Why is the Birther Movement called "racist"?

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Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

Because it serves the liberal agenda to marginalize their enemies.

They are vile like that.
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

Because it serves the liberal agenda to marginalize their enemies.

They are vile like that.
And we have to learn to play the same game, whether we like it or not...or we are finished real soon politically.
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

Because it serves the liberal agenda to marginalize their enemies.

They are vile like that.
And we have to learn to play the same game, whether we like it or not...or we are finished real soon politically.

Without control of the media, we cannot use their methods.

What we need to do is marginalize the media, and the colleges and Hollywood. "Smear" them with the truth until no one listens to their bullshit.
If people all thought the same way you do about things, Syriusly....we would never get to the bottom of anything important. We'd just sit around believing whatever the media fed us.
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

Because it serves the liberal agenda to marginalize their enemies.

They are vile like that.
And we have to learn to play the same game, whether we like it or not...or we are finished real soon politically.

Without control of the media, we cannot use their methods.

What we need to do is marginalize the media, and the colleges and Hollywood. "Smear" them with the truth until no one listens to their bullshit.
Or start getting our people into those institutions of influence and turn them around. Problem is, conservatives by nature just want to be left alone and leave others alone...we don't usually go into those fields, leftists do because they want power and control to dictate society.
I can keep posting the list of interviews of Barack Obama that note his place of birth as Hawaii as often as it takes.

Barack Obama started getting press and interviews in 1990- which is the reason why he eventually was offered a book deal- which eventually led to the brochure being printed.

And over and over he told Americans that he was born in Hawaii.

So why do you think he would tell the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, and his own alma matter newspaper that he was born in Hawaii- but tell his editors in New York that he was born in Kenya- for a brochure- but a few years later in his actual book say once again that he was born in Hawaii?

New York Times, February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine, June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
I can keep posting the list of interviews of Barack Obama that note his place of birth as Hawaii as often as it takes.

Barack Obama started getting press and interviews in 1990- which is the reason why he eventually was offered a book deal- which eventually led to the brochure being printed.

And over and over he told Americans that he was born in Hawaii.

So why do you think he would tell the New York Times, the Chicago Tribune, the Washington Post, and his own alma matter newspaper that he was born in Hawaii- but tell his editors in New York that he was born in Kenya- for a brochure- but a few years later in his actual book say once again that he was born in Hawaii?

New York Times, February 6, 1990 - daily circulation- 1,586,757- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, February 7, 1990- daily circulation 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Washington Post, February 8, 1990- daily circulation 507.615- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, May 3, 1990-- daily circulation 15,190- Obama born in Hawaii

Columbia Today, Fall 1990- Obama born in Hawaii

Obscure promotional pamphlet says Obama born in Kenya- 1991

Chicago Magazine, January 1993- circulation 165,000- Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Tribune, Feb 10, 1993- 414,590- Obama born in Hawaii

Los Angeles Times, August 7, 1995- daily circulation 605,243 - Obama born in Hawaii

"Dreams from My Father" 1995- millions of copies sold - Obama born in Hawaii

Barack Obama State Senate Webpage, October 1, 1999 - Obama born in Hawaii

Chicago Daily Herald, January 22, 2003- 15,190 - Obama born in Hawaii

Time Magazine, June 24, 2004- circulation 3,276.882 - Obama born in Hawaii
That means nothing. If he would have just told the company to correct the supposed error...Birtherism would have never existed.

So now you think he has a time machine again?


Once again- the time line for the fact adverse
2008- Birthers start Birthering
2011- Donald Trump recognizes the opportunity and becomes Chief Birther
2012- Birthers are surprised when Breitbart finds an obscure brochure which says Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Only a Birther would blame a document not seen until 2012- for Birtherism that started in 2008.
Holy crap you are slow today, lady. He didn't need a time machine, all he had to do was ask them to fix the error when he saw it. He didn't, and that is why I believe he intentionally lied and claimed he was born in Kenya. Can't wait to get those college records opened up. I am 95% sure it will turn out he lied and said he was born in Kenya to get special treatment in admissions. I'm no birther....I am a 'Catch Obama Lying About Where He Was Born For Special Benefits-er".

Once again- the time line for the fact adverse
2008- Birthers start Birthering
2011- Donald Trump recognizes the opportunity and becomes Chief Birther
2012- Birthers are surprised when Breitbart finds an obscure brochure which says Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Explain again how what was printed in an obscure brochure in 1991- but not found until 2012- was the beginning of Birtherism in 2008.
You are totally ignoring the fact he had to have seen it in 1991. And so had other people. It doesn't matter when Breitbart reported on it, you have no evidence it wasn't part of what kicked off the birther rumors amongst Hillary supporters in 2008. Did it have to be reported on in 2008 in order for it to be part of what kicked off the conspiracy in the Clinton camp? No. The brochure has existed since 1991, correct? There could be multiple explanations why it wasn't reported on prior to Breitbart doing a story on it. Maybe the shills and strategists for the Hilldabeast campaign decided not to put it out there for fear of being labeled racist? Maybe the Obama campaign paid them off...these are politicians we are talking about here. Who knows? But he is a habitual liar so it wouldn't surprise me if he lied about being born in Kenya to look cool and get special treatment.. and it backfired on him in 2008.

  • No- he didn't have to see it in 1991
  • I assume other people saw it- but nobody who was a Birther
  • Why? Because for 4 years Birthers screamed about it- and not one of them mentioned it- not one. Not until Breitbart found it did Birthers grab ahold of it like it was the holy grail.

I find it amazing that you create an entire fantasy as an explanation- but refuse to accept what the facts show.

But that is why you are a Birther- even if you don't believe he was born in Kenya.
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

That disaster is on his way out . Time to focus on the next possible catastrophe. Focus.

Yep- time to make up stuff about Clinton.....oh wait.......
That means nothing. If he would have just told the company to correct the supposed error...Birtherism would have never existed.

So now you think he has a time machine again?


Once again- the time line for the fact adverse
2008- Birthers start Birthering
2011- Donald Trump recognizes the opportunity and becomes Chief Birther
2012- Birthers are surprised when Breitbart finds an obscure brochure which says Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Only a Birther would blame a document not seen until 2012- for Birtherism that started in 2008.
Holy crap you are slow today, lady. He didn't need a time machine, all he had to do was ask them to fix the error when he saw it. He didn't, and that is why I believe he intentionally lied and claimed he was born in Kenya. Can't wait to get those college records opened up. I am 95% sure it will turn out he lied and said he was born in Kenya to get special treatment in admissions. I'm no birther....I am a 'Catch Obama Lying About Where He Was Born For Special Benefits-er".

Once again- the time line for the fact adverse
2008- Birthers start Birthering
2011- Donald Trump recognizes the opportunity and becomes Chief Birther
2012- Birthers are surprised when Breitbart finds an obscure brochure which says Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Explain again how what was printed in an obscure brochure in 1991- but not found until 2012- was the beginning of Birtherism in 2008.
You are totally ignoring the fact he had to have seen it in 1991. And so had other people. It doesn't matter when Breitbart reported on it, you have no evidence it wasn't part of what kicked off the birther rumors amongst Hillary supporters in 2008. Did it have to be reported on in 2008 in order for it to be part of what kicked off the conspiracy in the Clinton camp? No. The brochure has existed since 1991, correct? There could be multiple explanations why it wasn't reported on prior to Breitbart doing a story on it. Maybe the shills and strategists for the Hilldabeast campaign decided not to put it out there for fear of being labeled racist? Maybe the Obama campaign paid them off...these are politicians we are talking about here. Who knows? But he is a habitual liar so it wouldn't surprise me if he lied about being born in Kenya to look cool and get special treatment.. and it backfired on him in 2008.

  • No- he didn't have to see it in 1991
  • I assume other people saw it- but nobody who was a Birther
  • Why? Because for 4 years Birthers screamed about it- and not one of them mentioned it- not one. Not until Breitbart found it did Birthers grab ahold of it like it was the holy grail.

I find it amazing that you create an entire fantasy as an explanation- but refuse to accept what the facts show.

But that is why you are a Birther- even if you don't believe he was born in Kenya.
Are you saying he didn't see it in 1991? Prove it please.
If people all thought the same way you do about things, Syriusly....we would never get to the bottom of anything important. We'd just sit around believing whatever the media fed us.

LOL if people thought like you-everyone would be spending their days obsessed with who the real shooter of JFK was and why Bush was responsible for the 9/11 attacks.

Me- I prefer the facts to Conspiracy theories.

That is why I am not a Birther.
So now you think he has a time machine again?


Once again- the time line for the fact adverse
2008- Birthers start Birthering
2011- Donald Trump recognizes the opportunity and becomes Chief Birther
2012- Birthers are surprised when Breitbart finds an obscure brochure which says Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Only a Birther would blame a document not seen until 2012- for Birtherism that started in 2008.
Holy crap you are slow today, lady. He didn't need a time machine, all he had to do was ask them to fix the error when he saw it. He didn't, and that is why I believe he intentionally lied and claimed he was born in Kenya. Can't wait to get those college records opened up. I am 95% sure it will turn out he lied and said he was born in Kenya to get special treatment in admissions. I'm no birther....I am a 'Catch Obama Lying About Where He Was Born For Special Benefits-er".

Once again- the time line for the fact adverse
2008- Birthers start Birthering
2011- Donald Trump recognizes the opportunity and becomes Chief Birther
2012- Birthers are surprised when Breitbart finds an obscure brochure which says Barack Obama was born in Kenya.

Explain again how what was printed in an obscure brochure in 1991- but not found until 2012- was the beginning of Birtherism in 2008.
You are totally ignoring the fact he had to have seen it in 1991. And so had other people. It doesn't matter when Breitbart reported on it, you have no evidence it wasn't part of what kicked off the birther rumors amongst Hillary supporters in 2008. Did it have to be reported on in 2008 in order for it to be part of what kicked off the conspiracy in the Clinton camp? No. The brochure has existed since 1991, correct? There could be multiple explanations why it wasn't reported on prior to Breitbart doing a story on it. Maybe the shills and strategists for the Hilldabeast campaign decided not to put it out there for fear of being labeled racist? Maybe the Obama campaign paid them off...these are politicians we are talking about here. Who knows? But he is a habitual liar so it wouldn't surprise me if he lied about being born in Kenya to look cool and get special treatment.. and it backfired on him in 2008.

  • No- he didn't have to see it in 1991
  • I assume other people saw it- but nobody who was a Birther
  • Why? Because for 4 years Birthers screamed about it- and not one of them mentioned it- not one. Not until Breitbart found it did Birthers grab ahold of it like it was the holy grail.

I find it amazing that you create an entire fantasy as an explanation- but refuse to accept what the facts show.

But that is why you are a Birther- even if you don't believe he was born in Kenya.
Are you saying he didn't see it in 1991? Prove it please.

I am saying that there is no proof he ever saw it in 1991 or any other time- you were making the claim that he did- where is your proof?
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

That disaster is on his way out . Time to focus on the next possible catastrophe. Focus.

Yep- time to make up stuff about Clinton.....oh wait.......

You really think there's a need to " make stuff up"?
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

Because it serves the liberal agenda to marginalize their enemies.

They are vile like that.
And we have to learn to play the same game, whether we like it or not...or we are finished real soon politically.

Without control of the media, we cannot use their methods.

What we need to do is marginalize the media, and the colleges and Hollywood. "Smear" them with the truth until no one listens to their bullshit.
Or start getting our people into those institutions of influence and turn them around. Problem is, conservatives by nature just want to be left alone and leave others alone...we don't usually go into those fields, leftists do because they want power and control to dictate society.

LOL.........yes because Conservatives never want power..........
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

That disaster is on his way out . Time to focus on the next possible catastrophe. Focus.

Yep- time to make up stuff about Clinton.....oh wait.......

You really think there's a need to " make stuff up"?

30 years of making stuff up about Clinton being a criminal- 30 years of failing to find the crime.
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.
Credentials is your college degree. Or if you have a driver's license.

51% of GOP voters: Obama foreign

GOP base: Obama wasn't born in US, but Cruz was

So fuck off bitch.
Birthers called racist?

Why is water wet and the sky blue. Why does the sun go on shining, why does the sea rush to shore? We hold these truths to be self evident.
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

That disaster is on his way out . Time to focus on the next possible catastrophe. Focus.

Yep- time to make up stuff about Clinton.....oh wait.......

You really think there's a need to " make stuff up"?

30 years of making stuff up about Clinton being a criminal- 30 years of failing to find the crime.

Welcome back to earth. How was your 30 year journey in outer space?
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

That disaster is on his way out . Time to focus on the next possible catastrophe. Focus.

Yep- time to make up stuff about Clinton.....oh wait.......

You really think there's a need to " make stuff up"?

30 years of making stuff up about Clinton being a criminal- 30 years of failing to find the crime.

Welcome back to earth. How was your 30 year journey in outer space?

LOL- sounds like you are a typical Konspiracy Enthusiast
Why is it racist to question whether Obama was indeed born in the US or not?

I dont see how questioning someone's credentials makes someone racist, just because the person is black. I would still like to see Obama's college application and transcripts, which he has refused to reveal for the last eight years.

Because it serves the liberal agenda to marginalize their enemies.

They are vile like that.
And we have to learn to play the same game, whether we like it or not...or we are finished real soon politically.

Without control of the media, we cannot use their methods.

What we need to do is marginalize the media, and the colleges and Hollywood. "Smear" them with the truth until no one listens to their bullshit.
Or start getting our people into those institutions of influence and turn them around. Problem is, conservatives by nature just want to be left alone and leave others alone...we don't usually go into those fields, leftists do because they want power and control to dictate society.

LOL.........yes because Conservatives never want power..........
Of course some do. But it is clearly something the left craves much more. We want the power to conserve the founding pillars of this country....you guys want to dismantle that and tell everyone they have to believe two men using their buttholes like artificial vaginas are the same as a married couple and a dude with a penis and no womb is in fact a womb-man.
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