Why is the far left so upset that a 17 year old Patriot shoot arsonists and looters?

Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

"A communist insurrection"??? You're posts get dumber every single day.

This idiot wasn't part of any "militia", well organized or otherwise. He thought it would be cool to go out and shoot protestors. After all, if he's protecting property, it's not illegal to shoot people, right? Tell me, if the non-white protestors all started showing up with AR15's and other long guns, would you be so enthusiastic about the Second Amendment? If black people started walking around white neighbourhoods with their semi-automatic weapons, you'd see a ban on those guns so fast your head would spin.

What is happening is that idiot gun owners think they can go out and shoot people with impunity. This 17 year old piece of shit thought it would be fun to go out and shoot protestors, and this is what has happened. He killed two people and his life is now over. The little shit should have stayed home.
He was a junior cop and he thought he was the law, now he is the victim of his own ego.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

"A communist insurrection"??? You're posts get dumber every single day.

This idiot wasn't part of any "militia", well organized or otherwise. He thought it would be cool to go out and shoot protestors. After all, if he's protecting property, it's not illegal to shoot people, right? Tell me, if the non-white protestors all started showing up with AR15's and other long guns, would you be so enthusiastic about the Second Amendment? If black people started walking around white neighbourhoods with their semi-automatic weapons, you'd see a ban on those guns so fast your head would spin.

What is happening is that idiot gun owners think they can go out and shoot people with impunity. This 17 year old piece of shit thought it would be fun to go out and shoot protestors, and this is what has happened. He killed two people and his life is now over. The little shit should have stayed home.
He was a junior cop and he thought he was the law, now he is the victim of his own ego.

The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
So what he did was legal?

Absolutely. He should also be awarded the Medal of Freedom.
If it turns out that what he did was illegal, would you support appropriate jail time?
I think he should have is gun ownership rights taken away....because it's clear he didn't handle himself well.
If it was me...I wouldn't be there in the first place.
But if I had to be there, I guarantee that there would be alot more bodies to clean up.

He handled himself fine.

The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.
Nope....he somehow separated himself from the other guys and became a target.
He should have stayed with the older guys and done what they told him to.
My guess is his inexperience showed when he ran out into that mess and got blind-sided by some punk with a skateboard.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
Because what he did was murder
When Prog rioters kill, it is okay. When others do it...whoa! You can't do that. You must up your game. You can burn down the whole city center cores of cities. And you are wasting time. Get your message across in big ways. Let the carnage be seen from space!
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
So what he did was legal?

Absolutely. He should also be awarded the Medal of Freedom.
If it turns out that what he did was illegal, would you support appropriate jail time?
I think he should have is gun ownership rights taken away....because it's clear he didn't handle himself well.
If it was me...I wouldn't be there in the first place.
But if I had to be there, I guarantee that there would be alot more bodies to clean up.

He handled himself fine.

The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.
No, he will not be acquitted and will be in your old cell in prison.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

"A communist insurrection"??? You're posts get dumber every single day.

This idiot wasn't part of any "militia", well organized or otherwise. He thought it would be cool to go out and shoot protestors. After all, if he's protecting property, it's not illegal to shoot people, right? Tell me, if the non-white protestors all started showing up with AR15's and other long guns, would you be so enthusiastic about the Second Amendment? If black people started walking around white neighbourhoods with their semi-automatic weapons, you'd see a ban on those guns so fast your head would spin.

What is happening is that idiot gun owners think they can go out and shoot people with impunity. This 17 year old piece of shit thought it would be fun to go out and shoot protestors, and this is what has happened. He killed two people and his life is now over. The little shit should have stayed home.
He was a junior cop and he thought he was the law, now he is the victim of his own ego.
Exactly. We don’t give 17 year olds the power of life and death at their discretion....even in the military. Geesus, we have adult posters here making stooopid remarks about the difference between law enforcement and self defense.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
Very simple.
Only reason they are upset about this one kid, is they desperatley need a deflection from reality so they can make themselves feel better for ignoring/praising/funding/protecting all of the other violence and death caused by their storm troopers.
Only reason.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
We need more violent commies getting gunned down by other citizens. We need this to happen 100 times a day until all commies are fucking dead.
Commies ? You mean socialist, fascist .....and other Trump Humpers.

You‘re a constitutional idiot. None if your rights are absolute and all are subject to regulation. Especially your right to a militia. “Shall not be infringed” ONLY applies to qualified people. 17 year olds are not qualified in states to take up arms and join the militia.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

"A communist insurrection"??? You're posts get dumber every single day.

This idiot wasn't part of any "militia", well organized or otherwise. He thought it would be cool to go out and shoot protestors. After all, if he's protecting property, it's not illegal to shoot people, right? Tell me, if the non-white protestors all started showing up with AR15's and other long guns, would you be so enthusiastic about the Second Amendment? If black people started walking around white neighbourhoods with their semi-automatic weapons, you'd see a ban on those guns so fast your head would spin.

What is happening is that idiot gun owners think they can go out and shoot people with impunity. This 17 year old piece of shit thought it would be fun to go out and shoot protestors, and this is what has happened. He killed two people and his life is now over. The little shit should have stayed home.
He was a junior cop and he thought he was the law, now he is the victim of his own ego.
Exactly. We don’t give 17 year olds the power of life and death at their discretion....even in the military. Geesus, we have adult posters here making stooopid remarks about the difference between law enforcement and self defense.
Probably because none of them have ever been in a fire-fight.
They've been watching movies like Rambo.
They believe in looting, not self-defense.

Why? Because all property belongs to everyone.

And why is that? Because they are superlosers who can not participate in productive endeavors.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
We need more violent commies getting gunned down by other citizens. We need this to happen 100 times a day until all commies are fucking dead.

It always comes down to "the left must die", with you fools, doesn't it? That's the problem with hyper-capitalism. It requires the absolute lack of any opposition from the governed. All of those who would advocate on behalf of the people and against the government, must die. It's all of the leftist leaders in South America were rounded up and shot, after the right wing dictators came to power.

The American people are fed up with a broken government and a broken society which refuses to address the real problems of wealth and inequity in the economy, and instead is pretending that the only problems in America are that people aren't working.

You society has twice voted for a fair shake for working people and twice, things have gotten worse. The people want a change, and Trump has made things worse.
They believe in looting, not self-defense.

Why? Because all property belongs to everyone.

And why is that? Because they are superlosers who can not participate in productive endeavors.

You haven't the vaguest clue about anyone's beliefs because you have none. Republicans have no beliefs, no platform, other than Donald Trump. Americans want an end to this madness and chaos.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
So what he did was legal?

When you start to support vigilantism like this, you are no different than the looters and rioters. This all is coming together in a really bad way and dangerous way for our country.
The second amendment was created to keep abusive govt. and their agents at bay. Right now we have abusive got. with police that think they can be paid assassins for the state. I say that we rise up and throw off these chains and shackles of oppression from the police state. The police are not your friends they are the enemy and threaten to kill all that do not submit.
god damn you love to say something more stupid than before.

and for you - that simply can't be easy anymore.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
So what he did was legal?

When you start to support vigilantism like this, you are no different than the looters and rioters. This all is coming together in a really bad way and dangerous way for our country.
the one difference here is, you didn't start it. but if you allow looters and rioters to tear shit up - you're a fool if you expect people to sit back and let it happen night after night after night.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

"A communist insurrection"??? You're posts get dumber every single day.

This idiot wasn't part of any "militia", well organized or otherwise. He thought it would be cool to go out and shoot protestors. After all, if he's protecting property, it's not illegal to shoot people, right? Tell me, if the non-white protestors all started showing up with AR15's and other long guns, would you be so enthusiastic about the Second Amendment? If black people started walking around white neighbourhoods with their semi-automatic weapons, you'd see a ban on those guns so fast your head would spin.

What is happening is that idiot gun owners think they can go out and shoot people with impunity. This 17 year old piece of shit thought it would be fun to go out and shoot protestors, and this is what has happened. He killed two people and his life is now over. The little shit should have stayed home.
He was a junior cop and he thought he was the law, now he is the victim of his own ego.

The Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha and Guardian of Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, will be acquitted by a Jury of his Peers, the townsfolk of Kenosha who have suffered immense harm by the hands of Rioters, Rapists, Arsonists, Looters and Thugs.
The suffer greater harm by lack of healthcare, a pandemic and deadly recessions. The gop doesn’t want you to look at the real cause of social injustice......voter suppression and privileged supremacy.
I see you have your head deep in your ass like only a good twisted Leftist would. You speak of fictitious bullshit fabricated by the filthy fucks among us.

"A recent study, published by the prestigious National Bureau of Economic Research, found "no evidence of racial discrimination in officer-involved shootings." The study, by Harvard economics professor Roland Fryer Jr., who is black, studied data from three major cities"

Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.
Because what he did was murder
Nope-----------never wrong to kill criminals attacking other people. Sorry------but the mob of rioters, thieves, extortionists, communists, druggies, criminals, looters etc had it and have it coming.
Two nights ago, the Great Patriot, Defender of Kenosha, and Guardian of the Republic, Kyle Rittenhouse, suppressed an unlawful riot in Kenosha where countless businesses have been burnt down, looted and forced out of business.

The police were no where to be found, unable to act and carry out their function of maintaining Law and Order.

So the citizens of the area took up arms, exercising their Second Amendment right to suppress violent riot, arson and looting and to suppress a communist insurrection.

It's almost as if the far left wants to take our Second Amendment rights so they can abolish the police and then rain chaos upon our communities (problem, reaction...solution?), and then institute their new police force under the flag of communism to restore civilization.

The 2nd Amendment mentions riots, arson and looting and communism?

Yes it does:

A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed.
It says nothing about murder.

Nor did he commit murder. He defended himself from three violent felons.

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