Why is the idea of white people being bred out of existence so terrifying to some?

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Question is why do you want to see the White race disappear?

I don't. I just accept that over time the first world will have fewer and fewer white people. I am simply okay with something I have absolutely no power to change. I also don't attribute the success of humanity to the fact that the first world is mostly white people.
Its not something to be accepted its something to be FOUGHT,its a GOAL of a certain race of people to make sure whites are exterminated...if that happens we will take the world down with us in flames.

How do you fight against birth trends?
It's bad enough our lives will end, but in that life we lived as a part of a culture, a culture with stories passed on, a culture where future generations of the same culture will speak, look, and enjoy similar things as we had, and in that we left a mark on society, and existed as a collective society.

That is unless you go full retard, and kill your culture, never go full retard.
I don't get it. It tends to be an alt-right thing. "We must secure the future of white people!"

Why, and also, how? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time. There's nothing that can be done about it anyway.

I’ll bet your filthy LefTard ass will bend over backwards to save a bird from extinction wouldn’t you Loon?

Only if human activity is solely responsible for it being near extinction. I am all for natural selection and evolution. Humanity will continue to evolve, and part of that will involve a slightly darker skin tone. Humans of the future will still be intelligent and capable despite their darker skin. If you don't think so you should reassess your notions of racism.
I really really want to know why the liberals are allowed day after day after day to start racist threads. Don’t tell me it’s about free speech.
I don't get it. It tends to be an alt-right thing. "We must secure the future of white people!"

Why, and also, how? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time. There's nothing that can be done about it anyway.

I’ll bet your filthy LefTard ass will bend over backwards to save a bird from extinction wouldn’t you Loon?

Only if human activity is solely responsible for it being near extinction. I am all for natural selection and evolution. Humanity will continue to evolve, and part of that will involve a slightly darker skin tone. Humans of the future will still be intelligent and capable despite their darker skin. If you don't think so you should reassess your notions of racism.

Racism is so wrong, but White people existing is so wrong too.

Maybe it's you who's wrong, ever consider that one?
Question is why do you want to see the White race disappear?

I don't. I just accept that over time the first world will have fewer and fewer white people. I am simply okay with something I have absolutely no power to change. I also don't attribute the success of humanity to the fact that the first world is mostly white people.
Its not something to be accepted its something to be FOUGHT,its a GOAL of a certain race of people to make sure whites are exterminated...if that happens we will take the world down with us in flames.

How do you fight against birth trends?
Hungary is doing it. Russia is doing it. NS Germany did it. It can be done. Like I said there is an ACTUAL PLAN to exterminate The White Race out of existence...

ALL white countries are being flooded with millions and millions of non-whites. They are being force assimilated BY LAW. Interracial breeding is promoted 24/7 in movies, music, TV, advertisements. Anyone who objects gets “Nazi! Racist! Supremacist!” screamed at them or loses their job or gets thrown in jail like Emma West. This deliberate and obvious program to force blend whites out of existence is GENOCIDE under international law.

Any genocide could be described as a “demographic shift”. White genocide is the result of man-made policies which force whites into destruction. There is nothing natural about genocide.
Question is why do you want to see the White race disappear?

I don't. I just accept that over time the first world will have fewer and fewer white people. I am simply okay with something I have absolutely no power to change. I also don't attribute the success of humanity to the fact that the first world is mostly white people.
Its not something to be accepted its something to be FOUGHT,its a GOAL of a certain race of people to make sure whites are exterminated...if that happens we will take the world down with us in flames.

How do you fight against birth trends?
Hungary is doing it. Russia is doing it. NS Germany did it. It can be done. Like I said there is an ACTUAL PLAN to exterminate The White Race out of existence...

ALL white countries are being flooded with millions and millions of non-whites. They are being force assimilated BY LAW. Interracial breeding is promoted 24/7 in movies, music, TV, advertisements. Anyone who objects gets “Nazi! Racist! Supremacist!” screamed at them or loses their job or gets thrown in jail like Emma West. This deliberate and obvious program to force blend whites out of existence is GENOCIDE under international law.

Any genocide could be described as a “demographic shift”. White genocide is the result of man-made policies which force whites into destruction. There is nothing natural about genocide.

I really don't think there's a conspiracy to destroy the white race. You also can't stop what's happening given a big enough timeline. Even white European countries will slowly start to shift. It is the way of the world. You're fighting against something that is impossible to stop.
I really really want to know why the liberals are allowed day after day after day to start racist threads. Don’t tell me it’s about free speech.

You are too stupid to understand the difference between real racism and what I have posted.
Question is why do you want to see the White race disappear?

I don't. I just accept that over time the first world will have fewer and fewer white people. I am simply okay with something I have absolutely no power to change. I also don't attribute the success of humanity to the fact that the first world is mostly white people.
Its not something to be accepted its something to be FOUGHT,its a GOAL of a certain race of people to make sure whites are exterminated...if that happens we will take the world down with us in flames.

How do you fight against birth trends?
Hungary is doing it. Russia is doing it. NS Germany did it. It can be done. Like I said there is an ACTUAL PLAN to exterminate The White Race out of existence...

ALL white countries are being flooded with millions and millions of non-whites. They are being force assimilated BY LAW. Interracial breeding is promoted 24/7 in movies, music, TV, advertisements. Anyone who objects gets “Nazi! Racist! Supremacist!” screamed at them or loses their job or gets thrown in jail like Emma West. This deliberate and obvious program to force blend whites out of existence is GENOCIDE under international law.

Any genocide could be described as a “demographic shift”. White genocide is the result of man-made policies which force whites into destruction. There is nothing natural about genocide.

I really don't think there's a conspiracy to destroy the white race. You also can't stop what's happening given a big enough timeline. Even white European countries will slowly start to shift. It is the way of the world. You're fighting against something that is impossible to stop.
Depends on the race assimilators willingness to assimilate into any culture as to whether or not how far something goes, can go or can't go. It's that simple really... You ever heard of the old saying that "sometimes we (fill in the blank) are our own worst enemy" ?????? How many times do you think that blacks secretly said that to themselves or whites may have said it to their ownselves when trying to liberate the blacks from the white racist amongst their own group ???

Always remember to do an assessment within first, and this is in order to figure out what goes on in as far as ones perception of that which is being projected from that which is going on within.
I don't get it. It tends to be an alt-right thing. "We must secure the future of white people!"

Why? I'm white, and I don't see why I should give a fuck that skin tones will on average get darker and darker over time.
Every other race can be all for their own...except whites. No race can be racist... except whites. All races can adapt other races culture, food, clothing... except whites. You can’t just call for the extinction of a whole race... except whites.

Other races and racist too. Some of the most racist people I've ever met were black people that thought being black gives them a racism pass. None of that really addresses my inquiry, though.
Bait thread used for yet another fight on race. Closed.
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