Why is naturalism considered scientific and creationism is not ?

Hehehe. I'll wait for a proper response from our resident cultist to see if he can answer my questions, then I will post the answers. YWC. You have until midnight.

I have answered yours, now provide an answer to the question to ape to human evolution i have been asking a while now.

You didn't answer my questions. You did finally admit that you didn't know the answers, which, if you really were mining precious minerals, you would have known. But that just proved to everyone that you are a clueless liar. You should stop now.

Yes I did, if I had the time I probably could have googled the picture to get an answer. Do you have a point ?
You must waste an awful lot of time digging about nilly willy. Not a good way to mine at all. You have to be the dumbest miner that ever lived.

The first image is of a thrust fault with typical Fault-propagation folding. Faults are important pathways for mineralizing hydrothermal fluids and often contain valuable minerals and metals. They can also emplace cap rock onto petroleum reservoirs, and so knowing the structural geometry of fault zones is critical for locating mineral and petroleum resources. You didn't know this? Huh.

The second image is a Mississippian-aged crinoid called Adenocrinus Nodosus. It is very rare, only a handful known to exist, in fact. Fossils can be used to determine stratigraphic position, which is vital if one is looking for specific mineral zones/reservoirs.

The third image is of a massive orthoclase crystal containing large tourmalines (one of your precious minerals). Note the size of the mallet in the image for scale next to the black tourmaline crystals.

The fourth image is red lead, otherwise known as crocoite, which is found in several mines in Arizona. That specimen, in fact, came from Arizona. You didn't know this? And you claim to be mining precious minerals in Arizona? I don't believe you.

The fourth specimen is a simple calcite crystal, the first mineral every geology student learns to recognize. Gawds, you are lame.

The fourth image is of sectional zoning in fluorite, another mineral found in your state, but is much more common where I live.

The fifth image is of a block of breccia. Breccias are very common mineral zones, and in fact, are often the pathways of mineralizing hydrothermal fluids, and very often contain valuable minerals. The breccia in the image contains gold. You didn't know this? Huh.

The sixth and final image is a small plunging anticline, a structural feature found in many metamorphic zones, which are important regions where valuable minerals are often found.

YWC It is clear that you don't know the first thing about the subject. Care to retract your bullshite statement that you mine precious minerals?

We do Exploration drilling to know the contents of ore deposits. These samples go to a geologist to run a few tests and break down the contents of the ore. They crush it and run a few tests and we usually get an answer within a week depending how busy they are. Listen I have been in this business now for 15 years . Why don't you retract your lie of being a scientist.

In other words, someone else does the real work, because you don't know anything about it, and you sit in your office posting bullshite right here. Dumbass, before you can drill the first foot of borehole, you have to know where to drill, otherwise you are wasting valuable time and money punching dry holes. You can't know where to drill unless you have the expertize to know the geology of the area under consideration. And you can't know the geology of the area under consideration if you don't know the first thing about geology. You really are the dumbest miner on the planet. How sad for your employer. How many times must I hand you your hat?

Yes, that is one of the privileges of being a business partner. When I was a Lab tech I did the work for the people paying me to do that work, see how that works ?
What degree? What papers have you published? What are your professional associations? How did your course material relate in any way to geology? What rocks and minerals/fossils have you personally collected and analyzed, and what is the disposition of those specimens? What field methods courses have you taken? What field work have you conducted? Where are your results published?

Oh right, you've already told us that you are not a scientist.

I have my masters degree in molecular genetics. No papers published. No professional associations. I left the field many years ago and started a business in mining precious metals. Never said my studies are related to geology. I have observed many fossils from the Grand canyon with a friend that is a geologist.

Now you answer the same questions.

Field observation is about much more than "observing fossils". Anyone can observe fossils. If that is all there was to it, anyone could do it. Did you know that geology is actually one of the most difficult scientific disciplines? It is true. Geology encompasses all of the natural sciences, and engineering and even astronomy. It is truly multidisciplinary. You could live your entire professional life as a physicist and never have to touch a rock. You could live your entire professional life as a biologist and never have to draw a map. You could live your entire professional life as a chemist and never walk twelve miles plotting strikes and dips. But you cannot conduct geology without intimate knowledge of all of the natural sciences.

For instance, and since you claim to be in the mining business, can you tell me what this is, and the rocks in which this is occurring?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this (this occurs in your state so you should be able to identify it)?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this? What kind of rock is this and why is it important in the mining industry?


Finally, and you should know this structure if you are, as you say, in the mining business:


That is what I thought you tried to pass it off as your work. Where were the pictures taken ?
YWC, I find it interesting that you trust a geologist to use the very science that you so oppose in order to line your own pockets. What other dishonest activities are you involved in?
I have answered yours, now provide an answer to the question to ape to human evolution i have been asking a while now.

You didn't answer my questions. You did finally admit that you didn't know the answers, which, if you really were mining precious minerals, you would have known. But that just proved to everyone that you are a clueless liar. You should stop now.

Yes I did, if I had the time I probably could have googled the picture to get an answer. Do you have a point ?

Anyone can Google. Few people can actually do real geology. My point is that you are a fraud and a liar, but then, we knew that about you already.
I have my masters degree in molecular genetics. No papers published. No professional associations. I left the field many years ago and started a business in mining precious metals. Never said my studies are related to geology. I have observed many fossils from the Grand canyon with a friend that is a geologist.

Now you answer the same questions.

Field observation is about much more than "observing fossils". Anyone can observe fossils. If that is all there was to it, anyone could do it. Did you know that geology is actually one of the most difficult scientific disciplines? It is true. Geology encompasses all of the natural sciences, and engineering and even astronomy. It is truly multidisciplinary. You could live your entire professional life as a physicist and never have to touch a rock. You could live your entire professional life as a biologist and never have to draw a map. You could live your entire professional life as a chemist and never walk twelve miles plotting strikes and dips. But you cannot conduct geology without intimate knowledge of all of the natural sciences.

For instance, and since you claim to be in the mining business, can you tell me what this is, and the rocks in which this is occurring?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this (this occurs in your state so you should be able to identify it)?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this? What kind of rock is this and why is it important in the mining industry?


Finally, and you should know this structure if you are, as you say, in the mining business:


That is what I thought you tried to pass it off as your work. Where were the pictures taken ?

That's the problem. You don't think (for yourself, that is). The second through sixth images were taken by me of specimens in my collection that I personal collected, prepared and photographed. The others I rounded up on Google to use as examples.
We do Exploration drilling to know the contents of ore deposits. These samples go to a geologist to run a few tests and break down the contents of the ore. They crush it and run a few tests and we usually get an answer within a week depending how busy they are. Listen I have been in this business now for 15 years . Why don't you retract your lie of being a scientist.

In other words, someone else does the real work, because you don't know anything about it, and you sit in your office posting bullshite right here. Dumbass, before you can drill the first foot of borehole, you have to know where to drill, otherwise you are wasting valuable time and money punching dry holes. You can't know where to drill unless you have the expertize to know the geology of the area under consideration. And you can't know the geology of the area under consideration if you don't know the first thing about geology. You really are the dumbest miner on the planet. How sad for your employer. How many times must I hand you your hat?

Yes, that is one of the privileges of being a business partner. When I was a Lab tech I did the work for the people paying me to do that work, see how that works ?

Yes, I do see how that works. You hire geologists and other specialists to do work that you openly oppose on the internet all the while badmouthing them and their work behind their backs and yet profiting from their blood, sweat, and tears. You, YWC, are not a moral man. But then, you knew that.
YWC, I find it interesting that you trust a geologist to use the very science that you so oppose in order to line your own pockets. What other dishonest activities are you involved in?

Do you realize that many of the bigger mining outfits have on staff their own geologists. I am about the profits do not need to concern myself with such matters. Other people make a living making decisions on behalf of myself and my business partners.
Field observation is about much more than "observing fossils". Anyone can observe fossils. If that is all there was to it, anyone could do it. Did you know that geology is actually one of the most difficult scientific disciplines? It is true. Geology encompasses all of the natural sciences, and engineering and even astronomy. It is truly multidisciplinary. You could live your entire professional life as a physicist and never have to touch a rock. You could live your entire professional life as a biologist and never have to draw a map. You could live your entire professional life as a chemist and never walk twelve miles plotting strikes and dips. But you cannot conduct geology without intimate knowledge of all of the natural sciences.

For instance, and since you claim to be in the mining business, can you tell me what this is, and the rocks in which this is occurring?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this (this occurs in your state so you should be able to identify it)?


Or this?


Or this?


Or this? What kind of rock is this and why is it important in the mining industry?


Finally, and you should know this structure if you are, as you say, in the mining business:


That is what I thought you tried to pass it off as your work. Where were the pictures taken ?

That's the problem. You don't think (for yourself, that is). The second through sixth images were taken by me of specimens in my collection that I personal collected, prepared and photographed. The others I rounded up on Google to use as examples.

Ok I linked one of yours can you tell me where you took these pictures ?
In other words, someone else does the real work, because you don't know anything about it, and you sit in your office posting bullshite right here. Dumbass, before you can drill the first foot of borehole, you have to know where to drill, otherwise you are wasting valuable time and money punching dry holes. You can't know where to drill unless you have the expertize to know the geology of the area under consideration. And you can't know the geology of the area under consideration if you don't know the first thing about geology. You really are the dumbest miner on the planet. How sad for your employer. How many times must I hand you your hat?

Yes, that is one of the privileges of being a business partner. When I was a Lab tech I did the work for the people paying me to do that work, see how that works ?

Yes, I do see how that works. You hire geologists and other specialists to do work that you openly oppose on the internet all the while badmouthing them and their work behind their backs and yet profiting from their blood, sweat, and tears. You, YWC, are not a moral man. But then, you knew that.

I am not asking them to put an age on it :lol:
I know whose work this is and what university he attended. Plagiarism is a very ugly thing you fake.

Yep you're busted.
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YWC, I find it interesting that you trust a geologist to use the very science that you so oppose in order to line your own pockets. What other dishonest activities are you involved in?

Do you realize that many of the bigger mining outfits have on staff their own geologists. I am about the profits do not need to concern myself with such matters. Other people make a living making decisions on behalf of myself and my business partners.

Which is exactly my point. You line your pockets with the sweat of people who you badmouth behind their backs, and whose work you loath and condemn, but have no problem profiting from. As I've said, you are an immoral man (and a coward).
That is what I thought you tried to pass it off as your work. Where were the pictures taken ?

That's the problem. You don't think (for yourself, that is). The second through sixth images were taken by me of specimens in my collection that I personal collected, prepared and photographed. The others I rounded up on Google to use as examples.

Ok I linked one of yours can you tell me where you took these pictures ?

You linked one of my, what? The second image was taken in my home, the third at an abandoned mine site in the Black Hills of South Dakota, when I was there ten years ago, the fourth was taken in my home, as well the fifth and sixth.
Yes, that is one of the privileges of being a business partner. When I was a Lab tech I did the work for the people paying me to do that work, see how that works ?

Yes, I do see how that works. You hire geologists and other specialists to do work that you openly oppose on the internet all the while badmouthing them and their work behind their backs and yet profiting from their blood, sweat, and tears. You, YWC, are not a moral man. But then, you knew that.

I am not asking them to put an age on it :lol:

You don't need to ask them. But if you do ask them, I can guarantee that they will tell you that they do know the age, and need to know what part of the geologic column in which they are working. For example, it is kind of pointless to be drilling in Jurassic-aged sandstone when the minerals are located in Cretaceous-aged basalt.
That's the problem. You don't think (for yourself, that is). The second through sixth images were taken by me of specimens in my collection that I personal collected, prepared and photographed. The others I rounded up on Google to use as examples.

Ok I linked one of yours can you tell me where you took these pictures ?

You linked one of my, what? The second image was taken in my home, the third at an abandoned mine site in the Black Hills of South Dakota, when I was there ten years ago, the fourth was taken in my home, as well the fifth and sixth.

Wrong,one you claim is yours was taken in the Andes by a German geologist time for you to stop. :lol:
YWC, I find it interesting that you trust a geologist to use the very science that you so oppose in order to line your own pockets. What other dishonest activities are you involved in?

Do you realize that many of the bigger mining outfits have on staff their own geologists. I am about the profits do not need to concern myself with such matters. Other people make a living making decisions on behalf of myself and my business partners.

Which is exactly my point. You line your pockets with the sweat of people who you badmouth behind their backs, and whose work you loath and condemn, but have no problem profiting from. As I've said, you are an immoral man (and a coward).

Oh we have a bleeding heart liberal that thinks it is wrong to make money and create jobs. How is that working for Obama ?
Ok I linked one of yours can you tell me where you took these pictures ?

You linked one of my, what? The second image was taken in my home, the third at an abandoned mine site in the Black Hills of South Dakota, when I was there ten years ago, the fourth was taken in my home, as well the fifth and sixth.

Wrong,one you claim is yours was taken in the Andes by a German geologist time for you to stop. :lol:

The only one there taken in South America was taken in Patagonia by Dr. Johannes Koch, of the University of Manitoba. I never said I took that photo. No.s two through six were all taken by me. The rest were not, and I said so. Don't believe me?

See for yourself- for instance - Number 2? That would be this one, which I just hastily photographed:


Do you want me to continue? I can re-photograph them all using "dumbass" as a background phrase, if that's what you need.
Do you realize that many of the bigger mining outfits have on staff their own geologists. I am about the profits do not need to concern myself with such matters. Other people make a living making decisions on behalf of myself and my business partners.

Which is exactly my point. You line your pockets with the sweat of people who you badmouth behind their backs, and whose work you loath and condemn, but have no problem profiting from. As I've said, you are an immoral man (and a coward).

Oh we have a bleeding heart liberal that thinks it is wrong to make money and create jobs. How is that working for Obama ?

That isn't the issue here. The issue here is that you claim that evolution is fake, that geology is not a science, and yet you hire geologists to do the work that you say is fake in order to make money. That makes you a hypocrite. The point is that if none of this science is true, you wouldn't be making any money off your mine. But not to worry, I don't believe for a moment that you know or have any connection to the mining industry. Anyone as clueless as you has no business in the mining industry.
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