Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

Both comments are from nuts and I have very little respect for both pastors. That day will never come until God comes and has the resurrection and judges mankind.

See God shows you some of these characters were speaking and doing for themselves and not truly representing God in the way they should have.

Mat 7:18 It is not possible for a good tree to give bad fruit, and a bad tree will not give good fruit.
Mat 7:19 Every tree which does not give good fruit is cut down and put in the fire.
Mat 7:20 So by their fruits you will get knowledge of them.
Mat 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will go into the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the pleasure of my Father in heaven.
Mat 7:22 A great number will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, were we not prophets in your name, and did we not by your name send out evil spirits, and by your name do works of power?
Mat 7:23 And then will I say to them, I never had knowledge of you: go from me, you workers of evil.

Mat 7:24 (a) And the extremist nut-bars have fallen out of the tree of very little knowledge and bumped their heads on every branch.

May the gawds bless Jerry, Pat, Jimmy Swaggert (if he can just keep his pants on), Tammy Faye, Billy Bob, Harun Yahya, and basically, every creep, charlatan and snake oil salesman you're beholden to.

Yep there are some Christians to avoid and God gave us a method to recognize them.
Do you not understand the father of your theory and his cronies were racists ? Of course today a biologist will not teach those lies because they know better. They know skin color was not passed on through evolution but their assumptions and predictions were wrong then and some of them are wrong today.

Darwin made a great observation but gave a very poor explanation ,and made the explanation worse by his assumptions and predictions.

The fossil record has not done what he said it should do if his theory be correct either. Slow gradual changes and we know that didn't happen and that is why gould and eldredge created a theory to explain the evidence that was not supporting Darwin.

Darwin's finches are classic examples of "slow gradual changes" caused by environmental conditions altering. You have obviously never even seen a copy of his book let alone opened one and actually read anything of what he wrote on the subject.

It happened in a short period of time due to drought. Supported by recent studies.

" Usually we think of evolution as being a slow grind, he says.

But, Pfennig added, the study suggests that evolution due to competition between closely related species "paradoxically may often occur so rapidly that we may actually miss the process taking place."

"Instant" Evolution Seen in Darwin's Finches, Study Says

The pace of evolution
We have yet more confirmation that evolution does occur. Adaptation can happen quite quickly. On the downside, you just demoted your gawds.

Thanks for that.
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Both comments are from nuts and I have very little respect for both pastors. That day will never come until God comes and has the resurrection and judges mankind.

See God shows you some of these characters were speaking and doing for themselves and not truly representing God in the way they should have.

Mat 7:18 It is not possible for a good tree to give bad fruit, and a bad tree will not give good fruit.
Mat 7:19 Every tree which does not give good fruit is cut down and put in the fire.
Mat 7:20 So by their fruits you will get knowledge of them.
Mat 7:21 Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will go into the kingdom of heaven; but he who does the pleasure of my Father in heaven.
Mat 7:22 A great number will say to me on that day, Lord, Lord, were we not prophets in your name, and did we not by your name send out evil spirits, and by your name do works of power?
Mat 7:23 And then will I say to them, I never had knowledge of you: go from me, you workers of evil.

Mat 7:24 (a) And the extremist nut-bars have fallen out of the tree of very little knowledge and bumped their heads on every branch.

May the gawds bless Jerry, Pat, Jimmy Swaggert (if he can just keep his pants on), Tammy Faye, Billy Bob, Harun Yahya, and basically, every creep, charlatan and snake oil salesman you're beholden to.

Yep there are some Christians to avoid and God gave us a method to recognize them.

Yep. And those other christians know to avoid you with their gawd given ability to recognize false christians.
Mat 7:24 (a) And the extremist nut-bars have fallen out of the tree of very little knowledge and bumped their heads on every branch.

May the gawds bless Jerry, Pat, Jimmy Swaggert (if he can just keep his pants on), Tammy Faye, Billy Bob, Harun Yahya, and basically, every creep, charlatan and snake oil salesman you're beholden to.

Yep there are some Christians to avoid and God gave us a method to recognize them.

Yep. And those other christians know to avoid you with their gawd given ability to recognize false christians.

YWC set himself up for that response.
Yep there are some Christians to avoid and God gave us a method to recognize them.

Yep. And those other christians know to avoid you with their gawd given ability to recognize false christians.

YWC set himself up for that response.
He does that, umm. religiously.

He hasn't quite realized he's on a roll setting himself up.

He commented about Gould and Eldridge who "created a theory to explain the evidence that was not supporting Darwin". That theory was Punctuated Equilibria, which was in part, a theory to explain rapid evolutionary change: the Cambrian Expansion.

It would seem the religious extremist has offered evidence of the theory proposed by Gould and Eldridge.

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Ok I don't mind discussing the issues with someone that can be rational. If you come across as an ignorant Ideologue I will just put you on ignore and just let you talk to each other lol.
Ok I don't mind discussing the issues with someone that can be rational. If you come across as an ignorant Ideologue I will just put you on ignore and just let you talk to each other lol.

Oh the IRONY of an ignorant religious ideologue projecting his failings onto others because he cannot refute the FACTS.
Ok I don't mind discussing the issues with someone that can be rational. If you come across as an ignorant Ideologue I will just put you on ignore and just let you talk to each other lol.

You apparently are capable of being rational, even if it's accidental. You managed two posts that supported the science of evilution.

Your league of snake handlers may not approve but I do.
It's obvious ywc has made every effort to sidestep, dodge and avoid addressing the issues.
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Ok I don't mind discussing the issues with someone that can be rational. If you come across as an ignorant Ideologue I will just put you on ignore and just let you talk to each other lol.

You apparently are capable of being rational, even if it's accidental. You managed two posts that supported the science of evilution.

Your league of snake handlers may not approve but I do.

Explain ?
It's obvious ywc has made every effort to sidestep, dodge and avoid addressing the issues.

That is actually what you do but if you point out something I missed I will respond or is this your desperate attempt at painting an inaccurate picture.

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