fox Noises and hair-on-fire websites speak, we salivate on command.


So, President Obama is contributing to Fox News now? Because if he isn't your argument is moot.

As already stated before -- the post has nothing to do with O'bama, political parties or government at all. It has entirely to do with media and the unwashed's slavish attachment to it. It's right there in the post.

Opie is trying desperately to make it into something else because he/she/it is a control freak.

Right, "the media Fox Noises and the hair-on-fire websites" are party neutral. No one would associate that statement from a Democrat as a reflection of what party they are referring to. What a shill.

I have no idea what anyone would associate with a "Democrat".
I'm a media person; that's my background.

Well, that explains your inability to write coherent posts, grasp points or stand behind what you just said.
That said, it's always instructive when a poster reacts with emotional meltdown.

LOL, you want to talk emotions again, do you gay boy? You are all about that. When you want to be a man and talk content come back and let me know, fag.

QED. :dig:

LOL, you still don't grasp that my telling you that if you can't give coherent responses to points I'll just have fun with you. You're still wrapped up in pondering emotions. You're a hoot, little boy. You still strugging with your sexual identity? Are you a boy who likes boys? Or a girl who likes boys trapped in a boy's body? You sure are obsessed with discussing emotions.

See what I mean?


Yes, I said I'm going to just insult you since you don't respond to points or stand behind what you said even when I show you your quote. What about that confuses you exactly?

You blamed Obama's response to ISIS on the Republicans. You have an empty pants and an empty head.
Why is ISIS our problem?

Perhaps it's akin to stopping Hitler while he could still be stopped... like during the re-occupation of the Rhineland?

Don't, and The Caliphate will have nuclear weapons and intercontinental delivery systems within 20 or 30 years?

Because we're the only ones who can?

Because we're the only ones with the balls to even try?

I dunno.
Why Is Isis Our Problem Again?

Because we're gullible, and when the media Fox Noises and hair-on-fire websites speak, we salivate on command.


So, President Obama is contributing to Fox News now? Because if he isn't your argument is moot.

As already stated before -- the post has nothing to do with O'bama, political parties or government at all. It has entirely to do with media and the unwashed's slavish attachment to it. It's right there in the post.

Opie is trying desperately to make it into something else because he/she/it is a control freak.
And as soon as he/she/it gets called on it he/she/it starts melting down as he/she/it's doing right now. It's what happens with the dishonest when their plans melt. They go down with 'em.
Blub blub.

Sorry. You can't claim Fox News is beating the drum for war without admitting that Obama is saying we need to deal with ISIS and they are merely reporting what he is telling us needs to happen...unless you're being dishonest.
That said, it's always instructive when a poster reacts with emotional meltdown.

LOL, you want to talk emotions again, do you gay boy? You are all about that. When you want to be a man and talk content come back and let me know, fag.

QED. :dig:

LOL, you still don't grasp that my telling you that if you can't give coherent responses to points I'll just have fun with you. You're still wrapped up in pondering emotions. You're a hoot, little boy. You still strugging with your sexual identity? Are you a boy who likes boys? Or a girl who likes boys trapped in a boy's body? You sure are obsessed with discussing emotions.

See what I mean?


Yes, I said I'm going to just insult you since you don't respond to points or stand behind what you said even when I show you your quote. What about that confuses you exactly?

You blamed Obama's response to ISIS on the Republicans. You have an empty pants and an empty head.

Once again for the congenitally dense -- I mentioned no "Obama" or political parties at all, neither in this thread nor any other one. I mentioned media. There's nothing you can do to change that.

As in, "nothing".
LOL, you want to talk emotions again, do you gay boy? You are all about that. When you want to be a man and talk content come back and let me know, fag.

QED. :dig:

LOL, you still don't grasp that my telling you that if you can't give coherent responses to points I'll just have fun with you. You're still wrapped up in pondering emotions. You're a hoot, little boy. You still strugging with your sexual identity? Are you a boy who likes boys? Or a girl who likes boys trapped in a boy's body? You sure are obsessed with discussing emotions.

See what I mean?


Yes, I said I'm going to just insult you since you don't respond to points or stand behind what you said even when I show you your quote. What about that confuses you exactly?

You blamed Obama's response to ISIS on the Republicans. You have an empty pants and an empty head.

Once again for the congenitally dense -- I mentioned no "Obama" or political parties at all, neither in this thread nor any other one. I mentioned media. There's nothing you can do to change that.

As in, "nothing".

I understand you didn't talk about Obama. You blamed the "media" who are reporting what Obama is saying. And I'm saying that omission makes you dishonest and your replies reminding us of that omission are tacit admissions of your dishonesty.

You have no credibility on this topic. You may go.

LOL, you still don't grasp that my telling you that if you can't give coherent responses to points I'll just have fun with you. You're still wrapped up in pondering emotions. You're a hoot, little boy. You still strugging with your sexual identity? Are you a boy who likes boys? Or a girl who likes boys trapped in a boy's body? You sure are obsessed with discussing emotions.

See what I mean?


Yes, I said I'm going to just insult you since you don't respond to points or stand behind what you said even when I show you your quote. What about that confuses you exactly?

You blamed Obama's response to ISIS on the Republicans. You have an empty pants and an empty head.

Once again for the congenitally dense -- I mentioned no "Obama" or political parties at all, neither in this thread nor any other one. I mentioned media. There's nothing you can do to change that.

As in, "nothing".

I understand you didn't talk about Obama. You blamed the "media" who are reporting what Obama is saying. And I'm saying that omission makes you dishonest and your replies reminding us of that omission are tacit admissions of your dishonesty.

You have no credibility on this topic. You may go.

Ummm... no Sparky, swing and a miss. I neither know nor care what O'bama is "saying". That's not influential. What the media is saying -- pointedly the hair-on-fire fake media as alluded to --- IS influential. What the POTUS may say could hardly be more meaningless.

That's why every single post I've made on this ISIS topic, in every thread, has been about media and the mob mentality it generates. That's why the very first post I made here was about exactly the same thing. Because it needs to be said.

Now if you don't want to hear it and would rather play with O'bama puppets and political party dolls in your narrow little Bubble World where you believe those puppets are real and ignore the messenger and the nature of both its message and its motivations, well you have yourself a good time with your :lalala:

But don't presume to try to change my subject. You ain't qualified.
I have no idea what anyone would associate with a "Democrat".

1) Democrats spied for Stalin and often want to help our enemies particularily if they have very left or communist ideologies.

2) Democrats don't like America so don't feel its worth defending

3) Democrats would rather save the money for more and more welfare spending

4) All the problems in the world are caused by Democrats who blunt the shot fired around the world by our Founders.
Why is that shit hole called the Middle East our problem? -..

1) they have oil

2) they have people who want to cut our heads off while we are alive and exhibit them on our backs as we lay stomach down and headless.
You poor dumb, deluded, ignorant bastards. ISIS has far more money, organization, and tech savy than any other terrorist organization, including Al Qaida. They have the intent and means to cause harm to the west. They are actively recruiting from around the world, including anyone from disenfranchised Muslims to angry misfits in America. Their recruitment means, as well as their communications in general, transcend borders. With social media ISIS can reach into your child's room and exert influence while you are screwing the babysitter in the adjoining room.

I vote Republican and am conservative. I should not have to point this out. However, I notice that there are a lot of ignorant people here with the sensibilities of fat, Midwestern, stupid housewives. Make no mistake: Obama is a scumbag who is in over his head. Nonetheless, we have got to destroy ISIS. Maintaining our national security compels this conclusion.

Some misguided person replied to one of my earlier posts with the query "how is it in our national security interests to go to war and make everyone mad at us?" This is paraphrased, of course. I got news for you: the Shia and Sunni are already our enemies. Further, PC is not needed in dire times. Rather, decisive action furthering our national security interests are needed. The author of said query is, like Obama, obviously in over his or her head.

This is not necessarily to say that I am 100% behind Obama. Chances are that Obama will fuck this up. If we decide to use force, then the force should be overwhelming and decisive. If it is only half -assed (you know, Obama style) then we probably should consider staying home.

It is plainly idiotic to suggest that we not act on the ISIS threat and just hope for the best. This threat affects us. To suggest that we not act and, thus, leave our security in the hands of the regional powers is the height of stupidity.

Hunker down with your heads in the sand if you like. However, times have changed. With today's technology someone on the other side of the world can now reach out and touch us at any time. Do you not get that? Are you THAT fucking dense?
You poor dumb, deluded, ignorant bastards. ISIS has far more money, organization, and tech savy than any other terrorist organization, including Al Qaida. They have the intent and means to cause harm to the west. They are actively recruiting from around the world, including anyone from disenfranchised Muslims to angry misfits in America. Their recruitment means, as well as their communications in general, transcend borders. With social media ISIS can reach into your child's room and exert influence while you are screwing the babysitter in the adjoining room.

-- link?
. They are actively recruiting from around the world

but especially from the Middle East with the full knowledge of host countries like Saudi Arabia Jordan Lebanon Libya Morocco Turkey and Egypt. Those friendly countries largely tolerate it because if they try to crack down they may trigger a regional arab spring!!

That's how serious this is.
. They are actively recruiting from around the world

but especially from the Middle East with the full knowledge of host countries like Saudi Arabia Jordan Lebanon Libya Morocco Turkey and Egypt. Those friendly countries largely tolerate it because if they try to crack down they may trigger a regional arab spring!!

That's how serious this is.
I hope we have a military plan to take control of the Iraqi and Saudi oil fields.
I have no idea what anyone would associate with a "Democrat".
I'm a media person; that's my background. That's why I post so much about it.

So you don't know that Fox News is criticized by Democrats? Seriously, that's your story? You want time to come up with a better one or are you sticking with that?
Once again for the congenitally dense -- I mentioned no "Obama" or political parties at all, neither in this thread nor any other one. I mentioned media. There's nothing you can do to change that.

As in, "nothing".

For the congenitally stupid, you know, you, here you go, liar.

Because we're gullible, and when the media Fox Noises and hair-on-fire websites speak, we salivate on command.

Someone would have to be a complete and utter moron to not recognize this is a reference to blaming fighting ISIS on Republicans. And the decision is being made by our Fuhrer, Obama. You are in the media, and you believe your word parsing is bought by anyone Bill Clinton? It depends on what the definition of "is" is.
Once again for the congenitally dense -- I mentioned no "Obama" or political parties at all, neither in this thread nor any other one. I mentioned media. There's nothing you can do to change that.

As in, "nothing".

For the congenitally stupid, you know, you, here you go, liar.

Because we're gullible, and when the media Fox Noises and hair-on-fire websites speak, we salivate on command.

Someone would have to be a complete and utter moron to not recognize this is a reference to blaming fighting ISIS on Republicans.

Someone would have to be a complete and utter moron to plug something in that isn't there and never was. As I said, I said what I meant and there's not a damn thing you can do to change that into what you wish it meant just because it wasn't what you want to hear. If you want people to tell you what you want to hear, then stay in your Bubble.

And the decision is being made by our Fuhrer, Obama. You are in the media, and you believe your word parsing is bought by anyone Bill Clinton? It depends on what the definition of "is" is.

And the definition of "makes no sense" is right there above. Once again for the special kids, I posted nothing about Clinton; I posted nothing about "parsing". I posted nothing about O'bama. I posted nothing about government at all.

I posted about the influence of media and its impact on why we're even talking about this, let alone the terms in which we're defining it. If that's too rich for your blood, then just sit it out -- but you don't get to change my points into what you wish they had been just because you find what they actually are either inconvenient or over your head.
I have no idea what anyone would associate with a "Democrat".
I'm a media person; that's my background. That's why I post so much about it.

So you don't know that Fox News is criticized by Democrats? Seriously, that's your story? You want time to come up with a better one or are you sticking with that?

The body of people who may criticize Fox Noise is irrelevant. I write my own posts out of my own head. Period.

Not even sure what this bizarre post is supposed to mean. :dunno:

Actually you changed the quote link -- it doesn't even go to that post. If you weren't so dishonestly obsessed with deleting inconvenient content, the actual context would have been clear:.

So, President Obama is contributing to Fox News now? Because if he isn't your argument is moot.

As already stated before -- the post has nothing to do with O'bama, political parties or government at all. It has entirely to do with media and the unwashed's slavish attachment to it. It's right there in the post.

Opie is trying desperately to make it into something else because he/she/it is a control freak.

Right, "the media Fox Noises and the hair-on-fire websites" are party neutral. No one would associate that statement from a Democrat as a reflection of what party they are referring to. What a shill.

I have no idea what anyone would associate with a "Democrat".
I'm a media person; that's my background. That's why I post so much about it.


There was no such "statement from a Democrat" -- again my posts come from me. I understand it's different in the Bubble but I don't live there.

So stop trying to control everybody else's posts and start worrying about your own. You have enough on your hands.
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