Why is no one in the Biden admin being held accountable for drone bombing a dozen innocents in Kabul?

No one is being held accountable because like everything else the Biden administration has fucked up, it's "Trump's Fault."
Can you say who in the White House was told there was bombers in the car and then ordered the car bombed....

Then we can go after who supplied the bad intel....

It seems like it was an unfortunate mistake... A reason to leave..
Can you say who in the White House was told there was bombers in the car and then ordered the car bombed....

Then we can go after who supplied the bad intel....

It seems like it was an unfortunate mistake... A reason to leave..

Everything the Biden administration has done so far has been an "unfortunate mistake." How long do you think they can go on like that?
Voters have forgotten about Afghanistan

Just look at DRUDGE REPORT 2022®

Not a single story in all those hundreds of headlines.

The right has milked the Afghanistan story for all that it's worth. Only the right will remember Afghanistan on election day.
Voters have forgotten about Afghanistan

Just look at DRUDGE REPORT 2022®

Not a single story in all those hundreds of headlines.

The right has milked the Afghanistan story for all that it's worth. Only the right will remember Afghanistan on election day.

Biden isn't even done fucking up yet. There will be plenty of other things to remember on election day.

biden approval rating.jpg
I expect inflation to hurt Christmas sales this year and start the downfall of the economy and the dollar....just like China wants.....
Because they don't care and because it serves them no purpose.

If they have nothing to gain it will be buried and forgotten.

It's the same reason why the whole horses and Haitians thing was completely false and should have been ignored, or been shown as false, they instead used it as a opportunity to say "this is intolerable and I will exact vengeance on this racist situation because you know.......slaves from 150 years ago. Now where is my applause?" They took something untrue and stupid and turned it into a big deal because they could take the advantage to perpetuate a lie for the sake of looking good.
Many people should be held accountable for killing thousands of innocents in our stupid wars.
What was Trump's excuse?

How did Trump turn our energy sector to shit? Or the border crisis? Or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Or employment? Did he raise your taxes? Did your family income decrease? Did your stack market crash? Did you not get vaccines for the coronavirus pandemic? Were you paying his price for gasoline?

How were any of these things turning anything into "shit"?

Trump Administration Accomplishments – The White House
How did Trump turn our energy sector to shit? Or the border crisis? Or the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan? Or employment? Did he raise your taxes? Did your family income decrease? Did your stack market crash? Did you not get vaccines for the coronavirus pandemic? Were you paying his price for gasoline?

How were any of these things turning anything into "shit"?

Trump Administration Accomplishments – The White House
He declared a national health emergency which shut down the use of oil because people were not going to work. Taxes did increase during Trump

Republicans, Not Biden, Are About to Raise Your Taxes​

President Trump built in tax increases beginning in 2021, for nearly everyone but those at the very top.

Everything the Biden administration has done so far has been an "unfortunate mistake." How long do you think they can go on like that?

I know you are suffering... He has been a far superior President than the Orange one..

I know this makes you look wrong...

Biden got out of Afghan even after Trump had signed the worst surrender deal, Trump knew he was giving a mess to Biden and that is the reason he didn't leave himself...

Biden ripped the band aid, about time a fucking adult come into the room and said enough... The Americans left behind are there out of choice or because Trump didn't put safe passage for US Citizens in his surrender..

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