Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

You are the one making an argument against the 2nd law.

I'm not the one claiming the 2nd Law makes evolution impossible.
Look, when you take in energy, you can evolve.
Sorry you haven't taken in any energy or information for so long.

The genetic programming provides the natural cycles.

So what?

You are claiming that order increased after 2 billion years for this planet. Look at the other planets in our solar system compared to Earth. You have no evidence to support this ever happened but your imagination.

So what ? the energy we get helps in reproduction but it is the genetic programming that allows the energy to be put to work. They need each other is that a coincidence ?

You are claiming that order increased after 2 billion years for this planet.

Isn't it obvious?

You have no evidence to support this ever happened but your imagination.

No evidence that things can get more complex when you add energy? Are you daft?

the energy we get helps in reproduction but it is the genetic programming that allows the energy to be put to work.

Awesome. Genetic programming allows things to use energy and get more complex.
Welcome to reality. Most of us have been here for quite some time.

The 2nd law shows it had to begin with order sorry.
You are claiming that order increased after 2 billion years for this planet. Look at the other planets in our solar system compared to Earth. You have no evidence to support this ever happened but your imagination.

So what ? the energy we get helps in reproduction but it is the genetic programming that allows the energy to be put to work. They need each other is that a coincidence ?

You are claiming that order increased after 2 billion years for this planet.

Isn't it obvious?

You have no evidence to support this ever happened but your imagination.

No evidence that things can get more complex when you add energy? Are you daft?

the energy we get helps in reproduction but it is the genetic programming that allows the energy to be put to work.

Awesome. Genetic programming allows things to use energy and get more complex.
Welcome to reality. Most of us have been here for quite some time.

The 2nd law shows it had to begin with order sorry.

Where does it show that? Besides your imagination?
You are claiming that order increased after 2 billion years for this planet.

Isn't it obvious?

You have no evidence to support this ever happened but your imagination.

No evidence that things can get more complex when you add energy? Are you daft?

the energy we get helps in reproduction but it is the genetic programming that allows the energy to be put to work.

Awesome. Genetic programming allows things to use energy and get more complex.
Welcome to reality. Most of us have been here for quite some time.

The 2nd law shows it had to begin with order sorry.

Where does it show that? Besides your imagination?

By looking at the evidence in our solar system,there is plenty of evidence suggesting I am right.

Yeah, after reading more of her stuff, it becomes apparent why she works for Answers in genesis: No one else will hire her.

Of course once one goes against the establishment it's like they are not qualified :lol:

Of course, you don’t understand the science you’re hoping to vilify.

What you’re unable to reconcile is that “the establishment” science community holds to science as a process of discovery, standards of proof, peer review and testing of the assertions by others.

On the other hand, we have your cast of charlatans representing the various extremist Christian ministries who invariably require those that shill for them to acknowledge a pretentious and dishonest “statement of faith”.

It’s the individuals ignorant of science or those who grew up in environments where religion was wielded like bloody truncheons who are the ones manipulated by extremists representing creation ministries. It’s the extremists who will sacrifice integrity, honesty and truth for repulsive self satisfaction as a means to press their fanatical agenda. It’s cowardly beyond words and it’s an abandonment of any ethical standard.

Science is the process of discovery which confirms or refutes assertions. Looking past Plank time may (or may not) provide the evidence of what initiated the Big Bang. The study of black holes may provide clues as to time / space dimensional shifts. Science will investigate and rigorously test these processes. Otherwise we have:

The gods did it.

It’s a mystery.

We’ll never know

It’s blasphemy to question the dogma.
Where does it show that? Besides your imagination?

By looking at the evidence in our solar system,there is plenty of evidence suggesting I am right.

Erm, compared to when it first formed (when the solar system was a literal wrecking ball of debris slamming into itself), it is now quite calm and collect. Next.

Your posts are getting more and more less coherent. Meteor showers,the earth does not show near the impacts as other planets.

Nor are there any friendly environments out there other than earth. :eusa_shifty:
The 2nd law shows it had to begin with order sorry.

Where does it show that? Besides your imagination?

By looking at the evidence in our solar system,there is plenty of evidence suggesting I am right.

Wouldn't consistency and an ethical standard suggest you provide such evidence?

Since you have written: I would put my bible first before any secular science text book, why not provide a link to the comprehensive "plenty of evidence" within any of the bibles?
By looking at the evidence in our solar system,there is plenty of evidence suggesting I am right.

Erm, compared to when it first formed (when the solar system was a literal wrecking ball of debris slamming into itself), it is now quite calm and collect. Next.

Your posts are getting more and more less coherent. Meteor showers,the earth does not show near the impacts as other planets.

Nor are there any friendly environments out there other than earth. :eusa_shifty:

You are missing the point:


Compared to today, the solar system was a shooting gallery. The Moon is direct evidence of this. The Earth doesn't show all this damage because - hello - the Earth is a dynamic system that erodes things like craters.
By looking at the evidence in our solar system,there is plenty of evidence suggesting I am right.

Erm, compared to when it first formed (when the solar system was a literal wrecking ball of debris slamming into itself), it is now quite calm and collect. Next.

Your posts are getting more and more less coherent. Meteor showers,the earth does not show near the impacts as other planets.

Nor are there any friendly environments out there other than earth. :eusa_shifty:

Had you studied 8th grade Earth Science, you would have known the answer to that question.

With reference to wind, water, freeze/thaw cycles, can you define “erosion”?

With reference to piles of rock debris at the base of mountains/cliffs, abutments, can you define “gravity”

With reference to objects (meteors, etc.), burning up in the atmosphere, can you define… you know… atmosphere? Have you heard (topical subject), of the Perseid meteor shower?
Do you doubt the real scientists that have made the claim ?

Hope Through Knowledge

There are over 6,000 genetic disorders that can be passed down through the generations, many of which are fatal or severely debilitating. Since 1997, the GDF has worked with Mount Sinai to help provide funding for research to improve early detection and treatment options for many of these disorders

Genetic Disease Foundation: Hope Through Knowledge

So explain mutation fixation to me and why so many harmful mutations exist in the gene pool and would have a negative affect on evolution ?

If evolution easily spreads through the gene pool why do we not all have the same genetic disorders ?

Because there are over 6 billion human beings on the planet. Unless you are suggesting that each of us have had sex and babies with every other human being (in which case, damn), what's your point?

Creationist have been saying and proving this for a long time but actually they say at least 4% difference in the Dna of chimps and humans,which is double the size of immense.

When considering that many human characteristics and bodily functions require the complex interaction of many protein-encoding genes, even a difference of 2 percent (as is the case with humans and chimps) can be considered immense.

10 Things Our Genes Can Tell Us : Discovery Channel

Why have we not found a genetic defect in apes that humans share ?
another out of context justification.
Did anyone else catch ywc's comment "... more and more less coherent"?

Is that correct "phraseonology" or "syntaxological appropriateness"?
Creationist have been saying and proving this for a long time but actually they say at least 4% difference in the Dna of chimps and humans,which is double the size of immense.

When considering that many human characteristics and bodily functions require the complex interaction of many protein-encoding genes, even a difference of 2 percent (as is the case with humans and chimps) can be considered immense.

10 Things Our Genes Can Tell Us : Discovery Channel

Why have we not found a genetic defect in apes that humans share ?

Human-chimp genetic differences: New insights into why humans are more susceptible to cancer and other diseases

In research published in September's American Journal of Human Genetics, Yi looked at brain samples of each species. She found that differences in certain DNA modifications, called methylation, may contribute to phenotypic changes. The results also hint that DNA methylation plays an important role for some disease-related phenotypes in humans, including cancer and autism.

Why did the gods feel a need to create humans and primates with such similar DNA structure?

Were primates a first try by the gods at human "creation" but just a little off?

This is the beauty of it all that is going over your head. God is so great he can use the same ingredients and mechanisms but produce the bio diversity that is observed.

The big difference is the genetic information that is translated.
This is the beauty of it all that is going over your head. God is so great he can use the same ingredients and mechanisms but produce the bio diversity that is observed.

The big difference is the genetic information that is translated.

Hell, that might be true if the gods were so great. However, we have no reason to believe the tales and fables which served as the invention of your gods.

Hell, your gods are only "your gods" because you happened to have been born in a geographic location where the Christian gods were the "most popular".

How really arbitrary and capricious is it that you are the bible thumping zealot when had you been born in the islamist Middle East, you would have become the Koran thumping, muhammud worshipping zealot.

Speechless I know,don't worry I have that affect on some.
thanks for sharing your delusions of self importance.
btw slapdick it's EFFECT NOT AFFECT
Comparison chart</> EMBED THIS CHART
Improve this chart Affect Effect
Verb Meaning: As a verb, to affect something means to cause it to change in some way. This is affect's most common usage. As a verb, "to effect" means "to bring about".
Noun Meaning: As a noun, the word "affect" relates to the display of emotion. As a noun, effect means the result or outcome of a cause. This is effect's most common usage. Also, a person's "effects" means his/her immediate personal belongings.
Usage: "Affect" is most commonly used in its verb form. "Effect" is most commonly used in its noun form.
Pronunciation: Noun: &#712;æf&#603;kt and Verb: &#601;'f&#603;kt &#618;&#712;f&#603;kt
Example: "My cold was affected by the weather" "Special effects"
Ok hollie, enough with your rhetoric, if you care to address some of the questions asked this morning I will be more than happy to discuss them with you.

OK fundie man, enough of your sidestepping. As you know, your rhetorical "questions" are posed as a means to discredit science in the hopes that it will serve your religious agenda.

I noted without a moment of hesitation your rush for the exits regarding AIG's biased application of predefined conclusions used to press a specific religious agenda.

You insist that others answer your "questions" (which they do), but you typically shuffle -off when you are tasked with addressing the explicit bias announced by the creation ministries your cut and paste from.

While you arrogantly demand that others address your rhetoric, you refuse to address the inherent anti-science / anti-intellectual bias in your religious dogma as a means to further your religious agenda without the intellectual baggage of conscience or a moral compass. You ignore the blatant double standard inherent in all of this without a hint of the dishonesty associated with doing so. I’ve pointed this out to you on several occasions but with consistency, you blithely proceed on as though you don't understand the concept of a double standard.
Correct me with conjecture :lol:

HIV-Like Virus Found in Gorillas
Sean Markey
for National Geographic News
November 9, 2006

A form of HIV has been found in wild gorillas in western central Africa. This is the first time the AIDS-causing virus has been detected in primates other than chimps and humans.

HIV-Like Virus Found in Gorillas

Can you recognize conjecture ?

So, your evidence that I am presenting conjecture is an article that actually verifies that what I was saying is true? Facepalm time.

Simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) is real, dude. You have been corrected. Are you going to acknowledge it, or are you going to sink even further into the quagmire of your own denial?

That is your sides faulting reasoning because something is similar they must be the same. Same argument as Dna similarity.
Humans share the most similarities with the bonobos, and then chimpanzees. Mice share many genes, but not 98%.

It's important to remember that DNA similarities will be relatively high within the mamalian class simply because DNA is largely a recipe for protein manufacture. Since mammals all use similar proteins, they're going to be using similar DNA. It's also helpful to remember that DNA is not destiny. There are also epigenes, RNA and mDNA to consider.

One of the stronger arguments for common descent comes from endogenous retroviruses (or ERVs) that appear in exactly the same place within closely related species. ERVs are ancient deactivated viruses that made it into the germ-line and was therefore carried by all future generations. Since the insertion of an ERV in the germ line is a rare occurance and having the same ERV occur in the same place on the chromosome in different species is damn near impossible, you can calculate relatedness based on how many ancient ERVs you can find between species.

So far, based on multiple lines of evidence (including the two cited here) common descent continues to stand up.

Can someone clarify something for me about genetic similarity and evolution? - Yahoo! Answers

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