Why is the Jamal Khashoggi Murder so Important

I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?
It is important to anyone with a conscience because his government did it to him. That is a no no. If he committed treason, even in Saudi Arabia that involves a visit before a kangaroo court.

The OP makes a great point the MSM covers this way more then when bush jr and Obama killed US citizens with out due process, to the point I have to remind liberals it's a fact
I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?
Because any time a journalist is killed the media goes into full martyr mode and in this instance it provides the left political ammo (real or contrived).
Yes, but let's not forget in our so cool cynicism that Saudi Arabia is a murderous regime under M.B.S. and that it had better get better at hiding whodunnit before the world gets pissed and cuts off its credit cards.
Good luck with that....... The Saudis have too much money...........
I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?
It is important to anyone with a conscience because his government did it to him. That is a no no. If he committed treason, even in Saudi Arabia that involves a visit before a kangaroo court.

The OP makes a great point the MSM covers this way more then when bush jr and Obama killed US citizens with out due process, to the point I have to remind liberals it's a fact

Not just Dubya and the Big O- but Slick Willy whacked religious leader Dave Koresh by burning him and his congregation alive without a proper trial.
I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?
It is important to anyone with a conscience because his government did it to him. That is a no no. If he committed treason, even in Saudi Arabia that involves a visit before a kangaroo court.

The OP makes a great point the MSM covers this way more then when bush jr and Obama killed US citizens with out due process, to the point I have to remind liberals it's a fact
What are you talking about? The war that Congress didn't have the balls to approve?
I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?
It is important to anyone with a conscience because his government did it to him. That is a no no. If he committed treason, even in Saudi Arabia that involves a visit before a kangaroo court.

The OP makes a great point the MSM covers this way more then when bush jr and Obama killed US citizens with out due process, to the point I have to remind liberals it's a fact
What are you talking about? The war that Congress didn't have the balls to approve?

You just proved my point, you didnt know bush jr and Obama killed US CITIZENS with drones from the sky

It was assassination

I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?

He was a permanent US resident, and an employee of an American newspaper.

If you don't get that then you are just as complicit as the 9-11 hijackers.

Just go ahead and admit it. You would support terrorists to support Trump. You do now. Might as well admit it.
Not just Dubya and the Big O- but Slick Willy whacked religious leader Dave Koresh by burning him and his congregation alive without a proper trial.
The left did nothing but try to justify these murders of men, women and children. Clinton and Reno should be in prison.
To get SA to stop funding murderous psychos.

Who says they funded anyone?

As far as we know, the Saudi royal family found out about this event the same way we did- by reading the paper.

Suppose the King tells the perps here publicly to cut it out and quit with the butchering?
I think we may be looking at this as a simple “this or that” and I don’t see it that way. We are really discussing two different questions 1) Should this murder matter to us (or US)? 2) Is this story receiving an undue amount of attention from media outlets?
1) This is important to know about because while this particular journalist was not a US citizen, he was a long time US resident and worked for a US media outlet at the time of his death. If we wish to be informed about what is going on in the world outside the US, we need our journalists to have access to those places. If US journalists are not safe to freely report news from around the world without fear of being silenced (one way or another) by other nations governments, then we are completely reliant on that nation or their press to provide information.
2) Yes, the US media has over-reported this. Other than this being “one of their own”, this also provided a brief murder mystery. It also gave outlets the opportunity to turn this story into a different one, namely their favorite, either “Trump is doing great” or “Trump is awful”. Either way, we’ll tune in (or update our membership) and these outlets get to sell adverts.
[QUOTE="skews13, post:He was a permanent US resident, and an employee of an American newspaper.

If you don't get that then you are just as complicit as the 9-11 hijackers.

Just go ahead and admit it. You would support terrorists to support Trump. You do now. Might as well admit it.[/QUOTE]

Well Skews13...those half million babies murdered as a means of birth control were permanent US resident also and citizens. Don't see the media, or you getting upset by that. If you support the butchers that did that, then you're just as complicit as they are. The rest of you post is just lunatic Liberal BS
To get SA to stop funding murderous psychos.

Who says they funded anyone?

As far as we know, the Saudi royal family found out about this event the same way we did- by reading the paper.

Suppose the King tells the perps here publicly to cut it out and quit with the butchering?
SA has been funding terrorism for decades.

This wasn't terrorism however- this was just a fist fight that got out of control. Further, the victim was one of their own people.
To get SA to stop funding murderous psychos.

Who says they funded anyone?

As far as we know, the Saudi royal family found out about this event the same way we did- by reading the paper.

Suppose the King tells the perps here publicly to cut it out and quit with the butchering?
SA has been funding terrorism for decades.

This wasn't terrorism however- this was just a fist fight that got out of control. Further, the victim was one of their own people.
Everyone gets into fist fights with 17 people.
I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?

He was a permanent US resident, and an employee of an American newspaper.

If you don't get that then you are just as complicit as the 9-11 hijackers.

Just go ahead and admit it. You would support terrorists to support Trump. You do now. Might as well admit it.
He was a permanent US resident that just happened to be living in Turkey with his Turkish girlftiend.
I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?

It's weird in that the Saudis usually get away with this sort of thing in the western media.

I think the butchery of Khashoggi is a sign of progress among the Saudis. They've traditionally been stuck in the 7th Century with their system of jurisprudence, but with the alleged treatment of Khashoggi in line with the treatment received by Mel Gibson in the 14th Century by England, they are progressing.

If they stay on this path, in a few years they'll be wearing western suits and electrocuting their traitors.

Mel Gibson was alive in the 14th century? That makes him like 700 years old!

I thought he was an American, raised in Australia. I didn't know he was English!
I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?
You really don't get it?
I cannot understand why the murder of Jamal Khashoggi is so important to the Lame stream media, or any one for that matter. He wasn't an American Citizen. He was a Saudi Citizen, subject to their laws. I don't think anyone knows what Saudi laws he may have broken, or not. Maybe he committed treason.

What should be important to the American Media and Americans in general, is the hundreds of thousands of of American children murdered by the abortion slaughter-houses, that butcher and sell our children's body parts for profit. Shouldn't the thousands of murders of American citizens committed in our cities like Dallas, Chicago, L.A., Detroit, etc, be more important? Shouldn't the thousands murders, rapes, robberies, committed by Illegal Aliens, be more important?
He’s just a Muslim killed by other Muslims, Muslims are the most intolerant people on the planet
The sad reality is this is not all that uncommon in the Middle East it just rarely gets this type of media attention it is getting it this time so it can be used as a midterm election issue and so Trump's critics can use it to draw a correlation to how Trump and the media here get along and in a not subtle way suggest one had something to with the other and imply the same thing could happen to American journalist who are critical of Trump.
It's weird in that the Saudis usually get away with this sort of thing in the western media.
Yes, it is weird that the left is only outraged NOW. Why is that?


I don't really see any difference in outrage. Perhaps it's YOU who has only just caught on. There was outrage right from the start, before they even knew the guy was definitely in the Embassy.

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