Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

I will no longer respond to you but will discuss things with honest people in the thread.

You've likely lied so long that I doubt that you even know what it looks like anymore. See, I told you that if you don't understand these things, you should must run along because you are only making yourself look the fool (as if there was any doubt).
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I have not seen you yet put up a convincing argument. You still have not shown me this ape to human evolution.

Humans ARE apes. For you to deny this widely accepted and easily demonstrated fact only shows the rest of us that how friggin ignorant you are. Watch the movie.

Look, whatever convinces you of ape to human evolution does not convince me. The Y chromosome is evidence I have repeatedly asked you about that you don't have an answer for. You attempted once to answer but the evidence did not address the question because you didn't understand what the evidence was you presented.

I took all the classes necessary to gain a degree in science and passed all those classes needed. Your videos is just more of the same ol arguments that I believe are baseless that is why I am now a creationist. The problem with most of you is that you don't know the difference between conjecture and actual empirical evidence or you don't realize the argument lacks empirical evidence.

in the thousands of posts you've "presented" not once have you provided ANY EMPIRICAL QUANTIFIABLE evidence of any sort... to say you have is a lie .....slapdick!
Really ? over 11 years working in a lab is not a real life experience ?

What lab where? Being a janitor (or even a lab techy) doesn't qualify as "life experience" as a scientist working in the field of geology, biology, chemistry, or physics. It certainly doesn't qualify you as a paleontologist or a field geologist. Not even close. And I can promise you that had you brought your god of the gaps belief in such nonsense into my lab, you'd have been canned, because, As Neil deGrasse Tyson said, you are "useless on the frontier of understanding the nature of the world". Congratulations:

Working in gene and mutation research. oh my someone can't deal with the issues and goes on the attack with pointless insults.
wrong ! you get insulted because your ISSUES are moot...
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Evolutionist pleading to their beloved theory.

Boyz II Men - End Of The Road - YouTube

On the other hand, we have the reality of extremists pleading their beloved appeals to fear and ignorance.

The result: Kitzmiller vs. Dover.

How's that working out for you?

We were warned these things would happen for while after all this is satans world at this time. He is on borrowed and that time can run out at anytime now.
dodge, projection, and fantasy ! you just won the trifecta of willful ignorance!
University of Arizona not Liberty,now what ?

What degree? What papers have you published? What are your professional associations? How did your course material relate in any way to geology? What rocks and minerals/fossils have you personally collected and analyzed, and what is the disposition of those specimens? What field methods courses have you taken? What field work have you conducted? Where are your results published?

Oh right, you've already told us that you are not a scientist.

I have my masters degree in molecular genetics. No papers published. No professional associations. I left the field many years ago and started a business in mining precious metals. Never said my studies are related to geology. I have observed many fossils from the Grand canyon with a friend that is a geologist.

Now you answer the same questions.
do you not read your own thread? he has answered at least three times...you must have short term memory issues..
I have my masters degree in molecular genetics. No papers published. No professional associations. I left the field many years ago and started a business in mining precious metals. Never said my studies are related to geology. I have observed many fossils from the Grand canyon with a friend that is a geologist.

Now you answer the same questions.

Field observation is about much more than "observing fossils". Anyone can observe fossils. If that is all there was to it, anyone could do it. Did you know that geology is actually one of the most difficult scientific disciplines? It is true. Geology encompasses all of the natural sciences, and engineering and even astronomy. It is truly multidisciplinary. You could live your entire professional life as a physicist and never have to touch a rock. You could live your entire professional life as a biologist and never have to draw a map. You could live your entire professional life as a chemist and never walk twelve miles plotting strikes and dips. But you cannot conduct geology without intimate knowledge of all of the natural sciences.

For instance, and since you claim to be in the mining business, can you tell me what this is, and the rocks in which this is occurring?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this (this occurs in your state so you should be able to identify it)?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this? What kind of rock is this and why is it important in the mining industry?


Finally, and you should know this structure if you are, as you say, in the mining business:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkCNM_WW_-U]The Fossil Record Speaks - YouTube[/ame]
Walter Veith
Walter Veith
Walter Julius Veith is a Seventh-day Adventist author and speaker known for his work in nutrition, creationism and Biblical exegesis He studied zoology at the University of Stellenbosch and obtained his doctorate in zoology from the University of Cape Town in 1979. He was professor and chair of the Department of Zoology at the University of Western Cape, South Africa. His research field is nutritional physiology and his research concentrates on the effect of modern animal husbandry on the incidence of disease transferral to man, as well as degenerative diseases caused by incorrect nutrition and particularly diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and cancer. He is also concerned about antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are causing food poisoning epidemics around the world. He was honored with the Royal Society London Grant for the Reconstruction and Development Program to establish a research climate in post-apartheid South Africa. Veith is now a firm believer in creationism and …
I asked you specific questions related to geology and mining since you claim to be in the mining business, and this is your response? Wow, that just takes my breath away. You could have simply said "I don't know". By the way, it is okay to admit that you don't know. Just don't claim you do know when it is obvious that you don't. Because that would be dishonest. You do understand the concept of honesty, right?

I have no clue what you want from me and what this has to do with mining. We have an open pit mine ever heard of the concept ?

You want to think you are brilliant have at it but I assure you geology is not a discipline of science that I would rate as being a hard science.

You're even dumber than I thought after that comment.

I suppose for extremists such as ywc, hard sciences are defined by winged horses pulling chariots through the clouds, fat, naked babies playing harps, Arks, and dead men not staying dead.
guys parting the reed sea, stuffing all land animals in a boat, knocking down ten foot thick stone walls with trumpets..virgin birth.....etc
YWC, I find it interesting that you trust a geologist to use the very science that you so oppose in order to line your own pockets. What other dishonest activities are you involved in?

Do you realize that many of the bigger mining outfits have on staff their own geologists. I am about the profits do not need to concern myself with such matters. Other people make a living making decisions on behalf of myself and my business partners.
I must be psychic...
from the first time I read your shit ...I knew you were a fraud .
I know whose work this is and what university he attended. Plagiarism is a very ugly thing you fake.

Yep you're busted.

What are you talking about?
it's a classic ywc tactic.. he'll make false claims about you or your education and convince himself he's right especially when he's getting his ass handed to him, like now.
I have no clue what you want from me and what this has to do with mining. We have an open pit mine ever heard of the concept ?

You want to think you are brilliant have at it but I assure you geology is not a discipline of science that I would rate as being a hard science.

You're even dumber than I thought after that comment.

I have no clue

No kidding. Still think CO2 & H2O being turned into sugar and cellulose isn't a decrease in entropy?

I'd write a nasty letter to U of A, they really did you a disservice when they allowed you to graduate with no scientific knowledge at all.

No I think it is a reach on your part or just poor reasoning.

CO2 and H2O being turned into sugar and celluloe is a reach? Poor reasoning?

Please, explain how that is not a reduction in entropy.
How it is not an increase in energy and complexity.
If you could use your own words and not link to a stupid video or post a wall of text,
that would be awesome.
Thanks in advance!!
You linked one of my, what? The second image was taken in my home, the third at an abandoned mine site in the Black Hills of South Dakota, when I was there ten years ago, the fourth was taken in my home, as well the fifth and sixth.

Wrong,one you claim is yours was taken in the Andes by a German geologist time for you to stop. :lol:

The only one there taken in South America was taken in Patagonia by Dr. Johannes Koch, of the University of Manitoba. I never said I took that photo. No.s two through six were all taken by me. The rest were not, and I said so. Don't believe me?

See for yourself- for instance - Number 2? That would be this one, which I just hastily photographed:


Do you want me to continue? I can re-photograph them all using "dumbass" as a background phrase, if that's what you need.

You are a liar and a fraud. I checked those pictures 2 through 6 you claimed that was your work.

This picture in your home does not convince me of anything other than you trying to cover up you being a fake.
Which is exactly my point. You line your pockets with the sweat of people who you badmouth behind their backs, and whose work you loath and condemn, but have no problem profiting from. As I've said, you are an immoral man (and a coward).

Oh we have a bleeding heart liberal that thinks it is wrong to make money and create jobs. How is that working for Obama ?

That isn't the issue here. The issue here is that you claim that evolution is fake, that geology is not a science, and yet you hire geologists to do the work that you say is fake in order to make money. That makes you a hypocrite. The point is that if none of this science is true, you wouldn't be making any money off your mine. But not to worry, I don't believe for a moment that you know or have any connection to the mining industry. Anyone as clueless as you has no business in the mining industry.

I never said geology or any discipline of science is not science. I believe some of their hypothesis are wrong and don't do as claimed. If you have such a problem comprehending what I actually say why would I believe the B.S. you spew.
I will no longer respond to you but will discuss things with honest people in the thread.

You've likely lied so long that I doubt that you even know what it looks like anymore. See, I told you that if you don't understand these things, you should must run along because you are only making yourself look the fool (as if there was any doubt).

I don't lie and I will not deal with a liar.this is my last response to you.
Humans ARE apes. For you to deny this widely accepted and easily demonstrated fact only shows the rest of us that how friggin ignorant you are. Watch the movie.

Look, whatever convinces you of ape to human evolution does not convince me. The Y chromosome is evidence I have repeatedly asked you about that you don't have an answer for. You attempted once to answer but the evidence did not address the question because you didn't understand what the evidence was you presented.

I took all the classes necessary to gain a degree in science and passed all those classes needed. Your videos is just more of the same ol arguments that I believe are baseless that is why I am now a creationist. The problem with most of you is that you don't know the difference between conjecture and actual empirical evidence or you don't realize the argument lacks empirical evidence.

in the thousands of posts you've "presented" not once have you provided ANY EMPIRICAL QUANTIFIABLE evidence of any sort... to say you have is a lie .....slapdick!

Yes I have and the latest piece still goes ignored.
Field observation is about much more than "observing fossils". Anyone can observe fossils. If that is all there was to it, anyone could do it. Did you know that geology is actually one of the most difficult scientific disciplines? It is true. Geology encompasses all of the natural sciences, and engineering and even astronomy. It is truly multidisciplinary. You could live your entire professional life as a physicist and never have to touch a rock. You could live your entire professional life as a biologist and never have to draw a map. You could live your entire professional life as a chemist and never walk twelve miles plotting strikes and dips. But you cannot conduct geology without intimate knowledge of all of the natural sciences.

For instance, and since you claim to be in the mining business, can you tell me what this is, and the rocks in which this is occurring?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this (this occurs in your state so you should be able to identify it)?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this? What kind of rock is this and why is it important in the mining industry?


Finally, and you should know this structure if you are, as you say, in the mining business:


[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LkCNM_WW_-U]The Fossil Record Speaks - YouTube[/ame]
Walter Veith
Walter Veith
Walter Julius Veith is a Seventh-day Adventist author and speaker known for his work in nutrition, creationism and Biblical exegesis He studied zoology at the University of Stellenbosch and obtained his doctorate in zoology from the University of Cape Town in 1979. He was professor and chair of the Department of Zoology at the University of Western Cape, South Africa. His research field is nutritional physiology and his research concentrates on the effect of modern animal husbandry on the incidence of disease transferral to man, as well as degenerative diseases caused by incorrect nutrition and particularly diseases such as osteoporosis, arthritis and cancer. He is also concerned about antibiotic-resistant bacteria, which are causing food poisoning epidemics around the world. He was honored with the Royal Society London Grant for the Reconstruction and Development Program to establish a research climate in post-apartheid South Africa. Veith is now a firm believer in creationism and …

Yes Walter Veith,one of many that destroys your religion.
YWC, I find it interesting that you trust a geologist to use the very science that you so oppose in order to line your own pockets. What other dishonest activities are you involved in?

Do you realize that many of the bigger mining outfits have on staff their own geologists. I am about the profits do not need to concern myself with such matters. Other people make a living making decisions on behalf of myself and my business partners.
I must be psychic...
from the first time I read your shit ...I knew you were a fraud .

Daws no one takes you serious and I said I will only respond to people that seem to be honest and try to discuss the issues So you to I will ignore.
I have no clue

No kidding. Still think CO2 & H2O being turned into sugar and cellulose isn't a decrease in entropy?

I'd write a nasty letter to U of A, they really did you a disservice when they allowed you to graduate with no scientific knowledge at all.

No I think it is a reach on your part or just poor reasoning.

CO2 and H2O being turned into sugar and celluloe is a reach? Poor reasoning?

Please, explain how that is not a reduction in entropy.
How it is not an increase in energy and complexity.
If you could use your own words and not link to a stupid video or post a wall of text,
that would be awesome.
Thanks in advance!!

I don't believe any natural process that is the result of genetic programing is a reduction in entropy.
No I think it is a reach on your part or just poor reasoning.

CO2 and H2O being turned into sugar and celluloe is a reach? Poor reasoning?

Please, explain how that is not a reduction in entropy.
How it is not an increase in energy and complexity.
If you could use your own words and not link to a stupid video or post a wall of text,
that would be awesome.
Thanks in advance!!

I don't believe any natural process that is the result of genetic programing is a reduction in entropy.

So if I used solar energy in the lab to turn CO2 and H2O into sugar, that would be a reduction in entropy?
Wrong,one you claim is yours was taken in the Andes by a German geologist time for you to stop. :lol:

The only one there taken in South America was taken in Patagonia by Dr. Johannes Koch, of the University of Manitoba. I never said I took that photo. No.s two through six were all taken by me. The rest were not, and I said so. Don't believe me?

See for yourself- for instance - Number 2? That would be this one, which I just hastily photographed:


Do you want me to continue? I can re-photograph them all using "dumbass" as a background phrase, if that's what you need.

You are a liar and a fraud. I checked those pictures 2 through 6 you claimed that was your work.

This picture in your home does not convince me of anything other than you trying to cover up you being a fake.

Let me guess, someone dropped you on your head when you were two years old and you've not been the same since. That explains everything about you.

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