Why is the idea of white people being bred out of existence so terrifying to some?

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it is???
I think it is more we don't want our cities turning into shitholes
we don't want our culture to become a shithole culture
blacks commit crime at many times the rate of whites
murder over 4 times the rate
graduate at lower levels
they LOVE criminals-HATE police [ for no reasonable reason, as I've proven many times on USMB, I just put out more facts seconds ago ]
LOVE criminals--HATE police----this is STUPID
they HATE whites
you want these kind of people in power??

Intelligent and educated people tend to be better for society in general. I don't think it's a black/white thing. I think in the centuries to come white people will become a minority and the world will just keep spinning. It's like you people think the world will fall into chaos without white people at the helm.

I thought so called 'whites' were actually a minority in the world.

Yeah, I could have worded that better. They'll become a minority in the first world.
it doesn't matter, blacks graduate at lower levels so they will never be able to have the power/etc the $$$$ possess

Slowly over hundreds of years there will simply be less and less white people. I don't think civilization will slip into chaos because of it.

More like we'll all be Third-World, in fact lower than that, because without Whitey to support the World, the economy will tank.
I don't get it. It tends to be an alt-right thing. "We must secure the future of white people!"

Why? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time.
Every other race can be all for their own...except whites. No race can be racist... except whites. All races can adapt other races culture, food, clothing... except whites. You can’t just call for the extinction of a whole race... except whites.

I'm not calling for white extinction. I'm saying birth patterns are going to turn the whites into a minority and eventually phase the skin color out almost completely. That's just how it is dude. I'm trying to figure out why people freak out about it so much.

If you want to go be suicidal, don't drag society with you

So, it's normal for Animals to just give up their existence, without a fight?

Why is it also that out of all peoples in this World, basically just a hand full of Western Europeans are for their own people going extinct.

Note that no other peoples have volunteered to go extinct.

There's nothing you can do to stop it, and more importantly it is not us going extinct. We didn't lose some kind of fight. We are all humans, and our genetics will forever be part of that pool regardless of what happens to skin colors.
I don't get it. It tends to be an alt-right thing. "We must secure the future of white people!"

Why? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time.
Every other race can be all for their own...except whites. No race can be racist... except whites. All races can adapt other races culture, food, clothing... except whites. You can’t just call for the extinction of a whole race... except whites.

I'm not calling for white extinction. I'm saying birth patterns are going to turn the whites into a minority and eventually phase the skin color out almost completely. That's just how it is dude. I'm trying to figure out why people freak out about it so much.

If you want to go be suicidal, don't drag society with you

So, it's normal for Animals to just give up their existence, without a fight?

Why is it also that out of all peoples in this World, basically just a hand full of Western Europeans are for their own people going extinct.

Note that no other peoples have volunteered to go extinct.

There's nothing you can do to stop it, and more importantly it is not us going extinct. We didn't lose some kind of fight. We are all humans, and our genetics will forever be part of that pool regardless of what happens to skin colors.

I'm willing to die for my beliefs, rather then to let such thoughtless, and selfish people like you win.
Slowly over hundreds of years there will simply be less and less white people. I don't think civilization will slip into chaos because of it.

If that were true, we'd already be one skin color after all this time.
I don't get it. It tends to be an alt-right thing. "We must secure the future of white people!"

Why, and also, how? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time. There's nothing that can be done about it anyway.
Its actually We Must Secure The Existence Of Our People And A Future For White Children. Question is why do you want to see the White race disappear? Self hating Whites are the most disgusting people on earth. Blessed to be born White and they hate their very existence...do us all a favor and off yourselves!
I don't get it. It tends to be an alt-right thing. "We must secure the future of white people!"

Why? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time.
Every other race can be all for their own...except whites. No race can be racist... except whites. All races can adapt other races culture, food, clothing... except whites. You can’t just call for the extinction of a whole race... except whites.

I'm not calling for white extinction. I'm saying birth patterns are going to turn the whites into a minority and eventually phase the skin color out almost completely. That's just how it is dude. I'm trying to figure out why people freak out about it so much.

If you want to go be suicidal, don't drag society with you

So, it's normal for Animals to just give up their existence, without a fight?

Why is it also that out of all peoples in this World, basically just a hand full of Western Europeans are for their own people going extinct.

Note that no other peoples have volunteered to go extinct.

There's nothing you can do to stop it, and more importantly it is not us going extinct. We didn't lose some kind of fight. We are all humans, and our genetics will forever be part of that pool regardless of what happens to skin colors.

I'm willing to die for my beliefs, rather then to let such thoughtless, and selfish people like you win.

There's apparently nothing to your identity other than the fact that you're white. Let me ask again. How are you going to stop birth trends from making white people less common?
I don't get it. It tends to be an alt-right thing. "We must secure the future of white people!"

Why? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time.
it is???
I think it is more we don't want our cities turning into shitholes
we don't want our culture to become a shithole culture
blacks commit crime at many times the rate of whites
murder over 4 times the rate
graduate at lower levels
they LOVE criminals-HATE police [ for no reasonable reason, as I've proven many times on USMB, I just put out more facts seconds ago ]
LOVE criminals--HATE police----this is STUPID
they HATE whites
you want these kind of people in power??

Intelligent and educated people tend to be better for society in general. I don't think it's a black/white thing. I think in the centuries to come white people will become a minority and the world will just keep spinning. It's like you people think the world will fall into chaos without white people at the helm.
It's like you people think the world will fall into chaos without white people at the helm.

Well, sure. That's the logical conclusion for those who believe their race is superior to all others.
I don't get it. It tends to be an alt-right thing. "We must secure the future of white people!"

Why? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time. There's nothing that can be done about it anyway.
It's NOT about "skin color" per se, but the culture and civilization that came with the most advance race the world has ever seen.

The older I get, the more settled in my mind it becomes that the races cannot coexist. God intended the various families of Man to go their own way.

There is NOTHING the various minorities in this country bring to the table that advances AMERICAN or European civilization.

As far as I'm concerned, the country is far better off as a white nation. I am not a Socialist, but I am a white nationalist. I am certainly not a multiculturalist. That is a clear failure.
Question is why do you want to see the White race disappear?

I don't. I just accept that over time the first world will have fewer and fewer white people. I am simply okay with something I have absolutely no power to change. I also don't attribute the success of humanity to the fact that the first world is mostly white people.
Here we go with the racism bullshit. Why do libtards get to do this while conservatives get banned?

For real? I'm asking why you care so much about the fact that humanity will have a darker skin tone in the time after we die. Why do you care? Curiosity, intelligence and innovation won't disappear. Humanity won't be worse. It just won't have as many white people. Why does it matter?
Oh yeah being replaced with the likes of SHIT from Africa and Central America will REALLY keep the high tech life we have now going....have you seen the HUTS that trash in Africa live in? The fact they wash their bodies in cow piss...they still fucking eat each other over there!
Every other race can be all for their own...except whites. No race can be racist... except whites. All races can adapt other races culture, food, clothing... except whites. You can’t just call for the extinction of a whole race... except whites.

I'm not calling for white extinction. I'm saying birth patterns are going to turn the whites into a minority and eventually phase the skin color out almost completely. That's just how it is dude. I'm trying to figure out why people freak out about it so much.

If you want to go be suicidal, don't drag society with you

So, it's normal for Animals to just give up their existence, without a fight?

Why is it also that out of all peoples in this World, basically just a hand full of Western Europeans are for their own people going extinct.

Note that no other peoples have volunteered to go extinct.

There's nothing you can do to stop it, and more importantly it is not us going extinct. We didn't lose some kind of fight. We are all humans, and our genetics will forever be part of that pool regardless of what happens to skin colors.

I'm willing to die for my beliefs, rather then to let such thoughtless, and selfish people like you win.

There's apparently nothing to your identity other than the fact that you're white. Let me ask again. How are you going to stop birth trends from making white people less common?

I identify as Polish first, and foremost, but yes that's part of the White people.

I'll be damned if disgusting, awful people like you will destroy that, after Polish people fought for their nation for over 1,000 years, including against Nazis, and Soviets.


Keep your suicidal tendencies to yourself.
...Why? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time.
That's 'cause you're probably a dyed-in-the-wool Wigger...

Most of the rest of the country is not into Cultural Suicide like you-and-yours.

It will be more of a fusion. White culture is shit anyway.
This white culture - - is crap or is it the now adays white culture that you base your theories upon ??

How old are you anyways ??

Just remember that the same white culture that you see in that video, is the same white culture that recognized and sacrificed for a modern day "misunderstood" black culture in which was being brought to light under the likes of Martin Luther King etc.

Gratitude is a Nobel thing, and the acceptance of those sacrifices given is a very humbling thing. Movements come and movements go all the time, and it's time now to unite under the flag as one nation under God with liberty and justice for all.
I don't get it. It tends to be an alt-right thing. "We must secure the future of white people!"

Why, and also, how? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time. There's nothing that can be done about it anyway.

I’ll bet your filthy LefTard ass will bend over backwards to save a bird from extinction wouldn’t you Loon?
Question is why do you want to see the White race disappear?

I don't. I just accept that over time the first world will have fewer and fewer white people. I am simply okay with something I have absolutely no power to change. I also don't attribute the success of humanity to the fact that the first world is mostly white people.
Its not something to be accepted its something to be FOUGHT,its a GOAL of a certain race of people to make sure whites are exterminated...if that happens we will take the world down with us in flames.
Throughout history reducing or outright eliminating the genetics of a population has been done by rape. Which explains the mass rapes africans and arabs are conducting in europe. But we have birth control and abortion so the breeding of white people out of existence might take awhile.
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