Why is Israel not a Judeo-Christian nation like the US is.


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
In 1950 they (the powers in Washington) declared the US a Judeo-Christian nation. They even have a relief plaque of Moses in the center of the House (full face , mind you, every one looking at him, with side faces, yet not one of Jesus, the Christian law giver)

The Evangelicals love the jews and worship Israel. Read about Christianity in Israel, even Lebanon, with 45% of Christians. Those in Lebanon are treated a whole lot better.

Why are Evans worshipping the Israel and the Jews, well they want to the end of the world to come, DUMB as rocks.

Read about the jewish nation, yes jewish nation, they really do not like Christians.


By contrast, in its 66 years, Israel has had no Christian presidential spokesman, government minister, or bank chairman.
Where Palestine has eight Christians in its parliament, Israel has two. Where Palestine has at least five ambassadors, including to London and Berlin, Israel has none (although its deputy ambassador to Norway is Christian).
The Knesset bans Christmas trees which sprout all over Palestine from public display on its premises. Israel’s prime minister does not go to Church for Christmas, and in his first term in the late 1990s aroused Christian ire by backing construction of a mosque next to Nazareth’s Basilica of Annunciation, while his Palestinian counterpart, Yasser Arafat opposed it.

Where is it really better to be a Christian - Israel or Palestine?

Guess which one is Moses.

About Relief Portrait Plaques of Lawgivers
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Of course the laws of Moses are not followed today, all 613 of them. I say tear Moses down and put up the face of Jesus.
The current state of Israel was founded on terrorism. So, in essence we, the US, support a terrorist state.

Just warms my heart.
The US has Freedom of Religion.
And I’m gonna laugh my ass off when you’re forced to wear a burka.
The current state of Israel was founded on terrorism. So, in essence we, the US, support a terrorist state.

Just warms my heart.
The White Man murdered the natives and stole Texas and California; feel free to leave.
The US has Freedom of Religion.
And I’m gonna laugh my ass off when you’re forced to wear a burka.

Oh don't scare me, with the orthodox or Haredi Jews in NY. Have you seen the new Muslim women in the House. They are not wearing burkas. One is known for her fowl language. Now the jewish women in the haredi community are the underdogs.
The US has Freedom of Religion.
And I’m gonna laugh my ass off when you’re forced to wear a burka.

Oh don't scare me, with the orthodox or Haredi Jews in NY. Have you seen the new Muslim women in the House. They are not wearing burkas. One is known for her fowl language. Now the jewish women in the haredi community are the underdogs.
If I had my way, every Jew would be deported from every country to Israel so that every country but Israel would collapse from brain drain and loss of assets.
In 1950 they (the powers in Washington) declared the US a Judeo-Christian nation. They even have a relief plaque of Moses in the center of the House (full face , mind you, every one looking at him, with side faces, yet not one of Jesus, the Christian law giver)

The Evangelicals love the jews and worship Israel. Read about Christianity in Israel, even Lebanon, with 45% of Christians. Those in Lebanon are treated a whole lot better.

Why are Evans worshipping the Israel and the Jews, well they want to the end of the world to come, DUMB as rocks.

Read about the jewish nation, yes jewish nation, they really do not like Christians.


By contrast, in its 66 years, Israel has had no Christian presidential spokesman, government minister, or bank chairman.
Where Palestine has eight Christians in its parliament, Israel has two. Where Palestine has at least five ambassadors, including to London and Berlin, Israel has none (although its deputy ambassador to Norway is Christian).
The Knesset bans Christmas trees which sprout all over Palestine from public display on its premises. Israel’s prime minister does not go to Church for Christmas, and in his first term in the late 1990s aroused Christian ire by backing construction of a mosque next to Nazareth’s Basilica of Annunciation, while his Palestinian counterpart, Yasser Arafat opposed it.

Where is it really better to be a Christian - Israel or Palestine?

Guess which one is Moses.

About Relief Portrait Plaques of Lawgivers

yet not one of Jesus, the Christian law giver

Jesus was a lawgiver?

Been 50+ years since I cracked the Bible, but I remember him being a teacher, not a lawgiver.
In 1950 they (the powers in Washington) declared the US a Judeo-Christian nation. They even have a relief plaque of Moses in the center of the House (full face , mind you, every one looking at him, with side faces, yet not one of Jesus, the Christian law giver)

The Evangelicals love the jews and worship Israel. Read about Christianity in Israel, even Lebanon, with 45% of Christians. Those in Lebanon are treated a whole lot better.

Why are Evans worshipping the Israel and the Jews, well they want to the end of the world to come, DUMB as rocks.

Read about the jewish nation, yes jewish nation, they really do not like Christians.


By contrast, in its 66 years, Israel has had no Christian presidential spokesman, government minister, or bank chairman.
Where Palestine has eight Christians in its parliament, Israel has two. Where Palestine has at least five ambassadors, including to London and Berlin, Israel has none (although its deputy ambassador to Norway is Christian).
The Knesset bans Christmas trees which sprout all over Palestine from public display on its premises. Israel’s prime minister does not go to Church for Christmas, and in his first term in the late 1990s aroused Christian ire by backing construction of a mosque next to Nazareth’s Basilica of Annunciation, while his Palestinian counterpart, Yasser Arafat opposed it.

Where is it really better to be a Christian - Israel or Palestine?

Guess which one is Moses.

About Relief Portrait Plaques of Lawgivers

Holy crap! Israel isn't like the US?

This is a news flash to whom?

Yes, we know they don't like Christians. File that brilliant tidbit under "duh".

We don't love Israel, because they are perfect, or pro Christian. We love Israel, because our G-d loves Israel, and we love G-d.

It's not that difficult to figure out, if you actually read a Bible ever.

Genesis 12:3 Common English Bible (CEB)
I will bless those who bless you,
those who curse you I will curse;
all the families of the earth
will be blessed because of you.

Pretty easy to figure out.... you know.... if you read. You can read, yes?
The US has Freedom of Religion.
And I’m gonna laugh my ass off when you’re forced to wear a burka.

Oh don't scare me, with the orthodox or Haredi Jews in NY. Have you seen the new Muslim women in the House. They are not wearing burkas. One is known for her fowl language. Now the jewish women in the haredi community are the underdogs.
If I had my way, every Jew would be deported from every country to Israel so that every country but Israel would collapse from brain drain and loss of assets.

Yet we give them 3.8 billion a year, so dependent of them and they put those ads on TV, you know the holocaust ones, and the jews of the US send money they make off the US citizens to Israel.

So according to you , we can take down Moses face and put Jesus' up there, since Moses law no longer applies, stone age.
The US has Freedom of Religion.
And I’m gonna laugh my ass off when you’re forced to wear a burka.

Oh don't scare me, with the orthodox or Haredi Jews in NY. Have you seen the new Muslim women in the House. They are not wearing burkas. One is known for her fowl language. Now the jewish women in the haredi community are the underdogs.
If I had my way, every Jew would be deported from every country to Israel so that every country but Israel would collapse from brain drain and loss of assets.

Yet we give them 3.8 billion a year, so dependent of them and they put those ads on TV, you know the holocaust ones, and the jews of the US send money they make off the US citizens and send it to Israel.
We shoud stop giving foreign aid all together.
Come on, kick us out and watch the world collapse.
The current state of Israel was founded on terrorism. So, in essence we, the US, support a terrorist state.

Just warms my heart.
The White Man murdered the natives and stole Texas and California; feel free to leave.

We are a Christian nation. Everyone says so, esp the Evangelicals.
No wonder Congress just passed a law to allow burkas.
Jew hatred makes people such as yourself stupid.

Oh now were getting somewhere, call me an anti semite so I can shut up, sorry not going to work.
The US has Freedom of Religion.
And I’m gonna laugh my ass off when you’re forced to wear a burka.

Oh don't scare me, with the orthodox or Haredi Jews in NY. Have you seen the new Muslim women in the House. They are not wearing burkas. One is known for her fowl language. Now the jewish women in the haredi community are the underdogs.

Fowl language? She speaks bird?
The current state of Israel was founded on terrorism. So, in essence we, the US, support a terrorist state.

Just warms my heart.
The White Man murdered the natives and stole Texas and California; feel free to leave.

We are a Christian nation. Everyone says so, esp the Evangelicals.
No wonder Congress just passed a law to allow burkas.
Jew hatred makes people such as yourself stupid.

Oh now were getting somewhere, call me an anti semite so I can shut up, sorry not going to work.
You are a Jew Hater.
Do you ever read what you post?
The current state of Israel was founded on terrorism. So, in essence we, the US, support a terrorist state.

Just warms my heart.
The White Man murdered the natives and stole Texas and California; feel free to leave.

Thanks for letting me know that Texas & California are in Israel.

I never would have known.
They belong to Mexico.
Thanks for showing you don’t know how to read.

Your inability to perceive satire is noted.

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