Why is only white people are called racist

Ya know what gangreenbean, I'll be bluntly honest with you. Everything you think and post about me is wrong, and you do it simply for self justification. You're a pathetic excuse for a human being and I not only have no need or desire to impress you, you deserve every ounce of derision and abuse that anyone heaps upon you. So if you want to continue being a clueless masochist, keep it up, I'm more than happy to treat you as you deserve. :thup:

Oh and the only ones here that claim I'm a loony lefty are the reactionary righties just as the only ones who claim I'm a wingnut are the radical lefties. Chew on that for a while scumbag. :thup:

I can see the Apple didn't fall far from the Tree -what tribe did you say you from ? Wasn't it Navajo ? hoka hey - You know - perhaps I do have alot of ethnic pride in me , which is why I get so disgusted and hostile when I see one of my own acting like a hypnotized lilly white liberal - you make me sick - put down the bottle , take that check uncle sam gave you a few years ago and wake the F up bro.
Ya know what gangreenbean, I'll be bluntly honest with you. Everything you think and post about me is wrong, and you do it simply for self justification. You're a pathetic excuse for a human being and I not only have no need or desire to impress you, you deserve every ounce of derision and abuse that anyone heaps upon you. So if you want to continue being a clueless masochist, keep it up, I'm more than happy to treat you as you deserve. :thup:

Oh and the only ones here that claim I'm a loony lefty are the reactionary righties just as the only ones who claim I'm a wingnut are the radical lefties. Chew on that for a while scumbag. :thup:

I can see the Apple didn't fall far from the Tree -what tribe did you say you from ? Wasn't it Navajo ? hoka hey - You know - perhaps I do have alot of ethnic pride in me , which is why I get so disgusted and hostile when I see one of my own acting like a hypnotized lilly white liberal - you make me sick - put down the bottle , take that check uncle sam gave you a few years ago and wake the F up bro.

Good. :thup:

I'd call you white trash but your not white so simple trash will do. :thup:
Ya know what gangreenbean, I'll be bluntly honest with you. Everything you think and post about me is wrong, and you do it simply for self justification. You're a pathetic excuse for a human being and I not only have no need or desire to impress you, you deserve every ounce of derision and abuse that anyone heaps upon you. So if you want to continue being a clueless masochist, keep it up, I'm more than happy to treat you as you deserve. :thup:

Oh and the only ones here that claim I'm a loony lefty are the reactionary righties just as the only ones who claim I'm a wingnut are the radical lefties. Chew on that for a while scumbag. :thup:

I can see the Apple didn't fall far from the Tree -what tribe did you say you from ? Wasn't it Navajo ? hoka hey - You know - perhaps I do have alot of ethnic pride in me , which is why I get so disgusted and hostile when I see one of my own acting like a hypnotized lilly white liberal - you make me sick - put down the bottle , take that check uncle sam gave you a few years ago and wake the F up bro.

Good. :thup:

I'd call you white trash but your not white so simple trash will do. :thup:

That's a step up from a rotten apple - you know what they say about ONE BAD APPLE doncha Bro ? Seriouslly Dude - It's the 21st Century - put the Damn Bottle down and stop playing Cowboys and Indians with your " Chxo' " Diigis Da'alzhin
I can see the Apple didn't fall far from the Tree -what tribe did you say you from ? Wasn't it Navajo ? hoka hey - You know - perhaps I do have alot of ethnic pride in me , which is why I get so disgusted and hostile when I see one of my own acting like a hypnotized lilly white liberal - you make me sick - put down the bottle , take that check uncle sam gave you a few years ago and wake the F up bro.

Good. :thup:

I'd call you white trash but your not white so simple trash will do. :thup:

That's a step up from a rotten apple - you know what they say about ONE BAD APPLE doncha Bro ? Seriouslly Dude - It's the 21st Century - put the Damn Bottle down and stop playing Cowboys and Indians with your " Chxo' " Diigis Da'alzhin

When I said you needed psychiatric help I wasn't joking and I'm not now. You need some serious help there trash. :thup:

Oh I'm sorry, simple trash........
Blacks kill each other in huge numbers. They pose the biggest single threat to themselves than white racist or cops. Why no riots about that? We all know about cops or racism. Please, why the double standards, the histrionics and the hands up crap? Please. We all know it's just a game. Blacks are schizoid on race and equality. All they really want to do is dominate. Blacks are all about domination and control. Listen to a few hatful rap "songs", you will get the point. I have lived with blacks for over 40 years. Poor black neighborhoods are nothing but breeding grounds of hate and toxicity. They are stuck in that cycle. And they have the power to break this cycle. It isn't up to white people or the government to solve the hate and self destructiveness in poor black communities.
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I can prove 2+2=4. Prove Racism. Can you do that? Racism is a lie. I have heard too many people shout it out. Liars and demagogues, can't speak for the rest. P R O O V E it. You can do that, right? Sure you can. Good luck with that. it amuses me, given the weight of proof in a court of law. You are most surely going to FAIL.
It's called "tagging".

Liberals/Progressives "tag" any of those who are in any way disassociated with their opinion, belief structure, mores, or opinion.

The "tagged" become "targets". The hate of Liberals/Progressives is in this way directed and focused toward an "enemy".

This "enemy" is made a public "enemy" via the Liberal/Progressive media.

And now you know, the rest of the story.... G'day!
It's called "tagging".

Liberals/Progressives "tag" any of those who are in any way disassociated with their opinion, belief structure, mores, or opinion.

The "tagged" become "targets". The hate of Liberals/Progressives is in this way directed and focused toward an "enemy".

This "enemy" is made a public "enemy" via the Liberal/Progressive media.

And now you know, the rest of the story.... G'day!

Given that explain Gangreenbean........ :eusa_whistle:

When a white person trys to speak up for his race or he is proud of his race, he is called a racist. this dont happen to a person who is not white. The bad feeling to white people, is this perhaps cause by multiculture of not white people to there country? White priviledge is part of multiculture movement in Europe and USA. What are white people suppose to be priviledge about?
James Webb: Diversity and the Myth of White Privilege - WSJ

Forty years ago, as the United States experienced the civil rights movement, the supposed monolith of White Anglo-Saxon Protestant dominance served as the whipping post for almost every debate about power and status in America. After a full generation of such debate, WASP elites have fallen by the wayside and a plethora of government-enforced diversity policies have marginalized many white workers. The time has come to cease the false arguments and allow every American the benefit of a fair chance at the future.

I have dedicated my political career to bringing fairness to America's economic system and to our work force, regardless of what people look like or where they may worship. Unfortunately, present-day diversity programs work against that notion, having expanded so far beyond their original purpose that they now favor anyone who does not happen to be white.

I had a teenage Pakistani girl who is my daughters friend point out to me that white people have nothing to be proud of. White pride is inherently racist because the only things they have done that can be attributed to their race is oppress other people. Other races however have achieved in spite of racism from whites and therefore can be proud of that.
White power, black power, latino power... it's all bullshit.

It's the height of ignorance to take pride in something you have no direct control over. If people are so desperate to have something to be proud of, they should accomplish something.

Actions, we have control over. The amount of melatonin in our skin, we don't.

There's a problem with this formulation. It blindly presumes that there is no arms race taking place. What follows is that in such an arms race the group which unilaterally disarms is going to be at a terrific disadvantage.

You're arguing a normative position divorced from real life factional politics.
I can prove 2+2=4. Prove Racism. Can you do that? Racism is a lie. I have heard too many people shout it out. Liars and demagogues, can't speak for the rest. P R O O V E it. You can do that, right? Sure you can. Good luck with that. it amuses me, given the weight of proof in a court of law. You are most surely going to FAIL.

Its easy to prove racism. You are blind if you cant see it. Or you dont want to see it. You see racism is a system based on race that makes it easier for 1 race to benefit and harder for the rest. For over 350 years there was a racist system in place that gave whites a head start at the expense of other races. You have a screw loose if you think that system was dismantled in the last 60 years. We are not even close.
White power, black power, latino power... it's all bullshit.

It's the height of ignorance to take pride in something you have no direct control over. If people are so desperate to have something to be proud of, they should accomplish something.

Actions, we have control over. The amount of melatonin in our skin, we don't.

There's a problem with this formulation. It blindly presumes that there is no arms race taking place. What follows is that in such an arms race the group which unilaterally disarms is going to be at a terrific disadvantage.

You're arguing a normative position divorced from real life factional politics.

Typically you think like a neanderthal. We shouldn't be arming. We should be disarming. its called evolution.
White power, black power, latino power... it's all bullshit.

It's the height of ignorance to take pride in something you have no direct control over. If people are so desperate to have something to be proud of, they should accomplish something.

Actions, we have control over. The amount of melatonin in our skin, we don't.

There's a problem with this formulation. It blindly presumes that there is no arms race taking place. What follows is that in such an arms race the group which unilaterally disarms is going to be at a terrific disadvantage.

You're arguing a normative position divorced from real life factional politics.

Typically you think like a neanderthal. We shouldn't be arming. We should be disarming. its called evolution.

Freaking terrific. Let's get started on disarming. EEOC hits the shredder. Civil Rights Acts hits the shredder. Minority business set-asides hit the shredder.
There's a problem with this formulation. It blindly presumes that there is no arms race taking place. What follows is that in such an arms race the group which unilaterally disarms is going to be at a terrific disadvantage.

You're arguing a normative position divorced from real life factional politics.

Typically you think like a neanderthal. We shouldn't be arming. We should be disarming. its called evolution.

Freaking terrific. Let's get started on disarming. EEOC hits the shredder. Civil Rights Acts hits the shredder. Minority business set-asides hit the shredder.

What does that have to do with an arms race? :cuckoo:

However if you want to go that route why not go all the way and do a wealth and resource distribution? I bet you wont like that will you?
Typically you think like a neanderthal. We shouldn't be arming. We should be disarming. its called evolution.

Freaking terrific. Let's get started on disarming. EEOC hits the shredder. Civil Rights Acts hits the shredder. Minority business set-asides hit the shredder.

What does that have to do with an arms race? :cuckoo:

If you're engaged in an arms race that race has to have arms. Isn't that kind of elementary? The arms here are government policies which favor one group at the expense of the rights of other groups.

However if you want to go that route why not go all the way and do a wealth and resource distribution? I bet you wont like that will you?

The point is to get to a state where government is playing no part in playing favorites - let liberty reign and let the chips fall where they may. Having government take white people's wealth and give it to blacks and Hispanics is not an escape from the arms race, it's an escalation.
Freaking terrific. Let's get started on disarming. EEOC hits the shredder. Civil Rights Acts hits the shredder. Minority business set-asides hit the shredder.

What does that have to do with an arms race? :cuckoo:

If you're engaged in an arms race that race has to have arms. Isn't that kind of elementary? The arms here are government policies which favor one group at the expense of the rights of other groups.

However if you want to go that route why not go all the way and do a wealth and resource distribution? I bet you wont like that will you?

The point is to get to a state where government is playing no part in playing favorites - let liberty reign and let the chips fall where they may. Having government take white people's wealth and give it to blacks and Hispanics is not an escape from the arms race, it's an escalation.

I'm pretty sure an arms race has to do with weapons.

If the US wanted to get to the point where there was no favoritism in government they should have thought about that before they gave whites 350 years of it. The only fair thing is redistribution of wealth now or government programs designed to give other races equal access to the procurement of resources and wealth. You cant have it both ways.
What does that have to do with an arms race? :cuckoo:

If you're engaged in an arms race that race has to have arms. Isn't that kind of elementary? The arms here are government policies which favor one group at the expense of the rights of other groups.

However if you want to go that route why not go all the way and do a wealth and resource distribution? I bet you wont like that will you?

The point is to get to a state where government is playing no part in playing favorites - let liberty reign and let the chips fall where they may. Having government take white people's wealth and give it to blacks and Hispanics is not an escape from the arms race, it's an escalation.

I'm pretty sure an arms race has to do with weapons.

If the US wanted to get to the point where there was no favoritism in government they should have thought about that before they gave whites 350 years of it. The only fair thing is redistribution of wealth now or government programs designed to give other races equal access to the procurement of resources and wealth. You cant have it both ways.


And here we are. To disavow group and focus on individualism, on accomplishment, is a perilous game because while you're disengaged, guys like Asclepias are engaged and they're coming for your resources and wealth because they think that doing so is "fair."

When "fair" is determined by voting power (and from voting power comes power to appoint SC justices and shape the laws which really put a stamp on what constitutes fair) then those who have unilaterally disarmed because they thought group identity was so gauche are going to get royally reamed.

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