Why Is Mitt Romney So Incredibly Weird?

1) Demographically, JoeB is unlike most Americans; he is an atheist and a far lefty,

2) Sure, I can make assumptions, and 'sides, you always do that about anyone who disagrees with you.

3) I am noticing that you obsess with people who suspect you, with good evidence, of using various monikers.

4) You are an atheist because you believe in the superstition that because you can't prove God's existence then He must not exist. Silly fools.

Your suggestion of a "test" reveals why you do not understand deity or religion, which is your right.

1) Um, I am an atheist, but politically, we are probably about the same. The only difference is my hatred for Romney trumps anything else. If hte GOP had nominated Perry or Gingrich, you'd be voting for Obama this time and you'd know it.

2) YOu can make assumptions, and be laughably wrong. I make them with good solid analysis.

3) I find it amusing that people think I'm more than one person here. Also kind of laughable. It just shows your level of butthurt.

4) Ummm, guy, by the logic you just stated here, you must also believe in unicorns, sea dragons, ghosts, UFO's, and Santa Claus. I mean, by that logic, just because you can't prove they exist must mean they exist. or something.

I understand religion perfectly well. It's people claiming moral authority they don't have by claiming to speak for a being who doesn't exist. Why so many of you still go along with it is the question. So of course, the "test" is scary to you, because not a one of you could pass it, ever.
Um, I am an atheist, but politically, we are probably about the same.
Both of you are far lefty:cuckoo:
1) Um, you being an atheist means you are a fool, which means we are nothing alike.

2) You are a poor analyst. Cognitive functioning is taxing for you.

3) Deny moniker use all you want, folks believe differently.

4) This is why you demonstrate you have very little cognitive function,

You claim moral authority to judge others. That's hypocrisy, sonny.

1) Um, nope, it means I take care of my own problems, I don't pray to sky pixies to fix them.

2) Yet I seem to have you pegged, Jake the Fake.

3) Same folks who I regularly make fools out of, you mean? I'm also wondering what you think anyone would get out of having two names that almost never interact. (I rarely respond or comment on Campbell's threads and he doesn't seem all that interested in mine since I stopped talking about Newt.)

4) Again, the congative disfunction is yours. YOu are making a claim that there is this magic sky man who controls everything, and is just. But he rarely interfers and lets evil succeed, no matter how much we pray to him. But you better follow his rules, or he'll burn you for all eternity. Oh, yeah. And he needs money. :eusa_whistle:
Romney believes that he and wife don't have enough money, but that the poor family getting food stamps and Medicaid has too much.

That's a rather weird set of beliefs.
Um, I am an atheist, but politically, we are probably about the same.
Both of you are far lefty:cuckoo:

YOu mean not the kind of gun-worshipping nutbag you are who sees black helicopters outside his house. Yup. Proud to say I'm not that and will even admit Jake isn't.

YOu see, where I agree with Jake is that the inmates have taken over the asylum at the GOP. We'd both agree that it's the religious right that part of the problem. He thinks the TEA Party is. I think it's the corporate money that's the real problem.

He thinks he can purge the TEA/Moral Majority lot by nominating Romney, but that's laughable. First because he's gonna lose, and secondly, he's going to be beholden to these people.
1) Umm, sparrky, depending on yourself is not wise, kid.

2) You have nothing pegged, silly theist.

3) You are what you are, silly one.

4) Again, the congative disfunction is yours. YOu are making a claim that there is this magic sky man who controls everything, and is just. But he rarely interfers and lets evil succeed, no matter how much we pray to him. But you better follow his rules, or he'll burn you for all eternity. Oh, yeah. And he needs money. You always misspell when you get upset and that disturbs your cognitive functioning. Whether you believe in deity is immaterial as to whether it exists. I am sorry that you are so scared.
Both of you are far lefty:cuckoo:

YOu mean not the kind of gun-worshipping nutbag you are who sees black helicopters outside his house. Yup. Proud to say I'm not that and will even admit Jake isn't.

YOu see, where I agree with Jake is that the inmates have taken over the asylum at the GOP. We'd both agree that it's the religious right that part of the problem. He thinks the TEA Party is. I think it's the corporate money that's the real problem.

He thinks he can purge the TEA/Moral Majority lot by nominating Romney, but that's laughable. First because he's gonna lose, and secondly, he's going to be beholden to these people.

(1) Not worried about black helicopters.

(2) No, the far right and militia nuts are being driven out of the party. After Romney's election is a done deal, they are gone for good.

(3) JoeB thinks that the theocratic right is a major portion of the religious right; it is not.

4) Romney is going to beat Obama badly, then he is going to destroy the TP folks in Congress.
YOu mean not the kind of gun-worshipping nutbag you are who sees black helicopters outside his house. Yup. Proud to say I'm not that and will even admit Jake isn't.

YOu see, where I agree with Jake is that the inmates have taken over the asylum at the GOP. We'd both agree that it's the religious right that part of the problem. He thinks the TEA Party is. I think it's the corporate money that's the real problem.

He thinks he can purge the TEA/Moral Majority lot by nominating Romney, but that's laughable. First because he's gonna lose, and secondly, he's going to be beholden to these people.

(1) Not worried about black helicopters.

(2) No, the far right and militia nuts are being driven out of the party. After Romney's election is a done deal, they are gone for good.

(3) JoeB thinks that the theocratic right is a major portion of the religious right; it is not.

4) Romney is going to beat Obama badly, then he is going to destroy the TP folks in Congress.


Romney will suddenly suck up to the tea party.
Mitt is a smart man and a business man. He will not permit an insurgency in the party any more than he would in a company. The TP that are for streamlined government, smarter policies, separation of church and state, strict enforcement of civil rights laws and codes, and less regulation will be encouraged to stay GOP. Those won't will be encouraged to step out in the alley. MR is building a coalition to the right of center, not to the far right. He simply abhors far right politics. Rightfully so, in my opinion. This is why I support him.
I think people should start digging into the Obama's PERSONAL finances and write nice little articles about it like the one from some site called, samefacts

It would be great if they did that so the comparison between where Willard and Barack started could be highlighted.

"Where it ends yo usually depends on where you start" as the song goes.
Mitt is a smart man and a business man. He will not permit an insurgency in the party any more than he would in a company. The TP that are for streamlined government, smarter policies, separation of church and state, strict enforcement of civil rights laws and codes, and less regulation will be encouraged to stay GOP. Those won't will be encouraged to step out in the alley.

Just what the hell do you think the Tea PARTY stands for
and you think Romney as President is going to tell people to step out in the alley, you and he better get your heads examined
1) Umm, sparrky, depending on yourself is not wise, kid.

2) You have nothing pegged, silly theist.

3) You are what you are, silly one.

4) Again, the congative disfunction is yours. YOu are making a claim that there is this magic sky man who controls everything, and is just. But he rarely interfers and lets evil succeed, no matter how much we pray to him. But you better follow his rules, or he'll burn you for all eternity. Oh, yeah. And he needs money. You always misspell when you get upset and that disturbs your cognitive functioning. Whether you believe in deity is immaterial as to whether it exists. I am sorry that you are so scared.

Wow. Typos? Really.

Usually, only losers complain about typoes, and it's kind of fucking sad to see anyone do it.

Again, address the point.

If your God is so good, why would he let Hitler or Cancer or Reality TV exist? It's a pretty simple question, but you religionists never, ever answer it.

And I know it just pains you to be taking the side of the funditards, since you dislike them almost as much as I do... :lol:
Romney believes that he and wife don't have enough money, but that the poor family getting food stamps and Medicaid has too much.

That's a rather weird set of beliefs.

Actually, Romney believes that the poor people getting food stamps and Medicaid should have the opportunity to make their own money so that they don't NEED food stamps and Medicaid...whereas Barack Obama and his followers think that those same people should continue to be taken care of. It's the fundamental difference between progressives and conservatives. You want to make the rich poorer...whereas we'd like to see the poor make themselves rich.
YOu mean not the kind of gun-worshipping nutbag you are who sees black helicopters outside his house. Yup. Proud to say I'm not that and will even admit Jake isn't.

YOu see, where I agree with Jake is that the inmates have taken over the asylum at the GOP. We'd both agree that it's the religious right that part of the problem. He thinks the TEA Party is. I think it's the corporate money that's the real problem.

He thinks he can purge the TEA/Moral Majority lot by nominating Romney, but that's laughable. First because he's gonna lose, and secondly, he's going to be beholden to these people.

(1) Not worried about black helicopters.

(2) No, the far right and militia nuts are being driven out of the party. After Romney's election is a done deal, they are gone for good.

(3) JoeB thinks that the theocratic right is a major portion of the religious right; it is not.

4) Romney is going to beat Obama badly, then he is going to destroy the TP folks in Congress.

1) Was refering to Reb, who obviously does. Read his stuff.

2) None of those nuts are being driven out of the party. And when your boy loses, they will be back saying "he wasn't conservative enough". Romney walked on eggshells NOT to offend these people during the primaries, and he wont' turn on them in the general.

3) Theocratic Right = Religious right. ANd I don't even think they are really the major problem. The Plutocratic Right is the problem.

4) Romney will lose, because he's a weak candidate and the system actually favors obama.

There aren't enough angry white males to get Romney over the 270 threshhold. Sorry. You might not like the Teabaggers and Militia nuts, but you've hopped into bed with them. I'm so sorry.
Romney believes that he and wife don't have enough money, but that the poor family getting food stamps and Medicaid has too much.

That's a rather weird set of beliefs.

Actually, Romney believes that the poor people getting food stamps and Medicaid should have the opportunity to make their own money so that they don't NEED food stamps and Medicaid...whereas Barack Obama and his followers think that those same people should continue to be taken care of. It's the fundamental difference between progressives and conservatives. You want to make the rich poorer...whereas we'd like to see the poor make themselves rich.


Fact is, Romney has a history of taking good paying Union Manufacturing jobs and offshoring or destroying them, and replacing them with McJobs at a place like Staples or Dominos. Places that have no benefits and lousy wages.

Not suprisingly, most people on Food Stamps or Medicaid have jobs. Just not jobs that pay enough.

And the fact is, it is ultimately self-defeating. Because once you've destroyed the middle class, you've destroyed the firewall that keeps us from the European socialism you hate.

You are bewailing a situation that the Mitt Romneys of the world created, not the Barack Obama's.

You've done this to yourselves!
1) Reb does not reflect the overwhelming majority of the GOP. He is a silly milita nut, nothing more.

2) Yup, they are being driven out. When we win, the TP will be broken forever. .

3) You were talking about Religious Right not plutocratic right. Make up your mind, JoeB.

4) Romney will win, because he's a good candidate and the system actually favors him.

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