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Why Is Mitt Romney So Incredibly Weird?

Ummm... nope.

Actually, Romney will listen to his masters on Wall Street and Salt Lake City.

Which is about as far removed from middle America as you can get.

You scream about the "far right loonies", but the fact is, they are your modern Republican Party. So far, the GOP has gotten very good at getting these people upset about religious bullshit in order to get them to vote against their own economic interests, but even that won't last much longer. Every once in a while, a populist shows up- Buchanan, Huckabee, Santorum - that threatens the status quo because they don't pay lip service to the whacks, like Romney or McCain or Bush did, but because they actually believe that.


Duly noted you couldn't refute the point.

Reality- The GOP exists by manipulating the religious to vote against their own economic interests.

And the worst nightmare of the Wall Street Vermin is that someone might read the bible and say, "Holy SHit! Jesus wasn't at all for tax cuts for rich people and Free Trade!"

No doubt, it makes you wet your bed at night.

The GOP grand strategy also includes pitting the more well off against the less well off, in other words, getting people at one rung on the ladder to blame the people below them for their problems,

down the ladder to where there are no more lower rungs to blame, and then the GOP writes those people off.

Duly noted you couldn't refute the point.

Reality- The GOP exists by manipulating the religious to vote against their own economic interests.

And the worst nightmare of the Wall Street Vermin is that someone might read the bible and say, "Holy SHit! Jesus wasn't at all for tax cuts for rich people and Free Trade!"

No doubt, it makes you wet your bed at night.

The GOP grand strategy also includes pitting the more well off against the less well off, in other words, getting people at one rung on the ladder to blame the people below them for their problems,

down the ladder to where there are no more lower rungs to blame, and then the GOP writes those people off.

Oh really? :lol: Class warfare is now the GOP strategy...???

2008. After dropping huge amounts of money in Iowa[/B] (which he lost to Huckabee) and New Hampshire (which he lost to McCain), Mittens went to Michigan and said he'd do anything, just anything to save the Auto Industry, including having the Federal Government write them a huge blank check. and it worked, he won Michigan and stayed alive until Super Tuesday.

Then the Auto Industry really needed a bailout. It was the first thing on President-elect Obama's plate. And along comes Mitt Romney, being against something because Obama is for it, saying we should let them go bankrupt, screw the UAW (which had already made huge concessions to keep GM afloat) and denouncing what a bad idea it was. And this was his position pretty much since then.


What offends me is JoeBlow's dishonesty... :eusa_liar:


Let Detroit Go Bankrupt
November 18, 2008



So, wow, Val, we have established that you don't understand the concept of a Calendar?

Okay, let's try this again.

January 2008- Romney lost IA and NH, and he was going to be out of the campaign.

So he was all for a bailout in JANUARY of 2008.

Then he loses to McCain, McCain loses to Obama and the Republican Rabble is against anything the black guy is for.

Then he's against the bailout.

Oh, but wait, now he's for it again. Because it worked, and he wants to be on the winning side.

That isn't leadership.
Romney Will get a bump in the polls after the convention and will be buried by the time the debates are over

You really think Barry's going to tear it up in the debates this time? Sorry, Winger but last time he HAD no record to examine and was running on vague promises of "Hope & Change". Now people understand what hope and change mean and if he tries to do the vague thing again it's going to go over like a lead balloon.

Obama hasn't had a solution to our economic woes for well over two YEARS now. Between you and I...I don't have the faintest idea why he even WANTS another four years. If he gets that second term it's just going to cement his legacy as the man who was woefully over his head with the job he was given. If he lost after one term he might be able to bullshit some folks into buying the whole GOP obstruction thing he's been pedaling. When he hasn't submitted a real buget in six years people are going to be pointing and laughing at him.

Obama is perfectly willing to run on his record........stopping a depression, saving the auto companies, repealing DADT, Obamacare, ending the war in Iraq..........killing OBL

Romney can run on Romneycare, how he intends to repeal middle class tax breaks and further cut taxes on the wealthy

Obama will do well in the debates, can't do anything else. However, MR will do well, too,.

The argument that will decide the debates will be how MR will defend romneycare while attacking obamacare.
Romney Will get a bump in the polls after the convention and will be buried by the time the debates are over

You really think Barry's going to tear it up in the debates this time? Sorry, Winger but last time he HAD no record to examine and was running on vague promises of "Hope & Change". Now people understand what hope and change mean and if he tries to do the vague thing again it's going to go over like a lead balloon.

Obama hasn't had a solution to our economic woes for well over two YEARS now. Between you and I...I don't have the faintest idea why he even WANTS another four years. If he gets that second term it's just going to cement his legacy as the man who was woefully over his head with the job he was given. If he lost after one term he might be able to bullshit some folks into buying the whole GOP obstruction thing he's been pedaling. When he hasn't submitted a real buget in six years people are going to be pointing and laughing at him.

Obama is perfectly willing to run on his record........stopping a depression, saving the auto companies, repealing DADT, Obamacare, ending the war in Iraq..........killing OBL

Romney can run on Romneycare, how he intends to repeal middle class tax breaks and further cut taxes on the wealthy

8% unemployment, ratings downgrade, trillion dollar deficits, no viable plan to get the deficit under control, no budget, country even more polarized than before he took office, and Bush / Bernanke get credit for stopping a depression.

Not much of a record. Expect it to be a dirty election.
So your argument is that it's Obama's fault that the Republicans are being assholes?

Seriously, Toro? You know, such assholes that they are ready to run out Orrin hatch and Dick Lugar, have already run out Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter and Colin Powell...

This is an argument of why the Republicans deserve a beat down, not Obama.
So your argument is that it's Obama's fault that the Republicans are being assholes?

Seriously, Toro? You know, such assholes that they are ready to run out Orrin hatch and Dick Lugar, have already run out Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter and Colin Powell...

This is an argument of why the Republicans deserve a beat down, not Obama.

So if anyone deserves to be "beaten down".. it is certain assholes in the certain parties and not entire political parties...
So your argument is that it's Obama's fault that the Republicans are being assholes?

Seriously, Toro? You know, such assholes that they are ready to run out Orrin hatch and Dick Lugar, have already run out Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter and Colin Powell...

This is an argument of why the Republicans deserve a beat down, not Obama.

So if anyone deserves to be "beaten down".. it is certain assholes in the certain parties and not entire political parties...

The problem is, the assholes are dominating the party.

A real leader could stare down the assholes. Reagan was able to stare down the more radical folks in his movement. So was Bush-41. Even Bush-43 could take them on.

Romney is just trying his very bestest not to offend them, that's not leadership.

Let's take Health Care. For years, Republicans advocated the private sector solution of an indivdual mandate to cover the uninsured. Romney even implemented it and said it would be an awesome thing for the country.

And then Obama went ahead and implemented one because it was the best they could get. In short, he was doing the responsible government thing and meeting the opposition halfway.

And now Republicans are suing to get their own idea struck down.

That's just freakin' insane.
So your argument is that it's Obama's fault that the Republicans are being assholes?

Seriously, Toro? You know, such assholes that they are ready to run out Orrin hatch and Dick Lugar, have already run out Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter and Colin Powell...

This is an argument of why the Republicans deserve a beat down, not Obama.

So weak. Just like Obama's leadership.

Obama ran on Hope and Change. People were so pissed off after his first two years, they gave the Democrats one of the worst defeats in modern-day history. He is responsible for the Congress he faces today. To blame his ineptness and incompetence solely on Republicans is just partisan horseshit. Obama is as much, if not more to blame for today's poisonous atmosphere in Washington. It's worse than it was under Bush, and that's saying something.

Obama lost me after the ratings downgrade. Even though it was increasingly clear he was out of his depth, I was open-minded until then. But his utter lack of leadership was brutally exposed. Nice guy, way in over his head.
that offended your sensitive sensibilities?

What offends me is Romney's dishonesty.

Let's take the Auto Bailout as an example.

2008. After dropping huge amounts of money in Iowa
(which he lost to Huckabee) and New Hampshire (which he lost to McCain), Mittens went to Michigan and said he'd do anything, just anything to save the Auto Industry, including having the Federal Government write them a huge blank check. and it worked, he won Michigan and stayed alive until Super Tuesday.

Then the Auto Industry really needed a bailout. It was the first thing on President-elect Obama's plate. And along comes Mitt Romney, being against something because Obama is for it, saying we should let them go bankrupt, screw the UAW (which had already made huge concessions to keep GM afloat) and denouncing what a bad idea it was. And this was his position pretty much since then.

Except now he needs to play in Michigan in order to be really competitive, so now he's saying he was all for the Bailout now that GM is saved and it's popular.

He shiftd in the wind like a weather-vane, while Obama, love him or hate him, made the hard decisions.

Incidently, I think there were some things in the bailout that weren't such good ideas, not the least of which was polishing the Chrysler Turd so the Italians would buy it. But it did save millions of jobs.

What offends me is JoeBlow's dishonesty... :eusa_liar:


Let Detroit Go Bankrupt
November 18, 2008


But don’t ask Washington to give shareholders and bondholders a free pass — they bet on management and they lost.

The American auto industry is vital to our national interest as an employer and as a hub for manufacturing. A managed bankruptcy may be the only path to the fundamental restructuring the industry needs. It would permit the companies to shed excess labor, pension and real estate costs. The federal government should provide guarantees for post-bankruptcy financing and assure car buyers that their warranties are not at risk.

In a managed bankruptcy, the federal government would propel newly competitive and viable automakers, rather than seal their fate with a bailout check.


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WTLWI3wGvJ4&feature=relmfu]CNN: Mitt Romney "The bailouts were a mistake" - YouTube[/ame]

Must have been a BUSH bailout as Obama did not take office until 1/09.
So your argument is that it's Obama's fault that the Republicans are being assholes?

Seriously, Toro? You know, such assholes that they are ready to run out Orrin hatch and Dick Lugar, have already run out Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter and Colin Powell...

This is an argument of why the Republicans deserve a beat down, not Obama.

So if anyone deserves to be "beaten down".. it is certain assholes in the certain parties and not entire political parties...

The problem is, the assholes are dominating the party.

A real leader could stare down the assholes. Reagan was able to stare down the more radical folks in his movement. So was Bush-41. Even Bush-43 could take them on.

Romney is just trying his very bestest not to offend them, that's not leadership.

Let's take Health Care. For years, Republicans advocated the private sector solution of an indivdual mandate to cover the uninsured. Romney even implemented it and said it would be an awesome thing for the country.

And then Obama went ahead and implemented one because it was the best they could get. In short, he was doing the responsible government thing and meeting the opposition halfway.

And now Republicans are suing to get their own idea struck down.

That's just freakin' insane.

Confirmation bias.

You hate Mormons and capitalists, ergo, you hate Romney. So you whitewash past Republican leader's sins and play up Romney's.

The hard Right searched and searched and searched for someone other than Romney. There's a reason for that, and it ain't because he's one of them.
So your argument is that it's Obama's fault that the Republicans are being assholes?

Seriously, Toro? You know, such assholes that they are ready to run out Orrin hatch and Dick Lugar, have already run out Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter and Colin Powell...

This is an argument of why the Republicans deserve a beat down, not Obama.

So weak. Just like Obama's leadership.

Obama ran on Hope and Change. People were so pissed off after his first two years, they gave the Democrats one of the worst defeats in modern-day history. He is responsible for the Congress he faces today. To blame his ineptness and incompetence solely on Republicans is just partisan horseshit. Obama is as much, if not more to blame for today's poisonous atmosphere in Washington. It's worse than it was under Bush, and that's saying something.

Obama lost me after the ratings downgrade. Even though it was increasingly clear he was out of his depth, I was open-minded until then. But his utter lack of leadership was brutally exposed. Nice guy, way in over his head.

Again, that ratings downgrade happened because the assholes decided to play chicken with raising the debt ceiling.

I'm rather annoyed that Moodies or some of the other crooks who told us everything was just fine at "Goldman-Sacks" (the life savings of honest americans) until it crashed have the nerve to tell us they can downgrade a country.

I honestly do wish at times Obama was more ruthless. But Romney is the other extreme, because he's completely heartless unless you are a rich Mormon.
So your argument is that it's Obama's fault that the Republicans are being assholes?

Seriously, Toro? You know, such assholes that they are ready to run out Orrin hatch and Dick Lugar, have already run out Olympia Snowe and Arlen Specter and Colin Powell...

This is an argument of why the Republicans deserve a beat down, not Obama.

So weak. Just like Obama's leadership.

Obama ran on Hope and Change. People were so pissed off after his first two years, they gave the Democrats one of the worst defeats in modern-day history. He is responsible for the Congress he faces today. To blame his ineptness and incompetence solely on Republicans is just partisan horseshit. Obama is as much, if not more to blame for today's poisonous atmosphere in Washington. It's worse than it was under Bush, and that's saying something.

Obama lost me after the ratings downgrade. Even though it was increasingly clear he was out of his depth, I was open-minded until then. But his utter lack of leadership was brutally exposed. Nice guy, way in over his head.

Again, that ratings downgrade happened because the assholes decided to play chicken with raising the debt ceiling.

I'm rather annoyed that Moodies or some of the other crooks who told us everything was just fine at "Goldman-Sacks" (the life savings of honest americans) until it crashed have the nerve to tell us they can downgrade a country.

I honestly do wish at times Obama was more ruthless. But Romney is the other extreme, because he's completely heartless unless you are a rich Mormon.

What part of "responsibility" do you not understand?

Obama was the President. It happened on his watch. The "assholes" are to blame too - and I will not be voting for my Republican Congressman for that reason if my naturalization happens on time. But he is just as much to blame as the "assholes."

Sitting around and pointing fingers at the other side is not a sign of a competent leader. Enough incompetence. Time to switch.
So if anyone deserves to be "beaten down".. it is certain assholes in the certain parties and not entire political parties...

The problem is, the assholes are dominating the party.

A real leader could stare down the assholes. Reagan was able to stare down the more radical folks in his movement. So was Bush-41. Even Bush-43 could take them on.

Romney is just trying his very bestest not to offend them, that's not leadership.

Let's take Health Care. For years, Republicans advocated the private sector solution of an indivdual mandate to cover the uninsured. Romney even implemented it and said it would be an awesome thing for the country.

And then Obama went ahead and implemented one because it was the best they could get. In short, he was doing the responsible government thing and meeting the opposition halfway.

And now Republicans are suing to get their own idea struck down.

That's just freakin' insane.

Confirmation bias.

You hate Mormons and capitalists, ergo, you hate Romney. So you whitewash past Republican leader's sins and play up Romney's.

The hard Right searched and searched and searched for someone other than Romney. There's a reason for that, and it ain't because he's one of them.

The Republican leaders aren't the ones running for president, guy, Romney is.

If Romney were a leader, he wouldn't be playing to the crowd. He'd be saying, "Hey, Individual mandates are a free-market solution and you all need to stop carping about it." That's what a leader does. He doesn't hide from his own ideas when they become unpopular.

Incidently, I think the mandate is a bad idea, because it doesn't address the real problem -which is that medical inflation is three times normal inflation, and all systems- public and private- are unsustainable if that isn't controlled.

But i'm straight up about it. You seem to want to deflect from the issue that Romney is now fighting against the ideas he championed because he's playing to the crazy right.

It's the tail wagging the dog, man.
What part of "responsibility" do you not understand?

Obama was the President. It happened on his watch. The "assholes" are to blame too - and I will not be voting for my Republican Congressman for that reason if my naturalization happens on time. But he is just as much to blame as the "assholes."

Sitting around and pointing fingers at the other side is not a sign of a competent leader. Enough incompetence. Time to switch.

I've criticized Obama for his lack of leadership in that instance. It's a good argument against him. If you go back to some of my August 2011 posts, I take him to task for it.

Not a good enough argument to get me to vote for Romney, though.

Romney is simply just such a horrible human being that I can't vote for him. Sorry.

Obama is clearly a lot sharper at his job than he was three years ago. They all get better with time.

Romney is always going to be what he is...
The problem is, the assholes are dominating the party.

A real leader could stare down the assholes. Reagan was able to stare down the more radical folks in his movement. So was Bush-41. Even Bush-43 could take them on.

Romney is just trying his very bestest not to offend them, that's not leadership.

Let's take Health Care. For years, Republicans advocated the private sector solution of an indivdual mandate to cover the uninsured. Romney even implemented it and said it would be an awesome thing for the country.

And then Obama went ahead and implemented one because it was the best they could get. In short, he was doing the responsible government thing and meeting the opposition halfway.

And now Republicans are suing to get their own idea struck down.

That's just freakin' insane.

Confirmation bias.

You hate Mormons and capitalists, ergo, you hate Romney. So you whitewash past Republican leader's sins and play up Romney's.

The hard Right searched and searched and searched for someone other than Romney. There's a reason for that, and it ain't because he's one of them.

The Republican leaders aren't the ones running for president, guy, Romney is.

If Romney were a leader, he wouldn't be playing to the crowd. He'd be saying, "Hey, Individual mandates are a free-market solution and you all need to stop carping about it." That's what a leader does. He doesn't hide from his own ideas when they become unpopular.

Incidently, I think the mandate is a bad idea, because it doesn't address the real problem -which is that medical inflation is three times normal inflation, and all systems- public and private- are unsustainable if that isn't controlled.

But i'm straight up about it. You seem to want to deflect from the issue that Romney is now fighting against the ideas he championed because he's playing to the crazy right.

It's the tail wagging the dog, man.

First, you are whitewashing past Republican Presidential candidates for supposedly standing up to the crazies. That's why Reagan gave his first speech after becoming the nominee in Philadelphia MS and Bush II spoke at Bob Jones University, right? I mean, we could go on and on, but you get the point.

Let me tell you something, uby. Having a front row seat to the various financial crises over most of the past 20 years, I came to the conclusion that no one from Wall Street should be allowed within the Beltway, let alone into the corridors of power. So it bugs me that my candidate is a Wall Street flip-flopper. But when I look at how inept this administration has been, the Wall Street flip-flopper looks pretty good in comparison. Perhaps if the Republican party hadn't put up a slate of C-listers, they would have a stronger candidate against a D President. But they didn't. Your boy, the Huckster, was typical. He was getting paid by the right-wing media, no need to risk that! Can't risk getting tossed off the gravy-train by being the loser who was defeated by Obama! That's political courage, I'll tell you.
What part of "responsibility" do you not understand?

Obama was the President. It happened on his watch. The "assholes" are to blame too - and I will not be voting for my Republican Congressman for that reason if my naturalization happens on time. But he is just as much to blame as the "assholes."

Sitting around and pointing fingers at the other side is not a sign of a competent leader. Enough incompetence. Time to switch.

I've criticized Obama for his lack of leadership in that instance. It's a good argument against him. If you go back to some of my August 2011 posts, I take him to task for it.

Not a good enough argument to get me to vote for Romney, though.

Romney is simply just such a horrible human being that I can't vote for him. Sorry.

Obama is clearly a lot sharper at his job than he was three years ago. They all get better with time.

Romney is always going to be what he is...

Always a good laugh Joe - your posts about you pretending that you detest Obama/Dems while religiously bashing Republicans. How about you stop trying to be legitimate two faced fink b/c there's really no such thing. You're in the tank for Obama and Democrats and we all know it.
First, you are whitewashing past Republican Presidential candidates for supposedly standing up to the crazies. That's why Reagan gave his first speech after becoming the nominee in Philadelphia MS and Bush II spoke at Bob Jones University, right? I mean, we could go on and on, but you get the point.

Let me tell you something, uby. Having a front row seat to the various financial crises over most of the past 20 years, I came to the conclusion that no one from Wall Street should be allowed within the Beltway, let alone into the corridors of power. So it bugs me that my candidate is a Wall Street flip-flopper. But when I look at how inept this administration has been, the Wall Street flip-flopper looks pretty good in comparison. Perhaps if the Republican party hadn't put up a slate of C-listers, they would have a stronger candidate against a D President. But they didn't. Your boy, the Huckster, was typical. He was getting paid by the right-wing media, no need to risk that! Can't risk getting tossed off the gravy-train by being the loser who was defeated by Obama! That's political courage, I'll tell you.

well, at least your admitting your part of an evil system.

You can overlook Romney's evil because you don't think Obama's done a good job. Okay, I kind of get that. Personally, I think Obama's done some good things (Killed Bin Laden, saved GM) and some awful things (let the Debt Ceiling issue get out of control).

Another point. Yes, there were a whole lot of great guys who sat it out, leaving us with the c-listers that Romney beat by drowning them in money and slime. The Establishment rigged the game in Romney's favor at every oppurtunity, and now you are all stuck with him because you worked on the assumption people like me would "come around".
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What part of "responsibility" do you not understand?

Obama was the President. It happened on his watch. The "assholes" are to blame too - and I will not be voting for my Republican Congressman for that reason if my naturalization happens on time. But he is just as much to blame as the "assholes."

Sitting around and pointing fingers at the other side is not a sign of a competent leader. Enough incompetence. Time to switch.

I've criticized Obama for his lack of leadership in that instance. It's a good argument against him. If you go back to some of my August 2011 posts, I take him to task for it.

Not a good enough argument to get me to vote for Romney, though.

Romney is simply just such a horrible human being that I can't vote for him. Sorry.

Obama is clearly a lot sharper at his job than he was three years ago. They all get better with time.

Romney is always going to be what he is...

Always a good laugh Joe - your posts about you pretending that you detest Obama/Dems while religiously bashing Republicans. How about you stop trying to be legitimate two faced fink b/c there's really no such thing. You're in the tank for Obama and Democrats and we all know it.

One more time, guy, since you weren't here in 2011, you don't know what I was posting back then... so please don't pretend you know what you are talking about.

Frankly, you'd have a hard time finding all that many posts when I bash individual Republicans who aren't Mitt Romney.

Mitt Romney is not the Republican Party. Sorry, he just isn't. He's just the awful mistake you are making this year, and come December after he loses, you will be running him down worse than I do.

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