Why is the gay community afraid of "conversion therapy"?

GET BEHIND ME SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can see that I am not trying to please you by sweet talk and flattery; no, I am trying to please God. If I were still trying to please men I could not be Christ’s servant.

Your have judged yourself with your own judgment, thus are not pleasing to God, Jesus, or man.

You have become your own God, GISMYS.
GET BEHIND ME SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can see that I am not trying to please you by sweet talk and flattery; no, I am trying to please God. If I were still trying to please men I could not be Christ’s servant.

Your have judged yourself with your own judgment, thus are not pleasing to God, Jesus, or man.

You have become your own God, GISMYS.

NO!!! I AM A son OF GOD!!! PTL.
Interesting that, if you want it, you can get counseling on how to live like a gay person, how to act like a person of the opposite gender, or how to feel good about yourself even though you're attracted to your own gender, but even if you want it, you are not allowed to get counseling on how to go the other direction.
Interesting that, if you want it, you can get counseling on how to live like a gay person, how to act like a person of the opposite gender, or how to feel good about yourself even though you're attracted to your own gender, but even if you want it, you are not allowed to get counseling on how to go the other direction.

Yes, you are. California and New Jersey said you can't make kids go to this harmful "therapy"...adults are free to fuck themselves up if they choose to.
Conversion therapy

Since none of you nincompoop homophobic fuckwads has answered my question, here it is again"


I mean...it's obvious...if you believe it can work to "convert" a gay person, why can't it work to "convert" a straight person?

Meanwhile, here's one for you to rub one off.


Want some more????

How about I add one in each homophobic post?
Interesting that, if you want it, you can get counseling on how to live like a gay person, how to act like a person of the opposite gender, or how to feel good about yourself even though you're attracted to your own gender, but even if you want it, you are not allowed to get counseling on how to go the other direction.

Yes, you are. California and New Jersey said you can't make kids go to this harmful "therapy"...adults are free to fuck themselves up if they choose to.

But kids CAN be "counseled" on how to feel good about themselves despite being attracted to the same sex? That is the point.
Every (supposedly) "gay" man I've ever met has said he gets aroused watching heterosexual porn.

That tells me all I need to know about their supposedly genetic predisposition.

lots of straight guys get turned on watching 2 woman go at it.....what does that say?.....

Four boobs are better than two?

Btw, if the lesbos are ugly, even nice boobs won't help.
YOU ARE FREE TO HAVE YOUR OPINION BUT I REJECT YOUR OPINION,YOU ARE NOT MY JUDGE,GOD IS OUR ONLY JUDGE!!! PLEASE GOD NOT little man!!! === You can see that I am not trying to please you by sweet talk and flattery; no, I am trying to please God. If I were still trying to please men I could not be Christ’s servant. Galations 1:10

You are judged as you judge others.

You are forgiven as you forgive others.


NOTE: It's NOT about trying to "please people"
it's about speaking effectively where they receive the message

If your words cause rejection of God, is this what you intend?

PS if you "fear" compromising God's word for "pleasing man"
then THAT is the fear that is preventing God's perfect love from speaking
which KNOWS NO FEAR. So you do fear something: you fear I am trying to
"flatter you," you FEAR compromising. Let perfect love CAST OUT all fear.

Then speak, [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION], from that Perfect Love which is from God,
not from Fear which is manipulated by Satan. Get rid of all Fear!
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you are free to have your opinion but i reject your opinion,you are not my judge,god is our only judge!!! Please god not little man!!! === you can see that i am not trying to please you by sweet talk and flattery; no, i am trying to please god. If i were still trying to please men i could not be christ’s servant. Galations 1:10

you are judged as you judge others.

You are forgiven as you forgive others.

Others hear you as you hear them.

Note: It's not about trying to "please people"
it's about speaking effectively where they receive the message

if your words cause rejection of god, is this what you intend?

begone satan's tool!!! Just begone!!!
◄ 2 Timothy 4:3 ►
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.
Conversion therapy

Since none of you nincompoop homophobic fuckwads has answered my question, here it is again"


I mean...it's obvious...if you believe it can work to "convert" a gay person, why can't it work to "convert" a straight person?



Spiritual healing helps people restore their NATURAL state, whatever that is spiritually.

So YES I have a friend who came out as Transgender AFTER receiving healing spiritually.
Before he was in a heterosexual marriage and unhappy suppressing guilt and blame of Christianity.

After we shared the true meaning of Christianity, and he let go of judgment and fears,
he came out as his true self, where his spiritually given personality was female.
For the first time in his life, he told me he felt God's love and knew he was loved unconditionally.

Lots of people come out and come to terms with their natural selves
after healing.

Just because you receive spiritual healing, doesn't mean you convert
to Christianity, other religions or orientations. That is NOT the point.
You come to peace with who you are, whatever that is which is between you and God.
And FORGIVE and heal whatever was unforgiven, conflicted, or blocking you from peace.
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begone satan's tool!!! Just begone!!!

Again, spoken from fear, not from love.
Do you even know the difference?

If all this time you only focus on FEARING God
What do you know of LOVING God?

Where is that LOVE of God in you [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION]?
I see the fear, but where is the love?

◄ 2 Timothy 4:3 ►
For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear.

Neither do I
I am not trying to "tickle" your ear
but warn you gently where you can
better speak the Word of God with Love
not fear

More Wisdom and Power to you [MENTION=42952]GISMYS[/MENTION]
I support your calling from God, not oppose it in any way.

Whatever fear is telling you otherwise, tell Satan to depart of such tricks.
It isn't coming from me, because I support you as having a calling from God.
How can I help you fulfill that calling and get rid of these "fears" in the way???
Matthew 16:23
23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”
Whoa two birds with one stone
[MENTION=49463]PoliticalTorch[/MENTION] and [MENTION=20412]JakeStarkey[/MENTION]

Do you want to set up a Bullring challenge:
* that there IS a natural therapy for recovery from sexual abuse that
has effectively changed people's orientations to whatever is NATURAL for them.
* that this discussion and distinction between ABUSIVE FRAUDULENT practice
and NATURAL HEALING that is consistent with science and medicine as beneficial
IS a positive subject for exploration, RESEARCH, and understanding for the public?

If I challenge both of you at the same time,
and if I can prove that there IS BENEFIT to both
* NATURAL spiritual healing and recovery therapy (NOT fraudulent forced or abusive practices that the EFFECTIVE METHODS demonstrate the DIFFERENCE between)
* and the DISCUSSION, RESEARCH and PUBLIC KNOWLEDGE of this difference

Will you both agree to post a public apology for your misjudgment and misconception
of the DIFFERENCE between natural spiritual healing versus fraudulent harmful practices.

I have some websites set up, where I could feature your statements and explanations.
I am ready to promote research into the DIFFERENCE between natural therapy and unnatural abuses.

Would you two care to step into the Bullring
if you truly believe there is no truth to what I offer?

The gay community has no need to discuss "conversion therapy"

The hetero-fascist community has no moral right to discuss "conversion therapy"
Jake, you're so right about that! There is no need for Gays and Lesbians to change the way they were born and the way they are and whom they love. But you also have to realize that the "hetero-fascist community", great term for them by the way, has to keep harping away on this one issue because that's all they have. They can't solve the problems of this country, they have no new ideas for moving the country forward, so all they know is obstructionism and they excel at that! So, they pick on a minority group, Blacks, Latinos and Hispanics included, and they find people who oppose those folks also and who are unfortunately as narrow-minded as they are who will blindly follow them like the pied piper since their mentality apparently knows no better, being cut pretty much from the same fabric. Never mind the harm they are doing to those groups, they are only after them for the votes they hope to get from them and then it's Adios Amigos!

Emily, it appears that you have opened that door yourself therefore, I would like to ask you a few questions about the type of therapy you offer.

1. Are you licensed or certified by any state to offer this specific type of therapy? If so, by what state? And what is the name of the school you went to in order to study this type of therapy?

2. Have your therapies received peer-reviews by professional, medical associations and organizations? If so, which are they?

3. Have your therapies been proven to be efficacious to the overall professional healing and well-being of people who received them so that they would be able to provide a personal statement on how it worked out for them and if they experienced any trouble or pain from having received it to be forwarded to certain medical associations and state boards of medicine for their review?

4. Do you charge money for your services? And if so, how much?

5. Do you provide these services in a professional setting? If so, where specifically and the physical location of your offices, or do you offer this out of your home or like place, and are you zoned and licensed by the City you reside in as a business and where would that be please?

After hearing from you on that we might be able to talk further. As to an issue of an apology, none is needed from us and would however have to come from the source, the professional medical organizations and other places that reached those conclusions about Gay Conversion Therapy being Dangerous and Ineffective. Would you like for me to pass on your information (provided you first provide it to us) so they can check it out and take a look at what you are offering in order to be able to analyze it well so that it could be possibly recommended to others by them? You may indeed have all the proper answers to these questions so things may not apply to you if you do but I ask that as a mere precaution because I'm sure you are fully aware that there are many people out there offering bogus healing, etc. who have not received the proper training, been licensed, certified, or tested by professional sources first since it involves dealing with the public and that is always a very sensitive and delicate issue and I'm sure you can fully appreciate my concern on that. Outside of your not allowing for all these things listed, I cannot see any need for any further discussion and things will stand as they are. Thank you.
GET BEHIND ME SATAN!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can see that I am not trying to please you by sweet talk and flattery; no, I am trying to please God. If I were still trying to please men I could not be Christ’s servant.

Your have judged yourself with your own judgment, thus are not pleasing to God, Jesus, or man.

You have become your own God, GISMYS.

NO!!! I AM A son OF GOD!!! PTL.

Your own judgment condemns you, GISMYS.
Interesting that, if you want it, you can get counseling on how to live like a gay person, how to act like a person of the opposite gender, or how to feel good about yourself even though you're attracted to your own gender, but even if you want it, you are not allowed to get counseling on how to go the other direction.

Of course you can get such counseling, if you wish.

And those who are better informed know that it is worthless.
Every (supposedly) "gay" man I've ever met has said he gets aroused watching heterosexual porn.

That tells me all I need to know about their supposedly genetic predisposition.

lots of straight guys get turned on watching 2 woman go at it.....what does that say?.....

Four boobs are better than two?

Btw, if the lesbos are ugly, even nice boobs won't help.

Pop23, don't go with folks of your own sex is the best answer for you.

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