Why is the american press so fixated on the ROYAL BABY?


Gold Member
May 13, 2012
I don't know of any american who cares about this but today on GMA it was their lead story and they talked about nothing else the first 8 minutes!!! The bride is a nobody in a nothing country. Why should we care?
It's mostly the progs who are fascinated with being subjects....they'd prefer we had a king or queen...TOREY dirtbags, the lot of them.
Why were so many people fixated on Kim Kardashian's baby?

We don't have royalty in this country. We borrow from England. The media's fixation over the royal baby is part of diplomacy. One of the main complaints that Europeans have against Americans is that we don't care what happens in other countries. The Royal Baby is extremely important to England. The child will enter into the history books, so even if we don't care, we need to pretend that we do. Otherwise, the Daily Mail and Guardian will have headlines that Americans don't care about England so why should England care about America.
I am prone to celebrating birth, as opposed to beatifying "choice".
They just want to divert our attention from the major stories that are going on in the world.
They would rather have you talking about the baby as opposed to what is happening in Egypt or Syria.
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The child will enter into the history books, so even if we don't care, we need to pretend that we do. Otherwise, the Daily Mail and Guardian will have headlines that Americans don't care about England so why should England care about America.

That's BS. Americans don't care whether england likes us or not. The TV networks need to be good businessmen and give the viewers what they want and hell with this pro-england propaganda.
I talk to British associates in England every day, several times a day, the British are consumed by the Royal Baby so you can bet your ass when I talk to them the first thing I ask is about the birth and how it's going. While I could not care less about what's going on in a British Hospital, I don't want to appear to be insensitive to what's important to them. So it became important to me too. British bookies will make a fortune on the bets as to gender and name.
The child will enter into the history books, so even if we don't care, we need to pretend that we do. Otherwise, the Daily Mail and Guardian will have headlines that Americans don't care about England so why should England care about America.

That's BS. Americans don't care whether england likes us or not. The TV networks need to be good businessmen and give the viewers what they want and hell with this pro-england propaganda.

American's don't care one way or the other. Politically and diplomatically it's important that England at least thinks we care. After all, it's not like we will never have to ask England for a favor again is it? Don't get me wrong, I would love it if England told obama to piss up a rope the next time he wants something.
The child will enter into the history books, so even if we don't care, we need to pretend that we do. Otherwise, the Daily Mail and Guardian will have headlines that Americans don't care about England so why should England care about America.

That's BS. Americans don't care whether england likes us or not. The TV networks need to be good businessmen and give the viewers what they want and hell with this pro-england propaganda.

American's don't care one way or the other. Politically and diplomatically it's important that England at least thinks we care. After all, it's not like we will never have to ask England for a favor again is it? Don't get me wrong, I would love it if England told obama to piss up a rope the next time he wants something.

I don't think it's so much that America doesn't care about England, it's more we don't give a rats ass about all this "royalty" garbage. We have a little shit bag in our own White House that thinks and acts like he's a king, and most Americans think it's disgusting. This "born royalty" stuff is stupid. Most Americans would rather adhere to "ALL MEN WERE CREATED EQUAL."
Because it's the "News." if you haven't noticed the news doesn't care about what the people are interested in because they are the ones that decide what the people will be interested in. The news use to actually report what is going on in the world and now its just created. It's nothing more then another distraction like the trayvon story to keep peoples mind occupied, while the real news goes unnoticed.
the birth of the future heir to the throne is newsworthy and historic

but I don't get the hullabaloo over it
The world press is fixated on the baby of a lovely woman and the future king of England.

For me this is a good thing, since I'm curious as well.
I don't know why either. im sick a this crap and Zimmerman. mountains outta mole hills
Because the Brits are so much fun to laugh at. That's why.

It's a girl! yay!

I don't know...I personally don't care.

You'd think that given our history with England we'd be very spiteful of the royal family.

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