Why is the gay community afraid of "conversion therapy"?

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

1a) they are spiritually born to live as one orientation without changing
1b) they are spiritually born to change orientation within the same lifetime
These can be influenced by either nature or nurture. What makes the difference is what is someone's spiritual path in life and experiences in the process of growth over generations.
Studies on twins show a HIGHER correlation (53 to 47%) of twins being the same orientation.
Since it is NOT 100% it is not genetic alone.

2a) the behavior/attraction is natural for them (whether heterosexual or homosexual)
2b) the behavior is unnatural and caused by abuse or other factors in this lifetime
(abuse is not freely chosen, some factors may be chosen or a mix of both)
2c) the behavior caused by spiritual karma NOT from this lifetime
(and may be natural or unnatural, heterosexual or homosexual)

Some behavior may be natural and not abusive, some may be abusive of relationships,
and some may be so abusive and sick as an unnatural criminally addiction or illness.

The issue is the ABUSE factor, which is independent of orientation.
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I have my own form of "conversion therapy" that I sometimes inflict on "straight" males. Its called "forced feminization" :)
Did Anne Heche receive this therapy?

Of course. She was forced to bob for apples.

Just wondering since she made the switch. Of course that could just mean she is bisexual.

Heche stated she was "insane" for the first 31 years of her life, and that this was triggered by being sexually abused by her father during her infancy and childhood. [49][50] In a series of interviews with Barbara Walters, Matt Lauer, and Larry King to promote Call Me Crazy in 2001, Heche stated on national television that she created a fantasy world called the "Fourth Dimension" to make herself feel safe, and had an alter ego who was the daughter of God and half-sister of Jesus Christ named "Celestia", who had contacts with extraterrestrial life forms.[46][51] Heche said she recovered from her insanity following the incident in Cantua Creek and has put her alter ego behind her.[4]

Anne Heche - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Please note that sexual abuse is in her family history.

Until such abuse is fully healed, it's hard to assess where a person is
because they can still be undergoing changes in stages of recovery.
Conversion therapy (also known as reparative therapy) is a range of treatments that aim to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Such treatments have been criticized for being pseudo-scientific.

The major premise of conversion therapy advocates is that majority of homosexuals are NOT genetically pre-disposed but a learned behavior.

So if the gay community believes so strongly that there is a "I gotta be me" genetic coding that pre-disposes a person to homosexuality why are they so afraid?

So afraid that "conversion therapy aimed at turning gay kids straight will soon be illegal in California, with the state's governor declaring he hopes a new law will relegate such efforts "to the dustbin of quackery."
This bill bans non-scientific 'therapies' that have driven young people to depression and suicide," Brown tweeted. "These practices have no basis in science or medicine."

Why is there such angst about something that a gay MUST be?

I have NO doubt some "suicides" but HOW MANY ? Where are the facts Mr. Brown?

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.
That is a false dilemma. As well as a burden of proof fallacy.

The false dilemma you have presented is that there are only two possibilities, this is logicalfallacy.

You have also made a claim that you have them said the burden of proof rests on others to prove your claim wrong. That also is a logical fallacy. That isn't even touching your straw man fallacy.
People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality

Unlike conversion therapy - this is an unproven theory with very litlle merit. There is miniscule scientific evidence to support it - Not Zero evidence - but pretty darn close to zero.

2) The behavior is learned.

If by "learned" - you are trying to say that someone taught them to be Gay - also highly unlikely. But it is closer to the Truth than the first option in that it is an acquired trait , not an inherited one.

Mounting evidence tends to indicate the sexual dysphoria a/k/a homosexuality is the result of early chldhood trauma and oedipous issues. Early Childhood trauma could be pre-pubescent or even pre-cognizant repressed memories of abuse or perceived abuse- sometimes of a sexual nature , sometimes not.
People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality

Unlike conversion therapy - this is an unproven theory with very litlle merit. There is miniscule scientific evidence to support it - Not Zero evidence - but pretty darn close to zero.

2) The behavior is learned.

If by "learned" - you are trying to say that someone taught them to be Gay - also highly unlikely. But it is closer to the Truth than the first option in that it is an acquired trait , not an inherited one.

Mounting evidence tends to indicate the sexual dysphoria a/k/a homosexuality is the result of early chldhood trauma and oedipous issues. Early Childhood trauma could be pre-pubescent or even pre-cognizant repressed memories of abuse or perceived abuse- sometimes of a sexual nature , sometimes not.
There is very little evidence supporting your claim.

Also, dysphoria means a feeling of being unwell. Placing the term sexual in front of it would mean you are unwell with your sex, that would be a description of transgender people. Homosexuals aren't normally uncomfortable with their sex.

Do you have any evidence to back up this claim that trauma during childhood is understood as a leading cause?
People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

Unlike conversion therapy - this is an unproven theory with very litlle merit. There is miniscule scientific evidence to support it - Not Zero evidence - but pretty darn close to zero.

2) The behavior is learned.

If by "learned" - you are trying to say that someone taught them to be Gay - also highly unlikely. But it is closer to the Truth than the first option in that it is an acquired trait , not an inherited one.

Mounting evidence tends to indicate the sexual dysphoria a/k/a homosexuality is the result of early chldhood trauma and oedipous issues. Early Childhood trauma could be pre-pubescent or even pre-cognizant repressed memories of abuse or perceived abuse- sometimes of a sexual nature , sometimes not.

Do you have any evidence to back up this claim that trauma during childhood is understood as a leading cause?

Greetings inevitable, I see your new here and haven't yet learned how to be a nasty snide little gutter snipe like most of us - so your courtesy warrants some respect. I thanked your post.

There is very little evidence supporting your claim.

Also, dysphoria means a feeling of being unwell. Placing the term sexual in front of it would mean you are unwell with your sex, that would be a description of transgender people. Homosexuals aren't normally uncomfortable with their sex.

Dysphoria which is the verbal opposite of euphoria, is a termed used in the mental health field to describe a condition in which a person experiences feelings of anxiety, depression, and discontent,not only with themselves but the world around them.

Gender dysphoria refers to a diagnosis made by mental health professionals to describe persons who experience discontent with the sex they were born as and/or the roles society assigns to that sex. [transgender] Gender incongruence is a recently intriduced term also.

So far as "dysphoria means a feeling of being unwell" - That is the whole basis of the debate - Homosexuals in general have a feeling of being unwell, because they are unwell. They are demented variations from the sexual norm. The feeling of unwellness stems from a number of theoretical sources, Gay apologists and those striving for political correctness are fond of balming their dysphoria on societal oppression - which is an argument that has some credibility .

Do you have any evidence to back up this claim that trauma during childhood is understood as a leading cause?

Although I applauded your courtesy, I can't applaud your knowledge, I won't call you stupid - because you're courteous and eloquent - but lets see what happens to you in another Month
or so :badgrin:

That's an assertion that shouldn't even have to be defended- in fact it's not an opinion but a fact acknowledged even by the high priesthood of Homosexual Propaganda .

The bible of Gay Media Manipulators, a brilliant book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's by two devious homosexuals, Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and Hunter Madsen . This powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular 1989 book presents an impassioned plea, for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions. It is basically a blueprint for the Gay Agenda, it makes the following statement

We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence (page 184); Being Gay is Sick

So far as your challenge - I could probably fill a few pages with quotes adding wieghht to my assertion,but being that you feel comfortable challenging [ trauma during childhood is understood as a leading cause] without any supporting evidence other than your opinion -please feel free to come back at me with whatever you can google up .
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Just look at all these authorities on homosexuality ...

... most of whom haven't a frikken clue.
Unlike conversion therapy - this is an unproven theory with very litlle merit. There is miniscule scientific evidence to support it - Not Zero evidence - but pretty darn close to zero.

If by "learned" - you are trying to say that someone taught them to be Gay - also highly unlikely. But it is closer to the Truth than the first option in that it is an acquired trait , not an inherited one.

Mounting evidence tends to indicate the sexual dysphoria a/k/a homosexuality is the result of early chldhood trauma and oedipous issues. Early Childhood trauma could be pre-pubescent or even pre-cognizant repressed memories of abuse or perceived abuse- sometimes of a sexual nature , sometimes not.

Do you have any evidence to back up this claim that trauma during childhood is understood as a leading cause?

Greetings inevitable, I see your new here and haven't yet learned how to be a nasty snide little gutter snipe like most of us - so your courtesy warrants some respect. I thanked your post.

Dysphoria which is the verbal opposite of euphoria, is a termed used in the mental health field to describe a condition in which a person experiences feelings of anxiety, depression, and discontent,not only with themselves but the world around them.

Gender dysphoria refers to a diagnosis made by mental health professionals to describe persons who experience discontent with the sex they were born as and/or the roles society assigns to that sex. [transgender] Gender incongruence is a recently intriduced term also.

So far as "dysphoria means a feeling of being unwell" - That is the whole basis of the debate - Homosexuals in general have a feeling of being unwell, because they are unwell. They are demented variations from the sexual norm. The feeling of unwellness stems from a number of theoretical sources, Gay apologists and those striving for political correctness are fond of balming their dysphoria on societal oppression - which is an argument that has some credibility .

Do you have any evidence to back up this claim that trauma during childhood is understood as a leading cause?

Although I applauded your courtesy, I can't applaud your knowledge, I won't call you stupid - because you're courteous and eloquent - but lets see what happens to you in another Month
or so :badgrin:

That's an assertion that shouldn't even have to be defended- in fact it's not an opinion but a fact acknowledged even by the high priesthood of Homosexual Propaganda .

The bible of Gay Media Manipulators, a brilliant book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's by two devious homosexuals, Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and Hunter Madsen . This powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular 1989 book presents an impassioned plea, for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions. It is basically a blueprint for the Gay Agenda, it makes the following statement

We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence (page 184);

So far as your challenge - I could probably fill a few pages with quotes adding wieghht to my assertion,but being that you feel comfortable challenging [ trauma during childhood is understood as a leading cause] without any supporting evidence other than your opinion -please feel free to come back at me with whatever you can google up .
No, you made the claim, you have to prove it. I have challanged your claim. I have no claim to prove. Why would I come back at you with something. You made a claim. I am asking you to prove it.

As far as your use of the term dysphoria, it still isn't the appropriate use.
Do you have any evidence to back up this claim that trauma during childhood is understood as a leading cause?

Greetings inevitable, I see your new here and haven't yet learned how to be a nasty snide little gutter snipe like most of us - so your courtesy warrants some respect. I thanked your post.

Dysphoria which is the verbal opposite of euphoria, is a termed used in the mental health field to describe a condition in which a person experiences feelings of anxiety, depression, and discontent,not only with themselves but the world around them.

Gender dysphoria refers to a diagnosis made by mental health professionals to describe persons who experience discontent with the sex they were born as and/or the roles society assigns to that sex. [transgender] Gender incongruence is a recently intriduced term also.

So far as "dysphoria means a feeling of being unwell" - That is the whole basis of the debate - Homosexuals in general have a feeling of being unwell, because they are unwell. They are demented variations from the sexual norm. The feeling of unwellness stems from a number of theoretical sources, Gay apologists and those striving for political correctness are fond of balming their dysphoria on societal oppression - which is an argument that has some credibility .

Although I applauded your courtesy, I can't applaud your knowledge, I won't call you stupid - because you're courteous and eloquent - but lets see what happens to you in another Month
or so :badgrin:

That's an assertion that shouldn't even have to be defended- in fact it's not an opinion but a fact acknowledged even by the high priesthood of Homosexual Propaganda .

The bible of Gay Media Manipulators, a brilliant book After the Ball: How America Will Conquer Its Fear and Hatred of Gays in the 90's by two devious homosexuals, Marshall Kirk, a researcher in neuropsychiatry and Hunter Madsen . This powerfully persuasive, perverse and popular 1989 book presents an impassioned plea, for homosexual activists to implement an aggressive, concerted and organized campaign to mold public perceptions. It is basically a blueprint for the Gay Agenda, it makes the following statement

We argue that for all practical purposes, gays should be considered to have been born gay, even though sexual orientation, for most humans, seems to be the product of a complex interaction between innate predispositions and environmental factors during childhood and early adolescence (page 184);

So far as your challenge - I could probably fill a few pages with quotes adding wieghht to my assertion,but being that you feel comfortable challenging [ trauma during childhood is understood as a leading cause] without any supporting evidence other than your opinion -please feel free to come back at me with whatever you can google up .
I have challanged your claim. I have no claim to prove. Why would I come back at you with something. You made a claim. I am asking you to prove it.

No, you made the claim, you have to prove it.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma

Ex-Gay Advocates Claim Homosexuality Is Caused By Parental Abuse | ThinkProgress

Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma

Homosexuality: Another Example of Trauma Conditioning

Homosexuality is Caused By Childhood Trauma - CafeMom

People Can Change: Resources

Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate

The problem with the believe that abuse causes homosexuality

I have no claim to prove.

Yes you do - a debate is a two way street -

As far as your use of the term dysphoria, it still isn't the appropriate use.

Uhhh -yes it is - perhaps not to you - because you dislike the implications - ---In fact when the Gay controlled APA first removed Homosexuality from the DSM - it was initially reclassified as sexual dysphoria . Just Curious Are you Gay ?
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Greetings inevitable, I see your new here and haven't yet learned how to be a nasty snide little gutter snipe like most of us - so your courtesy warrants some respect. I thanked your post.

Dysphoria which is the verbal opposite of euphoria, is a termed used in the mental health field to describe a condition in which a person experiences feelings of anxiety, depression, and discontent,not only with themselves but the world around them.

Gender dysphoria refers to a diagnosis made by mental health professionals to describe persons who experience discontent with the sex they were born as and/or the roles society assigns to that sex. [transgender] Gender incongruence is a recently intriduced term also.

So far as "dysphoria means a feeling of being unwell" - That is the whole basis of the debate - Homosexuals in general have a feeling of being unwell, because they are unwell. They are demented variations from the sexual norm. The feeling of unwellness stems from a number of theoretical sources, Gay apologists and those striving for political correctness are fond of balming their dysphoria on societal oppression - which is an argument that has some credibility .

Although I applauded your courtesy, I can't applaud your knowledge, I won't call you stupid - because you're courteous and eloquent - but lets see what happens to you in another Month
or so :badgrin:

That's an assertion that shouldn't even have to be defended- in fact it's not an opinion but a fact acknowledged even by the high priesthood of Homosexual Propaganda .

So far as your challenge - I could probably fill a few pages with quotes adding wieghht to my assertion,but being that you feel comfortable challenging [ trauma during childhood is understood as a leading cause] without any supporting evidence other than your opinion -please feel free to come back at me with whatever you can google up .
I have challanged your claim. I have no claim to prove. Why would I come back at you with something. You made a claim. I am asking you to prove it.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma

Ex-Gay Advocates Claim Homosexuality Is Caused By Parental Abuse | ThinkProgress

Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma

Homosexuality: Another Example of Trauma Conditioning

Homosexuality is Caused By Childhood Trauma - CafeMom

People Can Change: Resources

Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate

The problem with the believe that abuse causes homosexuality

I have no claim to prove.

Yes you do - a debate is a two way street -
No I did not make any claim. I simply challenged yours.

As far as your use of the term dysphoria, it still isn't the appropriate use.

Uhhh -yes it is - perhaps not to you
No sir, it is not. Sex refers to whether you are male or female the term sexual is in regards to your sex. Dysphoria with sex would mean you aren't comfortable or you aren't well with your sex.

- because you dislike the implications
Hyperbole is a logicalfallacy.
---In fact when the Gay controlled APA
Special pleading is logical fallacy, if this isn't specialpleading than it is a false cause fallacy. Unless you have credible proof supporting this rather bizarre conspiracy theory.
first removed Homosexuality from the DSM - it was initially reclassified as sexual dysphoria .
It was clearly improperly named.
Just Curious Are you Gay ?
I don't answer personalquestions on the internet.

You linked lifesitenews twice it's just that the arrival was borrowed from another place. I am skeptical of it's claims. Everything else you linked is unsupported opinion
You ask why the Gay Community is afraid of Conversion Therapy? Well, it should be intuitively obvious to the most casual observer that the short answer to that is that it is DANGEROUS and that it does not work. Included are really good websites many with references to medical, psychiatric, psychological, and other associations and organizations that speak of the ineffectiveness of Gay Conversion Therapy. Please read ALL of them so that you can thoroughly understand why the Gay Community will not use that stuff.

Former Love In Action Director John Smid: Homosexuality Is Not a Choice and Can?t Be Changed | Truth Wins Out

The Lies and Dangers of Efforts to Change Sexual Orientation or Gender Identity | Resources | Human Rights Campaign

All 50 States Should Protect LGBT Youth From ?Ex-Gay? Charlatans | Truth Wins Out

5 Things You Should Know About Gay Conversion Therapy
I have challanged your claim. I have no claim to prove. Why would I come back at you with something. You made a claim. I am asking you to prove it.

LifeSiteNews Mobile | Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma

Ex-Gay Advocates Claim Homosexuality Is Caused By Parental Abuse | ThinkProgress

Study: Homosexuality Linked with Childhood Trauma

Homosexuality: Another Example of Trauma Conditioning

Homosexuality is Caused By Childhood Trauma - CafeMom

People Can Change: Resources

Homosexuality: The Use of Scientific Research in the Church's Moral Debate

The problem with the believe that abuse causes homosexuality

No I did not make any claim. I simply challenged yours.

No sir, it is not. Sex refers to whether you are male or female the term sexual is in regards to your sex. Dysphoria with sex would mean you aren't comfortable or you aren't well with your sex.

Hyperbole is a logicalfallacy. Special pleading is logical fallacy, if this isn't specialpleading than it is a false cause fallacy. Unless you have credible proof supporting this rather bizarre conspiracy theory.
first removed Homosexuality from the DSM - it was initially reclassified as sexual dysphoria .
It was clearly improperly named.
Just Curious Are you Gay ?
I don't answer personalquestions on the internet.

You linked lifesitenews twice it's just that the arrival was borrowed from another place. I am skeptical of it's claims. Everything else you linked is unsupported opinion

I realize you are new , but kindly familiarize with the use of quotes and quote boxes , you have them somewhat fouled up -I know what I said - you know what you said but - this is an open forum and others may be a tad confused.

1. You state you have no claim to prove - but you do - and apparently are unable to - see you're learning newby , in no time what so ever you'll be just another cynical clueless left wing asshole - completely confortable wit the art of deflecting.

A. You state - "No I did not make any claim. I simply challenged yours." but you did
make a few unsubtantiated claims such as the improper use of the word "Dysphoria"


2. Inevitable: As far as your use of the term dysphoria, it still isn't the appropriate use.

Greenbean: Uhhh -yes it is - perhaps not to you - because you dislike the implications - ---In fact when the Gay controlled APA first removed Homosexuality from the DSM - it was initially reclassified as sexual dysphoria .

Inevitable: No sir, it is not. Sex refers to whether you are male or female the term sexual is in regards to your sex. Dysphoria with sex would mean you aren't comfortable or you aren't well with your sex.

*NOW : Greenbean: The word sex can be used as both a noun and a verb - it can be used to denote Gender or it can used to denote an act. In the case of a man and a woman mating - they are "having Sex" - in the case of two perverts getting it on they are having "Gay Sex" or more correctly termed - they are sodomizing each other - Capice ?

Greenbean: -In fact when the Gay controlled APA first removed Homosexuality from the DSM - it was initially reclassified as sexual dysphoria .

Inevitable: It was clearly improperly named.

*NOW : Greenbean: That's your Opinion - back it up or shut it up.

Greenbean: Just Curious Are you Gay ?

Inevitable: I don't answer personal questions on the internet.

*NOW : Greenbean: You just did -you're a Fag

You linked lifesitenews twice it's just that the arrival was borrowed from another place. I am skeptical of it's claims. Everything else you linked is unsupported opinion

You say it's opinion - you just made a claim - prove it
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Conversion therapy (also known as reparative therapy) is a range of treatments that aim to change sexual orientation from homosexual to heterosexual. Such treatments have been criticized for being pseudo-scientific.
Conversion therapy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

The major premise of conversion therapy advocates is that majority of homosexuals are NOT genetically pre-disposed but a learned behavior.

So if the gay community believes so strongly that there is a "I gotta be me" genetic coding that pre-disposes a person to homosexuality why are they so afraid?

So afraid that "conversion therapy aimed at turning gay kids straight will soon be illegal in California, with the state's governor declaring he hopes a new law will relegate such efforts "to the dustbin of quackery."
This bill bans non-scientific 'therapies' that have driven young people to depression and suicide," Brown tweeted. "These practices have no basis in science or medicine."
California governor OKs ban on gay conversion therapy, calling it 'quackery' - CNN.com

Why is there such angst about something that a gay MUST be?

I have NO doubt some "suicides" but HOW MANY ? Where are the facts Mr. Brown?

People are gay for two reasons:
1) they truly were born with a genetic pre-disposition to homosexuality
2) The behavior is learned.

Those are the ONLY two ways that a homosexual IS a homosexual.

I would like anyone to refute that.

As is generally the case the OP on this thread has strayed off in several different directions. The OP being Conversion therapy.

Conversion therapy, Ex Gay or reparative therapy is primarily promoted by the mental health organization, NARTH. NARTH teaches that homosexuality is abnormal, unnatural,undesirable and changeable sexual behavior.

Complete data on conversion theapy is quite often withheld or suppressed. This makes the actual success rate of conversion therapy difficult to guage with any real degree of accuracy. However, several studies have revealed sufficient data which can be utilized to arrive at crude estimate of the conversion success rate:

Studies on conversion therapy for unwanted homosexual attractions yield varying success rates, ranging from 30%-70%, these rates are no different than success rates for other therapeutic practices - However the other therapeutic practices, such as substance abuse and assorted phobias and fetishes are not politically incorrect - criticizing the Gay Agenda and lifestyle is.

A key word in the preceding statement is "unwanted homosexual attractions" - as is the case with other therapeutic practices - treating somebody who doesn't want to be treated and believes they are confortable with their malady is statistically doomed to failure

Being politically charged , politically correct science [Bad Science] will frequently totally disregard the facts, and the agenda of he who shouts the loudest wins.

Socio-Fascists are currently blatantly promoting homosexuality, it is surmised as part of Big Brothers concerted effort to expedite the disintegration of the family structure and reduce the surplus population/ curtail population growth.

So Why is the gay community afraid of "conversion therapy"

It is an admission that their sexual dysphoria -homosexuality is abnormal and something which needs to be treated. If there is no disease , there should not be a need for a cure .
The succes of Conversion Therapy, is the failure of the Gay Agenda - it flies in the face of their ideological agenda and propaganda.

Conversion Therapy is far from the voo-doo quackery preached by the politically correct socio-fascists and useful idiots - it is a viable and effective method of treating a psychologiocally degenerative disease - Homosexuality
The only reason conservatives push for gay conversion therapy is because they are deathly afraid of homosexuals.

And of their own sexuality.

They're screwed up so they want to screw up others.

And they are completely opposed to personal and basic human rights.

The worst is that they believe they have the right to impose their craziness on others.
The gay community has no need to discuss "conversion therapy"

The hetero-fascist community has no moral right to discuss "conversion therapy"
The gay community has no need to discuss "conversion therapy"

The hetero-fascist community has no moral right to discuss "conversion therapy"

Funny but looked ALL through the US Constitution... for "moral rights"... didn't see anything!

Freedom of speech in the United States is protected by the First Amendment to the United States Constitution and by many state constitutions and state and federal laws.
Criticism of the government and advocacy of unpopular ideas that people may find distasteful or against public policy are almost always permitted.
There are exceptions to these general protections, including the Miller test for obscenity, child pornography laws, speech that incites imminent lawless action, and regulation of commercial speech such as advertising.
Freedom of speech in the United States - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

NOT one word regarding abridging my right to discuss "conversion therapy"!

But of course people that discuss "moral rights" should heed the old dictum "'Let me take the speck out of your eye,' and behold, the log is in your own eye? "

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