WHY is the DJIA crashing?

Wall Street Pummeled: S&P Plunges Into Correction Range - FoxBusiness.com

The liberals on this web site think this stuff is a joke
it was not funny in 2008 and it damn sure is not funny in 2011 after spending trillions in so called fixes

It no longer matters whose information you use
Heritage or CBSs
its a wreck and it is getting worse

Gekko: Because it's WRECKABLE, all right!!!!:eek::eusa_hand:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONXpaBQnBvE&feature=related]‪Gordon Gekko "Greed is Good" Speech‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

I could break you, mate. Two pieces over my knee. you know it. I know it. I could buy you six times over. I could dump the stock just to burn your ass. but i happen to want the company.
Alan Colmes and Joyce Blowfart are going to blame both Bushes,Reagan,and Abe Lincoln on the Second Obama Stock Market Crash.
This is what you get when you hire a Community Organizer/Part-time Senator/Harvard Law Professor to run the show.

Obummer falsely mischaracterized himself as a Harvard Law Professor.

In Academia, there is a vast difference between a "Professor" and a "Lecturer".

Although the term "Professor" is used loosely for Full "Professor", Associate "Professor", or the lowly Assistant "Professor" ............The term "Professor" is seldom, if ever, used properly for Lecturers. Although, that had happened before.

The bottom line is that Obami Salaami is a fucking fraud in multiple areas.....if not ALL the areas of his mendacious activities.
Wall Street Pummeled: S&P Plunges Into Correction Range - FoxBusiness.com

The liberals on this web site think this stuff is a joke
it was not funny in 2008 and it damn sure is not funny in 2011 after spending trillions in so called fixes

It no longer matters whose information you use
Heritage or CBSs
its a wreck and it is getting worse

Gekko: Because it's WRECKABLE, all right!!!!:eek::eusa_hand:

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ONXpaBQnBvE&feature=related]‪Gordon Gekko "Greed is Good" Speech‬‏ - YouTube[/ame]

I could break you, mate. Two pieces over my knee. you know it. I know it. I could buy you six times over. I could dump the stock just to burn your ass. but i happen to want the company.

I'll enjoy watching you and your giant ego make a go of it.....

I could break you, mate. Two pieces over my knee. you know it. I know it. I could buy you six times over. I could dump the stock just to burn your ass. but i happen to want the company.

I'll enjoy watching you and your giant ego make a go of it.....

Well now considering you brought my mother into it....
Yeah........and oil companies are STILL posting record profits. Same with a lot of other corporations.

The wealthy saw their incomes go up around 28 percent so far this year.

Still think they need those subsidies and tax cuts?

You could tax "the wealthy" at 100% and it won't make a dent in our country's problems...

Class envy is ugly, mmm-kay....

Hey........it's not so much class envy as much as I'd like to pay 18 percent taxes like the wealthy do instead of paying 28 percent like everyone else.

The more you tax them the harder their CPAs work to offset those taxes... Ask John F'in Kerry and his wife...

As I said, You could tax "the wealthy" at 100% and it won't make a dent in our country's problems...
Good to see that 8537 is still gulping the Kool Aid.

What's happening right now is what happens when you ignore the obvious. You cannot continue to enact entitlements that are unfunded without causing an economic meltdown. The debt ceiling "compromise" that was just passed was a complete...and utter...JOKE. Rating agencies have been warning us that we need to cut spending in amounts approaching 4 trillion dollars to keep from having our bond rating down graded and our "leaders" agree to cut a fraction of that? And then they scratch their heads because the markets plummet? HELLO!!!! IS THERE ANYONE LEFT IN WASHINGTON THAT HAS A CLUE?

The markets aren't falling because of unfunded entitlement spending.

In fact, the market is beginning to realize that with the end of stimulus, the market is no longer performing with a net.
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I am a liberal on this website, and that's not what I think. So that makes you a liar. How does it feel to be a liar?

it was not funny in 2008 and it damn sure is not funny in 2011 after spending trillions in so called fixes

Would you prefer the DOW be at 5,000 instead?

It no longer matters whose information you use
Heritage or CBSs
its a wreck and it is getting worse

If it were definitely true that it is going to get worse, the S&P 500 and DOW would be trading even lower.
The stimulus ran out. Krugman is right. You are RW fanatics, no compromise, no ivestment, no jobs bills, no recovery. Great job, pubbies!!
Hopefully this month vacation from your ideological idiocy will get us back on track (the dittoheads can keep screaming on Rush and Fox, but now they're only screaming at each other).
The stimulus ran out. Krugman is right. You are RW fanatics, no compromise, no ivestment, no jobs bills, no recovery. Great job, pubbies!!
Hopefully this month vacation from your ideological idiocy will get us back on track (the dittoheads can keep screaming on Rush and Fox, but now they're only screaming at each other).

Your ossiah got his ass kicked... again. Deal with it.
Why is the market crashing? It is the country's way of saying "Happy Birthday, Barack!"

Its pretty simple. The Republicans refused to allow the revenue increases that are needed to balance the budget, resulting in a negative outlook on U.S. Debt, which is bad for the U.S. economy.

The same sort of thing happened in the 30's. The economy was on the road to recovery (albeit long and slow), the Republicans stuck their noses in it, and the economy crashed again.

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