Why is Socialism so popular all of a sudden

Love it or hate it, is it not peculiar an idea that has been so taboo in our society is now mainstream, what happened? Why is socialism suddenly so popular?
Progressives are fucked in the head...

And they have no education then being snowflakes in their safe spaces.

Oh wow. The intellectual debate begins here.

I hear there are snowflakes on all sides btw. Some folks actually get OFFENDED when a boy kneels during the national anthem.

Kneeling offends them snowflakes I tell you, kneeling like at the Catholic Mass or when you get knighted.

But the important part is what they are kneeling for. Kneeling at the altar or to be knight is a sign of submission and acceptance, possibly contrition. Kneeling at the anthem is a symbolic defiance because it is the opposite of standing to respect those who literally gave their lives for the freedoms we enjoy. It is akin to giving the finger instead of placing one hand over the heart for the pledge. I love my country and appreciate the sacrifices made so I can raise my family here. Those who attack that are attacking what I hold dear. Are you saying this should not offend me? I think they should respect those things even if they don’t honor them. I believe our constitution allows me to be offended but does not allow me to silence the voices of those who offend me. Does this make me a snowflake, that I disagree with those who dishonor the sacrifices made for my freedom?

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I don’t think it makes you a snowflake. I get offended by the left all the time LOL but I don’t care if that makes me a snowflake or not...

The thing with the anthem protests is those who kneel are exercising their right to free speech, an American value, and many of those who say they shouldn’t get to kneel are advocates for freedom of speech so it makes them look like hypocrites. Can people only practice free speech when it’s something you (general) agree with?

I can admit the right’s response to the anthem protests distanced me from them a bit.
Several Generations of Indoctrination by The Socialist Teachers of America in our School systems and colleges have done this.

That and the fact the 47% of Americans are too lazy to work a job and are on Public assistance of some sort.
Idiocracy is like A guide of what not to do… Embrace socialism
Socialist (previously calling themselves Democrats) have taken over the Education System;

Immigrants come for the handouts and to perpetrate their own cultures--most of which are as backward as Socialism;

60 million people living here don't speak the official language in their homes;

Loons and Gangs run Big Bankrupt Rotting Cities in the North;

In short---Democrats have fucked everything up that was once the greatest country in the history of the human experiment---and left us 21 trillion in debt in the process.
Interesting that 21 Trillion is the exact dollar amount spent on the So Called "WAR ON POVERTY"

Proof that you cannot Give a Man a Fish and expect him to feed himself. You must teach him to fish and require him to fish to feed himself.
Socialist (previously calling themselves Democrats) have taken over the Education System;

Immigrants come for the handouts and to perpetrate their own cultures--most of which are as backward as Socialism;

60 million people living here don't speak the official language in their homes;

Loons and Gangs run Big Bankrupt Rotting Cities in the North;

In short---Democrats have fucked everything up that was once the greatest country in the history of the human experiment---and left us 21 trillion in debt in the process.

Socialist (previously calling themselves Democrats) have taken over the Education System

You're not even kidding! I work for a college and just this morning, on one of the bulletin boards, 4 new Socialist flyers were approved and put up!


Sorry that the image looks like it was taken with a brick... Said school also supplies my phone and it's old enough that it has a crank to get it started(j/k)
Primarily because the Right has done a horrible, feeble job of defending against it.
The minute it allowed libertarian ideals to dominate its message, it opened the door to people like Bernie Sanders.
Which "libertarian ideals" are you referring to?
The constant screaming about any government involvement, anywhere, at any time.
It's not nearly as popular as the op states. It is popular for perhaps 5 percent of voters.
Primarily because the Right has done a horrible, feeble job of defending against it.
The minute it allowed libertarian ideals to dominate its message, it opened the door to people like Bernie Sanders.
Which "libertarian ideals" are you referring to?
The constant screaming about any government involvement, anywhere, at any time.

Sorry to break it to you but that's not a "libertarian ideal", it's just hollow hyperbole...…:cool:

Have you considered that the popularity of socialism stems from the fact that Americans are increasingly enamored with the idea that they can vote themselves goodies paid for by others and that they're encouraged to do so by their so called "leaders"? Wouldn't that make more sense than attempting to blame people that don't want gub'mint goodies and prefer to earn their own keep while being left alone to make their own decisions?
Primarily because the Right has done a horrible, feeble job of defending against it.
The minute it allowed libertarian ideals to dominate its message, it opened the door to people like Bernie Sanders.
Which "libertarian ideals" are you referring to?
The constant screaming about any government involvement, anywhere, at any time.

Sorry to break it to you but that's not a "libertarian ideal", it's just hollow hyperbole...…:cool:

Have you considered that the popularity of socialism stems from the fact that Americans are increasingly enamored with the idea that they can vote themselves goodies paid for by others and that they're encouraged to do so by their so called "leaders"? Wouldn't that make more sense than attempting to blame people that don't want gub'mint goodies and prefer to earn their own keep while being left alone to make their own decisions?

Sounds like something out of Plato’s Republic.

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The reason socialism is gaining in popularity is that our youth are disillusioned about the prospects of their future. The current system isn't looking to good to them.
If I was 40 year younger I'd probably be a socialist feeling that with the I.O.U. previous generations have stuck us with, the government owes us.

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