Why Is Mitt Romney So Incredibly Weird?

Santorum is medieval Catholic in values and philosophy: he is really weird.

Romney is not weird at all.

JoeB now, that is weird in high heels and a muscle shirt.

Jake the Fake is now fantasizing about me in High Heels? :eek:

I guess he's not asking and not telling! :lol:

I don't agree with Santorum on his religious views, but he's a lot closer to mainstream than you are. Most people are kind of horrified we have a million abortions every year, and gay marriage loses ever time it's put on the ballot. Let's be honest here, Jake, if you got your way and got all the Christian Right stuff off the platform and only ran on "Rich People don't gots enough Polo Ponies", the GOP would probably get about 10% of the vote. That's why your boy had to sit there like a stuffed poodle when Limbaugh called Fluke a slut. He didn't want to offend the fanatics, who already think he's some kind of Mormon weirdo.

You are waffling and twitching, at least four times in that mess. :lol:

I call it expounding an argument, but you usually run like a chicken-shit from those...

because it exposes the fraud that you think Romney is going to make the Republicans into Democrats.
Romney will be at least five points ahead of Obama by GOP convention time then will sky rocket.

Keep wafflin and twitchin.
Romney will be at least five points ahead of Obama by GOP convention time then will sky rocket.

Keep wafflin and twitchin.

Guy, look at the graph. Romney has run consistantly behind Obama by about 4 point on average for the last two years...

People don't like Romney. Republicans don't even really like him. And by and large, Americans don't vote for people they don't like personally.

This is a truism.
Ummm... nope.

Actually, Romney will listen to his masters on Wall Street and Salt Lake City.

Which is about as far removed from middle America as you can get.

You scream about the "far right loonies", but the fact is, they are your modern Republican Party. So far, the GOP has gotten very good at getting these people upset about religious bullshit in order to get them to vote against their own economic interests, but even that won't last much longer. Every once in a while, a populist shows up- Buchanan, Huckabee, Santorum - that threatens the status quo because they don't pay lip service to the whacks, like Romney or McCain or Bush did, but because they actually believe that.

Ummm... nope.

Actually, Romney will listen to his masters on Wall Street and Salt Lake City.

Which is about as far removed from middle America as you can get.

You scream about the "far right loonies", but the fact is, they are your modern Republican Party. So far, the GOP has gotten very good at getting these people upset about religious bullshit in order to get them to vote against their own economic interests, but even that won't last much longer. Every once in a while, a populist shows up- Buchanan, Huckabee, Santorum - that threatens the status quo because they don't pay lip service to the whacks, like Romney or McCain or Bush did, but because they actually believe that.


Duly noted you couldn't refute the point.

Reality- The GOP exists by manipulating the religious to vote against their own economic interests.

And the worst nightmare of the Wall Street Vermin is that someone might read the bible and say, "Holy SHit! Jesus wasn't at all for tax cuts for rich people and Free Trade!"

No doubt, it makes you wet your bed at night.
Romney will be at least five points ahead of Obama by GOP convention time then will sky rocket.

Keep wafflin and twitchin.

Romney Will get a bump in the polls after the convention and will be buried by the time the debates are over
Romney will be at least five points ahead of Obama by GOP convention time then will sky rocket.

Keep wafflin and twitchin.

Romney Will get a bump in the polls after the convention and will be buried by the time the debates are over

I don't think it will take that long.

I think the Mainstream media already has its anti-Romney stories organized and ready to air, it's just that they are waiting until people are paying attention.
Ummm... nope.

Actually, Romney will listen to his masters on Wall Street and Salt Lake City.

Which is about as far removed from middle America as you can get.

You scream about the "far right loonies", but the fact is, they are your modern Republican Party. So far, the GOP has gotten very good at getting these people upset about religious bullshit in order to get them to vote against their own economic interests, but even that won't last much longer. Every once in a while, a populist shows up- Buchanan, Huckabee, Santorum - that threatens the status quo because they don't pay lip service to the whacks, like Romney or McCain or Bush did, but because they actually believe that.


Duly noted you couldn't refute the point.

Reality- The GOP exists by manipulating the religious to vote against their own economic interests.

And the worst nightmare of the Wall Street Vermin is that someone might read the bible and say, "Holy SHit! Jesus wasn't at all for tax cuts for rich people and Free Trade!"

No doubt, it makes you wet your bed at night.

I don't have to refute a counter-factual, uby. I'm laughing at your warped bigotry, which was all over that post, as it is over most of your posts.

Don't be stupid.
The government does plenty of good things as well as wastes plenty of good money; always has and always will to some capacity.

Your absolutist view is moronic from any angle. Romney's offshore accounts are fair game.

Apparently your standpoint is that if you disagree with the President's policies, you can opt out of paying taxes? Get some rest; you need to sleep of your inebriation. Lord help you if you're actually as retarded as you sound.

No, I would be retarded if I thought that the government wasting taxpayer money on things like Michelles's vacations, lavish GSA parties and Obama's green energy friends businesses was not a problem. If the government has enough money to throw away like that then they are receiving too much.

As to Romney, in accordance with U.S law, having money in any offshore accounts as a tax shelter, it is no different than Obama and Michelle giving their money to their children as a way to avoid paying taxes on it. Same difference. If Romney's tax avoidance should be fair game, then so is Obama's. More so in fact because it is Obama whining that people don't pay ENOUGH in taxes, while Mitt is smart enough to know that you stop the waste BEFORE you ask for more money.

Typical "yeah but" response again. I can do it too; gee...according to one thread here, we spent 40K a day protecting Newt Gingrich. Waste. The man was never going to be President. We wasted billions in Iraq that just disappeared and did not shorten the war at all. We paid to have Bush land on an aircraft carrier when he could have walked on the next day. We paid to have a sign made that said, "Mission Accomplished" then were there for 9 more years.

Waste knows no Party.

"Yeah but" gets you nowhere.

I'm very comfortable with the discussion of the President's v. Romney's personal finances. Bring it on.

Yeah but..I was no happier with the waste of tax money under the Bush administration than I am under the Obama administration. You on the other hand seem to think that as long as SOME of the money is used for "good" things, then the government wasting money isn't a big deal. Just standard operating procedure and when the government figures out it has wasted so much money that they can't afford to meet their current obligations,certain segments of the population should be fine with sending them more.

As to the topic of tax shelters, I contend that it is complete hypocrisy to suggest that there is anything wrong with Mitt Romney following legal tax laws to lower his tax bill unless you are willing to find the same fault with Obama for following legal tax laws to lower his own tax liabilities. And please, try to address the topic this time.
Romney will be at least five points ahead of Obama by GOP convention time then will sky rocket.

Keep wafflin and twitchin.

Romney Will get a bump in the polls after the convention and will be buried by the time the debates are over

You really think Barry's going to tear it up in the debates this time? Sorry, Winger but last time he HAD no record to examine and was running on vague promises of "Hope & Change". Now people understand what hope and change mean and if he tries to do the vague thing again it's going to go over like a lead balloon.

Obama hasn't had a solution to our economic woes for well over two YEARS now. Between you and I...I don't have the faintest idea why he even WANTS another four years. If he gets that second term it's just going to cement his legacy as the man who was woefully over his head with the job he was given. If he lost after one term he might be able to bullshit some folks into buying the whole GOP obstruction thing he's been pedaling. When he hasn't submitted a real buget in six years people are going to be pointing and laughing at him.
No, I would be retarded if I thought that the government wasting taxpayer money on things like Michelles's vacations, lavish GSA parties and Obama's green energy friends businesses was not a problem. If the government has enough money to throw away like that then they are receiving too much.

As to Romney, in accordance with U.S law, having money in any offshore accounts as a tax shelter, it is no different than Obama and Michelle giving their money to their children as a way to avoid paying taxes on it. Same difference. If Romney's tax avoidance should be fair game, then so is Obama's. More so in fact because it is Obama whining that people don't pay ENOUGH in taxes, while Mitt is smart enough to know that you stop the waste BEFORE you ask for more money.

Typical "yeah but" response again. I can do it too; gee...according to one thread here, we spent 40K a day protecting Newt Gingrich. Waste. The man was never going to be President. We wasted billions in Iraq that just disappeared and did not shorten the war at all. We paid to have Bush land on an aircraft carrier when he could have walked on the next day. We paid to have a sign made that said, "Mission Accomplished" then were there for 9 more years.

Waste knows no Party.

"Yeah but" gets you nowhere.

I'm very comfortable with the discussion of the President's v. Romney's personal finances. Bring it on.

Yeah but..I was no happier with the waste of tax money under the Bush administration than I am under the Obama administration. You on the other hand seem to think that as long as SOME of the money is used for "good" things, then the government wasting money isn't a big deal. Just standard operating procedure and when the government figures out it has wasted so much money that they can't afford to meet their current obligations,certain segments of the population should be fine with sending them more.

As to the topic of tax shelters, I contend that it is complete hypocrisy to suggest that there is anything wrong with Mitt Romney following legal tax laws to lower his tax bill unless you are willing to find the same fault with Obama for following legal tax laws to lower his own tax liabilities. And please, try to address the topic this time.

Nothing is wrong with Mitt taking advantage of tax laws at all. Nothing at all. The optics , however do not look that favorably for Mitt when you consider stashing your money all over the world instead of at the bank at Main Street USA where it could be lent out to others. Perfectly legal; politically stupid.

Yeah, keep bringing it up. Please do.

I don't like the waste any more than you do. But one has to wonder why you brought it up in the context of "Well, the government is just going to waste it anyway so no one should pay taxes.".

Then took the money congress appropriated--1/2 is controlled by the GOP literally and de-facto both houses are controlled by the GOP when one considers the filibuster usage both parties have done in the recent past in the Senate--and Said Obama is wasting it. You're either completely ignorant of the Constitution or basically dishonest.

Which one would you like added to your resume next to your political ineptness. Tell me please and stay on the subject.

Duly noted you couldn't refute the point.

Reality- The GOP exists by manipulating the religious to vote against their own economic interests.

And the worst nightmare of the Wall Street Vermin is that someone might read the bible and say, "Holy SHit! Jesus wasn't at all for tax cuts for rich people and Free Trade!"

No doubt, it makes you wet your bed at night.

I don't have to refute a counter-factual, uby. I'm laughing at your warped bigotry, which was all over that post, as it is over most of your posts.


Guy, you ain't even an American. Why don't you go back to your socialized medicine country and take freakin' Romney with you.
Romney will be at least five points ahead of Obama by GOP convention time then will sky rocket.

Keep wafflin and twitchin.

Romney Will get a bump in the polls after the convention and will be buried by the time the debates are over

You really think Barry's going to tear it up in the debates this time? Sorry, Winger but last time he HAD no record to examine and was running on vague promises of "Hope & Change". Now people understand what hope and change mean and if he tries to do the vague thing again it's going to go over like a lead balloon.

Obama hasn't had a solution to our economic woes for well over two YEARS now. Between you and I...I don't have the faintest idea why he even WANTS another four years. If he gets that second term it's just going to cement his legacy as the man who was woefully over his head with the job he was given. If he lost after one term he might be able to bullshit some folks into buying the whole GOP obstruction thing he's been pedaling. When he hasn't submitted a real buget in six years people are going to be pointing and laughing at him.

Obama is perfectly willing to run on his record........stopping a depression, saving the auto companies, repealing DADT, Obamacare, ending the war in Iraq..........killing OBL

Romney can run on Romneycare, how he intends to repeal middle class tax breaks and further cut taxes on the wealthy
Romney Will get a bump in the polls after the convention and will be buried by the time the debates are over

You really think Barry's going to tear it up in the debates this time? Sorry, Winger but last time he HAD no record to examine and was running on vague promises of "Hope & Change". Now people understand what hope and change mean and if he tries to do the vague thing again it's going to go over like a lead balloon.

Obama hasn't had a solution to our economic woes for well over two YEARS now. Between you and I...I don't have the faintest idea why he even WANTS another four years. If he gets that second term it's just going to cement his legacy as the man who was woefully over his head with the job he was given. If he lost after one term he might be able to bullshit some folks into buying the whole GOP obstruction thing he's been pedaling. When he hasn't submitted a real buget in six years people are going to be pointing and laughing at him.

Obama is perfectly willing to run on his record........stopping a depression, saving the auto companies, repealing DADT, Obamacare, ending the war in Iraq..........killing OBL

Romney can run on Romneycare, how he intends to repeal middle class tax breaks and further cut taxes on the wealthy

LOL, there's that dream record again..
I still can't get over Romney telling college students to borrow money from their parents. There are probably many parents who would like to borrow some of their kid's student loan money. Truly unbelievable...

Now, a top Romney aide is trying to say the auto bailout was Romney's idea.

that offended your sensitive sensibilities?
I still can't get over Romney telling college students to borrow money from their parents. There are probably many parents who would like to borrow some of their kid's student loan money. Truly unbelievable...

Now, a top Romney aide is trying to say the auto bailout was Romney's idea.

that offended your sensitive sensibilities?

What offends me is Romney's dishonesty.

Let's take the Auto Bailout as an example.

2008. After dropping huge amounts of money in Iowa (which he lost to Huckabee) and New Hampshire (which he lost to McCain), Mittens went to Michigan and said he'd do anything, just anything to save the Auto Industry, including having the Federal Government write them a huge blank check. and it worked, he won Michigan and stayed alive until Super Tuesday.

Then the Auto Industry really needed a bailout. It was the first thing on President-elect Obama's plate. And along comes Mitt Romney, being against something because Obama is for it, saying we should let them go bankrupt, screw the UAW (which had already made huge concessions to keep GM afloat) and denouncing what a bad idea it was. And this was his position pretty much since then.

Except now he needs to play in Michigan in order to be really competitive, so now he's saying he was all for the Bailout now that GM is saved and it's popular.

He shiftd in the wind like a weather-vane, while Obama, love him or hate him, made the hard decisions.

Incidently, I think there were some things in the bailout that weren't such good ideas, not the least of which was polishing the Chrysler Turd so the Italians would buy it. But it did save millions of jobs.
I still can't get over Romney telling college students to borrow money from their parents. There are probably many parents who would like to borrow some of their kid's student loan money. Truly unbelievable...

Now, a top Romney aide is trying to say the auto bailout was Romney's idea.

that offended your sensitive sensibilities?

What offends me is Romney's dishonesty.

Let's take the Auto Bailout as an example.

2008. After dropping huge amounts of money in Iowa
(which he lost to Huckabee) and New Hampshire (which he lost to McCain), Mittens went to Michigan and said he'd do anything, just anything to save the Auto Industry, including having the Federal Government write them a huge blank check. and it worked, he won Michigan and stayed alive until Super Tuesday.

Then the Auto Industry really needed a bailout. It was the first thing on President-elect Obama's plate. And along comes Mitt Romney, being against something because Obama is for it, saying we should let them go bankrupt, screw the UAW (which had already made huge concessions to keep GM afloat) and denouncing what a bad idea it was. And this was his position pretty much since then.

Except now he needs to play in Michigan in order to be really competitive, so now he's saying he was all for the Bailout now that GM is saved and it's popular.

He shiftd in the wind like a weather-vane, while Obama, love him or hate him, made the hard decisions.

Incidently, I think there were some things in the bailout that weren't such good ideas, not the least of which was polishing the Chrysler Turd so the Italians would buy it. But it did save millions of jobs.

What offends me is JoeBlow's dishonesty... :eusa_liar:


Let Detroit Go Bankrupt
November 18, 2008


But don’t ask Washington to give shareholders and bondholders a free pass — they bet on management and they lost.

The American auto industry is vital to our national interest as an employer and as a hub for manufacturing. A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. It would permit the companies to shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs. The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk.

In a managed bankruptcy, the federal government would propel newly competitive and viable automakers, rather than seal their fate with a bailout check.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTLWI3wGvJ4&feature=relmfu]CNN: Mitt Romney "The bailouts were a mistake" - YouTube[/ame]

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