Why Is The GOP Senate So Afraid To Call Witnesses??

His record shows otherwise, lying con tool.


Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

Um, actually it is.

The big dip in stock prices in October 1929 foretold the Great Depression. Ditto with the dip in stock prices in 08-09 and the resultant Obama Recession, that fortunately, Trump was able to get us out of.

How the fuck is a recession in 2008 an Obama recession. He didn't take office until 2009.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.
Not at all and no truths are found in your post.

No truth? You know as well as I do that Barry was terrible at job creation. You just refuse to admit it. Instead...you fall back on personal insults repeated ad nauseum and your pathetic use of a graph that doesn't reveal the truth about what took place back then.
His record shows otherwise, lying con tool.


Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!

How about these statistics, we lost 800,000 jobs in jan & Feb of 2009. Our economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%.

The truth is that Obmsa built a string, growing economy.

Trump's plan was to create jobs through borrowing 1.5 trillion.

Obama was President in January and February 2009.

Just the facts, Dave.
The Bush Recession started in the 4th quarter of 2007 you fucking moron.
Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

Um, actually it is.

The big dip in stock prices in October 1929 foretold the Great Depression. Ditto with the dip in stock prices in 08-09 and the resultant Obama Recession, that fortunately, Trump was able to get us out of.

How the fuck is a recession in 2008 an Obama recession. He didn't take office until 2009.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.

Obama took office in January 2009, and is clearly responsible for everything from that date.

But even before than, businesses saw the upcoming Obama Regime as bad news, and started to cut back as soon as they saw his victory was inevitable during the summer of 2008.
No truth? You know as well as I do that Barry was terrible at job creation. You just refuse to admit it. Instead...you fall back on personal insults repeated ad nauseum and your pathetic use of a graph that doesn't reveal the truth about what took place back then.
His record shows otherwise, lying con tool.


Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

It is an indicator of a positive or negative business climate.
Last edited:
His record shows otherwise, lying con tool.


Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

Ok, what about record low unemployment? Is that an "economic indicator?"

What about record wage growth? Is that an "economic indicator?"

What about record housing sales, is that an "economic indicator?"
Housing sales were higher under Bush.

As for wage growth:

No truth? You know as well as I do that Barry was terrible at job creation. You just refuse to admit it. Instead...you fall back on personal insults repeated ad nauseum and your pathetic use of a graph that doesn't reveal the truth about what took place back then.
His record shows otherwise, lying con tool.


Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!

How about these statistics, we lost 800,000 jobs in jan & Feb of 2009. Our economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%.

The truth is that Obmsa built a string, growing economy.

Trump's plan was to create jobs through borrowing 1.5 trillion.

Obama was President in January and February 2009.

Just the facts, Dave.
The Bush Recession started in the 4th quarter of 2007 you fucking moron.

The Democrats controlled Congress beginning January 2007. Barney had already had his way.
His record shows otherwise, lying con tool.


Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

It is an indicator of positive or negative business climate.
Not necessarily.

When Drumpf handed well off corporations money in his tax cut, these corporations went on the buying spree buying back their stocks. This pushed more money into the stock market driving it upwards.

Nothing to do with the economy.
Democrats Are Daring Mitch McConnell to Call Impeachment Witnesses

Less than a couple of months ago -- Trump's BFF at Fox & Friends said this....

"If the president said, I'll give you the money, but you've got to investigate Joe Biden, that'd be off the rails wrong" --- and thru the UNDER OATH TESTIMONIES of Trump's own officials, they proved that is exactly what happened....and what did Steve Doocy do?? Pretend that he never said what he said, why?? Because he and most other Trumpers are full of shit.....

View attachment 295699

And in the spirit of being full of shit, Mitch McConnell doesn't want to call any witnesses..even tho Trump wants to have a long drawn out trial with lots of witnesses, even tho Democrats wants to call witnesses who Trump claims will exonerate him -- it is the GOP who is refusing to call any witnesses, why??

"Chuck Schumer on Thursday tore into Mitch McConnell for “breaking precedent” in announcing he will be in lock step with Donald Trump’s legal team throughout an impeachment trial, accusing him of helping the president skirt accountability. “We ask: Is the president’s case so weak that none of the president’s men can defend him under oath?” Schumer said on the Senate floor, after McConnell dismissed the historic vote to impeach Trump as a “partisan crusade.” “If the House case is so weak, why is Leader McConnell so afraid of witnesses and documents?”

For months, all I have seen from you trumpers was "just wait until it gets to the Senate, then Trump can present his case" …"just wait until Trump presents his secret evidence that will totally own the Dems" --

Witnesses were called in the last impeachment trial, why not this one?? Why aren't you demanding that the GOP Senate Leader give Trump what he claims he wants?? Or is this tough talk about witnesses and evidence just shit he tells yall -- even tho both you and he knows all of yall are full of shit...
The HYPOCRISY of this thread is absolutely MIND NUMBING.

But then, the democrat party is the party of trash, and HYPOCRISY, LYING, CHEATING, they don't care, they have no shame, they'll do or say any corrupt, mind boggling hypocritical thing under the sun as if it's as normal as apple pie, to play their game.
Let me know when you can tell me why Mitch McConnell is not calling witnesses like Trump asked him to....

I don't give a fuck about your hissy fit...either address the question or shut the fuk up

When you can answer why Chucky is asking for more witnesses in the same speech that he said "the house has a very strong case against the president." If it's so strong, why continue with more witnesses? And since when does the jury call witnesses? That's the houses job. They failed to let the POTUS defend himself so fuck 'em. The senate belongs to the republicans and now the liberals are whining like little babies when they can't get their way yet accused republicans of doing the same during the scam impeachment hearings.

If liberals weren't hypocritical shithead assholes, they wouldn't be anything at all.

Why were they in such a fucking hurry to vote for impeachment and then sit on the articles? What a bunch of fucking losers.

You people are going to get shellacked in November.
Here is what you dic suckers were saying during the House proceedings.....anytime a witness that was relevant to the Ukrainian call and the extortion efforts associated with it -- all we heard was "but but, they didn't have DIRECT KNOWLEDGE, waah waah waah"

So I assume that if the witnesses with this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE were to testify, that would matter more to you right?? Or were you just whining just to be whining....

And who were these witnesses that had this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE?? Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Rudy Giulani.....so now you are saying that hearing from witnesses with DIRECT KNOWLEDGE will be a bad thing for Trump...why??

Well idiot, see if you can understand this. When the prosecution has NO case, there is no need for a defense. You have to prove a crime. You can’t because there isn’t one. So now you cry like a little bitch because you can’t just get your way when the other side is in charge.
The prosecution has not presented their case to the jury yet, in the trial... witnesses will need to be called, in order to present their case......
His record shows otherwise, lying con tool.


Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

Ok, what about record low unemployment? Is that an "economic indicator?"

What about record wage growth? Is that an "economic indicator?"

What about record housing sales, is that an "economic indicator?"
Unemployment is not at a record low. It's 3.5% now but it's been lower. Furthermore, it peaked at 10% following Bush's Great Recession and dropped 5.3 points under Obama and then another 1.2 points under Impeached Trump. Had Impeached Trump been handed 7.8% unemployment and growing, like Obama was, instead of 4.7% unemployment and shrinking, like Obama handed him, the unemployment rate wouldn't be anywhere near the 3.5% it is now.

Wage growth is not breaking records either...

Screenshot_20191223-085731_Samsung Internet.jpg

If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do. :eusa_naughty:
Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

It is an indicator of positive or negative business climate.
Not necessarily.

When Drumpf handed well off corporations money in his tax cut, these corporations went on the buying spree buying back their stocks. This pushed more money into the stock market driving it upwards.

Nothing to do with the economy.

Of course, you are an ignoramus here, dave, very misinformed.

When a corporation buys back its stock, those who they buy the stock from have the money and can invest if elsewhere.

In 2019, this kind of uncommitted cash was used to invest in important IPO's like UBER technologies which provides transportation services at rates lower than what we paid in the 1990's.
The HYPOCRISY of this thread is absolutely MIND NUMBING.

But then, the democrat party is the party of trash, and HYPOCRISY, LYING, CHEATING, they don't care, they have no shame, they'll do or say any corrupt, mind boggling hypocritical thing under the sun as if it's as normal as apple pie, to play their game.
Let me know when you can tell me why Mitch McConnell is not calling witnesses like Trump asked him to....

I don't give a fuck about your hissy fit...either address the question or shut the fuk up

When you can answer why Chucky is asking for more witnesses in the same speech that he said "the house has a very strong case against the president." If it's so strong, why continue with more witnesses? And since when does the jury call witnesses? That's the houses job. They failed to let the POTUS defend himself so fuck 'em. The senate belongs to the republicans and now the liberals are whining like little babies when they can't get their way yet accused republicans of doing the same during the scam impeachment hearings.

If liberals weren't hypocritical shithead assholes, they wouldn't be anything at all.

Why were they in such a fucking hurry to vote for impeachment and then sit on the articles? What a bunch of fucking losers.

You people are going to get shellacked in November.
Here is what you dic suckers were saying during the House proceedings.....anytime a witness that was relevant to the Ukrainian call and the extortion efforts associated with it -- all we heard was "but but, they didn't have DIRECT KNOWLEDGE, waah waah waah"

So I assume that if the witnesses with this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE were to testify, that would matter more to you right?? Or were you just whining just to be whining....

And who were these witnesses that had this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE?? Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Rudy Giulani.....so now you are saying that hearing from witnesses with DIRECT KNOWLEDGE will be a bad thing for Trump...why??

Well idiot, see if you can understand this. When the prosecution has NO case, there is no need for a defense. You have to prove a crime. You can’t because there isn’t one. So now you cry like a little bitch because you can’t just get your way when the other side is in charge.
The prosecution has not presented their case to the jury yet, in the trial... witnesses will need to be called, in order to present their case......

They have their case. They should not have voted to impeach if their case was incomplete.

You will see a motion to dismiss on Day One, and it will likely pass.
I do not see abuse of power and I dont see how an Executive Branch can obstruct Congress.
Gotcha. So, you think the republicans are correct. So, not all theater.

An executive branch can obstruct congress by refusing to comply with their subpoenas, of course. From where are you drawing your legal opinion, considering that precedent contradicts you?

Your stupidity is expected lifelong loser. The Dims had the option to go to court to attempt to compel testimony. Trump used the legal remedy of the courts to back up executive privilege. They declined to do so. Thus any “obstruction” that occurred was brought on by the Dims themselves. So eager to rush this through that they wouldn’t even try to compel witnesses to appear. So you’re charging Trump with something YOU caused. Talk about. brain dead.....

That's exactly right.

I'm not a high priced legal expert by any stretch of the imagination. But I know its a LEGAL question as to whether exec privilege applies.

And this has to meander its way through the courts. If Congress wins, they can compel these fellas to testify. If they don't, tough shit.

That's the American way.
Precedent has already been set on this, everyone who is subpoenaed, HAS TO SHOW UP.

Trumps order to not show up, is OBSTRUCTION of congress.
His record shows otherwise, lying con tool.


Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

Um, actually it is.

The big dip in stock prices in October 1929 foretold the Great Depression. Ditto with the dip in stock prices in 08-09 and the resultant Obama Recession, that fortunately, Trump was able to get us out of.

Dumbfuck, the '29 crash launched the Great Depression, it didn't foretell it. :eusa_doh:

I do not see abuse of power and I dont see how an Executive Branch can obstruct Congress.
Gotcha. So, you think the republicans are correct. So, not all theater.

An executive branch can obstruct congress by refusing to comply with their subpoenas, of course. From where are you drawing your legal opinion, considering that precedent contradicts you?

Your stupidity is expected lifelong loser. The Dims had the option to go to court to attempt to compel testimony. Trump used the legal remedy of the courts to back up executive privilege. They declined to do so. Thus any “obstruction” that occurred was brought on by the Dims themselves. So eager to rush this through that they wouldn’t even try to compel witnesses to appear. So you’re charging Trump with something YOU caused. Talk about. brain dead.....

That's exactly right.

I'm not a high priced legal expert by any stretch of the imagination. But I know its a LEGAL question as to whether exec privilege applies.

And this has to meander its way through the courts. If Congress wins, they can compel these fellas to testify. If they don't, tough shit.

That's the American way.
Precedent has already been set on this, everyone who is subpoenaed, HAS TO SHOW UP.

Trumps order to not show up, is OBSTRUCTION of congress.

Nope. The Executive Branch can contest subpoenas from the Legislative Branch. Democrats could seek a court decision. They chose not to because it would interfere with their timetable.
Let me know when you can tell me why Mitch McConnell is not calling witnesses like Trump asked him to....

I don't give a fuck about your hissy fit...either address the question or shut the fuk up

When you can answer why Chucky is asking for more witnesses in the same speech that he said "the house has a very strong case against the president." If it's so strong, why continue with more witnesses? And since when does the jury call witnesses? That's the houses job. They failed to let the POTUS defend himself so fuck 'em. The senate belongs to the republicans and now the liberals are whining like little babies when they can't get their way yet accused republicans of doing the same during the scam impeachment hearings.

If liberals weren't hypocritical shithead assholes, they wouldn't be anything at all.

Why were they in such a fucking hurry to vote for impeachment and then sit on the articles? What a bunch of fucking losers.

You people are going to get shellacked in November.
Here is what you dic suckers were saying during the House proceedings.....anytime a witness that was relevant to the Ukrainian call and the extortion efforts associated with it -- all we heard was "but but, they didn't have DIRECT KNOWLEDGE, waah waah waah"

So I assume that if the witnesses with this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE were to testify, that would matter more to you right?? Or were you just whining just to be whining....

And who were these witnesses that had this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE?? Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Rudy Giulani.....so now you are saying that hearing from witnesses with DIRECT KNOWLEDGE will be a bad thing for Trump...why??

Well idiot, see if you can understand this. When the prosecution has NO case, there is no need for a defense. You have to prove a crime. You can’t because there isn’t one. So now you cry like a little bitch because you can’t just get your way when the other side is in charge.
The prosecution has not presented their case to the jury yet, in the trial... witnesses will need to be called, in order to present their case......

They have their case. They should not have voted to impeach if their case was incomplete.

You will see a motion to dismiss on Day One, and it will likely pass.

Exactly right. When OJ and Zimmerman were placed on trial, the prosecution teams didn't bring in uninterviewed witnesses to testify that they didn't know what they would say. Chuck and Nancy are being really disrespectful to the defense and trying to deny President Trump a fair trial.
Not at all and no truths are found in your post.

No truth? You know as well as I do that Barry was terrible at job creation. You just refuse to admit it. Instead...you fall back on personal insults repeated ad nauseum and your pathetic use of a graph that doesn't reveal the truth about what took place back then.
His record shows otherwise, lying con tool.


Statistics can be used to do one of two things, Faun...to illustrate the truth...or to obscure it! You use statistics to hide how badly Barack Obama's Administration did when it came to creating jobs. It's why you struggle so mightily for a response when I ask for something as simple as what Obama economic policy CREATED jobs!

How about these statistics, we lost 800,000 jobs in jan & Feb of 2009. Our economy was shrinking at a rate over 6%.

The truth is that Obmsa built a string, growing economy.

Trump's plan was to create jobs through borrowing 1.5 trillion.

Obama was President in January and February 2009.

Just the facts, Dave.

Bush was president for most of Jsnuary. The massive job reductions began under Bush and carried over into Obama's first term until Obama plugged the hemorrhaging.


If truth and reality were on your side, you wouldn't have to lie like ya do. :eusa_naughty:
I do not see abuse of power and I dont see how an Executive Branch can obstruct Congress.
Gotcha. So, you think the republicans are correct. So, not all theater.

An executive branch can obstruct congress by refusing to comply with their subpoenas, of course. From where are you drawing your legal opinion, considering that precedent contradicts you?

Your stupidity is expected lifelong loser. The Dims had the option to go to court to attempt to compel testimony. Trump used the legal remedy of the courts to back up executive privilege. They declined to do so. Thus any “obstruction” that occurred was brought on by the Dims themselves. So eager to rush this through that they wouldn’t even try to compel witnesses to appear. So you’re charging Trump with something YOU caused. Talk about. brain dead.....

That's exactly right.

I'm not a high priced legal expert by any stretch of the imagination. But I know its a LEGAL question as to whether exec privilege applies.

And this has to meander its way through the courts. If Congress wins, they can compel these fellas to testify. If they don't, tough shit.

That's the American way.
Precedent has already been set on this, everyone who is subpoenaed, HAS TO SHOW UP.

Trumps order to not show up, is OBSTRUCTION of congress.

Subpoenas can be fought in court, that's all that's happening.

Obama did the same thing, ditto with clinton and bush. Pick up those guys too, if its really a "high crime".
Let me know when you can tell me why Mitch McConnell is not calling witnesses like Trump asked him to....

I don't give a fuck about your hissy fit...either address the question or shut the fuk up

When you can answer why Chucky is asking for more witnesses in the same speech that he said "the house has a very strong case against the president." If it's so strong, why continue with more witnesses? And since when does the jury call witnesses? That's the houses job. They failed to let the POTUS defend himself so fuck 'em. The senate belongs to the republicans and now the liberals are whining like little babies when they can't get their way yet accused republicans of doing the same during the scam impeachment hearings.

If liberals weren't hypocritical shithead assholes, they wouldn't be anything at all.

Why were they in such a fucking hurry to vote for impeachment and then sit on the articles? What a bunch of fucking losers.

You people are going to get shellacked in November.
Here is what you dic suckers were saying during the House proceedings.....anytime a witness that was relevant to the Ukrainian call and the extortion efforts associated with it -- all we heard was "but but, they didn't have DIRECT KNOWLEDGE, waah waah waah"

So I assume that if the witnesses with this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE were to testify, that would matter more to you right?? Or were you just whining just to be whining....

And who were these witnesses that had this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE?? Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Rudy Giulani.....so now you are saying that hearing from witnesses with DIRECT KNOWLEDGE will be a bad thing for Trump...why??

Well idiot, see if you can understand this. When the prosecution has NO case, there is no need for a defense. You have to prove a crime. You can’t because there isn’t one. So now you cry like a little bitch because you can’t just get your way when the other side is in charge.
The prosecution has not presented their case to the jury yet, in the trial... witnesses will need to be called, in order to present their case......

They have their case. They should not have voted to impeach if their case was incomplete.

You will see a motion to dismiss on Day One, and it will likely pass.
Bull crap. No prosecutor is limited to only witnesses they had to indict.

If this case is dismissed by McConnell, it would just show how CORRUPT the Gop and Trump are.... the FIX WAS IN... to exonerate their CROOK.
Poor lying con tool, Obama was handed a horrible economy and turned it around. Impeached Trump was handed a good economy and kept it growing. I mentioned a bunch of things Obama did. It matters not to anyone the a lying con tool thinks Obama's policies didn't help. Of course, I'm saying this to an idiot who thinks Impeached Trump did help the economy before he was even sworn in, before even his first policy went into effect. :cuckoo:


Wall Street welcomes Trump with a bang: Dow soars 257 points, nears lifetime high
Um, the stock market is not an economic indicator.

Um, actually it is.

The big dip in stock prices in October 1929 foretold the Great Depression. Ditto with the dip in stock prices in 08-09 and the resultant Obama Recession, that fortunately, Trump was able to get us out of.

How the fuck is a recession in 2008 an Obama recession. He didn't take office until 2009.

You people are so fucking stupid that it makes me sick.

Obama took office in January 2009, and is clearly responsible for everything from that date.

But even before than, businesses saw the upcoming Obama Regime as bad news, and started to cut back as soon as they saw his victory was inevitable during the summer of 2008.

So Obama is responsible for the recession that started 14 months before he became president?

Dud ya think the forum really needed more evidence you're a brain-dead cultist? :cuckoo:
When you can answer why Chucky is asking for more witnesses in the same speech that he said "the house has a very strong case against the president." If it's so strong, why continue with more witnesses? And since when does the jury call witnesses? That's the houses job. They failed to let the POTUS defend himself so fuck 'em. The senate belongs to the republicans and now the liberals are whining like little babies when they can't get their way yet accused republicans of doing the same during the scam impeachment hearings.

If liberals weren't hypocritical shithead assholes, they wouldn't be anything at all.

Why were they in such a fucking hurry to vote for impeachment and then sit on the articles? What a bunch of fucking losers.

You people are going to get shellacked in November.
Here is what you dic suckers were saying during the House proceedings.....anytime a witness that was relevant to the Ukrainian call and the extortion efforts associated with it -- all we heard was "but but, they didn't have DIRECT KNOWLEDGE, waah waah waah"

So I assume that if the witnesses with this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE were to testify, that would matter more to you right?? Or were you just whining just to be whining....

And who were these witnesses that had this DIRECT KNOWLEDGE?? Mike Pompeo, John Bolton, Mick Mulvaney, Rudy Giulani.....so now you are saying that hearing from witnesses with DIRECT KNOWLEDGE will be a bad thing for Trump...why??

Well idiot, see if you can understand this. When the prosecution has NO case, there is no need for a defense. You have to prove a crime. You can’t because there isn’t one. So now you cry like a little bitch because you can’t just get your way when the other side is in charge.
The prosecution has not presented their case to the jury yet, in the trial... witnesses will need to be called, in order to present their case......

They have their case. They should not have voted to impeach if their case was incomplete.

You will see a motion to dismiss on Day One, and it will likely pass.
Bull crap. No prosecutor is limited to only witnesses they had to indict.

If this case is dismissed by McConnell, it would just show how CORRUPT the Gop and Trump are.... the FIX WAS IN... to exonerate their CROOK.


You're quite thick, so no reason to continually repeat myself.

I'm sure that's what Nancy is counting on, but no one cares how Nancy thinks. The Democrats look completely ridiculous, and no matter which way they go with this, they will be made to look even more ridiculous.

They've lost whatever momentum they may have generated for themselves..

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