Why is the Jamal Khashoggi Murder so Important

I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?
Because any time a journalist is killed the media goes into full martyr mode and in this instance it provides the left political ammo (real or contrived).
Yes, but let's not forget in our so cool cynicism that Saudi Arabia is a murderous regime under M.B.S. and that it had better get better at hiding whodunnit before the world gets pissed and cuts off its credit cards.

Yeah, the brazen way in which they killed The Cash Man is what really stuns me. The fact they killed him doesn't. All countries with significant interests and power assassinate. The U.S. has, and probably still does.
Check the photo on the right.

I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?

If you really have to ask, then you really aint paying attention

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