Why Is Mitt Romney So Incredibly Weird?

You're an idiot. Taking away a poor person's food stamps and Medicaid is what gives him the opportunity to make more money?


no we should just ENCOURGAE people to live off these programs FOR LIFE..

So you agree with Romney that poor people have too much money, so we need to take some of it away,

which we can do, effectively, by cutting their food stamps and Medicaid.

Will that make them poorer enough to satisfy you and Romney, or what else should we take from them?
WHEN did Romney say this?
no we should just ENCOURGAE people to live off these programs FOR LIFE..

So you agree with Romney that poor people have too much money, so we need to take some of it away,

which we can do, effectively, by cutting their food stamps and Medicaid.

Will that make them poorer enough to satisfy you and Romney, or what else should we take from them?

You say this same shit with every Republican..It's all made up. It's your all favorite SCARE tactic because you HAVE nothing else..
You must think we have a money tree that the government picks the money off of...IF we don't get entitlements under some control, we'll all be in the poor house, but then you all wouldn't be able to ride your high horses and tell us how much more you all care

It's not a scare tactic it's a fact. Read the Ryan budget that every Republican voted for. Read Romney's economic plan.

They want to give tax CUTS to Rich, increase military spending, and pay for it by taking money away from the poor. Period.
1) Rep is far, far to the right of the party, and you are far, far to the left of normalcy.

2) Yep. When Romney wins, they'll say "he was enough". Then the TEA Party will destroy itself.

3) You were talking about religious right than went with plutocrats. One of the other, son, one or the other.

4) Romney is a super candidate, who got the nomination because the conservatives were failures, and we all recognized it. We are done with the TP wing of the party, don't need it,

LOL, who's this WE shit, you got a mouse in your pocket...
gawd you think you can just throw people out, you sound like a progressive commie..

Democracy, mom, is not communism, you twit. You are in the vast minority in the party. We win, you rock the boat, you go. End of story.

good post. Stephanie is a fringer.
I still can't get over Romney telling college students to borrow money from their parents. There are probably many parents who would like to borrow some of their kid's student loan money. Truly unbelievable...

Now, a top Romney aide is trying to say the auto bailout was Romney's idea.
I am soooooo 'hurt' nay 'offended' nay 'unmanned' the fringe does not like me. :lol:

I do not see Romney as weird, I thought Santorum was a bit odd though. I can accept Romney as President, would have a tough time with the Newt or Sancto.
Santorum is medieval Catholic in values and philosophy: he is really weird.

Romney is not weird at all.

JoeB now, that is weird in high heels and a muscle shirt.
Santorum is medieval Catholic in values and philosophy: he is really weird.

Romney is not weird at all.

I agree on this; Romney seems rational, though a man of great wealth. I have read however, his father took him to the AM factories as a child to show him what hard work was.
Jah, really, but keep up with the twitching and the waffling, JoeB, because it is only going to get worse for you as Romney pulls decidedly ahead in the race.
Santorum is medieval Catholic in values and philosophy: he is really weird.

Romney is not weird at all.

JoeB now, that is weird in high heels and a muscle shirt.

Jake the Fake is now fantasizing about me in High Heels? :eek:

I guess he's not asking and not telling! :lol:

I don't agree with Santorum on his religious views, but he's a lot closer to mainstream than you are.

Most people are kind of horrified we have a million abortions every year, and gay marriage loses ever time it's put on the ballot.

Let's be honest here, Jake, if you got your way and got all the Christian Right stuff off the platform and only ran on "Rich People don't gots enough Polo Ponies", the GOP would probably get about 10% of the vote. That's why your boy had to sit there like a stuffed poodle when Limbaugh called Fluke a slut. He didn't want to offend the fanatics, who already think he's some kind of Mormon weirdo.
Santorum is medieval Catholic in values and philosophy: he is really weird.

Romney is not weird at all.

JoeB now, that is weird in high heels and a muscle shirt.

Jake the Fake is now fantasizing about me in High Heels? :eek:

I guess he's not asking and not telling! :lol:

I don't agree with Santorum on his religious views, but he's a lot closer to mainstream than you are. Most people are kind of horrified we have a million abortions every year, and gay marriage loses ever time it's put on the ballot. Let's be honest here, Jake, if you got your way and got all the Christian Right stuff off the platform and only ran on "Rich People don't gots enough Polo Ponies", the GOP would probably get about 10% of the vote. That's why your boy had to sit there like a stuffed poodle when Limbaugh called Fluke a slut. He didn't want to offend the fanatics, who already think he's some kind of Mormon weirdo.

You are waffling and twitching, at least four times in that mess. :lol:
Jah, really, but keep up with the twitching and the waffling, JoeB, because it is only going to get worse for you as Romney pulls decidedly ahead in the race.

Um, yeah, guy, let's check out those RCP Numbers.

OOOOOOPS. Look like Obama's pulled back ahead of the Weirdo...

RealClearPolitics - Election 2012 - General Election: Romney vs. Obama

Incidently, I will make a prediction. Romney will breifly pull ahead of Obama after the GOP convention. Maybe by a point or two. Then Obama will pull back ahead and the race will be pretty much "is it over yet."

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